Souls of Black Folk, The (Du Bois), 113, 194–95, 322
sovereign immunity, 374
Spalding, A. G., & Bros., 55
Spanish-American War, 55–60, 147
Spinney, George, 271
Spooner, John C., 205, 212, 213, 238–39, 244, 266–68
Springfield rifle. See under firearms
Standard Oil, 107, 276, 364–69
Starck, Fred, 36, 48, 72, 307, 354
Stead, William Thomas, 144
Stewart, Gilchrist
Brownsville investigation by, 183–86, 203, 230, 232–36, 256–57
Foraker and, 397
Roosevelt and, 136, 138, 139, 148, 183
Stokes, Richard Le Roy, 256–57
Storer, Bellamy, 126
Storer, Maria, 126
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 27, 160
Stratt, John N., 53
Straus, Oscar S., 156, 196, 281
Strong, William L., 124
Summer White House. See Sagamore Hill
Sumner, Charles, 27
Sumner, Samuel S., 57
Supreme Court, US
Brownsville lawsuit in, 349, 374–75
decisions of, 123, 180–81, 276, 346, 368–69, 388
justices of, 107, 154, 161, 167, 196, 197
Taft and, 163, 167–69, 173–74, 395
Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 194–95
Taft, Alphonso, 159–60
Taft, Charles, 328, 329, 363, 371–72
Taft, Helen “Nellie” (née Herron), 168–69, 172–75, 360
Taft, William Howard, 159–60, 163–64
Brownsville Incident and, 149, 209–10, 215, 239–40, 252, 289, 358–59
discharges suspended in, 144–47, 187, 231
early career of, 164–65, 167–68
election of 1908 and, 328–30, 336, 347–48, 359, 360
Foraker and, 164–65, 329–30, 361, 364, 367–68
in Philippines, 168–69, 172
as president, 19–20, 63, 282, 384, 391, 394–95
racial views of, 20–21
Roosevelt and, 147–49, 168, 172–75, 178, 395
as secretary of war, 76, 78, 130–31, 143–44, 172, 203, 311, 340
Supreme Court and, 163, 167–69, 173–74, 196, 395
“Talented Tenth,” 188, 191
Tate, Fred, 64, 96, 354
Teller, Henry M., 213, 215
Tenth Cavalry, 51–53, 56, 58, 74, 228–29, 251
Terrell, Mary Church, 144–46, 148, 183, 187–88, 192, 195
Terrell, Robert H., 145, 322
Texas Rangers, 83. See also McDonald, William
Thomas, Kelly, 180
Thompson, Richard W., 134
Thorn, Charles H., 42
Thornbrough, Emma Lou, 286
Tillman, Ben, 149, 214, 228, 256, 260–64, 266, 382
Tillman, John. See Ruby Saloon
Tinsley, James, 232, 233
Tourgée, Albion W., 155
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 63
Treaty of Paris, 60
Treaty of Portsmouth, 109, 275
Trotter, William Monroe, 191–93, 226, 257, 321, 393
Truman, Harry, 390
trusts, 10, 107, 171–72, 276, 338, 365–69
Tuchman, Barbara, 108
Turner, Frederick Jackson, 32
Tuskegee Institute, 112–13, 116–17, 119, 191, 256
Tuskegee Machine, 112, 180, 183, 191–93, 222, 228, 321
Twain, Mark, 156, 218, 276–77
Twenty-Fifth Infantry
baseball played by, 53
bicycle corps of, 53–55
in Cuba, 55–59
discharge of, 106, 130, 140
discipline in, 62, 66, 72, 74, 141, 230, 301
exoneration of, 390
at Fort Brown, 63–64, 76–77, 83, 92
at Fort Niobrara, 61, 301, 303, 353
at Fort Reno, 101, 103, 128–30, 140–41, 183
in Philippines, 60–61, 390
presumed guilt of, 67, 70, 76, 86, 89–90, 103, 138, 233, 263, 399
reenlistment in, 235, 288–89, 383–84
refilling of, 143–44, 148, 253, 288, 390
revenge as motive of, 96, 102–3, 132, 209, 301, 307–8, 354
support for, 16, 24, 300–1, 352, 386–87, 396
in the West, 52–55
See also Brownsville Incident; discharge of soldiers in Brownsville Incident; silence, conspiracy of
Twenty-Fourth Infantry, 56, 74
Twenty-Sixth Infantry, 32, 64, 84, 100, 140–41, 301, 303–4, 405
Tyler, Ralph, 284–88
and Foraker, 15, 16, 133, 286–87, 340
and Myers, 15, 133, 314, 339–40
and Roosevelt, 16, 135, 286–87, 340
and Taft, 361
Washington and, 253, 340
Ulrich, Alfred, 392–32
Uncle Tom's Cabin (Stowe), 160
Underground Railroad, 160
University of Michigan, 43
University of Virginia, 77
Up from Slavery (Washington), 113
US Colored Troops (Civil War), 50, 73, 115
US Military Academy, 54, 73, 94, 229
USS Louisiana, 132, 147, 148
USS Maine, 55, 168
Vallandigham, Clement, 249
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 51, 320–21, 393, 398
Vorys, Arthur, 314, 330, 341, 363–64
voting. See civil rights; individual elections
Wagenknecht, Edward, 408
Walters, Everett, 311, 327, 328
Wanamaker, John, 124
War Department, 76–77, 81, 135–36, 172, 184, 272
Warner, William, 305, 381
War of 1812, 51, 124
Warren, Francis E.
in Senate, 196–97, 203, 205, 210–12, 215–16, 244, 299, 306, 381
in Wyoming, 131, 291–98
Washington, Booker T., 111–23
Brownsville Incident and, 133, 137, 142, 253
criticized, 137, 179, 180, 191–93
death of, 111–12, 393
Du Bois and, 12, 113, 188–90, 193–94, 253, 321–22, 392–93
influence of, 112–13, 121, 142–43, 287, 313–15, 320–22, 340–41, 361, 392–93
racial views of, 12, 111, 118–22, 153, 223, 226
Roosevelt and, 12, 26, 134, 151, 154–56, 222, 224–25, 272, 284, 392
Taft and, 143–44, 148, 392
See also Atlanta Compromise; Tuskegee Institute; Tuskegee Machine
Washington, Fanny, 111
Washington, George, 12, 18
Washington, Olivia (née Davidson), 117
Washington, Portia, 111
Washington Bee (newspaper), 23, 135, 136
Washington Post (newspaper), 133–34, 144, 230, 241–42, 251, 252, 261, 362
Weaver, John D., 92, 144, 206–7, 252, 390
Welch, Stanley, 85, 86, 88–89, 92, 98
Weller, H. H., 47
Wells, James, 89
West Point, 54, 73, 94, 229
Wetmore, J. Douglas, 98
White, William Allen, 174
White House, 11, 24, 155–56
Wilberforce University, 144
Williams, J. C., 332
Willis, Dorsie, 390–91
Wilson, Emanuel, 18
Wilson, Woodrow, 395, 398
Wolfe, Robert F., 285
Woodbridge, Francis, 319–20, 348
Wreford, Samuel P., 63, 69, 76
Wyoming. See under Warren, Francis E.
Yale Law School, 395
Yale University, 146, 156, 163, 167
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Taking on Theodore Roosevelt Page 64