Set Desire

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Set Desire Page 4

by April Fire

  Damn it! I thought to myself as my fingernails dug into the palms of my hands. The pain brought me back to reality and my eyes flew open to look at her again.

  “It really doesn’t matter!” I yelled back at her and I found myself taking a step forward.

  “You’re so damn infuriating!” she hissed back at me, and when her hands tightened in front of my shirt I felt the blood in my veins begin to boil.

  “I’m infuriating?” I gaped at her in amazement. “You’re the one who started all this!”

  That’s when she shoved me backwards and my animal instincts took over. I growled deep in my throat as I reached forward and grabbed hold of her by the wrists. Her eyes widened as I pulled her towards me and within a second my lips were on hers.

  She came back at me with such fierce passion that I lost myself as my hands came up to grip the roots of her hair. When she moaned deep in her throat my sensations evaded me and I shoved her back against a small table. Script papers scattered to the floor as I pulled her up by her buttocks and placed her on the surface.

  I shouldn’t be doing this, I thought to myself even as the little voice in the back of me head told me, but you really want to.

  It was the little voice that won out as I felt her wrap her legs around my waist. I was done for. There was no way I could turn back now.

  My mind began to spin as I felt her reach down and grip my crotch in her hand. When she groaned at the feel of my cock in her palm a moan rumbled in my own throat. She squeezed firmer and my cock grew rock hard in her hand. My own hands ripped at the silk slip she was wearing and I tugged it down to expose her firm, perky breasts. Her rosy nipples invited my fingers to grip and twist gently as my mouth consumed hers and her free hand wrapped around my neck, holding me to her with a vice-like grip.

  She was nearly smothering me with her mouth. I could barely catch my breath, but I couldn’t stop. She bit down hard on my lower lip. The pain drove me crazy, and I nearly came right then. I dug my fingers into the meat of her ass and picked her up to carry her to the bedroom. Her legs wrapped tightly around my waist. She was like some kind of snake goddess, strangling her prey before devouring it.

  We dropped onto the bed and her slender body writhed beneath me as I slipped my hand under the fabric of her lingerie. Her smooth flesh was soft beneath my palms as I brought my hands up to cup her breasts. When my mouth slipped from hers and came to taste her neck she tilted her head backwards, displaying the delicate flesh of her throat. I planted a trail of kisses from her chin to her collar bone.

  The need to taste her grew stronger as I slipped my face down between her perfect, supple breasts. I took her left nipple into my mouth - licking, sucking and nipping at the tender bud that hardened to my touch. She groaned and quivered as I trailed kisses over to her right breast and repeated the process. Within moments, both her nipples were rock hard and I found myself wondering at what the bud between her legs would taste like.

  Slipping down between her legs I found her ready and waiting for me. Gripping hold of her thighs I spread her legs and placed my mouth over the soft mound of flesh. Her skin was slick with sweet nectar and I ate at her hungrily as she began to moan and writhe on the bed. My hands were like vices on her legs holding her in place as I worked her body towards climax with my tongue and lips nibbling on her most sensitive parts.

  “Dean!” she screamed when the climax ripped throughout her body and she began to shake violently. I continued lapping her with my tongue, not yet ready to let go of her. She groaned and panted as though she was struggling to contain herself, “Dean!”

  Hearing my name on her lips was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough of it as I continued to lick and suck and nibble. I couldn’t help but smile against her flesh as she reached down and tangled her fingers in the roots of my hair. When she pulled, I finally let up and turned my face up to look at her, “You doing okay sweetheart?” I smirked at her and she stared at me gasping breathlessly with an expression that said, ‘what the hell do you think?’.

  “I’m not finished with you just yet,” I told her as I pushed myself up onto my knees, pulled off my t-shirt and reached for the buckle of my belt. My cock ached so much to be inside her that it was almost painful and I bit my lip as I pushed down my jeans. I watched Julia’s face closely as she turned her gaze down to my manhood and when he sprung forth, her eyes grew wide.

  Just the reaction I was waiting for, I smiled to myself as I watched her mouth begin to gape open.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart,” I told her as I dropped down to hover above her, “I’ll go easy on you.”

  The truth was I had no idea whether I was going to be able to go easy on her. I was so wound up that I was sure I was almost past the point of no control.


  Chapter Nine


  As if I hadn’t been shocked enough by Dean’s expert tongue, his manhood was more magnificent than I ever could have imagined. I couldn’t help but gape at the sheer size of him as he perched on his knees and gazed down at me with a smirk on his face. I couldn’t believe the sight of him. Not only did he have a magnificent cock but he had the body of a god. He was built of muscle upon muscle, and I realized that all the articles I’d seen of him spending five to six days a week at the gym were true.

  When he dropped down on top of me I quivered with desire. Pleasure still pulsed through me and I tingled with the memory of his mouth on me. His mouth consumed my own and when his tongue stroked against my lips I opened up to allow him in. Our tongues danced together as I felt his manhood hovering close to me. My entire body burned with need for him and I found myself wrapping my legs around his waist, pulling him towards me.

  The moment he entered me was like a white hot flash of both pleasure and pain. I gasped at the size of him as he filled me fit to bursting. An image of my dream flashed into my mind - I remembered feeling similar sensations, but this was like nothing I’d ever felt before. He began to move, thrusting in and pulling out with such a steady rhythm that my pleasure built just as steadily. My arms wrapped around his neck and I held him to me as he moved. Our bodies melted together, our moans and groans coming in unison as the rest of the world began to fade away around us.

  It wasn’t long before I found myself gasping his name all over again, “Dean!”

  As though my own climax had brought on his, I felt him tense and he suddenly groaned in my ear, “Fuck!”

  I felt the warmth of his essence spilling deep inside me and his thrusting became more erratic and off rhythm. I held him to me as he stilled and our panting came in quick succession. Dean’s body became slightly heavier as he rested on me and his slick forehead pressed against my own as I tried to take in gulp after gulp of air.

  My entire body was still buzzing with pleasure when he finally dropped down onto the bed beside me and shock overwhelmed me as he pulled me into his arms. I had been half expecting him to clamber off the bed, throw on his clothes and leave. From what I’d heard of several women around town, that was what he usually did, or worse - he’d order them to leave. I was suddenly relieved that we found ourselves in my room. At least he couldn’t throw me out. If he wanted rid of me he’d be the one who would have to leave.

  “What the hell just happened?” Dean gasped, and the breathlessness of his voice made me shiver at what we had just done. I couldn’t help but smile as I twisted my fingers in the small amount of hair on his chest between his pecs.

  “I’m not sure, but I think we just had angry sex,” I laughed. The thought that I had just had angry sex with Dean freaking Hollywood made every inch of my body tremble.

  “I think you might be right.” Dean’s hand came down on the back of my head and he stroked my hair as I stroked his chest, “I don’t know about you, but I definitely feel better after that.”

  “Ditto,” I replied, and instantly rolled my eyes at the word. How much of a geek was I really? Dean’s chest rumbled with laughter and my cheeks grew hot with embarrassmen

  Pushing myself up onto my elbows I gazed down at him with a raised eyebrow, “This doesn’t change anything. you know?”

  “Oh, I know,” he shook his head. “Let’s not think about any of that now.”

  He pulled my head back down onto his chest and I couldn’t help but relax against him as he mumbled, “We’ve got an early start in the morning. Let’s rest now and discuss later.”

  I couldn’t argue with that. I was suddenly so tired that every limb felt as though it was made of lead.


  When I woke the next morning I expected to roll over and find Dean still laid beside me. The thought of it made a smile spread across my face, but it was quickly quenched when I reached out to feel the emptiness of the bed. My eyes remained closed for a moment as I continued to search for him with my hand, but when I found nothing but mattress and ruffled sheets I finally lifted my eyelids.

  “What the hell?” I mumbled as my hand rustled something on the pillow. Pushing myself up onto my elbows I reached out and picked up the post-it note. Anger boiled inside me as I realized that Dean hadn’t even had the decency to wake me before he left. The words on the note flashed out at me like a red traffic light telling me to stop:

  Had to leave early for hair and makeup. Didn’t want to wake you.

  I’ll see you on set beautiful.

  D x

  “That’s bullshit!” I snapped aloud as I threw the note. It was too light to go any distance and simply fluttered to the floor beside the bed as I pushed myself up into a sitting position. He didn’t need to be in hair and makeup any earlier than me. He had simply slipped out so that he wouldn’t have to face the reality of what he had done with me.

  Don’t let him get to you, I told myself as I slipped from the bed and headed into the bathroom to clean up. I could still feel him inside me, and had he not snuck out I might have found myself enjoying the sensation. As it stood, all I wanted to do was clean up and forget the whole thing. But how could I - when it was the best sex I’d ever had?

  My body trembled as I replayed the events of the night before over and over in my head. I flicked on the shower, stripped off my silk night dress and stepped in. The water soaked into my hair and dripped down my body as I reached down between my legs and felt the warm flesh between my thighs where Dean’s mouth had been the night before. I quivered as I ran my hand up and down over my sensitive skin and when I pulled it away it was covered in a mixture of our juices. I gazed at the creamy liquid as I placed my hand under the water jet and allowed it to wash away down the drain.

  As soon as I had cleaned and climbed back out of the shower the dazed dreamy feeling evaporated. I shook my head as I realized that I could never allow something like that to happen again.


  “It was completely unprofessional,” I shook my head and scolded myself as I shuffled around my trailer, getting ready for the first scene of the day - getting ready to go and see him on set. The thought of having to face him, having to kiss him again, made me cringe - although I wasn’t sure it was for the same reasons as the day before. Now that I knew there really was chemistry between us, I couldn’t understand why we had been having such difficulty on set.

  When Babs knocked on the door of the trailer I was ready for her. The only thing that stopped me from blurting out everything was the fact that she was quickly followed into the trailer by hair and makeup artists. They began to crowd around me, flitting around like annoying flies when all I really wanted was to confide in my agent.

  “You’re looking very flushed this morning,” Babs observed. “I don’t think you’re going to need too much blush today.”

  I wonder why, I giggled inwardly to myself just as the makeup artist spread out her tools on the table and began to apply products to my face. I seriously hoped that she didn’t turn me into a clown with my already rosy cheeks. The hair stylist made quick work of tidying my wet locks, blow drying and curling away like a mad man.

  “All done,” the hair and makeup artists told me almost in unison as they both stepped back to take a good look at their handiwork.

  “How do I look?” I asked as I swiveled in the chair to look at Babs.

  “You look beautiful,” an oddly familiar voice came from behind me and the shiver of pleasure that rippled throughout me was overwhelming. Babs’ mouth gaped open in shock at the compliment as she turned silently towards the trailer door.

  I turned further to follow her gaze and found Dean resting against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Hey doll,” he smirked at me and his handsomeness flashed brighter than ever as he gave me a perfect view of his pearly whites, “I was wondering whether we could have a quick chat before we head onto set?”

  “I’m not sure that my client wishes to speak to you alone,” said Babs, who had been sitting at the dining table while I was fixed up, pushed herself to her feet and towered over Dean who stood on the lowest step of the trailer entrance.

  “Babs, down girl!” Dean laughed and I had to cover my mouth with my fingertips to stop from giggling along with him. Although I was pissed at him for leaving the way he had, I couldn’t help but feel amused at Babs’ disgusted expression. “I’m sure your client can speak for herself.”

  “It’s fine, Babs,” I told her, and she looked as though she was about to jump down Dean’s throat and give him what for. Even under a thick layer of makeup, her cheeks were almost as flushed as mine were whenever I thought of how Dean had taken me the night before. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow, and when she glanced from me to him and back again, I was almost sure she knew what had gone on between us. Though I couldn’t be sure, I knew that she knew me well enough to know what had happened.

  “You’ve got five minutes before I come back in here and drag you out by your ear,” Babs promised Dean as she slipped past him and he barely managed to get out of the way before she slammed the door shut behind her.

  “That woman seriously scares the hell out of me,” he laughed as he gestured with his thumb in the direction of the door.

  “Could you give us a minute?” I asked as I turned to the hair and makeup artists who were still packing away their things. They seemed reluctant to leave their tools, though they went without another word, and I felt my nerves hitch up a little when I realized that I was, again, alone with Dean. His closeness lit a wildfire inside me but I had to pat it down deep inside me. “What do you want, Dean?”

  “Whoa, that was a little hostile wasn’t it?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow, “Have I done something wrong?”

  “Yes, actually, you have.” I placed my hands on my hips. I couldn’t help myself - the sassy side of me was coming out. It always did when somebody pissed me off. “I know you’re a busy man, Dean, but don’t make up excuses to leave before I wake up!”

  “Excuse me?” Dean gaped at me as though he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “I really did have to leave for hair and makeup. It takes time to look this good you know.”

  “My god your ego is infuriating!” I yelled at him.

  “I could say the same about your constant need to yell!” Dean replied and my parted lips closed firmly into a pout. I crossed my arms defensively over my chest. I was all too aware of how close he was and I struggled to resist the urge to reach out and touch him. A large part of me wanted to be with him again, to feel the pleasure I’d felt the night before. Yet the other part of me just wanted to forget it and get back to work. I couldn’t do that with images of his naked body swarming around my brain.

  “You know what, forget it,” I shook my head and turned away from him.“Forget I said anything. Forget we did anything. Let’s just get on with this movie and then we can both go our separate ways and forget we ever met.”

  I heard Dean’s sharp intake of breath, and for a moment, I expected him to protest. I instantly kicked myself for ever thinking that he would be the kind of person say anything else other than what he did. “Fine by me.”
  I turned just in time to witness him storm from the trailer. Frustration overwhelmed me then and I could no longer hold myself up. I dropped back down into my chair with a thud and gripped tightly to the arms.

  When the door of the trailer opened again I half expected him to re-enter for round two. My heart sunk when Babs appeared in front of me with a concerned look on her wrinkled face, “What on earth was that all about?”

  “As if you don’t know,” I sighed and placed my head in my hands. I didn’t much care that I might ruin my makeup. I was too wired to care.

  “Actually, I don’t. Perhaps you’d better explain yourself,” Babs dropped down onto the cushioned seat of the sofa and I could feel her watching me as I refused to lift my face to look at her, “Julia, what’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” I shook my head and straightened up, determining that it wasn’t worth going into. It would never happen again, so what did it matter anyway?

  My heart ached at the thought of if, but what could I do about it? Dean had just made it perfectly clear that he agreed with me on the fact that it had been a onetime thing. I certainly wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it and make a fool of myself.

  “Let’s head to the set,” I told Babs as I pushed myself to my feet. “Time to get this crap over with.”


  Chapter Ten


  “Seeing as the two of you couldn’t seem to play nicely yesterday, I thought we’d go for something a little less racy today,” Fred explained as he handed us our scripts. I looked down at the front page and read the words: park scene. My heart skipped a beat. I’d already read the script for the whole movie in my trailer over and over again. I knew the park scene by heart and I knew that I was still going to have to get up close and personal with my co-star. “Do you guys think you can handle that?”


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