Dark Feather: A Dark Post Apocalyptic Romance

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Dark Feather: A Dark Post Apocalyptic Romance Page 12

by Hensley,Alta

  “Do you think I’m an awful person?” I looked at the feathers on my wrist. “I’m a Penna. I’m ruthless, heartless, cruel.”

  “Maybe you were. And maybe you still hold those deep inside of you. But I’m happy for that. It is what makes you strong. It is what makes me know you can go to battle and come out alive. I don’t want you to lose that part of you.”

  “But you said I should find submission and softness.”

  “To me. And you have. I love that part of you as well, my dark feather. I love everything and all that you are.”

  “I killed my father,” I whispered.

  “Yes, but was he really your father? Did he love you?”

  I shook my head. “No, I told you. Penna aren’t allowed to love.”

  “Then he was nothing more than an enemy in battle. He was simply your first kill of many.” Rigby leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips. “But I hope to end the killing soon. I want to give you so much more. You deserve so much more.”

  “Will that day ever come?”

  He sighed. “Maybe not in our lifetime, but someday. It has to. Humanity has to step in sometime and take over.”

  Chapter Twelve

  War, death, and more death. It had been going on relentlessly for three weeks now. We had bodies piled up and no time to bury them. I hurried up the windward side of the ridge and felt a striking chill billow against my aching back. In the distance, the sun began to set, beginning the formation of the dark-dusk sky. Instinctively, I raised my arm across my face to shield the white-hot glare from blinding my eyes. Somewhere out there, Rigby swung his sword into the hearts of our enemy. I drew my hands into my chest, clutching my fingers tightly to try to ease my nerves, wanting desperately to be out in the thick of it.

  I wanted to draw my bow and fire off arrows into the men who reveled in the slaughter of innocent people. I didn’t expect miracles. In fact, I was prepared for the worst, but secretly I hoped each of Rigby’s men would return in one piece.

  The pain deep in my leg was not anywhere as debilitating as standing alone, helpless and far away from the war front. Only a few remained at camp. Most were fighting this war. There I stood; my fingers trembling with anticipation, each passing second stretching like a lifetime, further filling my terrified soul with dread. A small voice within me whispered that he was definitely alive, that he would come as he’d promised. But it would only be drowned out by the far louder one in my head shouting at me to leave and find him myself. Yet the memory of my last spanking and submission to him played heavily in my decision to stay.

  Word came back that the battle had been won in our favor. Yes, we had won, but at what cost? I uttered a silent, pleading prayer for just one more glimpse of his face before he was stolen from me. Then a thought came to me. How long could we keep up the fight before Rigby was eventually killed? Maybe I would die first, or we would die in the same battle. But regardless, we would die. How many soldiers would Cyan sacrifice before realizing this war has no end? There could be no happy ending for us; I knew this to be the truth. Not here, not in this subzero world.

  A sound in the distance brought me back to reality, and I turned to lay my eyes upon a tall figure emerging from the rolling hills of snow and ice. My heart skipped a beat as anticipation filled me, my breath catching in my throat as I waited to see if it would be my true love returning to me, or only my mind playing some terrible trick. Rigby and his men were marching now— heading right towards me, and I raced down the ridge to finally give my warriors a warm welcome home.

  His face was weary, and there were deep circles beneath his dark eyes. He looked very much the part of an exhausted man, rather than that of a weary warrior. He looked broken, almost defeated. And yet, when our eyes met, the pain that had filled his gaze melted away. Neither of us moved for what seemed an eternity, as if both believing the other to be a dream, a mirage conjured up by a tired mind to soothe the tormented soul. He was the first to break the silent stillness that seemed to encompass us like a heavy blanket.

  “Tudor…” My name bubbled from his lips like the most precious of secrets, his lengthy stride closing the distance between us, and bringing his arms to snatch me up in the warmth of his embrace. The rest of the soldiers marched past us silently, allowing us to reunite in private.

  As the days had passed and turned into weeks, fear had planted a seed of doubt within my heart, I had begun to believe Rigby dead. I did not speak, but the joy I felt shimmered in my eyes, spilling down my cheeks in crystal droplets, soon to be wiped away by dirty fingers from his calloused hands.

  “I thought I had lost you.” My voice was barely a whisper above the gentle breeze that blew my hair over one cheek. I gripped what remained of his tattered shirt, fingertips smoothing over ancient scars that littered his pale and battered flesh.

  “It was a hard and costly battle, but the thought of breaking your heart kept me alive.” His fingers, stained with blood and dirt, slid over my cheek as his lips met mine in the most tender of kisses. Passionate, fulfilling, perfect. The pain of war, of loss, of defeat—nothing could break his spirit while I still lived. Hope had carried him back to me. When finally our lips parted, there was nothing to be found between us but smiles and warmth, compassion and understanding passing through the depth of our gaze.

  “You look exhausted,” I told him, brushing the snowflakes off his brow.

  Rigby pulled me in, kissed me on the forehead, and answered, “I am alive, and for now, that is all that matters.” He pointed at my bandaged leg. “Is it healing any better?” he asked in that intolerably protective tone.

  “My leg is fine. It’s the best it’s going to get,” I reassured him. “And you and I both know I am not doing anyone any favors standing on the sidelines. I should have been fighting right beside you.”

  He looked down at me. Even worse, he looked right through me, utterly perplexed that I’d even make such a statement. “We are not going to debate this.”

  I bristled from within. Was I just not to have any say in the matter? Should I simply spread my legs right this second and reserve myself to being Rigby’s kept concubine?

  “Whenever I give you any command, it’s your cue to turn everything into a fight. You are a soldier. You take orders. Or do I need to remind you of that with the palm of my hand?”

  I took one look at him, eager to get him to listen. “But apparently I am not a soldier. Commanders don’t leave their best fighters off the battlefield.”

  “It is final, there is no use discussing it. You will not be changing my mind,” he replied, less politely this time.

  “You can’t keep me off the line!” I didn’t mean to pick a fight the minute of his return, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “I will spank you in front of all of these men if you continue to question my decision.”

  I fell silent and swiftly moved out of the way so he could pass and join the weary soldiers. Rigby reached for my arm and pulled me close as he headed to his tent. “Come with me.”

  I looked up into his eyes, trying to read if he was angry. Did he plan on spanking me? “Don’t be angry with me.”

  “I couldn’t possibly be angry with you after being apart for so long.” He led me to his tent and opened the flap. “But I do need to be alone with you.”

  In moments, he had removed all his weapons and his bloody, tattered clothes. I rushed off to find a bowl of water so I could clean the death from his body. Walking back into the tent, I found him naked and asleep on his fur pelt.

  I debated leaving him and letting him rest, but decided he needed to be free of any memories of the last battle. Dipping the cloth in the water, I began washing the grime off his body with the most tender of touches. He moaned softly but never opened his eyes.

  I washed every inch of his body but paused as I reached his sex. Even not aroused, his size seemed daunting. The thought of his cock inside me not only excited me, but it scared me at the same time. I rinsed the cloth and began to rub as gentl
y as I could, trying hard not to wake him. As I washed around his manhood, I watched in fascination as it grew and stiffened.

  I jumped and nearly spilled the dish of bloodied water when he asked, “Do you like what you see?”

  “I… I didn’t mean to wake you. I was just… I was just cleaning you up.” I placed the bowl down and tried to rise to my feet, but he grabbed hold of my wrist and pulled me close to him.

  “Kiss me,” he ordered in a gruff whisper.

  I followed his direction gladly. I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips against mine.

  “Remove your clothes,” he ordered again.

  I stood up and with as much grace as I could muster, removing each item swiftly.

  Rigby stretched out on the bed completely on his back, and rested his hands behind his head, clearly enjoying the display.

  “Stand before me.”

  I did so without protest.

  “Spin, and allow me to see that bottom of yours.”

  I did as he asked, turning my back to him.

  “Bend over so I can see you on full display.”

  I paused for a moment, but did as he asked.

  “Spread your cheeks for me. I want to see the bottom hole that I plan to claim.”

  My heart skipped, but I reached behind me and pulled apart the fleshy mounds of my ass. The cool breeze invading the most intimate of spots sent shivers down my spine. He said nothing for seconds, but it seemed like a lifetime. I remained in position, almost feeling his stare. Juices formed between my silky folds, and I was sure he could indeed see that, as well. I could smell my scent of need and wondered if he could smell it.

  I heard the motion of him getting out of bed. I remained in position, determined to stay that way until he gave the command to move. I could hear him rummaging through something, and fought the temptation to glance over.

  I jumped slightly when I felt his palm on my ass. “Keep them spread,” he directed. A cold liquid touched my hole, and I tensed and nearly let go of my hands. “I want to take you here. I want my cock buried in the depth of your bottom.”

  My heart beat so hard, I could feel the pulse in my temples. I swallowed back the lump in my throat, trying not to jerk up and run out of the tent. Panic mixed with a forbidden desire to have him do just as he pleased rumbled within me.

  He continued to spread the liquid all around my anus and pressed it past the puckered hole with his finger. He coated every inch of my rosebud, preparing it for entry.

  He moved me to the bed and pressed me down to lie on my stomach. “I will be gentle, but this will take some time for you to adjust. I need you to trust me, relax with my touch, and completely give me your submission. If you do so, you will find this highly pleasurable.”

  I nodded. I couldn’t have said anything if I tried. My breathing came in ragged pants, and my body hummed with a sensation I had never known.

  He lowered himself over my back and began to softly kiss the side of my neck, my shoulder, my earlobe—each kiss bestowing tingles to my sex. His erection pressed against the crease of my butt.

  “I’m scared,” I finally admitted.

  “I will take care of you. Just breathe and trust me.”

  “Will this hurt?” I asked, fearful of the unknown. With every spanking of late, Rigby had been putting his finger and sometimes two inside of me. He warned that he would one day claim my ass, and he was getting me prepared. It seemed that the day of the claiming had finally arrived.

  “A little. You will feel a bite of pain as my cock enters you. But as your little hole relaxes, it will allow me better entrance. You just have to relax the best you can.” He kissed my neck and nibbled my ear. “But the pleasure I give you will be worth the little bit of pain.”

  He reached down with his hand and guided his cock to my tight back entrance. Very slowly, and with so much control, he pressed the tip of his dick past the tight ring. He paused so I could get used to the initial shock.

  “Relax. Open yourself to me,” he purred in my ear, following the words with soft kisses to my neck.

  He pushed further, causing me to gasp. The bite, the stretch, the erotic feeling, all became too much. I shook my head. “You are too large for me to accept.”

  Rigby whispered in my ear, “Take a deep breath.” I did as he asked. “Take another one, and relax your muscles. You need to trust that once I am fully inside you, it will give you pleasure. Submit your fear, your tension, and your body to me.”

  He reached a hand around my front and found my clit. He circled his finger around, causing me to moan in delight. I focused my attention on the arousal his finger gave me and was able to ease the muscles of my anus. Doing so allowed his cock to press completely into my ass.

  “That’s it, my love,” he praised as he slowly pumped his length in and out. “Let me claim that ass of yours. Let me make you mine.”

  My bottom hole stretched to impossible levels, but my body heightened with each move of his cock. It was a different type of pleasure than when he gave me an orgasm before, but it was still pleasure.

  I had always stood on my own two feet with the strength of ten grown men. I had belonged to no one… until now. Having Rigby’s cock fill my ass and pump in and out gave me a sense of belonging. At that very moment, I was his. I had given myself completely.

  “I want to come in your ass,” he moaned.

  “Yes, yes!”

  His gentle thrusts became a little more aggressive. Each push went slightly deeper than before. Tingles in my ass became sparks of ecstasy. My dark channel pulsated around his cock and I screamed out his name.

  My sound of pleasure brought on a few more driving thrusts, and Rigby concluded the conquering with a roar. I could feel his shooting seed fill my hole.

  We rested on his bed for quite some time. I listened to his soft snores, knowing he’d used up whatever energy he had left. It took days to recover from battle, though many never had that luxury. I rested my head on his chest, combing my fingers through the black curls that coated it. There was a sense of contentment and safety lying within his arms. But something still bothered me. Would we lose each other in battle?

  Irritation bubbled within me at the thought of how Rigby limited my involvement. No doubt it was because of his fear of losing me; he would die to protect me, this I knew. But I was a soldier. I took pride in being one.

  He had declared I could not fight until my leg healed. But it was as healed as it would ever truly be in these conditions. Rigby was not open to even discussing it further. If I pressed on, I would be disciplined by his hand for sure.

  But suffice it to say, it was not over. The last battle, I had complied. But I knew—for the sake of Rigby—that something more must be done. I remembered something I had once been told. “The deep well is the beginning of all things.”

  Yes… the well. The Penna had a well… a deep one.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The snow of a recent storm came down hard as I rushed to a nearby snowmobile. I launched myself on its frosted seat and drove out into the night. The rich crystalline snow took on an opposite character in the dead of night. It twinkled spectacularly, like a million shining gems, in the sun. But at night, it seemed less magnificent, colder than ever.

  Acting on my own was not something I was trained to do. A good soldier followed commands, and there was no way Commander Rigby Moss would have approved of me sneaking off into the cloak of the night to attempt to execute what could very well be a suicide mission. No, when or if Rigby got wind of this, I would surely pay the price. I wouldn’t be able to claim I didn’t know, because I did. Yes, Rigby allowed me to fight, but only under his watch and by his side. Tonight, I was alone. And for that, I had no doubt in my mind that my punishment for such an act would be severe. Yet I felt I had no choice. I knew that if my plan worked, it could only be done by one person sneaking into Penna territory, and that person would need to be me.

  At a distance, I could see the Penna’s village, and my for
mer home, smoldering under the smog of dying fires. I stopped the snowmobile, closed my eyes briefly, and took a deep breath to give me courage. Visions of Rigby’s stern stare and warning looks haunted me, and I had to shake them away or lose focus of my mission. I was close enough now that I could walk the remaining distance, and hoped they wouldn’t hear my approach.

  Eventually, two men appeared on my left. Their voices were loud enough that I could hear their conversation.

  “Do you ever wonder why we keep fighting this war? I’ve heard rumblings from other men that they are tired of the killing, and dying. Do you think we will die before we ever see this end? I don’t see us defeating the Cyan as easily as we once thought we would.”

  “Of course, this whole war is our end. There’s word going around that the Penna know our side will fail,” one of the thickly muscled soldiers uttered as he walked alongside the other.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Some believe that if the Cyan continue their attacks like they have, we won’t be able to fight them off any—”

  The other rebel held out his hand. “Stop. There’s something out there,” he said.

  I kept low, but listened intently. Before the other soldier could respond, however, the snow beneath my boot cracked, and the tiny sound overpowered the pure silence. They had heard me. I knew it. I cursed under my breath, hoping that if I remained completely still, they’d leave me alone. I just needed enough time to get to the well. I could see it. It was so close.

  The Penna had built a sturdy defense around the perimeter of the deep well, severely limiting its access to all. Suddenly, the voices I had heard faded away. I didn’t even hear so much as a whisper anymore. Turning cautiously, I swept my eyes across the open courtyard. It was almost a straight shot to the deep well.


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