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In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Mia Rose

  Ugh seriously, I feel like I am in a movie. A male alien that wants to pleasure me without anything in return. Healing crystals that heal absolutely everything. Two of my best friends becoming friends with the alien, and reall-life space invaders coming to destroy our ship. Oh, yes, I definitely need some rest. It all seems very surreal. Normally we are very bored as we collect the samples. Unless we find some interesting minerals or plant life.

  Okay, so I have got my electric blanket on, and my alarm is set with Bob the computer and now I just have to take off my dressing gown and brush my teeth.

  As I walk down out of my room to the opposite bathroom, Rhys is coming out with towel around his waist and his bathroom bag.

  “Night Amelia, Tulloc is sound asleep in the lab already. I gave him an extra blanket,” so I’ll see you tomorrow babe.

  “Thanks Rhys, good on you. I have had enough of aliens for one day,” I say smiling as he walks down the hall.

  Oh, damn, I forgot my toothbrush and toothpaste. I need to go and get it. As I turn to my room Tulloc stands right in front of me. I walk straight into him as he hugs me tightly, in my silk nightie. His arms are giving the perfect amount of pressure, and I let my arms slide around his back too.

  He continues the hug and says, “Melia I had to hug you goodnight. I know you do this before bed because Rhys told me.”

  Bloody Rhys, he’s loving this. I am gonna get him back tomorrow. What else has he told him? I can’t even begin to imagine!

  “Thank you Tulloc,” I say. “You Zorg males really love affection,” I say exhausted and moving my arms away to look into his eyes.

  Tulloc stands in the doorway without movement. Smiling with his huge yellow eyes, straight into mine. They are turning pink. A dark shade of rose pink.

  “Tulloc your eyes are going dark pink,” I say as I watch them in amazement. It’s like the sunset sky.

  “Yes Melia, they go that color when Zorg’s are happy. I am happy that I found you here,” he says with head tilted.

  He looks like a little puppy that has seen a ball for the first time. Curious and excited at the same time.

  “Can we have some milk before bed. I like milk and Rhys gave me some before,” he says excitedly.

  “Yes sure. Go to the kitchen and I’ll be there in a minute,” I say, still taken by the beautiful creamy color in his eyes.

  Tulloc turns and walks down the hall into the kitchen, and he is wearing some of Rhys’ Spiderman pyjamas. It looks so funny, really. A big alien child trapped in tight super hero pj’s. I would love to take a picture and send it to Samantha back home. She would find it very amusing.

  I go and grab my toothpaste and brush, and quickly brush my teeth. I make my way down the hall and see Tulloc looking at the goldfish in the aquarium in the center of the room.

  As I pour the milk in the biggest glass I can find, Tulloc turns around to face me, and he bumps me in the chest with his shoulder. I put the milk away, and then I find myself being lifted to the chair. Tulloc’s hands are firmly around my waist and I am being placed on the stool, in light speed movement.

  “Melia are you alright? I was looking at the golden fish and I bumped you. I am sorry,” he says sporting a guilty facial expression.

  “I’m fine Tulloc, shit happens sometimes!” I say holding my left breast that is throbbing in extreme pain.

  “I will heal you. Close your eyes,” he says moving my hand and placing his there on my aching breast.

  I close my eyes and the pain is really deep. His hand gets colder and colder, and I feel my nipple harden. I am about to open my eyes when this burst of electricity enters my chest, and right into the pain. I can feel tingling that is like a pulsating renewing the painful tissue.

  I keep my eyes closed as Tulloc works his magic. The coldness starts turning to warmth and his hand moves away from my chest.

  Opening my eyes, I can see that his eyes are green like crystals, glowing and sparkling with a beautiful glow. He looks at me peacefully, as they change back to the happy color of dark, rose pink.

  “You are all better Melia. There would have been a blackish bruise,” he says holding my hand firmly.

  I am still in disbelief as the awful pain I was experiencing has literally melted away with a beautiful calming effect. It is a feeling that I have never felt before. We sit for a minute or so just enjoying the sensation of each other’s energy.

  It feels right to be near him, and I get lost in the moment of unbelievable bliss with him now. My entire body feels renewed inside, and Tulloc knows what he has done.

  “Tulloc you are a great healer,” I say softly, still enjoying the mystical calming effect of it all.

  “Yes. I can heal but I am a farmer that grows crops,” he says still holding my hand.

  “Tulloc don’t you know what you are capable of? The universe needs people like you. On Earth, there are so many people who are unwell,” I say still feeling amazing.

  “Everyone on Zunov tells me I am a great farmer. So, I farm. When it is time to fight, I fight too,” he says passionately in the ancient Zunov accent.

  “I guess there is no-one to heal if everyone is always well,” I say, still in awe of the pain he has just removed.

  Tulloc reaches for his milk and drinks it. Gulping every last bit, and holding the glass upside down above his mouth to get every last drop of it. I watch as his long tongue enters the glass and wriggles around to get any missed bits. I can see his muscular arms start to push out of the Spiderman pyjamas. They are way too small.

  As his tongue continues to look for milk, I can’t help but notice the large bulge in his pants. Even when it’s not erect it takes up a lot of room. I laugh to myself about the fact that the alien I just met has already had his hand ‘down there’ on me. Now, this evening, he has also managed to touch one of my breasts. Ha, that’s pretty funny when I think about it.

  Tulloc has completely finished lapping up the milk now, and he smiles at me. He walks to the fridge to get another full glass and I smile back at him. Those pyjamas really look hilarious on him. It’s kind of like the Incredible Hulk wearing super hero pyjamas.

  I watch him gulp a second glass down as his eyes lock onto me. His eyes flick back to yellow again as he looks me up and down. I can feel that he wants me, and I am starting to think that the yellow eyes are for lust, or sexuality.

  I can feel that I am turned on by watching him, as my nipples harden and my wet spot does its thing…yet again. Oh, God, get it together Amelia you are not in an alien movie. Or an alien porno movie, I might add!

  Shit! I know that Tulloc can sense my arousal, because his equipment is getting harder as he drinks the glass of milk.

  “Tulloc, I must ummm go to my bed now. I need to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” I say wishing the opposite, and secretly wanting him to ravage me.

  “Alright Melia, sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite! – Rhys taught me that,” he says smiling.

  I turn to walk away, and I feel his hands around my waist from behind. I am being picked up into the air and squeezed firmly, with his rock-hard cock in my left buttock. I laugh as he sets me back down and I turn around to see him. His eyes are glowing, now.

  “Rhys taught me that. It is a bear hug!” he says beaming from ear to ear and now with the dark pink eyes piercing through me again.

  “Thanks, Tulloc, now go to bed and get some rest,” I say in a motherly tone, that does not sound very convincing at all.

  Tulloc heads back to the lab turning to see me every now and again, as he walks. Oh, dear God, my heart is still racing from the bear hug. I wasn’t expecting it! Rhys is a terrible role model. Imagine he teaches him his jokes as well. I find myself laughing quite loudly as I make my way to my room, with my heart slowing down to normal pace. This alien sure is full of surprises.

  My body feels completely peaceful as I lay down under the covers. I still can’t believe how wonderful I am feeling after the healing. I must tell no-one else
about his gift though. He is after all a farmer that grows crops. Fighting only when he has to.

  Okay the cartan crystal is in position, and now all I need to do is get some sleep. Goodness only knows what tomorrow will bring. Tulloc is a very interesting specimen indeed. And I can learn a lot from his culture and the Zorg species. I hope he doesn’t mind coming along for the ride. Spiderman pyjamas! God Rhys, you really do have a great sense of humor.

  “Um, is it supposed to do that?

  Chapter 7


  “Trust your senses, always.”

  So, I seem to be awake earlier than the others and I sense that something is wrong. I move to the bedroom quarters and I see that Rhys, Allen and Melia are sleeping. I can feel that something is wrong on the ship, so I move to the bridge.

  The computer called Bob is not sounding the alert, but I can sense something wrong from my sensory gland. My sensory gland is heating quickly, detecting something, and I sense that someone or something is on board.

  In the kitchen, I think. I am moving there now, and hiding behind the metallic wall. I hear a buzzing sound, so I wait.

  “BZZZZ, bzzzz,” the sound is piercing my hearing glands. I don’t know what it is. I peer into the room but I can’t see anything really. I have heard this sound before. It is a Darenoid drone, that is unable to be picked up by the ship’s sensors.

  The technology of the drones is not extremely clever, except for the avoidance of being picked up by advanced computer systems like Bob’s. I know he is hovering and I will have to be quick to destroy it with my lasers. Thankfully the drone does not sense me yet.

  Usually, they flit around quickly from room to room, but this one remains in the kitchen. I can still hear the whirring of the motor. If it senses me, and it will poison me with ardastin arrows if it locks on. The tips are soaked in ardastin berry juice and are poisonous to Zorg’s, and many other species. I must kill it before the others wake up.

  I peek into the room and I see it near the space window. It seems to be stuck in the blind, called a venetian. Rhys told me that name. Its camera sensors are facing the window so it can’t see me. I must move quickly and destroy it, now.

  I move behind the golden fish aquarium, and change my eyes to red. I am locking on now. Target ready, aim…

  “Pow, pow, pow, pow,” the lasers hit the drone as it explodes onto the kitchen floor.

  My aim has destroyed it well. I must now wake the others before the sending ship or ships, send more traps our way. I must protect the others and warn them about the immense danger we are in. Darenoids usually travel in a fleet of fighter crafts, so they can attack any prey they come into contact with. There could be as many as forty ships cloaked and undetected.

  I wake the two males first. Rhys lays comfortably in his bed with his golf pyjamas on. He smiles at me and alerts Allen who sleeps in the next-door bedroom quarters.

  “Go and wake Melia,” says Rhys as he changes into other garments.

  I run down the hall toward Melia’s room, but she is not there. I see that the bathing room is shut, so I bang and alert her of the hostile enemies.

  “Melia, we need you to come out, I have killed a Darenoid drone and we may be under attack,” I say with sensors on.

  Melia calls out, “I will be right there Tulloc,” she says as a sweet watery scent fills my smelling glands.

  She must be putting her garments on. So, I race back to the bridge to help Allen and Rhys. They have started scanning but nothing is showing up. These Darenoids are clever.

  “Allen scan for asteroid particle beams,” I say knowing how the Darenoids hide under their cloaks.

  “Yes Tulloc, the beams are coming on main screen now. They are pink and yellow,” says Allen pointing to the large screen.

  There is a swirl of beams that are circular and should be straight. They would normally point horizontally and vertically in all directions. When they hit a Darenoid ship, they are not able to penetrate their cloaking shields. They leave circles of black, which signal ships that are cloaked.

  “I see eight circles there Allen,” I say.

  “Tulloc you’re a genius,” says Rhys as he locks onto the hostile ships’ co-ordinates.

  “You must do it now,” I say, “before they lock and fire on us. They seem to be scanning us now,” I say, looking at the green color emanating from the circles on the big screen.

  “Pachew, pachew, pachew, pachew,” goes the bright blue argon lasers.

  The beams from the asteroid particle beams go back to normal. They are now horizontal and vertical. The ships uncloak as they explode in the front of screen.

  “Right on Tulloc!” says Rhys as he hits Allen’s hand.

  “You are amazing, Tulloc. Thank you, again you have saved our lives,” says Allen scanning for more beams.

  “You must always scan the asteroid beams,” I say to the males.

  I continue looking at the main screen to see if there are more hostile ships. I sense something behind me, now. It is Melia, and she smells like rangarberry flowers.

  “So, what did I miss my brilliant three boys,” she says placing her hand on my back.

  She smells so unbelievably euphoric. I want to touch her and give her my cock.

  “We killed some bad ass Darenoid alien dudes,” says Rhys smiling.

  “If it wasn’t for Tulloc we would be annihilated,” says Allen walking to get coffee.

  Melia looks at me, and my eyes are still glowing red, because I am in fighter mode. I place my arms around her and lift her up in a bear hug to celebrate. She is wearing a dress garment with colored flowers, and she has put her fur up in a “pony tail,” I think it is called.

  “Tulloc, put me down, you’re ticking my ribs, you cheeky thing!” she says laughing and giggling at me.

  I leave her in the air for just a bit longer because she giggles and it makes me feel happy. The female Zorg’s don’t do that. They never really laugh at anything. They are too busy trying to outsmart us males with their fighting plans.

  “Melia, you look very flowery,” I say, licking my lips and feeling my eyes change back to dark pink again.

  “Thanks, Tulloc, you look very, well… handsomely green,” she says still giggling from my bear hug.

  “Thank you, Melia,” I say happily.

  “Let’s go to the lab and you can tell me more, after breakfast. We should eat first,” she says taking my hand, and leading me to the kitchen.

  I wonder why these human females are so affectionate in terms of touch. I am not used to being handled, unless it’s for sexual interaction. Which usually lasts about five minutes, and then the Zorg female nods the head in gratitude. There is no hand holding or hugs.

  I like Melia touching me, and I know when she wants me from the moistness of her wet spot and her chest lump nipples, that get erect when touched.

  The Zorg females have one sexual duct that opens for the male cock. It does not get lubricated at all. It is large when aroused, then clings onto the manhood during the intercourse session, with little nodes pulsating for pleasure.

  I want to ask Melia about sex in the human way. That way when she uses my manhood for her pleasure I know what to do so she feels good.

  Actually, I might ask Rhys instead.

  “Melia, I need to see Rhys. I meet with you in the lab later,” I say, excited to learn more about pleasuring a female human.

  “Okay, sure thing Tulloc,” says Melia cooking her bread, and making stinky coffee.

  I make my way hurriedly to the bridge where I sit next to Rhys. Allen is in the cargo bay doing a check.

  Rhys is looking at his vast array of alien pictures, and he smiles at me. He pats me on the arm and is glad to have my company.

  “Rhys, tell me how to pleasure a human female,” I say eagerly.

  “Hey Tulloc, can you read our language well?” he says, smirking at me with his cheeky grin.

  “Yes, I can read it very well,” I say waiting for more information.
/>   Rhys leans over to the computer I sit at, and types into it, “Google,” then he clicks the words “sexual intercourse” and clicks into an education page.

  “There you are my green friend,” he says, getting back to his pictures of female aliens.

  As I read the information through, I speed read, hundreds of pages of information. The intercourse is similar to ours on Zunov, except the vagina needs to be lubricated, and there is a distinct mechanism called the clitoris. According to many pages, I must find the clitoris to give my female human a pleasure that is called an orgasm.

  On Zunov, the same pleasure is called a serenta, and occurs for the male and the female. The Zorg male lets color fly into the female when mating only. That color mechanism can be switched off when no offspring is required.

  Rhys leans over and clicks on, “images” to show me explicit photographs of the human interaction called sexual intercourse. He is still smiling and smirking. Sometimes, he looks behind us to make sure, “the coast is clear.” I don’t really know what that phrasing means, but I think he doesn’t want Amelia to see us looking at sex pictures.

  I look at many videos of the sex taking place “online.” The Google page seems to have a lot of information on the topic, and YouTube as well. For the videos, I am wearing, “headphones,” so I can only hear the sounds of the video.

  I find that my green cock rises a lot when I watch the videos, and I get very “horny,” is what Rhys calls it. There are many very beautiful female humans on the pages, and in the videos. Some of them doing lots of different movements to get pleasure from the males and their manhood.

  Some of the females like to pleasure the males with their mouth and hands. That does not happen on Zunov, because the males are only there to pleasure the females. Unless we are partnered for life, then something might be arranged. Actually, to hava a serenta, we usually touch ourselves without female help at all.

  As I continue to watch the videos, I wonder what Melia likes to do. I wonder if I should touch her clitoris, and find the G-spot? I will try to surprise her when she least expects it. I might be lucky enough to get some “action” from her. Rhys calls it that. He likes getting action.


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