Dear Gabby

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Dear Gabby Page 8

by Mary Suzanne

  Glancing in the top drawer of the bureau, she found a family album beneath a stack of books. She picked it up and carried it over to the bed. Slowly, she turned the pages and gazed at the pictures inside. She didn't have a doubt that the little boy with dark hair in the picture was Cole. He could have been six or seven years old at the time, standing with a stringer of fish near a lake. Lifting the picture, she read what was on the back of it. Sure enough, she'd been right.

  It was Cole on a fishing trip and someone had snapped his picture. By the date on the photo and his age marked on the back, she calculated what his age was now. She'd been right about how old he was. Thirty-two.

  The other pictures were of family members that Gabby didn’t know. She thought she saw one of Samantha, but she couldn’t be sure. She sat for a long time thumbing through the thick album, until she felt tired. Glancing again at the clock, she saw that it was only ten. This was the first time she had been to bed by ten in years.

  After undressing, she removed her pajamas from her luggage and put them on. Once she crawled beneath the cover, Gabby reached around and plumped up her pillow before settling into a more comfortable position.

  Everything was quiet in the house. Just on the point of sleep, Gabby heard a light knock on her door. She quickly got out of bed and hurried across the room to answer.

  When she opened the door, she found Cole standing in the hallway. “Do you care if I come in?”

  “Of course not.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I had to talk to you before going to bed.” .

  “Is it about Samantha?”

  “Yes.” He shook his head. “If you wouldn’t mind, maybe you could talk to her tomorrow and find out what plans she’s made. It seems she doesn’t want to confide in me. I get the feeling she’s keeping something to herself. She just might talk to you.”

  Gabby thought about what he had just said. She didn’t have any idea what was going on in Samantha’s head, but she felt she had to try to help solve his sister’s problem. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “I’d really appreciate it.” He moved slowly across to where she stood.

  For the longest time, he looked down into her face. The seconds turned into minutes and he still didn’t speak. Without a hint to his intentions, he reached for her and cradled her close in his arms. Gabby didn’t miss the burning light radiating from his eyes.

  When his lips slowly moved downward, Gabby didn’t even think about resisting him. She cradled his head with her hands feeling a rapturous sensation racing through her over the havoc his lips created on hers.

  Gently, lowering her to the bed, it didn’t take him long to join her. The only light in the room was a pink glow from the lone lamp near the bed. Gabby didn’t stop to think how she’d feel later about going so willingly into his arms. She only felt this burning desire rising in her for Cole to appease her with his lovemaking.

  He removed her pajamas easily. Gabby lay across the bed, fully nude, and watched Cole remove his clothing. When he lay down beside her, the familiar excitement stirred in her looking at his muscular body. Her hands moved compulsively across his chest. She rained kisses on the spots she didn’t touch with her fingers.

  Her mouth started a downward descent reaching his stomach and following through until reaching his swollen cock. Again, she wanted to give him pleasure. Her mouth closed over his junk and she moved her mouth back and forth filling her throat. She kept up the strokes until she felt him reaching for her and drawing her head up to his again.

  His lips pressed firmly to the hollow in her throat, with his tongue flicking away at the fast beating pulse tapping just beneath her smooth skin. Moving with a purpose, he started down her body until reaching her heated pussy. He spread her legs just a little wider to receive him. The strokes of his tongue set her on fire with wanting. She needed him desperately in that moment and didn’t give another thought to denying herself the enjoyment of Cole’s possession. All she wanted was to experience his lovemaking one more time knowing he would be out of her life once they reached Chicago.

  He moved across her body again, licking a trail upward toward her peaked nipples. When his lips covered first one hungrily, he moved to the other. Her body shuddered with desire for him. Her urging brought him closer to her and she felt him mount her. In the next few moments, she experienced pleasure over his possession.

  For several seconds, she could see the look of delight lighting his eyes. He watched the rapture lining her face at his entry. His strokes began slowly, but soon sped up as passion mounted between them like a burning fire. Gabby matched his strokes, raising her hips to accept what he offered her. Their frenzied lovemaking knew no bounds that night. Each gave to the other, pleasing and satisfying their needs.

  Suddenly, an eruption, so exhilarating, quaked through her body, feeling like an explosion that rocked her senses. She could feel the same eruption going through Cole spewing hot cum into her. Continuing to lie on top of her, Cole didn’t seem to be in any hurry to break his tie with her. In that moment, Gabby felt as if they were one, with the continued closeness in which he held her to him.

  Eventually, he rolled on his side, but he continued to snuggle her. Raining kisses along her throat, his lips found her mouth. When he captured her lips again, thrill after thrill shot through her.

  Before they could continue in satisfying each other, a noise sounded outside her bedroom door. Gabby caught Cole’s gaze with her own. He put his finger up to his lips and slowly slipped from the bed. She lay, watching how he dressed quickly before leaning over her.

  “I’m going to go out the balcony window to my room,” he whispered to her.

  Gabby nodded her head. She watched him opening the door and within a matter of seconds, he disappeared into the night.

  When they had first arrived at his aunt’s home, Gabby had noticed the second story balcony, but she hadn’t given it a thought that you could get from one room to the next. Whoever was outside her bedroom door must have left.

  Gabby walked into the bathroom and showered. When she returned to her room, she put her pajamas back on and crawled into bed. She lay for a while listening to the rustling sound of the wind blowing through the trees outside. A contented feeling enveloped her over the way Cole had made such passionate love to her. On the point of going to sleep, she heard a light tap on her door.

  Gabby made her way across the room and pulled the door open expecting to see Cole again. She was surprised to see Samantha gazing in at her, looking pale and exhausted. She reached out and took the young woman's arm, encouraging her into the room.

  "What is it, Samantha?" Gabby immediately noticed the distress filling her eyes. "Aren't you feeling well?"

  "No, I’m feeling all right, but I need someone to talk to.” Following Gabby into the room, Samantha claimed a chair next to the bed. "I've tried talking to Cole, but he doesn't seem to understand. I can't tell him what's really bothering me.”

  "I thought you and Cole had made an effort to straighten out your differences this afternoon," Gabby said soothingly, placing her hand on Samantha's trembling shoulder. That had to be the reason Cole had asked her earlier to talk to Samantha.

  "Not really,” Samantha sniffed. "I have no one else to turn to, but you." Another loud sniff filled the room.

  Gabby reached for a tissue and handed it to Samantha. "I did notice the strain at the dinner table. That's the reason I came up to my room so early."

  She felt sympathy for Samantha, but she wasn't sure whether she wanted to become embroiled in another heated dispute with Cole. Hadn't she already given too much advice to his sister?

  "You were aware of it, too? Even Aunt Meredith sensed something and she's usually in a world all her own."

  "You can tell me anything and I'll keep it strictly confidential,” Gabby reassured her. "I want to explain something to you first. There's a reason I helped Cole search for you. I thought something had happened to you, after I'd given you advice. If I'd kno
wn you were safe, I would have had second thoughts about coming with him to California."

  Gabby didn't know if her statement was entirely true. She probably would have wanted to come with him any way, after discovering she loved him. The more she thought about it, the more she knew she would have followed him anywhere.

  "I trust you, Gabby," Samantha said, calmer than when she had first arrived at her door. "It's Cole who won't listen to reason. I can't tell him the whole truth, because I don't know what his reaction would be." Samantha twisted her hands nervously in her lap, again showing the depths of her upset.

  Gabby felt puzzled listening to her. What was the whole truth Samantha kept talking about?

  "Now you have me really confused. I thought it only had to do with you canceling your wedding plans and leaving.”

  "That was the main reason, but there’s much more," she sighed heavily and stopped long enough to take a deep breath. "Are you certain you won’t tell Cole I talked to you?"

  Gabby felt even more confused. Things were more complicated than she had first believed. She needed her help and she planned to give it to her, no matter what the results was.

  "You can trust me, Samantha. I'll not breathe a word to Cole if you want to keep it from him."

  "You don't know how much I do. If I can straighten my life out before he finds out, he can't do anything about it."

  "Go ahead, I'm listening," she urged.

  "I'm not pregnant by Michael," she stated in a soft tone, reaching down to brush her hand tenderly across her still flat stomach.

  "But, I thought you were engaged to be married to Michael,” Gabby said, in astonishment. "Whose child are you carrying?"

  "I've never slept with Michael in all the months of our engagement,” she confessed quietly. “That was one of the things that bothered me about him. He didn’t show any passion or desire. We behave more like a brother and sister in our relationship." A faraway look appeared in her eyes.

  "You never did say who the other man is in your life.”

  "His name's Paul Sinclair and he’s an artist." A dreamy look filled her expression after mentioning his name.

  "Does he know about the child?"

  "I haven't had a chance to tell him yet, but I'm certain he'll be happy. When I found out I was pregnant, I wrote to you and you gave me the solution. Get away, you said, and think things over. That was what I was trying to do when Cole found me." A heavy sigh escaped her lips.

  "Well, have you had enough time to figure out what you want to do?" Gabby prompted her to go on.

  "Oh, yes.” A look of determination spread across her face. This reminded Gabby of Cole last night when she'd noticed the same expression on his face. "I love Paul and I know he loves me. You have to believe me when I say I didn't mean to fall in love with Paul. It happened and we can't change things."

  "How did you meet him?" Gabby realized what a strain Samantha must have been under leading a double life and keeping everything a secret from Michael.

  "Paul did a painting of me for my parents home and one thing led to another…," her words drifted off into silence.

  "How are you going to get to Paul to tell him about the baby? Surely, Cole will want to accompany you to New York until your safely back with Michael."

  "Would you help me, Gabby?" She asked in a pleading tone.

  "What can I do?" A perplexed look filled Gabby's features. Cole would be furious and could feel she had deceived him if he had even an inkling of their conversation. Gabby knew by helping Samantha that she was giving up any chance of any relationship with Cole in the future. Thinking it over, she didn't have much of a relationship with him, except the search for Samantha, and the two nights she'd spent in his arms making love. The nights of passion would only be a memory for her, but she planned to savor every moment of them. Once they reached Chicago, she would probably never see him again, though she loved him with a stirring passion.

  "Help me get away tonight after Cole goes to bed. If you do, I'll be indebted to you for life."

  "I'll do whatever I can to help you. But we should leave a note for Cole explaining that you'll be all right and not to worry."

  "Are you leaving, too?" Samantha gave her a surprised look.

  "I feel it would be the right thing to do under the circumstances. Do you have a car to drive?"

  "Yes, I rented one at the airport when I arrived."

  "We'll wait until we’re certain everyone is asleep before leaving. Make sure you're very quiet when you take your luggage to the car. Let's see, it's a little after eleven, so I'll meet you if everything's quiet at midnight."

  "Thanks, Gabby, for all your help." Samantha reached over and hugged her.

  Gabby nodded her head and watched Samantha walk across the room. When the door closed behind her, she wondered silently if she was going too far in helping her again. This was not the time to change her mind now, since she had already given Samantha her word.

  She got up and walked over to her suitcase. Removing a pair of jeans and a blouse, she dressed and gathered her remaining clothing, placing everything in the case. She glanced at the clock on the dresser and noticed it was eleven-thirty. She reached up and rubbed her neck to ease the tension that suddenly ached through it.

  Maybe she was a romantic. Cole had mentioned this about her on the plane. She only knew she loved a successful conclusion and she wanted this for Samantha above her own happiness. Eventually, the hands on the clock reached midnight. Gabby lifted her suitcase and felt like a thief in the night. She tiptoed down the staircase.

  Reaching the bottom of the stairway, Gabby glanced around and didn't notice anyone about. She heard the soft footsteps of someone and stood frozen. Surely, Cole hadn’t gotten up for something. Turning her head, she saw Samantha walking toward her.

  Samantha didn't say a word, but nodded her head in the direction of the patio. Gabby followed her through the rose garden and out a gate toward the garage. When they were in the car, Samantha drove toward the long, winding road without putting on her headlights. After reaching the safety of the highway, she turned them on.

  "I hope Cole isn't too angry with me," Samantha said in a worried tone.

  "I'm sure he'll see reason when he finds out the real truth. I've only known Cole for a short time, but I know he felt very worried about you."

  By two o'clock, they were in the airport, waiting for their flights to leave. Gabby's eyes would stray nervously to the entrance of the terminal whenever someone would walk through the door. There was always the chance that Cole may have awakened and was on route to the airport after reading Samantha's note. By the time they were ready to board the plane, Gabby felt a nervous wreck.

  Before going their separate ways, Gabby hugged Samantha close. "I want to wish you all the luck in the world. Try to have a happy life, even if you have to go against Cole's wishes."

  "Thank you so much for being there when I needed someone. I can never repay you for what you've done for me." A teary-eyed Samantha kissed her cheek before turning to leave.

  On the flight home, Gabby had doubts over what she had done. Surely, Cole couldn't condemn her after hearing the circumstances behind Samantha leaving again. When it came to Samantha, he was a very protective brother.

  When Gabby's flight landed in Chicago, she hailed a cab and gave the driver her address. He drove toward her apartment building and reached it with dawn lighting the sky. She paid her fare and tiredly reached for her luggage. All she wanted to do was to go to bed. The events of the last two days had taken a toll on her and she climbed the stairs to her apartment in a weary state.

  After unlocking the door, she walked into the living room and turned on her answering machine. Cole's voice coming through the little black box didn’t surprise her. She had expected it. Anger filled his voice and Gabby shuddered listening to him. He explained how he'd found the note and held Gabby responsible for helping his sister. He added that when he returned to Chicago, he would meet with her for a long talk. An im
patient sigh followed his statement as the recorded message ended.

  Well, so much for wondering what his reaction was going to be. Now she knew there wasn’t any chance of patching things up with Cole. He would likely instigate the lawsuit again. If he did, she would resign her position at the newspaper.

  She thought about the last two days and knew she would always have the time she’d spent with Cole in her memories. Again, their nights of passion seemed almost like a dream to her, but she knew she would savor the dream for the rest of her life. She shrugged her shoulders helplessly and made her way into her bedroom. After undressing for bed, she slept blocking out the angry and impatient words of Cole that she had heard a few minutes ago.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gabby didn’t leave her apartment the next day hoping Cole would call and she could explain her part in why Samantha left California.

  Gabby figured Samantha was in New York with Paul and had her personal life sorted out. Once Paul discovered that Samantha carried his child, he would marry her before Cole found out about their plans. She wished she could find some way to call and find out what was happening.

  It was late in the afternoon when Gabby gave up any hope of Cole calling her back. The minutes had dragged into hours without the telephone ringing. She accepted the fact that he wouldn’t contact her. Her relationship was over with Coler.


  Gabby arrived at work the next morning feeling depressed over the way her life was turning out. She'd almost had to push herself to get up and get ready. Driving across the city was the hard part. Everything still revolved around her memories of Cole.

  She greeted Emma halfheartedly and her co-worker noticed her mood instantly. "How did your assignment go this weekend?" She chewed on the end of her pen, letting her shrewd gray eyes watch Gabby.

  "Not like I thought it should." She knew she had to keep the circumstances behind her trip a secret. "Do you know if Joe's in his office?”


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