Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  “Breaker, get her out and lock her in one of the rooms at the clubhouse until church. Blood knows what’s goin’ on obviously. I don’t want her cryin’ and lyin’ to the other sweet butts at the clubhouse. This bitch is crazy,” I tell him.

  “Bounce, you can’t do this to me. You love me just like I love you,” Carrie yells as Breaker removes her from my house.

  Shaking my head, I give a two-finger wave to Logan as he shuts the door behind them. Finally, there’s peace and quiet in my house once again. Now, it’s time to deal with Sydney though. I can’t believe she let someone in the house with Karson here.

  Syd is at work and the club is packed tonight. Not surprising since it’s a Friday night and it’s one of our busiest days. I’m waiting for our replacements to come in so we can get to church. For now, I’m busy watching Syd walk around the floor helping Heaven and Gabby deliver drinks.

  As she heads toward a table that’s been rowdy all night, my entire body tenses up. I’m watching her like a hawk as she stops next to them and gets their drink orders. When she turns to head back to the bar, one of the men slap her on the ass and I watch as she stops for a minute. Then, she continues on to the bar as if nothing happened. So, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.

  Walking over to the table, all of the men go quiet. Well, all of them except the one who put his hands on my woman. Where the fuck did that thought come from? I’ll analyze that later on.

  “Got a problem here?” I ask, making my voice low and menacing.

  “Nope. Just waiting for the bitch to bring our drinks back and give us what she owes us,” he slurs out, laughing his ass off as if he’s the funniest person in the world.

  “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. This is your last round and you’re done here for the night,” I let them know.

  The rest of the men nod their heads in my direction as the asshole I’m standing behind turns to face me. His eyes widen as I stand there with my arms crossed over my chest and he doesn’t say anything for a minute.

  “Listen, we don’t want any trouble with you. We’re here for some drinks and to get all we can from the sluts working here. This doesn’t concern you,” the man says, continuing to run his mouth.

  “These women aren’t sluts and you won’t be touchin’ that woman again. I changed my mind, you’re done now. Get the fuck out and don’t come back,” I tell him.

  “Not happening,” he says, turning his back on me once again.

  I lose my shit and yank the man up by the back of the shirt. As I drag him from the strip club, I turn back and make sure his friends are following me. These men aren’t all bad, but one of them is and I’m not going to allow trash like him back in Legacies again. Our customers and women working here don’t deserve to be treated like this. Because of the disturbance, the closest customers to the table were more interested in that show than the one on the stage. Fucking drunk idiot!

  “As soon as the asshole’s out of here, head to the clubhouse,” Breaker informs me. “The security team is in back and they’ll be out in just a minute.”

  I nod my head and follow the assholes to the parking lot. One of the men is still sober as they head toward a blacked-out SUV. The man I dragged out of the club turns on me and tries to land a punch. He misses by a mile and I know it’s going to take every ounce of restraint to not put my hands on this man.

  “Get him the fuck outta here,” I bellow. “If he’s not in that fuckin’ SUV in ten seconds, I’ll be plantin’ my fist in his face. Repeatedly.”

  One of his friends realizes I’m not kidding and he grabs him. Once they’re in the SUV and leaving the parking lot, I walk around the back of the building and climb on my bike. Breaker is just coming out of the door and I wait for him to straddle his bike before leaving the strip club.

  As soon as we get to the clubhouse, I notice we’re the last two to arrive. Breaker and I head inside and quickly enter the room we hold church in after handing over our weapons and phones to Charlie. Logan and Colt are at Legacies and Levi is at my house to make sure nothing happens to Santana and Karson. So, other than the sweet butts milling around, it’s just members and one lonely Prospect. We don’t have anyone manning the gate so it’s been left open for now. Not exactly our best move, but we have no choice.

  Breaker and I take our seats and Blood slams down the gavel on the old, scarred table.

  “Let’s get this show on the road. Do we have any word on the asshole, Lloyd?” Blood asks the table.

  “Nothin’ yet. He’s gone underground and no one has seen him. Bounce, you gave him a beatin’ and warned him away from Sydney, but I can’t be sure he’s goin’ to listen to you,” Specs answers. “He’s still in town, that much I do know because he’s not gonna leave all his prostitutes alone for very long.”

  “Keep an eye on it,” Blood says. “Bounce, you have somethin’ you want to bring to the table?”

  “I want Carrie gone. She won’t leave me alone and now she’s taken it a step further and found out where the fuck I live. Almost knocked Sydney down when she forced her way into my house earlier today,” I tell my brothers. “The bitch is crazy. Runnin’ her mouth about her bein’ in love with me and me bein’ in love with her. She’s worn her time out here as far as I’m concerned.”

  The men all think about what I’ve said and I can see them thinking over their decision.

  “All in favor of gettin’ rid of Carrie?” Blood asks.

  Every man around the table says ‘aye’. There isn’t a single hesitation or a single man to vote against getting rid of the sweet butt. I release the breath I was holding as I realize my brothers have my back in this decision.

  “Bring her in here,” Blood demands as Breaker leaves his seat next to me and goes to grab her from the room.

  We all sit in silence as we wait for him to return with her. I’m sure as hell not ready to see her right now. Not after the chaos she caused today. Sydney should never have to deal with that shit and I’ll be damned if it’s going to happen at my house again.

  Carrie struts her ass in the room and her eyes zero in on me. I don’t even bother looking at her. The only reason I know her eyes are on me is because I can feel them. Breaker doesn’t leave her side as Blood looks at her for a minute. Carrie really is dumb as fuck if she’s not paying attention to the President of the club.

  “Carrie, I’m over here,” Blood finally yells out.

  Carrie must turn her attention to him finally as he begins to speak.

  “First of all, I want to know how you found out Bounce’s address,” he says.

  “It’s not hard. I overheard the Prospects talking about having guard duty for the time being because of some bitch being at his house. Well, the only woman who belongs at his house is me. I’m going to be his ol’ lady and no one else should know where he lives,” Carrie says.

  I roll my eyes and place my hand over my mouth so I don’t say a damn word to her. I’m ready to explode and that’s not going to be good for anyone. In fact, I’ve never hurt a woman in my life, but this bitch is pushing every last nerve in my body right now. She’s delusional and no one will ever want her ass now. Especially now that they’ve seen her crazy firsthand.

  “Well, we’ve seen all we need to see, don’t you all agree?” Blood asks the men around the table.

  Each man nods their head. Blood turns his glare back on Carrie as her eyes begin to bore into me once again. It’s creepy as fuck to feel her eyes on me like this. My skin actually feels as if it’s crawling and I now know how women feel when men are staring at them and they don’t want the man. I’ll never do that shit again.

  “Carrie, you’re out bad with the club. You’ll no longer be welcome at any clubhouse for any of our chapters, our businesses are off limits, and you will not have the protection of the club any longer,” Blood announces.

  “What the fuck?” Carrie yells out. “You can’t do that to me. Bounce, you have to stop this. We love one another and we’re going to be together.
I won’t be allowed here or to be your ol’ lady if you let this happen.”

  “Carrie I don’t want you and I don’t know how many more times or ways I can tell you that shit,” I say, still not looking at her.

  “Bounce!” she screams as Breaker and Carver take her from the room.

  Because she’s been put out bad with the club, she will not have the option to get any of her belongings from her room at the clubhouse. We can all hear her screeching and whining as she’s removed from the clubhouse and it hurts my damn ears. I can’t imagine what anyone out in the common room is doing to stop their ears from bleeding right now. Carrie is a noisy ass bitch and I’m glad she won’t be here anymore.

  The rest of the meeting, we go over our normal business and talk about a run coming up. I’m not supposed to be going, but I may volunteer to change that. It depends on if I can get Sydney out of my damn head. Maybe the whole saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind,’ will ring true for me. At this point, I highly doubt that though.

  “Alright you fuckers, get the hell outta here,” Blood finally says before slamming the gavel once again against the table.

  We all file from the room and the rest of the guys make their way to the bar. Already the sweet butts are flocking toward the men and I want no part of it. Carrie has soured me against any of the women in the clubhouse right now. I’m not going to say that’s how it will always be, but for today I don’t want anything to do with them.

  “You stayin’ for a beer?” Breaker asks me.

  “Nope. Headin’ home. You gonna pick Syd up and bring her after work?” I ask him.

  “No. Heaven will drop her off at the house when they leave,” he responds.

  Nodding my head, I leave him to enjoy his beer and leave the clubhouse. Usually, I’d hang out and talk shit with my brothers. Tonight, I just want to get to the house and see how Karson is. He’s got to be so damn confused with being taken from his house in the middle of the night and waking up in a strange place.

  I know Sydney is trying to keep them out of my hair, but I don’t care about that. They can take up the entire house as far as I’m concerned. I just don’t know how to tell Syd that. Hell, I don’t know why the thought is even in my head. The only time I’m usually at the house is if I need a break from the clubhouse and want to be in my own space. It’s the entire reason I bought the house.

  My house is still close to the clubhouse, and Legacies. I can get anywhere I need to be quick as fuck. I’ve got my house, a garage large enough to house my truck and bikes with one bay left over. Plus, there’s a ton of land I own. Large enough to have cookouts here, let kids run free, especially in the backyard, and I can add on to the house if it comes down to that.

  However, since I never wanted an ol’ lady or kids, I haven’t done a damn thing about that. The house is just that; a house. It’s not a home like Blood and Tonya’s place. You walk in their home and you can feel the love and happiness. All of their memories are outlined in pictures filling the walls and little pieces of them in every nook and cranny. My house is empty; void of anything personal and lacking color to bring it to life.

  Pulling up at the house, I park my bike in the garage and make my way inside. Making my way inside, I see Karson and Santana out the back windows. They’re playing tag or something. Karson is laughing his ass off and I smile as the sound fills the house and yard out back. This is what’s meant to happen here.

  Turning from the scene out back, I go to the refrigerator and begin to pull out the items I need to make dinner. If I’m going to be here, I may as well make a home cooked meal for Karson and Santana. I’ll make sure there’s plenty of food left over for Sydney too.

  I’ve got the makings for cheeseburgers, french fries, and corn on the cob. It may not be the best thing to feed Karson, but it’s what I’ve got on hand at the moment. Hopefully he likes what I’m making.

  I walk outside and fire up the grill to cook the burgers. Karson sees me and makes his way carefully over toward me. He’s still leery of me and I know it’s because there has never been a man in his life. It’s always been Sydney and then later on Santana. These are the two who have had a hand in raising him and I respect the hell out of both of them for it.

  “You’re home early,” Santana says. “Is Syd here too?”

  “No. She’s at work. I had church tonight and didn’t want to hang out at the clubhouse with the guys so I figured I’d make dinner for everyone. We have outside security guards on duty at the clubhouse and they’ll finish out the night,” I answer her. “You can either stay or go, your choice.”

  “I’ll stay for a bit then,” she says, waiting to see what Karson wants to do.

  I walk inside and put the fries in the oven so they can cook. While I’m waiting for the grill to heat up, I form the patties and place them on a platter. Grabbing the cheese from the fridge, I place it by the platter and gather the tomatoes and lettuce to prepare when the burgers are ready.

  “You need help with anything?” Santana asks coming in the back door with Karson.

  “Nope. I’ve got it under control. You like corn on the cob, buddy?” I ask Karson.

  He nods his head and his eyes light up as I pull the corn from the fridge and take everything outside. While the burgers are cooking, I’ll husk the corn and get it ready to put on the stove.

  “Actually, could you put a pot of water on to boil for me? I can get the corn ready with Karson’s help outside,” I ask Santana.

  She nods her head as I look to Karson. He’s watching me and I tip my head in the direction of the door for us to go back outside. We walk out and I place the platter with the burgers on it by the grill. Karson and I husk the corn and put all the crap in a paper bag I brought out with me. Karson throws it in the fire pit while I take the corn inside and put them in the pot waiting for them. I check the fries and then head back outside to put the burgers on the flames.

  The rest of our night is quiet. Karson is warming up to me as we eat dinner and then clean up. I place a plate of food in the fridge for Sydney and then Santana leaves. While Karson and I relax on the couch, I look at my phone and realize it’s about time to get him ready for bed. So, I shut the TV off and then I lead him to the bathroom.

  “You want a shower or a bath?” I ask him as we sit in the bathroom.

  “Can I have a shower?” he asks, his voice small and almost a whisper.

  “You can have a shower. I won’t leave the room if you don’t want me to. I’ll just turn my back so I can’t see you,” I tell him. “Is all your stuff in the tub already?”

  Karson nods his head and begins to take his shirt off. I turn my back on him and get the water ready for him. Once it’s warm enough for him, I turn my back to him once again and let him get in the shower. The little boy gets in and I look at him long enough to make sure he gets under the water falling from the shower head.

  He’s standing under it and I listen to him as he washes himself.

  “Bounce, I need help,” Karson says quietly.

  “What’s up buddy?” I ask him, turning around to face him.

  “I can’t do my hair. Sissy always helps me,” he says shyly.

  “I can do that, buddy. Why don’t we cover you with a towel and I’ll help you out,” I tell him, handing one of the clean towels over.

  Karson covers the lower half of his body up and turns around so I can wash his hair. Once it’s washed, I help him rinse it and then get him out of the tub. He dries off while I leave the room. As soon as he’s dressed, he meets me in the hallway and we head into the room he’s staying in.

  I pull the covers back and Karson climbs in. He holds a book out to me, and I take it from his hands. For the next few minutes, I read to him until I notice his eyes closed and him snuggled down into the bed, the covers pulled over his little body. After gently ruffling his hair, I turn off the lights and close the door slightly. I want to be able to hear him if he wakes up as I sit in the living room and wait for Sydney to get home.

sp; Today definitely wasn’t my normal, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be either. Karson is a great kid and I still can’t get his sister from my head. I’m currently imagining her on stage and dancing her ass off for the crowd. Not something I ever want her to do again. But she’s not mine and I can’t make her quit. I sure as hell won’t be claiming her so I don’t know what to do in the situation.

  Fuck my life!

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  WE’VE BEEN AT Bounce’s house for a few days now. He’s been coming out of his room even more during the day and spending time with Karson. My brother is slowly warming up to him and I watch him as he follows the man around. Bounce doesn’t seem to mind so I don’t say a word to Karson about it.

  I’m back at work tonight and Bounce has the night off. It’s rowdy tonight and I wish he were here. All of the guys will have our backs, but I’d feel better if he were here. For some reason, when Bounce is working, I feel safe and protected because I know he’s going to keep his eyes on me. He won’t let me get hurt or groped by men in the audience.

  “Delight, you’re up,” Breaker tells me.

  I grab my robe and do one final look in the mirror to make sure I’m okay. Going out to the stage, I place my robe on the hook and wait for Breaker to grab all of Gabby’s money from the stage. She very rarely dances anymore, but she’s had to recently because there’s just not enough of us to fill the rotation five nights a week.

  As the opening of my song begins, I saunter out to the stage and begin my routine. There’s a ton of catcalls and whistles as I begin to remove my clothing. Instead of feeling powerful like I do when Bounce is here, I feel a different type of way tonight. Maybe it’s just the rowdy crowd or knowing more men of the MC are in the crowd tonight. I’m not sure what my problem is, so I close my eyes and imagine dancing for one man and one man only.

  When I’m done, Breaker picks my money up and waits for the next dancer, Heaven, to take the stage. I change and make my way out to the floor. Colt motions for me to come over to the bar and I do as he asks.


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