Angee gave Sera a piercing gaze as something occurred to her. "But we're expected to be right all the time though aren't we? people think a Bard is always right?".
Sera's face was rather sad "Yes that's true."
Sera pondered what Angee had just said, in all her time of training new Bards not a single one had ever realised the connection before; Angee was going to be something special.
Bria walked in just as Sera started speaking,"Now, we are Bard's and we all have a musical gift that can help in battle and in restoring our energy for those battles, or in your case healing Bria. Come with me to the instrument stores, we’ll see which instrument you like".
They followed Sera to a room with musical instrument racked on all the walls, these were divided into woodwind, brass and string, Angee immediately was drawn to a strange long instrument, Sera at her shoulder picked it up.
"A Transverse Flute, a powerful sound comes from these." handed it to Angee, who knew it was the instrument for her. Allia chose a small Lap Harp and Bria had a Shawm in her hands.
"These are now yours look after them,” with those, parting words Sera left.
At lunch they discussed the morning and got Bria to tell them what she'd started learning about healing and all the different things in the body, seemingly she told them their medical knowledge was the most advanced in the world as it had come from the Goddess.
After Lunch, their Equitation instructor, a grey Bard named Riese, met all three of them. This was the first grey Bard they'd met and she was a tall woman with black hair and dressed in a grey leather version of a Bards uniform.
"Come with me outside and we'll see all the bad habits you've learned."
Once outside the three of them squinted at the bright sunshine and took deep breaths of the cool winter air.
They followed Riese around the side of the temple to some stables where they waited while a groom saddled three horses, Riese put two fingers to her mouth and whistled, from the field behind the stables they could see a horse approaching at breakneck speed, it seemed to literally eat up the ground and arrived at the fence with a shower of dirt.
"This is my Bard Mount, they don't have names and are specially bred, you'll get one when you're about to start your first quest."
The horse whinnied and shook it's mane then took off again across the field.
"For now we'll train you on these serviceable mounts, all right, lets see you all mount up.” The three novices all knew how to ride, but after seeing some of the others practising they felt a bit inadequate just sat there.
Riese must of guessed what they were thinking. "Don't worry about that lot after a few months with me you'll be doing everything they are and more."
Riese had them ride around the paddock a few times first on their own and then together, cantering, galloping just putting the horse and it's rider through their paces. She tested the depth of their equestrian knowledge asking them to control the horse with their knees only, this resulted in some hilarious manoeuvre's which brought laughter from some of the people who were stood watching, "Ignore Them!" Riese said testily, then turning to the onlookers she shouted "Don't you have something better to do!” they dispersed quickly.
Angee by this time felt like her muscles weren't going to hold much longer, never in all her born days had she ached so much, and this was only day one.
Riese called them over, "right, not as bad as I've seen, but you've a long way to go before you could control a mount like mine" and calling her mount over she vaulted on to it's bareback and gave the girls a demonstration in horsemanship they'd never forget.
"Right, that's all for today, go back to your rooms and clean up, grab a bite to eat then the Mother Abbess wants to see you. They quickly went back to the stables and handed the horses back to a smiling groom.
They changed their uniforms yet again; it seemed to Angee that whoever did the laundry had a lot of work to do.
After downing some cold meats and cheese with a glass of milk which had been left as a sort of buffet for whoever needed it. The three young novices went straight to the Mother Abbesses office; they knocked on the door and waited, no reply, after knocking again with still no reply they sat on a bench opposite the office to wait to see if someone came.
Angee was deep in thought, and Allia looked at her, "what you thinking?"
"Oh sorry, just thinking on what we've done today I've never ached so much."
Bria groaned "Ooh me too, I think I could use some healing just about now" she said with a grin, Allia grinned wickedly at her, "well why don't you heal us healer?” Bria grimaced, "don't, my heads full to bursting with the human body's workings, I'm too tired to heal even a paper cut even if I knew how!”
Just then, the Mother Abbess came along the corridor.
"Ah! you're here, good, we can begin, please come in and sit down" she said in a bright tone that only seemed to emphasise their tiredness. Meekly they followed her into the office and sat down on the three chairs in front of her desk.
The Mother Abbess had a grave look on her face when she sat down and faced them "I'm sorry I'm late for this lesson but I've had to deal with some bad news."
The three of them looked very solemn as the Mother Abbess continued "word reached me today that over the past two days six of your sisters have been killed. Two in combat and four so called 'accidents'. The two who died in combat faced creatures not seen in their part of the Kingdom for centuries and the 'accidents' are just to many, one yes, four no.
I think it's a strong indicator that evil forces are abroad in the kingdom and up to no good, I've had the greys looking into it and await their reports, I cannot see a war in the near future, but I feel something is coming."
Angee felt a curious sensation, a sense of floating, it seemed to go on for a few minutes, when she came back to herself the other girls and the Mother Abbess were staring at her, the Mother Abbess shook herself and looked intently at Angee. She spoke carefully "Tell me Angee, do you feel any imminent threat to the Kingdom?” Angee looked at her and was about to say she didn't know when she heard herself saying "there is no immediate danger but the forces of evil are gathering, beware an attack in the north.” Angee felt astounded, "how did I know that?” the Mother Abbess smiled a tender smile at her.
"What did you experience? did you drift off for a little while?". Angee's jaw dropped, "yes, it felt like I was floating."
The Mother Abbess came around the desk and took Angee's hand, "it's alright dear, for about 2 minutes you were surrounded by a glow of colours, which went through all the colours of the Bards.
You are a Collector, you are able through your sisters around the kingdom to judge if the Kingdom is in danger from the forces of evil, there hasn't been a Collector among our ranks since the Blood Wars, what a marvellous surprise!”
Angee didn't know whether to be happy or sad, everything seemed to be happening all at once.
The Mother Abbess had a look of concern.
"You will be tired from your vision so I want you to go back to your room I'll have someone bring you a tray of food, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Allia, Bria, help her to her room."
Angee stood up and would have fallen if the Mother Abbess hadn't steadied her, Allia and Bria took an arm each and helped her walk back to her room, they helped her undress and get into bed, she was asleep in minutes.
A knock at the door woke her, she rolled over and wince when her breasts touched the bed, they were tender, "come in."
Illia came in carrying a tray "I hear you've been busy, you're the talk of the temple you know, first a White Bard but now also a Collector!”
Illia put the tray down and sat on the edge of Angee's bed, she patted Angee's arm, "don't worry dear, you haven't done anything wrong, in fact everyone is really pleased you're here."
Angee smiled a timid smile, Illia took the cover off the tray, "that's better, now how about something to eat, psychic journey's can tire you out, but you need to eat."
e realised she was indeed very hungry and tucked into the meal of white fish, baked potatoes and Red pulses with gusto, Illia stayed to make sure she ate it all and take the tray away.
When she had finished, Illia took the tray off her, "now you get a good nights sleep and you'll be back to normal in the morning."
As she was about to go Angee spoke, "Ah, can I ask you something?” Illia turned, "certainly", Angee looked embarrassed, "two things actually, can I call you by your first name or do I call you sister?".
"You can call any other Bard except the Mother Abbess, by their first name if you know them, otherwise calling them sister is safe, what's the second thing?”
Angee looked down at her hands, "well ever since this morning my Breasts hurt."
Illia put the tray down, "well I'll just take a look shall I?” Angee nodded "yes please." Illia came over to the bed and undid Angee's nightshift, then she placed both hands on Angee's breasts and closed her eyes, the same glow Angee had seen before enveloped Illia's hand's and then was gone, Illia opened her eyes and gave Angee a reassuring look. "Don't worry dear, your body is just getting used to it's new shape, it's tender in that area because of the sudden growth" and with that reassurance Illia left Angee's room and closed the door.
A knot in her stomach unwound and she breathed a sigh of relief and settled back in her bed.
Her nipples were really sore and she'd begun to worry there was something wrong with them.
She tried to sleep for all she was tired but couldn't, at the sounds of Allia's voice in the hall she got up and opened her door, "are you two doing anything?" she enquired, "not really, just chatting" Allia responded.
"In that case, want to get your instruments and see what they sound like?” both of them rushed to their rooms and were back in moments, they all settled on Angee's bed, Angee put the Flute to her lips, she didn't know how she knew how, but she started playing she was joined within moments by Allia on her Harp and Bria on her Shawm.
The melody created carried such emotion and Angee thought of the Goddess. As if that was a trigger she felt warmth, love and power flood into her, her eyebrows arched in surprise and from the look on her companions faces similar things were happening to them, they played in a harmony that carried them deeper and deeper within themselves, the end was like a bucket of cold water being thrown over them and Angee shuddered with delight, "well!" was all she could think of.
The next morning Angee woke up to a knock on the door, Allia popped her head in and said, "Come on sleepy head you'll miss breakfast."
Mortified at being late Angee jumped out of bed, then wished she hadn't, all her muscles cried out in protest.
I can't have this she thought and did some stretches to get her muscles moving, it was sheer torture but she felt easier for it.
She found Allia and Bria waiting for her with smiles on their faces, Angee grimaced," Alright, Alright I'm here.”
They set off in the direction of the refectory but as they reached, the chapel they heard music from inside, they all looked inside the door but the chapel was empty, the music continued.
Angee was pulled towards the music, she saw they all felt an urge to go inside and walked in, a shaft of what looked like sunlight hit the altar.
Although they knew it wasn't sunlight as they were underground.
The light flared and disappeared, when their eyes had got used to the torch light they saw something leaning again the altar. Walking forward, they saw three swords with scabbards laid on the floor.
Each sword was identical with ornate scrolling around the hilt, but each had a different coloured stone on the Crosspiece, one clear, one blue and one green. Angee looked at the other two, "I guess they're for us."
Once again she took the lead, Angee stepped up to the altar and saw a parchment on it, "Keep these weapons with you at all times."
Angee showed the parchment to the others, and then put it back on the altar, it burst into flame and was gone.
Allia gave Angee a knowing look, "it never dull is it?” a grin of eagerness as she looked at her sword, she leaned forward and picked up the sword with the blue stone, the stone began glowing with a blue fire in it's heart, pulsing like a heartbeat.
Bria picked up the sword with the green stone with the same results, Angee leaned forward and picked up the last sword, the clear stone burst into brilliant white light that lit the whole room, then dimmed to the pulsating heartbeat of the others.
Angee gave a nervous laugh, drawing looks of surprise from the others, Angee smiled, "sorry, I nearly dropped it when it did that!” the other two laughed, and Bria interjected with a totally straight face, "I don't think you really want to do that" and giggled.
Angee realised that although they were now Bards all three of them were still in their teens and had something of the child still about them, still, it better to laugh and smile now, who knows what the future will bring.
They walked out of the chapel and almost bumped into Sera, "what you doing in there? I’d have thought yo...".
Her question halted when she had seen what they were carrying, "where did you get them?" she asked in a commanding tone.
Allia and Bria looked at Angee, so Angee explained what had just happened, Sera considered it for a moment and said, "you'd better come with me to see the Mother Abbess."
They followed Sera up to the Abbesses door and Sera turned to them, "you'd better wait here,” and with that she went inside.
The three young Bards sat on the bench opposite and waited, this was beginning to grow farcical Angee thought, and they were Adults after all!
Fifteen minutes later Sera opened the door.
"Come in,” Angee and her friends got up and went into the office.
The Mother Abbess was sat behind her desk, with her were four Bards the Angee didn't recognise, the Mother Abbess bade them sit. "Come in, I'll just introduce these Sisters you haven't met, this is Jazera, Riela and Cere who are Green Bards," and turning to a slightly older woman "And this is Trianne the Senior Sister of the Grey Bards."
The Mother Abbess stood up and walked around the desk, she had her eyes on what the girls were carrying "Sera's told me what you said about where you got the swords but I would like to hear it from you please."
Allia and Bria looked at Angee again and Angee realised she had become their unofficial leader, so she repeated the events of half an hour ago in the chapel.
The Mother Abbess considered what Angee had said and turned to Sera, "could you ask Emili to join us?”
Sera left and The Mother Abbess turned to the three novices, "I'd like Emili to examine your swords if that's alright with you?” Angee felt this wasn't a situation to say "no" to, although she felt extremely uneasy about giving her sword to somebody else, she nodded her head.
Sera returned with Emili a few minutes later and The Mother Abbess asked for her opinion of the swords.
Emili approached Bria and Bria handed her sword in it's scabbard to her, Angee thought she didn't look happy about it.
Emili tried to draw the sword but it remained sheathed, she handed the sword back to Bria and asked Allia for hers, again the same result. Emili had a slightly puzzled look on her face as she held her hands out to Angee for her sword; Angee handed over the sword and felt like it was a mistake.
Emily held the sword by the scabbard and was reaching to draw the sword when a sense of danger suddenly peaked in Angee, she jumped to her feet shouting "No!” but Emili had put her hand on the hilt of the sword, with a white flash she went flying over the Mother Abbess's desk, everyone rushed to help her, but she'd rolled as she fell and stood up with a chuckle, "I'm alright, don't fuss! I've had worse falls from my mount."
Angee noted a couple of nasty looks from two of the green Bards, the Mother Abbess noted them too and the scowl of disapproval she directed at them quelled their looks. Angee stooped and picked up her sword, "I think it would be best if you draw the sword for Emili to look at, dear" the Mother Abbess said, "that is if you'r
e up to it Emili?” Emili only half nodded she was staring at the sword.
"Draw your sword and hold it flat on your hands please."
Angee did as she was requested, Emili leaned over and peered at the scrolling on the blade, she also looked at the stone in the crosspiece and asked Angee to hold the sword by the hilt, when Angee took hold of the hilt it was like a key fitting in a lock, she held it out towards the door and Emili asked her to turn her wrist so the stone was visible, in it's heart could clearly be seen a pulsing beat, Emili took Angee's free hand, placing fingers on her wrist to take her pulse while still looking at the sword, she let go of Angee wrist.
"Alright you can sheath it now." Angee sheathed the sword as the Mother Abbess looked at Emili. "Well?” Emili gave all three novices a glance then looked at the Abbess, "as you know, a hobby of mine is the history of Bard weapons, what we have here are three Heart Swords, another thing not seen for a Millennium", sparing a quick glance at Angee.
"They can only be drawn by their owners, and in the case of Angee who is a White Bard, touched by it's owner, it shocked me, and threw me across the room, but it knew me for a Bard and didn't do what it would to anybody else who touched it." "And what is that?” Emili frowned, "for anyone not a Bard who makes the mistake of touching that sword, it would mean their death."
The last word hung with a grim finality and the Abbess looked troubled, "I can see some thought has to be given about the disposition of that sword, it may be safer just to lock it away."
"No!” Angee wasn't aware of the word past her lips until she'd said it, the everyone turned to Angee and the Abbess was not pleased.
"This matter is too big for one novice to understand, I will decide the future of that sword after consultation with the other Senior Bards."
Angee disagreed vehemently. "I'm sorry Mother Abbess, but in this I know I'm right, the swords remain with us, to take them away would be dangerous to our safety, we will keep them with us at all times, but you cannot take them away." Angee was surprised at the steel in her voice and the Mother Abbess was angry "Novice, you and you're two sisters will return to your rooms, you will await our decision, now go!”
A Change For the Light Page 4