Dear Gabby

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Dear Gabby Page 6

by Mary Suzanne

  "She lives about twenty miles from here. For some reason, she chose the most remote place to build a home. There aren't any neighbors to speak of for miles."

  "It is beautiful, with all the trees and wild flowers,” Gabby’s glanced over to the edge of the highway. "This looks a little scary to me, though." Her gaze traveled to the edge of the road where she noticed a drop off into a deep ravine. "If a person happened to go over the side in an accident, no one would find them for days."

  "I've traveled this road many times, so don't look so frightened.”

  The twenty miles seemed to go on forever. She was about to give up on ever reaching his aunt’s home when a clearing appeared in the distance.

  Chapter Eight

  Gabby glanced at the elegant home at the end of the driveway. Flowers lined the front walk and trailing vines cascaded down one side of the house making a person believe it was a lush tropical garden. The house looked so peaceful and serene, sitting majestically alone in the wooded area.

  "I guess it's time to let my aunt know we're here."

  Gabby walked with Cole to the front entrance and stood quietly near him while he rang the bell. On the point of giving up hope that anyone was at home, the door opened. The graying, middle-aged woman stood looking out at them.

  "Cole, what are you doing here?" She went into his arms for a hug. "I haven't seen you in months. No I take that back, it's been years."

  A strange look covered the woman's face, but Gabby wasn’t at all certain what to make of it. Cole had said she had peculiar traits. Maybe this was one of the traits he had referred to.

  "It hasn’t been years, Aunt Meredith," he told her, releasing her. "I've brought someone with me to meet you."

  He turned and drew Gabby closer, keeping his arm tight around her slender waist. "This is Gabby Fallon and this is Aunt Meredith."

  "Well, hello, dear, it's such a pleasure to have company." His aunt reached for Gabby's hand. "Where are my manners? Come in and have some tea with me."

  Gabby and Cole walked with her through a long hallway into a room that led off onto a patio. Table and chairs filled the space in the middle of the rose-covered area. Gabby took a deep breath and thought how refreshing the air smelled in the early morning. Everything seemed so alive after living in the crowded city of Chicago.

  Without saying a word, Meredith walked off and left them standing in the sunlit patio. Gabby watched her bustling off to another room and disappearing down a hallway. She hadn't told them if she intended to get the tea, or to sit down, but Cole only smiled as he pulled a chair out for Gabby.

  "See what I told you about overlooking some of the things she does. My guess is she's making us a pot of tea about now and forgot to mention it." A deep chuckle followed his statement. “Let’s go wash up before she comes back.”

  Sure enough, within five minutes, his aunt walked in carrying a tray laden with a teapot, cups and cream and sugar. Small biscuits and jelly filled the plate at the center of the tray. She placed it on the table and pulled out a chair.

  "Now, tell me, what you're doing in California?" Meredith poured the tea, without glancing up.

  "I've flown out to try and find Samantha," he came straight to the point. "Has she been here, Aunt Meredith?"

  "Yes, she stopped a couple of days ago. Or was it last week? I'm not at all certain." She frowned.

  "Did she say where she was going?" Cole sat forward on his chair when he had heard Samantha had been there and gone already.

  "Let me see," she said thoughtfully. "She did say something about driving down the coast to see a friend."

  "What is her friend's name?" Cole urged her along, trying to find out all the information he could.

  "You know, I can't remember, but maybe it will come to me later,” she said in an offhand tone.

  Gabby glanced at Cole and noticed the impatient look covering his features. He didn't let his emotions show in his voice as he tried again. "See if you can remember, Aunt Meredith, it's very important to me,” he said, trying once again to jog her memory.

  A thoughtful expression lined Meredith's face as she attempted to recall what Samantha had told her. Suddenly, her eyes lit up as she glanced across at them. "Now, I remember.”

  "What is it?" Cole asked, his brows rising.

  "The last name was Cane, because Samantha told me her friend's nickname was Sugar Cane. I believe her first name is Teri, or maybe Cari, I'm not at all sure. She only mentioned it once to me, but I believe the name is right.”

  Well, at least Cole had managed to get this much out of her, Gabby thought silently. If they looked through the telephone books at the towns along the coastline, they may find the name listed in one.

  "Is there any chance you might remember the name of the town?"

  Meredith drank her tea and shook her head slowly. "No, I can't remember the name.”

  Cole reached over and placed his hand over hers, squeezing it gently. "You've helped us a lot already. We'll start this afternoon and drive down the coast until we find her."

  "Aren't you staying to dinner?" She sat forward in her chair. "I'll make sure Katherine sets two more places, if you are."

  "No, but we're coming back to visit you before we catch a flight home.”

  Meredith glanced across at Gabby. "Are you Cole's new girlfriend?” She asked with interest. “Sometimes, I can't seem to keep up with all the women he dates."

  "No, I'm not his girlfriend," Gabby quickly denied her question. "I'm just a friend."

  She didn't miss the narrow look Cole gave her after hearing her answer to his aunt. His aunt's words had upset Gabby, but she put a bright smile on her face as she glanced at the other woman.

  His aunt was aware of Cole’s social life, and the miles separating California from Chicago, didn’t stop her from keeping informed about his penchant for women.

  “How do you know Cole?"

  Gabby didn't say anything for several seconds, not really knowing how she should answer. Meredith had put her on the spot, and she fidgeted nervously. How could she tell her the circumstances behind their meeting?

  "We both work at newspapers and have the same interests,” Gabby explained softly, not meeting Meredith's inquisitive look.

  "Yes," Cole agreed. "Gabby works at the newspaper across town from mine, and we met unexpectedly and find we get along well." He gave her a sly smile, followed by a wink. She could feel her face flushing, but she felt grateful he'd backed up her story.

  "I'm happy to see you're finally settling down, Cole," she rattled on, preoccupied with pouring more tea. It was as if she hadn't even heard Gabby's denial that they were anything more than friends. Cole glanced at Gabby and a half smile lifted the corners of his mouth. To Gabby's way of thinking, his aunt already had them married off.

  After finishing the tea, Cole stood. "We're going to leave, Aunt Meredith, but we'll be back to visit in the next day or two."

  "You're leaving so soon?" She glanced up with the look of disappointment showing across her lined features.

  "It was a pleasure meeting you, Meredith," Gabby said, reaching across and shaking her hand.

  "Call me Aunt Meredith, since you'll soon be a part of the family." Meredith walked around the table and reached up to kiss Gabby’s cheek. "Take care of her, Cole, or you'll hear from me."

  "I will," he promised, kissing the powdered cheek offered to him by his aunt.

  After several goodbyes, they walked together to the driveway. Once settled in the car, Gabby glanced across at Cole. She saw a smile still lined his face over his aunt's words.

  "She certainly is straight forward," Gabby commented softly, but Cole heard her statement.

  "I'll have to agree with you on that deduction,” he chuckled. "Keep on the lookout for a convenience store along the highway.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Gabby saw one next to a service station. "There's one, Cole.”

  Cole swung the car around and pulled over next to it. He got out, w
alked over to the glass enclosed shelter, and stepped inside. Gabby watched him thumb through the thick pages of a phone book before closing it.

  When he got back in the car, he shrugged. "No luck so far, but, Aunt Meredith may have given us the wrong information to go by. I hope she was thinking more clearly today and got some of it straight."

  "We'll just have to drive to the next town,” Gabby agreed, sitting back in her seat.

  They drove for several hours and still couldn't find any clues to the name Meredith had given them. "Let’s quit for the day and start early in the morning,” Cole told her.

  She nodded and prepared for the long drive back to their hotel. Even if they didn’t have any luck in finding Samantha, she was enjoying being with Cole and exploring the state of California. With so many sights to see, she kept her eyes glued to the scenery.

  When they drove into the parking garage, Gabby wondered how they were going to spend the rest of their evening. It was only six o'clock and still too early for bed. Her muscles felt cramped and sore from sitting all day in the car, and she needed a little exercise. Maybe a walk after dinner would help relieve the stiffness.

  They made their way toward their rooms. Cole stopped before she could enter hers. "I'll be over in about an hour.”

  "What for?" She gave him a curious look.

  "We're going out to eat tonight." He reached in his pocket for his room key, but turned and looked over his shoulder before entering. "Why don't you wear your black dress?"

  Shock that he remembered it filled her; she struggled briefly and then quickly regained her composure. She nodded in agreement. So, the dress had made an impression on him. Some men didn’t even notice what color of clothing a woman wore.

  She entered her room and walked straight to the bathroom to run her bath water. She hadn't been going to bring the dress with her, but at the last minute, Cole mentioned that they would be going out to dinner while staying at the hotel.

  She showered and wrapped a towel around her heading for her case on the bed. After pulling the dress on, she applied her makeup and brushed her hair just before a knock sounded on the door.

  Chapter Nine

  Cole’s blue suit, white shirt, and dark tie brought out the bronze coloring of his skin. Handsome was the key word to his appearance. Gabby's breath caught in her throat. She had come to find that she had the same reaction every time she saw him. When she looked into his face, she saw a light filling his dark eyes.

  "You look beautiful."

  "Thank you.” She glanced at the small box that he carried and opened, revealing a cluster of red roses arranged onto a wrist corsage. He took the delicate blooms from the bed of tissue and slipped the corsage on her wrist.

  She couldn’t help noticing red roses were his favorite flowers. She didn’t have any doubts now that he had been the one to send them to her at the office. “Thank you.”

  "You’re welcome,” he said, cupping her waist with his hand as they walked toward the elevator.

  When they reached the main lobby, he led the way to the parking garage and walked her to his car. Cole made his way around to the passenger side and held the door for her.

  Leaving the garage, he drove through the busy streets and pulled onto the lot of a fancy restaurant and entered. Only minutes passed before a hostess met them and led the way to their table. Gabby looked at the secluded table hidden by potted plants and trailing long vines and wondered if Cole had requested the private setting when he’d made the reservation.

  The place was certainly fancy, Gabby thought silently. On her many dates with Marty, he had never taken her to such an upscale restaurant. While she looked around, a flash of red coloring caught the corner of her eye. She glanced around and saw a woman wearing a red dress weaving her way toward their table.

  "Cole, darling, it’s been a while," she said once she reached them.

  Hearing the flirtatious sound in her voice brought a sick feeling to Gabby’s stomach. Gabby had to admit one thing. Their unexpected guest was a real beauty. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back in a fashionable style and brought out her big blue eyes, fringed with long, dark lashes. Sexy was the adjective coming to Gabby’s mind in describing the woman.

  She leaned forward and planted a warm kiss on Cole's lips, ignoring Gabby’s quiet figure. Gabby held her breath because the front of her dress looked ready to fall and expose everything she owned.

  “I've been keeping busy, Cindy.* What have you been up to?" Cole stood.

  "Waiting to hear from you," she pouted. "You promised you'd call me last month, but I'm still waiting."

  Cole didn't answer over why he hadn't contacted her. He reached across and placed his hand on Gabby’s shoulder. "Cindy, this is Gabby Fallon. Cindy Marshall's a friend of mine."

  Gabby noticed how he placed emphasis on the word friend. There was no way in the world Cindy missed it. She finally gave Gabby a closer look and a frown suddenly covered her smooth face. “Is this the one who’s been keeping you so busy?”

  “Yes, we’ve been seeing each other,” Cole replied evasively. “Would you like to join us?”

  Why had he said that they were seeing each other? Gabby thought that he might want Cindy to get the impression he wasn’t available anymore. Was he using her to ward off any more of Cindy’s romantic notions toward him?

  “No, I have people waiting for me. I should be getting back…," she eventually murmured, turning to look at Cole again. “The group will wonder what’s keeping me so long.”

  "I'll see you later."

  "Is she another one of your girlfriends?" Gabby followed the blonde’s progress across the room.

  "You sound jealous. Are you, Gabby?" A long pause followed his question.

  "Why would I be jealous?" She hid her jealousy well. Jealousy gripped her insides with a tight hold and she couldn't do anything to relieve the emotional pressure building in her. She wished she could take back her earlier words.

  "Maybe I was hoping that you could be just a little,” he said, in a low husky voice. "I guess I've been imagining things in our relationship."

  "I suppose you have.” She answered in what she hoped was an even tone. The arrival of the waitress caused Cole to drop the subject and bought Gabby a little time to settle her nerves. She sighed softly, because she'd almost given herself away. She would have to put a stop to the way she always voiced her personal thoughts and try to make sure she kept her emotions more under control.

  Throughout dinner, they talked about what they were going to do the next day in their search for Samantha. Not one time did Cole bring up their earlier discussion over the jealousy situation, putting Gabby more at ease.

  After finishing their meal Cole drove across town to the hotel. Cole stood outside her room gazing into her eyes before reaching for her. All sensible thoughts left her mind and she went willingly into his arms. Cole maneuvered her through the open door and used his foot to push it closed.

  She felt his tongue invading her mouth, sending her body into a tumult of sensations. Putting her arms around his neck, she pulled him closer to her, wanting to feel the warmth of his body. All her decisions to reject any intimacy left her. She couldn’t resist experiencing his tantalizing kisses and caresses.

  Cole removed her dress, panties and bra before slipping the corsage off her wrist. She watched as he began shedding his own clothing and stood before her in an au natural state.

  Gabby felt on fire for him, loving the sensations whipping through her body. She knew she wanted him and could hardly wait for his possession. He claimed a spot near her on the bed and softly stroked her breasts as he continued to cover her mouth with hungry kisses. She moaned softly, her mind drifting to a point of no return.

  Cole's hands slid across her smooth body, causing desire to flare even hotter in her. She boldly let her fingers trail his chest until reaching his narrow hips. Pulling gently, she felt their warm bodies touching in a heated explosion. Her hands moved again, touching the solid muscled l
eg covered with dark hair. Delight raced through her, making her hands roam wherever they wanted to go. This gave her the chance to discover every inch of his body.

  He reciprocated by moving his mouth down her body kissing all the new territory he came to. In his discovery quest, he reached her silky folds and his mouth seized her clitoris. When he inserted his finger into her heat, she moved her hips forward to accept him fully.

  Tingling flashes of fire ripped through her body. She felt as if her mind was in a cloud of ecstasy as she enjoyed his continuous tongue capture. A strong climax suddenly erupted through her. She groaned her pleasure causing Cole to delight her with his tongue taking the place of his finger in her heated core. When a second climax tore through her, she shuddered at its intensity.

  Eventually, she moved slightly letting him know she wanted to show him pleasure, the same as he had shown her. Her tongue licked a path across his bronzed chest until reaching his hard cock raised with desire for her. She captured his junk in her mouth and tantalized him with back and forth motions. Instead of Gabby groaning this time, she could hear the husky moan of Cole. Just on the point of Cole climaxing, he reached for her and brought her up toward him.

  Gabby was so impatient for his possession, she straddled his body and felt his cock sliding easily into her pussy. She began moving backward and forward, feeling his hips matching her strokes. The ride she took him on pleased him and she could tell by the expression on his face.

  Suddenly, she felt a spasm enter her body and a heated climax followed causing her to shudder uncontrollably with its powerful force. It wasn’t long before she felt Cole erupting and his hot juice filling her. She continued riding him until she felt the last drop of cum entering her pink slit.

  Bending forward, her mouth found his lips, sealing them with her own lips as she tasted and savored their sweetness. The kiss was so passionate, she felt Cole getting hard for the second time in a matter of minutes.


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