Delight (Legacies, #1)

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Delight (Legacies, #1) Page 21

by Erin Osborne

  Breaker hands me a cigarette he was smoking and I do the same thing. Then each and every one of the men standing down here with me, does the same thing. He has several burns on his body and the smell of burning flesh lingers in the air.

  I take the bottle of alcohol we have down here and dump it along his back. I’m getting tired of playing with this asshole. The time is catching up with me and I’m exhausted. Over the past few days, I’ve been on the go and haven’t slept very long at all. Once he’s covered, I pull out the torch and light it. Lloyd panics and he tries to get away; he knows what’s coming now. I don’t hesitate to take the lit torch to his back and set fire to the alcohol staining his skin.

  He goes up in flames and his screams pierce the air around us. I pull the bandana up over my nose as do the rest of the guys who stand with me. None of us leave the room until his head is hanging and we know for sure he’s gone. Lloyd is no longer going to be a problem for anyone. Now, Colt and Logan will go with Breaker and they’ll bury his body in a grave where no one will ever find him. It’s not like anyone will miss him either. Lloyd is a scumbag who thrives on torturing, blackmailing, and killing the innocent and weak.

  Leaving the basement, I head to my room. Stripping out of my clothes, I leave them in a pile to get rid of after I’ve had some sleep. The Prospects will clean the basement and make sure nothing can be traced back to us. For now, a shower and sleep is what I’m most concerned with.

  Stepping out of the shower, I walk into my room in nothing but a towel and collapse on my bed. Thoughts of Sydney fill my head as I let sleep finally claim me. Fear for her safety is no longer on my mind so I sleep with thoughts of Syd growing round with our baby filling me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  I SLOWLY WAKE up and I know I’m not alone in the room. Panic fills me as I fear Lloyd is here with me and he’s just waiting to torture and beat me more. The beeping of my heart monitor is speeding up as memories of my time with him fill me.

  “Calm down, Syd. It’s just me,” Blood says. “Take some slow breaths to get yourself back under control.”

  Blood’s voice soothes me. He walks to my bed and takes my hand in his. When I’m calm and collected, he slides the chair closer to me and takes a seat once more.

  “It’s all over, sweetheart. You don’t have to worry about Lloyd anymore,” Blood assures me.

  “What about the other man? Who was he?” I ask him.

  “He’s an old friend of mine. We grew up together before his family moved away. Brett and I later found one another when we were in the military. When I need help, he helps me. The same as I do for him,” Blood tells me.

  “Thank you. For everything,” I tell him, trying to sit up so I can get the water.

  Pain fills my body and Blood gently pushes me back down. He grabs the glass of ice water and holds it so I can sip from the straw. After taking a few small sips, I lay back against the pillows and look at the man I think of as a father in such a short time of knowing him.

  “Is Bounce . . .,” I begin to ask.

  Blood shakes his head to let me know Bounce has once again left me. Tears fill my eyes because I now know without a doubt Bounce won’t ever have a single thing to do with our child. He was there to rescue me and now he’s going to live his life free and single. I can’t blame him, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

  “Sweetheart, Bounce is a good guy. There’s just things holdin’ him back right now. I have every faith in him to do the right thing by you and this child you carry. Just give him some time and hear him out when he’s ready to talk to you. I’d tell you, but it’s his story to tell,” Blood tells me.

  I nod my head so he knows I understand where he’s coming from. Once he sees me settled back in the bed, Blood stands up, kisses my head, and tells me to get better soon before leaving the room. Closing my eyes, I let sleep claim me as my body heals and my child rests in me still.

  Waking up once more, I hear murmured voices and turn my head in the direction of the sound. Santana and Karson are sitting in the chair and she’s reading him a story. Cartoons quietly play on the TV and I know in my heart the men and women from the MC have left. It’s just Santana, Karson, and me now. That’s the way it should be. I’m nothing more than an employee and they’ve gotten me safe. It’s more than I could have hoped to ask for.

  “You’re awake,” Santana says. “You look like shit, bitch.”

  I gently laugh because my ribs hurt like hell. “Thanks skank. Love you too.”

  “Seriously, how are you feeling?” she asks me.

  “Like I’ve been run over several times by tractor trailers,” I answer honestly.

  “What about the baby?” she asks, her eyes going wide.

  “Still in there,” I tell her.

  “Sissy,” Karson finally speaks up. “Sissy hurt.”

  “Yeah, buddy. I’m hurt,” I tell him, forcing a smile on my face. “I suppose it’s just the three of us here?”

  Santana nods her head. It’s not a surprise, but I can’t help the few tears I let fall from my eyes.

  “Tonya will be back. She had to head to Legacies to take care of business. She’s going to try to get back down here before you leave,” Santana tells me.

  “It’s okay. It’s better if it’s just us. Karson doesn’t need to get attached to them even more,” I tell her.

  “Syd . . .,” Santana begins before I cut her off.

  “No. They’re my employer and I appreciate everything they did to save me. But, I’m not going to wish for things to be different when I know they never will be,” I tell her.

  Santana doesn’t smile or anything. She can tell how hurt I am and won’t bring it up again. Now, I have to figure out how to stay away from them and keep things professional when I return to work. If I still have a job that is.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I keep my focus on Karson. He needs to know that even though I’m hurting, he’s still my priority. I’ll have two priorities soon and I’m not going to have him believe he isn’t important in my life or someone I’ll fight to protect for the rest of my life.

  My friend leaves here only to get them something to eat. Karson stays in my room with me and watches cartoons in the chair next to my bed. He reaches his little hand up and takes mine in his. When I look down at him, he has a smile on his face and I know he’s happy just to be back with me again. We’ve never spent any time apart and in the last few weeks, Karson and I have spent more time apart than together.

  Santana and Karson leave shortly after having dinner with me. They’re staying in a hotel close to the hospital and I hate that she’s spending money like this because of me. It’s just one more thing to add to the list of things I’ll have to pay back. Though I know it will be a fight because she won’t accept anything in return from me.

  Thoughts of Bounce fill my head as I lay down to go to sleep. I want to know his story, but I doubt I’ll ever be lucky enough to hear it. Bounce is a very private man and I’m surprised he came to my bed when Santana was at the house. Even if she was already asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Sydney a.k.a Delight

  THE DOCTORS ARE finally releasing me to go home. I just have to follow up with my obstetrician and a regular doctor to ensure I’m healing and there’s no lasting effects of the beatings I suffered. Santana has assured him I will follow his orders and there will be no chance for me to not do it because she’s going to make the appointments herself.

  When the doctor leaves to get my discharge papers, Santana helps me get dressed while Karson quietly plays in the chair that’s turned slightly away from me. It takes almost an hour for the doctor to be done with the paperwork. A nurse brings them in and hands me a pain pill that won’t harm the baby because of the length of our trip home. It’s going to take us about ten hours or so to get back to Brighton Hills. Not a journey I’m looking forward to.

  “I’m going to go down and bring the car around. Wel
l, the SUV. It’s got third row seating so Karson can be in the back and you can lay down on the way home,” she tells me.

  I nod my head and watch as my best friend and brother leave the room. I’m alone once more and I’m coming to find I prefer to be alone than around a ton of people. Even Santana at the moment. It’s insane to realize I don’t want to be around anyone right now. Maybe it’s just because of all the things I’ve been through in such a short amount of time. Or, maybe I’m just so used to being alone, that I don’t need anyone else around me. Well, anyone other than Karson.

  A nurse comes in with a wheelchair and it’s not long before I’m being escorted down to the exit of the hospital. I’m finally out of here and on the way home. Well, a temporary home and I’ll be put in the middle of an entirely new set of problems. Problems of finding a home and how to outfit that home for Karson. Then I’ll move on to the next item on the ever-growing list of things I need to accomplish.

  Santana and the nurse help me get in the middle seat of the SUV. There’s a spot where the seat back has been lowered or removed so I can see Karson. He’s got a pair of headphones on and I see a screen down with a cartoon movie on it. Damn, Santana has thought of everything. Karson will have something to do on our long journey home.

  Soon, the medicine takes effect and I fall asleep as Santana drives us toward home.

  When I wake up again, I see the huge ‘Welcome to Brighton Hills’ sign. Damn, I was knocked the hell out. But, that’s what my body needs right now so I can finish healing from both sets of beatings.

  I look back at Karson and see him passed out. He’s got a blanket covering him which tells me Santana stopped at some point and made sure he was covered up to sleep. He looks so peaceful and calm in sleep while I noticed at the hospital he was drawn and his smile wasn’t as easy to come to his little face as it should have been.

  The rumble of several bikes hits my ears and I wonder why it seems to surround us. But, I can’t get up on my own with the pain in my ribs and being stiff from sleeping in the seat of the SUV. So, I trust Santana to get us home and hope I don’t have to see anyone from the club. It’s the only way I’m going to be able to separate the club from my life other than work.

  Within minutes, we’re pulling up to Santana’s home. The bikes pull in with us and my hope dwindles at the knowledge I’m going to have to see the club members. This isn’t the time for them to be here. I know Blood assured me I would never have to deal with Lloyd again and I appreciate that more than he’ll ever know. Now, I just need my distance and time to heal from the injuries inflicted upon me.

  The door swings open and I see Tonya standing there with tears in her eyes. She still has her helmet on from riding with her husband. Tears shine in her eyes as she looks at me. It’s the same reaction she had when she saw me in the hospital. I know I look like shit, but this isn’t on her; it’s on Lloyd and his need to have more money than what’s owed to him. Money lost because he didn’t take the chance to test his product before selling it to anyone.

  “Sweetie, let’s get you inside,” Tonya says.

  I startle when the door behind me opens. Looking behind me, I see Blood standing there. He shakes his head at my silent question about whether or not Bounce is here. Swallowing back the sob and tears, I let him help me sit up and try to stifle the pain I feel. Tonya takes over once I’m sitting up and helps me down from the SUV. It hurts to move and nothing I do is going to take that pain away.

  “Thank you,” I tell her once I’m steady on my feet. “For everything.”

  “You’re not getting rid of me, of us, like that,” Tonya tells me. “We’re here for you, Karson, and that baby you’re carrying. Take your time and listen to me now. I’m going to be here every single day to see you, to ensure you’re healing and taking proper care of yourself. When you’re cleared, you’ll be back at the club as a waitress. We take care of our family and you’re part of that. In more ways just one.”

  “Tonya . . .,” I begin to say as Blood walks up to us.

  “Don’t try to argue with her. My wife has somethin’ in her head, you’re not gonna talk her outta it,” Blood tells me. “Just go with it. She sees somethin’ in you and has made you a part of our family. The sooner you accept it, the better you will be.”

  Tonya, Blood, and Santana help me into the house while Breaker picks up Karson and brings him in behind us so I’m in sight if he wakes up. Karson and I are in the bedroom on the ground floor of the house. There’s a toddler bed next to the large one I’ll be sleeping in. I appreciate Santana not separating us; it will be easier for Karson if he wakes up in the middle of the night or something.

  Once I’m in bed, Tonya sits down next to me and waits for everyone to leave the room.

  “I know you have a lot going on in that head of yours. For now, I just want you to concentrate on healing and making sure that baby is okay. When you’re ready to come back to Legacies, you’ll be on as a waitress. You’re not going to be a dancer any longer,” she tells me.

  Once again the dreaded tears fill my eyes. I will have to find a different job. One that will pay me more so I can move out on my own and afford everything I’ll have to do in the next few months.

  “What’s wrong sweetheart?” Tonya asks.

  “I’m not going to be able to stay at Legacies as a waitress,” I tell her. “I have so much I have to do once I’m healed and without bringing money in until then, I won’t be able to stay there. I need too much money.”

  “Don’t worry about all that right now,” she tells me. “We’ll figure everything out when you’re better. For now, just rest and let your body heal the way it needs to. I’ll be back in the morning to see you and we’ll figure out what you need immediately.”

  “I can’t pay you back right now for anything,” I tell her, hanging my head in shame. “I have a little money saved up in my purse wherever that is and I plan on using that to start school so I can get a degree.”

  “That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. But, we will figure everything else out as it comes. For now, I’m going to make sure you and Karson have enough clothes and other things you need here. I’ll be over in the afternoon. Get some rest honey,” Tonya says, placing a kiss on the top of my head before checking on Karson and covering him up better.

  Tonya leaves the room and I lay back against the pillows. My head is spinning with everything going on in there. Thoughts I can’t organize float around as I try to pick and pull one out to focus on. I can’t do it though. So, I give up, close my eyes and let sleep claim me. It seems that’s all I do these days and I hate it.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  WHEN BLOOD AND the rest of the club went to meet Santana who was bringing Sydney and Karson home, I stayed in the clubhouse. I couldn’t see her because I knew I’d stay with her or drag her to my own house because that’s where she belongs. It’s getting harder and harder to fight my feelings for her on a daily basis. So, I’m trying to distance myself and forget about her; but it’s a useless point.

  Now, it’s time to get back on with life and head to work. I’m on the door tonight at Legacies. It’s the first time I’ve been back since Syd was taken by Lloyd. There was no way in hell I could stand to be there when I knew she was out there in the possession of a man intent on injuring her and then selling her off to the highest bidder.

  Climbing on my bike, I head out and try to feel the freedom and peace the road normally makes me feel. Instead, it does nothing to give me an ounce of relief. My thoughts swirl of Sydney, Karson, and the baby. I’m not sure what her plans are now, but I want to be there for her. I want to be the one she leans on when she needs to for strength, the one she confides in when she needs to talk about something, and the one she shares her bed with. Everything I never wanted in my life.

  There’s a reason why I don’t want any of that. I’ve only shared it with Blood and that’s because of the circumstances in how I came to the club. One only the original members of
the club, Blood, and a few of the old timers who have since retired or passed away know about. That’s where my thoughts are when I pull into Legacies. I don’t even remember the ride to the strip club and that’s dangerous.

  I pull in the back parking lot and walk around the front of the building. Typically I don’t go through the back door of the building unless I’m bringing the women out at night. It’s for them and I’d rather walk the perimeter of the club because I don’t want anything to happen to anyone working here. I’d rather get dirty and fuck someone up than be surprised because I didn’t take the extra few minutes to keep an eye on things.

  Walking in the club once I’ve done my walk around, I head to the bar and get a bottled water. There’s no drinking for anyone on duty when we’re at the club and I think that’s a wonderful idea. It makes sure everyone is alert and on top of things. Especially after what happened to Sydney because the brothers that were here were drunk. I won’t let anything like that happen again.

  Tonya walks in, sees me, gets her own bottle of water, and leaves the main room of the club. She doesn’t say a word to anyone and I know it’s because I’m here. The woman I think of as a mother is ignoring me because she thinks I’m doing Syd wrong and I am. By not being by her side or staying with her in the hospital, I’m doing her wrong. So, unless Tonya absolutely has to talk to me, she ignores me. Even if she has to, she has someone else give me her message because that’s how little she wants to do with me right now.

  Heaven and the women are getting one last practice session in because they no longer have Sydney as one of the main dancers. As I watch them dance on the stage because there’s not much for me to do, one of the songs Syd uses comes on the stereo as Heaven performs her routine. It’s not as good as Sydney because she’s so natural and fluid and uses the thoughts of me to dance to. Watching Heaven perform the same moves, I realize the ache in my chest is because I miss the woman who is breeching all of my defenses and causing the walls I’d built up a long time ago to crumble to the ground.


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