King’s Castle

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King’s Castle Page 7

by Goode, Ella

  I slowly start to move my newly hardened dick inside her hot, tight cunt. “Or I’ll fuck you to death.”

  “I don’t think that’s a threat, King. Not at all.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  “I love you!” I shout as I run through the house to get away from King, laughing as I go. I barely missed him grabbing me. It is hard to get a jump on him. For a big man he can really move. I was only quick on my toes from having spent years wrestling animals. Those damn baby piglets can be hell to catch and wrangle.

  If he gets a hold of me he is going to tan my ass. Not that I don’t enjoy when he does but I have to let the man chase me a little. It’s good for him. Who am I kidding, I enjoy him chasing me. There is something about knowing that he’ll always come for me that gives me a warm happy thrill. I might have given him the ‘I love you’ but he is still waiting on me to agree that I’m not going anywhere. Ever. I know in my heart that I’m not but I like to keep him on his toes.

  I come to a sliding stop into the kitchen when I see my sister sitting in one of the high top chairs sipping a cup of coffee with her tablet open in front of her.

  “Don’t you come out naked! We got company!” I shout. I hear his loud steps thundering down the hallway. I love my sister but no one is allowed to see my man naked. Ever. I hear him let out a string of curses. My sister smiles shaking her head as she goes over to pour me a cup of coffee.

  “I let myself in.” She’d taken the position that King had offered her. I stopped trying to change her mind. I knew she would be good here. I’ve seen her work with some of the women since she’d arrived. I know that they need her here and I don’t plan on standing in the way of that. Not that I’m going anywhere myself.

  I walk over, taking the cup from her hands. I let out a happy sigh as I take my first sip. I glance over to the clock and see it’s almost eleven. How did I sleep so late? The dogs. Crap!

  “Your man went out to feed them already. I’m guessing you were snoring away.” Danny says before I can run out the door into the freezing cold. I’m only wearing King’s shirt and a fuzzy pair of socks.

  “I don’t snore.” I give her the side eye. I don’t snore, at least I don’t think I do. If I do, I’d bet my last dollar King thinks it’s adorable. He thinks everything I do is cute. I’ve always thought of myself as a little rough around the edges. As a little bit of a tomboy, too, but King treats me like a princess. Well, a princess he sometimes has to spank.

  “Him and Isaac did it hours ago.” I smile taking another sip of my coffee. I have missed feeding the pups but I'll go out soon and play with them. I do, however, love how much Isaac has taken to King since he arrived here with his Ma. The two of them are doing wonderful.

  “He’s good to him.” I walk over sitting down. My legs swing back and forth. He’s going to make a good dad when the day comes. My legs stop swinging for a moment. The thought should scare me but it doesn’t. In fact, it does the opposite. It warms me to think of King and I having a family.

  “Yeah he is.” She eyes me. “The man seems to be good with everyone.” Her eyebrows wiggle. “You going to put that man out of his misery and tell him you aren't going anywhere?”

  “I’m not going anywhere while that Brandon dick is still an issue. I wanna be around if he tries to show up.”

  “First off, he’ll never find me here.” Danny sets her coffee down. “I got word he was arrested. I wasn't the only woman he’s done this to. King put pressure on the hospital and the police department to look more into him. I’m sure he’ll make sure they throw the book at him. Your King isn’t one to trifle with it seems.”

  “I mess with him all the time.” I try and tease. My throat goes tight.

  “He’s a good man.” I shake my head in agreement with my sister. “We’re staying.” I keep on shaking my head.

  “I love it here. I love him, too.” I admit.

  “I heard you yell it.” She smiles. “I think everyone did.” She walks over to me giving me a hug. I hug her back tightly.

  “We’re home.” I tell her.

  “We are,” she agrees before letting me go. She glances to her right. “I’ll leave you to it.” She gives King a smile before heading out the back door.

  “Where is your shirt?” I ask. He’s got on a pair of sweatpants that hang too low for my liking. Well, when others are around at least.

  “You have it on.” He comes over picking me up and putting me on the kitchen counter.

  “You have more than one.” I hiss. He steps between my thighs making my legs spread wide for his massive size. “I’m guessing you heard I’m staying.” I fake an eye roll trying to look annoyed but my smile wins out.

  “Cute you thought you were going somewhere, Slick.”

  “Then why do you keep asking, if you know so much?” I reach out putting my hands on his chest. God, I love touching him. I love everything about him.

  “Cause you like when I spank your ass.” He leans down brushing his mouth against mine. I don’t rebuff his comment because it’s true. “And because I love you and you know it would break me if you left me.”

  “Ahh. King.” My eyes sting with tears. Him and my sister are both trying to get me to spring a leak this morning.

  “I love you, too. If you left me it would rip me in half. I know I look tough and all but-” He cuts me off.

  “You’re all sweet inside. I know. I’ve tasted it.” He kisses me. I moan into his mouth as he deepens the kiss, leaving me breathless. It takes me a moment to realize what he’s done as he steps away from me.

  “Pancakes? I need to feed you before I have you again.” I don’t answer him. I stare down at my hand. A ring now sits on my ring finger. It looks like diamonds have been crushed into the band. The light hitting it makes the whole thing sparkle. “Figured you’d want a band with nothing sticking out of it. Wouldn't want you to catch one of the animals on it.” I nod in agreement. I did want something I could wear all the time but was still beautiful. It’s perfect.

  “Pancakes it is. You want bacon or sausage?” I look up at him. “Alright, Slick. I’ll make both but only for you.” He starts pulling stuff out of the refrigerator to make us a very late breakfast.

  “You didn’t ask?”

  “Wasn't going to.” He shrugs putting everything out on the counter.

  “I think I should at least know your name if I’m going to marry you.” King puts the pan down on the stove coming back over to me.

  “I guess you’re right.”

  “I always am. You should remember that since we’re getting married and all.”

  “I’ll make a note.” He says with a chuckle. I poke his hard stomach.


  “Fine.” He lets out a long sigh. “I’ll never live this one down.” Oh god. How bad could it be?

  “We don’t have to name our sons after you.” I offer. He closes his eyes shaking his head but still he’s smiling.

  “Castle.” He opens his eyes and finally gives in.

  “Like King of the castle?”

  “Yeah, Slick.” I try to silently giggle but my whole body shakes with laughter. I should have known better. In one second flat I’m bent over the counter with my bare ass in the air. I gasp as King’s hand comes down on me. It turns to a moan as he rubs the spot before his hand drifts lower to between my thighs.

  “Fucking wet. I just ate you.” He had.

  “I want more.” I raise my ass higher into the air spreading my thighs so my King can give me more. He always does.



  “I can’t do this!” Slick screams. Her grip on my hand is harder than a lumberjack’s. I think I’m losing feeling there.

  “It’s alright.”

  Her free hand flies to the neckline of my shirt. “It’s alright? That’s what you’re saying right now? How would you like to pass a watermelon through your penis?”

  I would not like that at all. I try to tug her ha
nd away but her hold is immovable.

  “It’s painful,” the nurse with the short gray hair chimes in.

  I give up and let my wife strangle me.

  “You’re going to hell you know,” she hisses.

  “Yes, straight to hell.” I wipe a cloth across her sweaty forehead. I wish I could take this pain away but I can’t.

  “After today you’re not allowed to touch me everrrrrrr.” Her eyes close and her back bows slightly off the table as the next contraction rips through her body.

  I promised I wouldn’t lie to her but these are extenuating circumstances. “Never touching you again,” I agree. “You got this. Keep breathing.” I don’t need to go to hell. I’m already there. Seeing her in this much pain breaks my fucking heart. I’d trade places with her in a heartbeat. The contraction wears off and her lower lip trembles. The hand at my throat falls away and while I can breathe again, I’m worried. “What is it?”

  “You’re not ever touching me again?” She wails. “Are you saying I’m not sexy anymore?”

  “What?” I backtrack a few seconds to catch her train of thought. “No, I—“

  “I can’t believe that in the first sign of any kind of hardship you’re just going to abandon me.”

  “That’s not right,” inserts the nurse.

  I glare at the woman in the shapeless blue scrubs. She is not helping.

  “I will touch you everywhere as soon as the doctor says I can,” I hurriedly reassure her.

  “What if I don’t want you to touch me?”

  “You shouldn’t touch anyone who doesn’t want to be touched,” adds the nurse.

  She’s fucking with me. I know it, but I can’t do anything about it.

  “I won’t touch you. Unless you want it. Then I’m touching you everywhere.”

  “If you’re just touching me because I want you to touch me, then you should keep itttttttt.”

  The next contraction hits so I don’t have to answer which is a good thing because I don’t know what to say at this point. When the pain passes, she’s moved on.

  “Do you love me?” She demands. Her lips are dry and her eyes are glassy and she’s never looked more beautiful.

  “With everything I’ve got.”

  “Good. I want you to get rid of the doctor and reach in and pull the baby out. Like a calf.”

  “You’re not a cow, babe.”

  “Did you just say I’m a cow?” She says, her voice perilously high.

  The nurse snickers and even the sober doctor’s face twitches slightly.

  “No, but, Slick, I cannot pull our child out of your womb. I’m fairly sure that every medical journal says that that is not the way to birth a child.”

  “All those fucking manuals are written by men, that’s why,” Hayden yells. “Get this baby out of me before the next contraction hits or I’m going to—“ She pushes herself up on her elbows and glares at the doc. “Rip it out,” she orders.

  The doctor laughs. “No, I’m sorry but your husband is right. We can’t remove the baby like that, but I have good news. I can see the crown of the baby’s head so a few more pushes and you’ll be done.”

  “Can I kill my husband? Is that allowed in the birthing room?” Hayden asks sarcastically. At least I hope she’s being sarcastic.

  “Absolutely,” the doctor replies. “Do you need some tools or just want to choke him?”

  Hayden grabs my shirt. “I’ll choke him.”

  All the women in the birthing suite wear varying expressions of approval. We are definitely only having one child.

  “All right, time for you to push,” announces the doctor.

  “I can’t,” Hayden moans. The fight seems to have been drained out of her.

  “Yeah, you can. You can do anything, even this.”

  Tears roll out of the corners of her eyes. Maybe she would protest more, but the contraction comes again. She alternates between screams and cries, threats of violence and pleas for help. It’s a pleading that gets me. I won’t touch her again. I can’t put her through this.

  I pass the cloth across her forehead, let her squeeze my fingers so hard they might break off, whisper words of encouragement. What a warrior she is, how strong she is, how no one but her can do this. I’ve never been so worthless in my entire life.

  “It’s coming! It’s coming!” announces the nurse.

  “One last push,” instructs the doctor.

  Hayden gives it her all and the baby slips into the doctor’s hands. There’s almost complete silence and then a thin wail fills the room.

  Hayden begins to cry. My own eyes feel damp.

  “It’s a boy,” they tell us. It’s a blur from then on. The nurse does something with the baby. The doctor tells Hayden to push one more time to rid her body of the placenta and then finally, a tiny bundle of skin and bones and a shock of dark hair is placed on Hayden’s breast.

  “A son. We have a baby boy,” my wife says in hushed, reverent tones.

  The boy is tiny. His fingers are wrinkled and his toes are curled tight against his foot. His eyes look glued shut and his little mouth opens and closes. Hayden guides the baby to her breast and he latches on, suckling on the nipple without any encouragement. She sighs in relief and falls back against the hospital bed. Her arms droop to the side. My girl is exhausted. “You did good, Slick. You did real good.”

  “Is everything alright?”

  “It’s perfect,” the nurse tells us.

  Relieved, Hayden allows her eyes to drift shut. The nurse nudges me aside to take the baby. I watch as he is bundled up into a blanket burrito. A little hat is tugged onto his small head and then I get to hold him.

  “I know you’re going to be strong because your momma is made of steel.”

  “I’m still not going to let you touch me again,” Hayden says from her hospital bed. Her eyes are still closed but there’s a smile on her face.

  “Too bad,” I reply, hitching my son’s small body higher against my chest. “Because I’m going to need about ten more of these little ones.”

  “Maybe once more,” she concedes.

  I lean down and press a kiss against her forehead. “At least nine of them.”




  “Seven and a half.”

  Her eyes flick open. “How do you plan to have a half of a kid.”

  “I don’t know. I was just throwing numbers out there.”

  “You’re silly.” She closes her eyes again.

  “Silly in love with you.”


  “A total clown in love with you.”


  “Four, then.”

  * * *

  Thanks for reading my luvs! And thank you so much for the review. Every single one helps. I hope you’re having a good new year. I have another book coming out in a couple of weeks. Keep your download finger ready.

  *heart* Ella

  Also by Ella Goode

  Secret Baby

  Oh Snowy Night

  FU High: Ace of Hearts, Deuces Wild, and Two of a Kind

  Loyalty Card

  She’s the One & My Only One



  Smooth Kisses, Sweet Kisses, Saved Kisses

  Finding Home & Bring Him Home

  Captured, Kept, Stolen

  Make Me Yours

  She’s All Mine

  Pretty Prize

  Three of Us (Twins #1) and Belong Together (Twins #2)

  Their Private Need (Michigan, Easy and Annie)

  His Bold Heart (Chelsea & Wrecker)

  Her Secret Pleasure

  Captive Ride

  The Last Christmas Present: Billionaire Holiday Romance (a Daddy story)

  The Wolf’s Mail Order Bride

  Beauty in Summer

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  Copyright © 2020 by Ella Goode

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.




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