In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1)

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In Love with the Alpha (Full Moon Series Book 1) Page 24

by Mia Rose

  “Home is anywhere with him!”

  Chapter 13


  “I love Cloud Nine!”

  After the most wonderful day yesterday, I find myself on “cloud nine.” I like that saying, it is very clever. It seems that we are not too far from Melia’s Earth planet, and we will see lots of new things together there, when we arrive.

  I think I would like to see how they farm, and how they use technology. I would also like to see how they learn at many different things. At university or college, I would like to sit and listen. Their history and their English language ignites my interests very much.

  Melia is taking a shower and Allen has decided to cook omelettes and hash browns for breakfast. I like Allen, because he is very smart, and teaches me about many things. He has studied many years at university, and his mind is very logical, unlike Rhys who has, “a one-track mind," according to Allen.

  Today Rhys is going to show me more in the Engineering Bay. He likes to “tinker” and make sure everything is, “aok.” Some of the workings are good and logical, but sometimes they can be too technical. There are many manuals in the manual cupboard, and I read them while Rhys tinkers and checks that everything is running well.

  Today, he will look at the hyper drive and make sure that no coils need replacing. Rhys is very organized when he looks after the maintenance of the ship, and sometimes Bob the computer helps him to find problems or solutions too.

  On Zunov, we don’t use very much technology except in our fighters and for our crops. We understand that nature has to be number one for the survival of a species, over time. I think the humans are starting to get that idea, but it has taken many thousands of years to evolve. They used to take everything from the land for profit, and then realized how it impacted the environment, negatively.

  In fact, the Zorg’s on my planet have always treated the land with the utmost respect. I cannot remember a time when this was not so.

  “Warrning, warning,” says Bob, “thruster power diminishing,” alerts the computer.

  I run from my spot on the sofa in the lab. Rhys and Allen look at the big screen to see if there is anything around.

  “There’s nothing,” says Allen, with hands in the air.

  “Scan for gallium bursts,” I say looking at Rhys.

  “Gallium bursts! What are you on about my green friend?” he says entering the code into the console.

  “Gallium bursts are small bursts of gas which the Darenoids use to damage other ships. Then they can board them because they have no power,” I say.

  “Shit, yes!” the bursts are damaging the thrusters at an alarming speed. I will have to shield us with nustic arrays,” says Rhys looking at me for more direction.

  “That might actually work,” I say checking the scanners.

  I sit at Melia’s computer and get more information data on the bursts, because they seem to be coming from directly behind our ship. They are dissipating at a rate of ten per second, and the nustic arrays seem to be working well to defend us with shielding.

  “It’s working,” I say, sensing Melia watching from behind us.

  The screen comes on, and flashes blue.

  “A message incoming from hostile ship,” it says flashing.

  Allen looks at me and Rhys, as he clicks to let the hostile live feed appear.

  On screen is a drone hovering and looking at us, videoing our every move through the comm link screen.

  “We are the Darenoids, place shields down and let us board your vessel,” it says in a deep, robotic tone.

  “Stuff that,” blurts out Rhys as he looks at Allen.

  “We will not remove our shields. Our crew member was attacked by you, last week,” says Allen angrily.

  “We were trying to kill the Zorg, and he is at war with our kind,” says the drone loudly.

  “We are not at war with you, and the Zorg is taken as a research specimen for our mission,” says Allen, getting frustrated.

  “The Zorg male is dangerous and cannot be trusted,” says the drone.

  I look at Allen and walk to the side of the screen, so the drone can’t see me anymore. I seem to be annoying it more and more. The drones are programmed to see hostiles, and the green hide on me is a very unpleasing sight to the Darenoid, who is operating the drone. They use remote control and link their speech to it via a micro voicer.

  “We want to go in peace, and we only have natural specimens on board. There is nothing of material value on board,” says Allen.

  “Yes, there is, the female. We want your female,” says the drone.

  “She is not available to you, and she is unwell,” lies Allen.

  I look at Melia who stands tall in front of the screen, she has a look of steel in her eyes, and there is no way the Darenoids will get her.

  Darenoids use females as slaves, to cook and do menial tasks like washing their treasure stolen from other vessels. They are only valuable as cleaners, and they are not fed properly or allowed to bathe. Their inhumane ways are truly barbaric.

  “You have two of your hours to change your mind,” says the drone.

  The screen flashes back to the normal home screen, and we all start discussing our plans to get away from the pirate aliens. Honestly, I find it hard to think how they got this far out into space, maybe they have stolen a ship with better technology. I have a very bad feeling about all of this, and I must help Allen and Rhys get us away from them. If they capture Melia there is no way we’ll be able to get her back, easily.

  As Rhys and Allen discuss their plans, I sit and listen while I hold Melia’s hand. We haven’t had time to tell the others about our love and feelings for each other. It will have to wait. The sneaky Darenoids are definitely cunning, and we need to think about our tactical position. I send Melia to the kitchen, telling her to get us all a piece of cake. I need to speak to the other two privately.

  Melia goes to the kitchen, and I watch and make sure she can’t hear my words. The other two males are listening intently.

  “The Darenoids will chain her up and treat her barbarically if they catch her. They use torture to make them work. Cooking and cleaning for twenty hours a day,” I say still checking that Melia is out of range.

  “Shit, we can’t let them get her,” says Rhys.

  Allen nods his head in agreeance and Melia holds cake and coffee in her hands. She goes back to the kitchen to get the other plates, and a milk for me.

  “We musn’t speak of this to Melia,” I say sensing her second return.

  The other males agree and start talking tactics together. I listen to their arguments for and against certain ideas that come to, “the table.”

  Rhys seems to think we can disappear with a stunting manouver, and Allen thinks we should try and fight them with our weapons.

  I finish my cake and walk to the console. I need to see the type of space craft we up against. If it’s a Zorg fighter craft, then I know exactly what we can do. I enter the codes and wait for the scans to appear on the large screen. Yes, the ship they are in is a Zorg fighter, so I know what they can do. I am glad that’s the ship they stole.

  I move back to the coffee table at the center of the room, and Rhys and Allen are looking at me, hoping for some answers. It seems that they cannot agree on their own methodologies.

  “Alright they are in a Zorg fighter called the Falzon Carrier. This ship is primarily used for medical transport, and there are no weapons on it, except for the yelsen ray. The yelsen ray only targets the shields, but cannot damage the ship very much at all,” I say excitedly.

  “But don’t they know that?” says Rhys, questioning the boldness of the Darenoids.

  “No, they don’t,” I say knowing the limited knowledgeability of the pirate barbarians.

  We take the to the bridge and Rhys smiles a wide smile. He can’t wait to blow the Darenoids, “to smitherines,” as he calls it.

  Allen waits for the rest of the scans to be completed so that the human ship can lock o
n the targets successfully, before taking any unnecessary chances.

  My beautiful Melia stands behind us, looking on with pride.

  “Targets scanned and locked,” says Allen.

  “Ready, aim and fire,” says Rhys clicking the execution.

  Allen moves us into medium speed as the lasers blow up the ship behind. The force of the explosion rocks the ship as we coast forward. The explosion is onscreen and there are shouts from everyone as the hostiles are destroyed.

  There is a sense of relief as we all breathe easier, knowing what could have happened if they were in another ship.

  “Oh thank God,” says Melia, “have you read about what they do to female prisoners they have captured?” she says looking annoyed.

  We all burst out laughing knowing just how much Melia knows about every subject. She loves to read and learn about other species and their culture. There was no need for my whispering after all.

  This time she goes to the kitchen for biscuits and crackers. I like this kind of platter and there is some dip, cabana and carrot sticks, usually. Melia loves to feed us all, when she is not doing her research work.

  I feel so lucky to have found her out here in space. It was totally by accident that I came to be here. On planet Zunov we believe that things are fated, and that the universe and its makers know exactly what will happen.

  We do not worship Gods and there is no religion to be spoken of. We do have a code of living that represents freedom for everyone, and that says we should work together for the common good. Actually, there is no point in having conflict on our planet, because there is enough of everything for everyone. Anyone who cannot work due to older age, is looked after by special keepers.

  Maybe some of these concepts would do well in the human world, on Earth. I would like to discuss our Zorg ideas with some of the leaders there, and see if I can make a difference for the generations to come. Humans seem to care about each other greatly, but sometimes I sense that the need to get rich overshadows their humanity, in terms of kindness.

  I hope I can help to make a change on the beautiful planet Earth, because it seems by their history that they are really trying to change for the better.

  Melia also loves animals and sees their value on Earth. Together we can use our passion and caring to help more and more humans see that a bright future is possible, for the long term. The beautiful children and families on Earth deserve to live on a beautiful planet, that is loved and taken care of by its many future generations.

  I sit with my friends eating the last piece of cabana, and I am truly content in my mind and my heart. For to find such loyal and trustworthy friends is always a very special treat. This is true no matter where you are from.

  As a green alien male from the beautiful planet Zunov, I am definitely one of the luckiest of my kind. Not only do I have friends for life, but I have also met and fallen in love with my Melia. She is so beautiful, and I find my love growing for her, more and more.

  “I love Cloud Nine!”

  Chapter 14


  “Mhm, yum!”

  As I sit with Tulloc in the lab, I notice how beautifully his muscular features are as he holds more specimens up in the laboratory fluorescent light. His arms and shoulders burst out of his shirt.

  He is a remarkable alien. He shows kindness, compassion and love to me, throughout every day that passes us by.

  We are less than four days from home, from “my Earth,” and I can’t wait to show him as much as I can. I know he loves nature and I want to take him to the National Park, the Zoo, the waterfalls and so many other places, too.

  “Tulloc,” I say. I can’t wait for you to see Earth, for real. Not as a holo story.

  “I know Melia, it will be so exciting to see it for the first time,” he smiles placing a geological sample back down on the table.

  “I love you, my green one,” I say turned on by the wanting look in his eye.

  “I love you, my creamy thing,” he replies moving towards me now.

  Tulloc holds my head of hair and kisses me, groping my behind firmly, and with a desperate desire.

  “Oh Tulloc,” I say, holding his muscly arms.

  “I want you to bear my children,” he says as his eyes glow fiery red, with an intensified passion.

  “Yes, yes,” I say smiling as he sweeps me into his arms.

  He carries me to the laboratory sofa, and gestures with his hand for me to stay put, where he’s placed me down.

  “Sssh,” he whispers.

  I lay watching him as he pulls down the blinds to cover the glass windows, and then cheekily locks the lab door.

  I can’t explain how dreamy he makes me feel. Less than a fortnight ago, he arrived here unexpectedly on our ship. As a specimen, he was scanned up by mere accident, by the ship’s scanners. Now, I find myself madly in love with the green alien male, who’s eyes pierce through me in a powerful love and sexual desire.

  I have never been made to feel so special, by anyone else in my life. I’ve dated before, but none of them could make me feel content in every aspect of my life.

  Tulloc and I have not been “melded together” yet, as the Zorgs call it. That is how they explain it, sexually. He wanted to wait until the time seemed right. That time I feel, is right about now.

  He walks over to me unbuttoning his shirt, and I also unbutton mine. He lays beside me kissing and licking my neck. His breath turning my body to jelly, as I wait for the passion to erupt over us, like a volcano filling the earth below.

  His hand pulls down my skirt and panties as he stands to show me himself, erect and ready to enter me.

  I wait for him to lie on top of me, expecting the feeling to be more than I can bear. He holds himself over me, with a firm arm’s length. His long tongue licking my nipples in a wet, erotic pleasure.

  “Oh, Tulloc,” I say touching his green member, as it pulsates lightly.

  He places it inside me with a gentle thrust, and it vibrates more as it adjusts to my size.

  “I am so horny for you,” he says kissing my neck.

  The intensity of his thrusting is more and more unbelievable. My body is tingling from the vibration of his cock. It moves in and out at a regular speed, touching high inside me, as I brace for it each time.

  I feel his kisses turn to love bites on my neck, as he moans with a loud, breathy tone.

  My legs wobble as my orgasm gets closer, and he pushes inside me, more wantingly now.

  “Oh, God,” I say, coming quickly over his cock, in exquisite passion.

  He continues thrusting as I feel my orgasm continue on, relentlessly so.

  “Oh Amelia,” he says letting his seed enter into me.

  He flops down in his exhausted state, still holding me tight.

  I know that I have finally met the man of my dreams. He fills me up, in every way.

  After an hour’s sleep, Tulloc wakes me with a kiss to my forehead, and smiles at me lovingly.

  “What shall we prepare for dinner, tonight? We should tell Allen and Rhys,” he says excitedly.

  “Yes, yes. I think I’ll do a roast and some Death by Chocolate cake,” I say, still dreaming of the encounter we just shared.

  We move to put our clothes on, and head directly to the kitchen to make a start on dinner. Tulloc joins the other two on the bridge, and checks on our estimated arrival time, to Earth.

  I pull out a large piece of synthesized lamb from the freezer, and thaw it ready for cooking. I choose an array of vegetables like pumpkin, carrots, potatoes and parsnips. I prepare them in excitement for our “coming out” dinner.

  Tulloc returns and puts his apron on, getting a start on the Death by Chocolate cake for our yummy dessert.

  “Remember to whip the cream,” I say reminding him.

  “Yes dear,” he says smiling.

  We both laugh out as loud as we can, thinking how funny we must seem. Rhys has watched T.V with Rhys, and has picked up some of the slang, and sayings as well.
  He is of course joking, and I really like his cheeky side. It is funny to see him emulating Rhys, who thinks he’s hilarious!

  Dinner looks amazing and we both feel the anticipation of telling the other two. Just a few hours and we will, “spill the beans” and tell the other two about our love and engagement. Sometimes, I wish I could have seen Zunov, because it sounds so beautiful. Maybe on our passage back again, in a few weeks from now.

  Samantha may want to come too this time, and I am sure she will. Tulloc tells me the sky color changes every single hour on Zunov, and I want to see it when the background is green, and take a photo of Tulloc, then. Likewise, he wants to take a picture of me, when the sky is cream, and I think they will look fantastic. They are our most favorite colors. So, it seems fitting that that’s the pictures we’ll take.

  As we sit down with Rhys and Allen for dinner, Rhys cuts the roast and Tulloc offers vegetables to everyone. The normal banter starts with Rhys telling us about the beautiful aliens he likes, from around the galaxy.

  “Next trip we must go to Dasex, because the alien females are lavender and love meeting other men from different planets!” he says with his cheeky grin.

  A sound of laughter billows from the table as we listen to his in-depth description of the Dasectians from Dasex. He could essentially be a sales person for products, and his descriptions make the females sound so exotic.

  “The lavender skin is made up of crystalline particles, that glimmer in the sun. The females enjoy pleasuring their male companions with food, massage and singing,” he goes on.

  “That sounds perfect for you Rhys, and maybe the Dasectian female’s singing will shut you up for a while,” Allen says as he laughs.

  The whole table roars with laughter, including Rhys who still tries to convince us that Dasex is the next planet we need to see.

  “Tulloc, and I have something to tell you,” I say smiling.


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