Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 18

by Erin Osborne

  “You think you’re smart, bitch?” Lloyd yells at me. “You’re mine and no one’s gonna fuckin’ come lookin’ for you. If they do, you won’t be around.”

  He gets back in the car and squeals the tires from the curb as he veers back into traffic. Lloyd doesn’t even check the road to make sure no cars are coming as he clips one car and horns blare from several other cars. What the fuck? He’s trying to kill us before he gets me to where we’re going. This is just not my damn day.

  After that, Lloyd does nothing but bitch at me. He tells me about the money he’s going to get by selling me. The longer he talks about it, the more it seems as if that’s the plan of attack. He no longer wants to pimp me out as one of his whores or get me hooked on his drugs of choice anymore. Now, he wants to sell me to the highest bidder and take a huge payday for way more than what was owed to him by my mother.

  “You’re one dumb bitch to get hooked up with that club. If you think they’re going to save you, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. But you won’t die until your new owner has you. I’ll beat you as much as I want, but I won’t kill you. I expect a big payday from your ass. I just need the right pictures and the right words to lure the men in,” he tells me.

  There’s nothing I can say to him. Lloyd is going to do whatever he wants to me. And, he’s probably right about the club. I don’t belong to them. They just helped me out with the last situation because I got hurt at the club. They felt a sense of guilt or remorse or some such bullshit. Now, it’s a completely different situation and I have no one coming for me.

  Santana doesn’t have the resources to come after me. The only thing she can do is talk to whoever is at the club. If they’re not willing to send help, or look for me in any way, there’s nothing she can do. There’s nothing even the cops can do to help me. I’ll be long gone before they’ll even start looking for me. When your mom was the town addict and whore, the cops don’t do a whole lot to help you out or go out of their way to find you.

  I try to pay attention as Lloyd drives, but after several more miles, he once again pulls over and turns around in the front seat. Before I can shrink further back into the disgusting seat, he punches me in the face and then the temple. He knocks me out with two hits.

  When I wake up, I have no idea how much time has passed. It seems to be a recurring thing for me these days. That and the fact I’m in so much pain again. There doesn’t seem to be an inch of my body that’s not in pain right now. Even my damn eyelids hurt.

  I try to move my body and I don’t move very far at all. There’s a rattling sound as I realize I’m chained to a pipe by my ankle. The chain connecting me to the pipe isn’t very long at all and I frantically look around the room to find out where the hell I am.

  I’m locked in a room with no windows. There’s a nasty bed and every wall and the floor is covered in a layer of dust, dirt, and grime. As I look down, the only thing registering after a minute is the fact I’m naked. I don’t even have my underwear on any longer. I wasn’t wearing a bra because of my ribs and the bruising on my body. Now, I’m as naked as the day I was born and terror and dread fill me.

  The pain doesn’t allow me to tell if I have any significant pain in my vaginal area. So, I don’t know if Lloyd violated or raped me while I was unconscious. Tears fill my eyes because I just can’t seem to catch a fucking break the last few days. First whatever happened at the strip club and now I’ve been taken by Lloyd, a drug addicted pimp because of some misguided thought my mom owes him money.

  With the pain in my abdomen and chest, I’m honestly worried about the baby I’m carrying. There’s no blood between my legs, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to lose the baby because of the injuries Lloyd is inflicting on me. He doesn’t know about the baby right now, but he doesn’t care what damage he does to me as long as he can inflict as much pain as possible without killing me before the sale.

  As I lay down on the nasty floor again because I can’t get close to the bed, I let the thoughts of Karson and Bounce fill my head. I see Bounce as he laughs and talks with the members of the club. Of the few times he spent with Karson and was so patient and kind as he tried to do something new. Then thoughts of him sitting by my bed in the emergency room sink in.

  Bounce says he doesn’t want a family or children. He’s so good with them and has no clue at all. I don’t know his past and it’s not my business. If Bounce ever wants to talk to me, he will. If not, I’ll have to be okay with that. We’re not together and he has the people he needs to help him through anything he goes through.

  Thoughts of Karson fill me. He’s so young and has had so much happen in his short life. Now, I’m once again gone from him and at this rate, I’ll never see him again. I’m the only person who has been there every single day no matter what was going on with me or how I was feeling. Yeah, Santana has been there for him too, but not like me. She has a life and does the normal things a woman in her early twenties does. Karson and I are important when she has time, I guess. And I don’t begrudge her for living her own life.

  Karson is such a smart little boy. I’m so thankful for him being in my life and the fact I get to raise him as if he were my own. He will never know the influence of our mother and the life she chose to live. He’ll never know what it’s like to live in fear of people touching him when it’s not wanted or not having food in his stomach, clean clothes, or water running in his house. At least I hope not.

  If I don’t make it back to him, he’ll end up in foster care and I hope he gets a good family. One who loves him unconditionally and understands he’s quiet because he’s had such a confusing life so far. See, what no one knows is when our mother was still alive, she’d dangle him over my head to get me to go along with what she wanted me to do. There were times she wouldn’t let me feed or change him for periods of time because she didn’t care about him. I would still manage to take care of him because she’d get high and forget about us. Still, Karson was nothing but a pawn to her and I hope he never remembers that time in his life. The times she would make me leave him crying in his playpen because I had to do something for her. And a ton of other things I refuse to think about.

  Tears silently slide down my face unchecked as I think of everything that could possibly happen to my brother now without me around him. Without my love, patience, and caring about him. I’ve heard horror stories about foster parents and I’ve also heard about some amazing people who love these children as if they were their own. They make sure these children have everything they need and are shown pure love. It’s not always a guarantee though.

  My tears are also for the heartbreak of knowing Bounce will never open his heart and let anyone get close to him. He’ll never know the unconditional love of a woman who wants him for the man he is and not what he can give them or do for them. I can’t imagine living that kind of life. Even though I was ready to live the same existence because of Karson. The only difference between us is that I was at least open to the possibility. Bounce isn’t open to anything. He’s not actually living his life, he’s merely existing day to day and moving on to the next day he gets to wake up and live.

  When Lloyd comes back in the room, he literally throws a bottle of water at me, and starts running his mouth once again.

  “Drink up, you dumb slut. Yeah, I know you were giving it up to all those bikers. You fucked them and let them do whatever they wanted to you, didn’t you?” he yells at me. “Well, now you’re truly going to know what it’s like to have everything ripped from you. The man who buys you won’t want a snot nosed bitch for a kid around and they’ll break you until you do everything they want.”

  Lloyd laughs his ass off as he leaves the room while the tears run down my face faster. Thankfully, he doesn’t touch me or beat on me in any way this time. This only leads me to believe he’s going to let me heal up a bit so he can take pictures for whatever auction he’s going to sell me in. Who the hell would even do this to another human being?

  My thoughts race as I try to
keep my mind from Bounce and Karson. From the life I could have had because I was going to make something of myself. Stripping was just a steppingstone on the way to a brighter future. My next step was going to be enrolling in college. I was going to use enough of the money I have been saving up to buy a laptop and do my classes online. I want to get a degree in business or accounting. I used to want to be a nurse to help people, but I no longer feel as if I’m suitable for that job.

  Frantically, I look around once again to find a way out of this hell hole. There isn’t one and I know this. I’ve looked and looked every second I’ve been awake. There isn’t anything in here to help get me out of this short leash. And I’m covered in dust and grime just from being in this damn room. One of these days I’m going to get out of this shackle and then I’ll fight my way free. It’s the only choice I have these days. I have to fight for my life, for Karson, and for the baby I carry now. A baby I’m the only one who wants.

  Hopefully Santana has Karson by now. I know she won’t tell anyone she has him because she knows if she does, child protection will be called in because he’s not with me. Hell, they may already be involved if she called the cops and let them know I’m missing. This turns my thoughts to the police questioning my brother and him not talking to them. Are they going to badger and pester him because he won’t say a word?

  I’m weak from lack of food and barely any water. I get one little bottle of water a day and maybe a few scraps when Lloyd decides I’ve been good enough to deserve them. So, needless to say, I don’t get them very often. Thoughts of Karson are what’s on my mind as I let the blackness consume me once more.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  I’M DREAMING OF my life with Karson and my baby. In my dream I have a daughter who’s happy and full of so much love. She looks like the perfect combination of Bounce and me. She’s got his dark hair and my blue eyes. My daughter will have everyone in her life wrapped around her finger because she’s so loving and innocent.

  Pain explodes in my face and disrupts my dream. I jolt awake and pain radiates through my entire body. My eyes open and I see Lloyd standing above me. A sinister smile is on his face and I shrink back from him.

  “Get the fuck up, bitch,” he yells in my face. “You’ve got a photoshoot today.”

  Lloyd takes a key from his pocket and releases me from my chains. Once I’m free, he grabs my arm so hard I scream out in pain and I know I’m not going to get away from him. He leads me from the disgusting room he’s had me in and takes me to a small bathroom.

  As I’m limping through the place with him, I try to take in as much of the place as possible. It looks as if we’re in a small house. It’s dirty, unkempt, and doesn’t look like it’s been used in quite a long time. The room I’m in is at the back of the house. We walk into a kitchen that’s piled high with dishes and then into a living room that’s littered with trash and dirty clothes. The smell that hits me is horrendous and smells of a mixture of body order and death. There’s a short hallway and that’s where Lloyd leads me.

  This hall contains two more doors. The first one is standing open and I see a woman, a young woman, chained to a bed. She’s completely bare and her body is in as rough shape as mine is. A small whimper escapes her as we walk past and Lloyd yells at her to shut up. She flinches and then screams out in pain. Fuck, I need to get her out of here and as far away from this asshole as possible.

  “You have twenty minutes to get washed up. If you try to escape, I’ll give word to the men I’ve dispatched and have them place the explosives on the clubhouse. Their lives depend on you,” Lloyd tells me.

  Nodding my head, I weakly walk into the bathroom and see no clothes anywhere in the room. There’s one small towel that’s dirty as hell and I don’t think will keep me clean after I take a shower. Looking in the small shower stall, I see small bottles of shampoo and conditioner sitting on the edge of the tub. There’s a small bar of soap that someone else has also used and a shiver of disgust rolls through my body.

  Turning on the water, I get to the task at hand so nothing happens to the MC or Karson. That’s the last thing I want to happen or to have on my conscience. The men and women I’ve met from the MC are amazing and don’t deserve to be hurt because of my mess. Lloyd is here because of me and it’s up to me to ensure everyone’s safety until he’s sold me off to the highest bidder. Once that happens, Lloyd will have what he wants, the person who buys me will have what they want, and the MC will be rid of me. The only one to lose in this situation is me.

  I don’t see a sweet, innocent man buying me. No, I’m fully prepared to be bought by a sadistic man who will beat, rape, and torture me as much as he wants. It’s his decision and I’ll be nothing more than a pawn in someone’s life. A pawn, or plaything, to be used and abused for anyone’s amusement.

  The thought turns my stomach as I think of everything while washing my bruised and battered body. My hair is already washed and I pick up the razor to make sure I’m free from any hair on my body. Lloyd made sure to yell that in to me a few minutes ago. Along with the knowledge I’ve already been in here ten minutes.

  As I look at the razor, I wonder how hard it would be to use it to take my own life. I’m not going to live for long anyway once I’m sold. That’s just the reality of the situation. Once my new owner has me and I’ve served my purpose, I’ll be disposed of just like countless others who have found themselves in the same position. However, I wouldn’t just be taking my life, I’d be taking the life of my unborn child. Of Bounce’s unborn child. That’s not something I would ever do. This child is innocent in this and I’ll give him or her every chance I can for them to survive and live the life they were meant to live.

  So, I’ll do what I have to do in order to survive this ordeal and move on with life. I’ll only stay at Legacies until I’m showing and then I’ll move on from there to another job which will be better suited to me. While I’ll miss the money I make stripping, I’ll be able to make ends meet at another job. Especially once I earn my degree and start making money from a job doing that.

  Turning off the water, I get out and dry off using the grimy towel. I swear it’s covered in as much grime and filth as the room I’ve been staying in. But, it smells clean. Hopefully, it’s just stained and I’m the only one who’s used it.

  “Time’s up, slut. Let’s get this show on the road,” Lloyd yells out before slamming the door open.

  As the door swings open, it hits me in the side and I fall to the floor. The pain is piercing as it hits my ribs which are already damaged. Lloyd pulls me up by my hair and I scream out in pain. He drags me through the house and I have no clue how this helps considering I just got out of the shower but I keep my mouth shut and grit my teeth through the pain. One hand is cradled around my stomach as Lloyd’s back is to me. If there’s one thing I can’t do, it’s let him find out I’m pregnant.

  Lloyd takes me back to the room I’ve been in and drops me to the floor.

  “Get on the fucking bed,” he yells out.

  I slowly climb to my feet and make my way over to the bed. As soon as I’m sitting on the edge, Lloyd punches me in the chest and then the face. I crumble into a ball. Lloyd doesn’t let me lay like that for long though. He rips my arms over my head and I struggle while he handcuffs me to the bed frame. When my hands are in place and he’s satisfied I won’t be able to get away, Lloyd moves down to my legs. Once they’re chained in place by shackles, Lloyd runs his hands up and down my body.

  Twisting and turning, I try to get away from Lloyd’s touch. It’s no use though. I’m chained in place and there’s no way to escape. As I avoid looking at him to try to blank my mind to what’s happening, I see there’s a camcorder set up and recording the vile way he’s touching me. When Lloyd realizes where I’m looking, he gets that sinister smile on his face once again.

  “Ah, I see you found your new friend,” Lloyd says. “Every single move you make will be recorded to the live feed of
the auction site. The men bidding on you will watch you twenty-four hours a day and they’ll love seeing me start to break you and run my hands over your body, wishing it was them.”

  Lloyd then pulls his phone from his pocket; he begins to snap pictures of me from every angle, including showing my pussy in great detail because he’s an evil bastard like that. When he’s determined he has enough pictures of me, he puts his phone away and begins to taunt me.

  “Those assholes you’ve been fucking are going to watch you in this room. They’ll watch the auction and the bids going up for you. There’s nothing they can do about it. I doubt they’ll even care, but they’ll be watching,” Lloyd says. “As soon as the winning bid comes in, their clubhouse will be blown sky high and everyone will be inside. Well, everyone except for the women and children they have. I’ve decided to go into a different branch of business and they’ll be the start of it.”

  “You can’t do that!” I yell out, my voice sounding weak even to my own ears.

  “That’s the beauty of this, I can do whatever the fuck I want to do,” he tells me. “Your men and that snot-nosed bastard you love are going to die in the explosion. I don’t want anything to do with anything coming from your mother.”

  “Then why am I here?” I question him.

  Lloyd doesn’t answer me. He just proceeds to beat the shit out of me. I can barely register his yelling and screaming that I’m to cover the debt my mother left for him when she died. He truly feels as if this is my fault. I’m not the one who got her hooked on drugs and I’m not the one who sold her bad shit. Lloyd is and I blame him alone for her death and the fact I never truly had a mother. That’s a story for another day though.

  I’m not sure how much time has gone by as Lloyd takes out his frustration and whatever else on my body. I can’t even protect my stomach from his assault as he rains blows down on my body. I’ll never open my mouth again if he’ll just stop this beating.


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