Caught Inside

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Caught Inside Page 6

by CJ Hawk

  I felt his strong hands lift me out of the tub, and my naked ass sit on the edge of the hot tub's side. I looked down at him as I watched his mouth cover my nipple, bringing it pleasure as his hands caressed my body. It felt sensual and exquisite as if he wanted to awaken my entire body, then I felt his hands separate my thighs again. I let my body lean back, and my hands rest against the flushed wood deck that the hot tub was parallel with. I let my head rest backwards, and I looked up to the stars as a soft humming sound exited my lips.

  I felt his kisses trail down my belly to one thigh then the other. I felt the strength of his fingers as they separated me, the warm tingling sensation as his mouth dropped down and began licking me in ways I liked to have a man lick me. It was as if he knew how I liked things done without me even asking or changing my position. Then again, according to his twitter feeds, there were a lot of women who could tell him exactly how they liked it, and apparently he held out good on his end. A small pang of jealousy came with that thought. How could I even be feeling possession when this is strictly a benefit to hiring his company? Then the realization hit as two of his fingers slid inside, and I felt a euphoric ah inside of me.

  I wanted him now. All of him. I felt the intensity build as he massaged my bald pussy with his fingers and then licked and sucked on my clitoris all while his fingers slid in and out like an orchestrated event. I felt his name on the tip of my tongue, and I wanted to scream out my pleas that he fuck me now. Then my body convulsed, surrounding his fingers; I felt the repetitive vibration of muscles clinching, my body tingling; my eyes closed shut hard and fast, and I felt my hands go to his head and grab his hair and practically shoved his head into me as I felt the second part of my orgasm clinch tight. Then I did what I had been wanting to do for the last few minutes. I screamed out his name for all to hear. "Trey!"

  As soon as I felt some type of ability to release him from my clutches, I felt his strength as he gathered me up in his arms and held me while kissing the top of my head. It was the caring nature in the way he stroked my hair and practically sang into my ear about how beautiful I am, how fantastic I was. It was then that I felt the need to get the upper hand, as I always did. I was not going to let him leave here with just him satisfying me, no. I was going to fuck him senseless so that when he left here, his twins would seem boring and bland. I had a mission, and I intended on making Trey one very happy man.

  Chapter Seven

  Waking in the middle of the night, still tingling from the incredible sex I just had, I felt a bit sad. The heavy breathing from Trey told me that after a day like yesterday, he was completely worn out. He might outwardly admit that he was all play with plenty left in the engine, but I knew that after a night of passionately exerted sex, almost a competition at hand, he needed a regroup. Hell, I needed a regroup after the night we just shared. What I had done to myself in the hot tub thinking of him, was nothing in comparison to what we did to each other last night. It was a night to not be forgotten. I felt caught, caught inside his wave, and as he slept deeply I could only hope we both walked away from this with a sense of professionalism.

  I was lying to myself; I knew it, that this just couldn't happen. Trey was the type of man who could own my soul, make me yearn for things I have never yearned for, and I had come too far to think he was worth it. No, I will convince myself once again, that no man is worth heartbreak, and my career is everything to me. However, a small part of me fought the feelings of what if as I remembered the way his hand stroked my hair. The way he kissed my neck and stroked it lightly with his fingers as he looked into my eyes telling me I'm beautiful, that I mattered to him. He had said those words as if they were a convincing announcement of 'I love you' will come next. He said everything, but those three little words strung together that meant so much, and I even felt the need to say it back, and didn't. It was if we both were being reserved in our feelings but holding absolutely nothing out when it came to the physical act.

  The weight of his naked arm over my hip and the feel of his hand holding my leg, keeping my body close to his felt exquisite and a feeling I could get used to. The feel of his strong naked body behind me had me reeling with thoughts of how this could not continue any further than it had, yet I wanted this feeling to last more than ever. Perhaps even, to have this feeling again, waking more mornings than I wanted to count with him naked behind me, holding me, reassuring me that this was real.

  I knew that I had to get real. It is three in the morning, and I had work to do before flying out to Japan on Monday. I had a busy full week ahead, and Bill was to meet me at the airport for his first social engagement in Japan, a dinner with the executives. I needed to impress this account and having a reputable man next to me that could work a room with me was what I needed. Not some boy toy ex-surfer that looked good naked. Scratch that, looked fucking spectacular naked, and knew how to make my body react to his sexual skills.

  I tried to think of how this could work out but all I ended up envisioning was a laid-back surfer boyfriend who saw me as a casual great lay and maybe a means to an end if he so chooses. I felt my heart pinch with love on my last orgasm and the way he knew to respond to my body after by holding me, caressing me, kissing my neck and telling me how great that just was. It was almost like we just made love. And that word, didn't have a place in my career right now. That word came with complete new objectives that constituted distraction and lost sales. Not to mention the fact that I did not have time for a man like Trey. From the sounds of it, he was always on, always doing something, surfing, gardening, kayaking, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving. You name it, he seemed to have done it and done it well enough that he was in the news.

  Yet somehow, he was able to keep this escort service he was providing a masked secret. Even his partner, Zachery was off the radar. If anything impressed me most, was the fact that this business was building on secrets alone. That thought irked me that it was so unbelievable that women, corporate women like myself, needed services like this to make our social scene a bit easier. However, I could not go around thinking that it was my job to change the world and their viewpoints. That would come in time. I could not help but to think about how Trey and Zachery went about getting all of this started and then a thought began to build as a quiet internal laughter let loose in my head. Of course, what else would two retired surfers who look like they do, do? They took their personal social skills and good looks to the next level. They saw a need and filled it, discretely I might add. That in itself, said something about Trey and his business skills. Perhaps I was judging him a bit too harshly.

  My mind wandered back to the naked man in my bed. Trey. With the body and energy that he has, it would only make me want to spend more of my time doing exactly what we just did last night.

  I would like to think we were just working ourselves out of each other's systems. Trey will move on to the twins and the next time I have an urge I will just take care of it myself or call upon a good friend to take care of it for me. It's what worked in my busy corporate life.

  Trey rolled over and away from me as I proceeded to stretch. It was still late in the night and not quite morning. Staying the night at a woman's house usually led to thinking it was a relationship, perhaps that is only fair because women thought that way as well.

  Jennifer had no idea what was going through Trey's mind at the moment. He was exhausted from the surf, the twins and most rightly, Jennifer herself. He felt himself drifting off with images of her naked body in his brain. The way she looked spectacular as her body squirmed from his hot mouth on her naked pussy. The way she rocked his cock back and forth while sitting on top of him, grinning down at him with her sexual teasing looks. The way she arched back in the throes of an orgasm and the way she hung on to his cock with her mouth while he sat outside on the ledge of her hot tub. She was a sexual heathen, and he could think of nothing more than wanting her more. The quick thought of complications arose in his brain, then he smiled with his eyes closed thinking how she
was worth every damn complication that might come along. He let himself drift back off to sleep knowing that Jennifer lie wide-awake next to him. Only he was not aware of her own interpersonal dialogue consuming her thoughts.

  By six a.m., I stretched my body while lying flat on my back as I watched the rising sun and slipped out of my bed as quiet as possible. I jumped into the shower to rinse off our lovemaking from the night before. I dried off, combed my brown hair into a short ponytail at the nape of my neck, slipped on a black sports bra, white tank top and black running shorts. My running shoes were just outside by the back door from the evening before, and if I slipped out quietly, perhaps Trey would find his way out and pretend none of this ever happened. Better business that way.

  It only took a half-mile down the beach and a good set of running tunes to fill my ears that I was in synch with my workout. All thoughts of Trey eluded me as I ran farther down the coastline. The only thing working out in my brain right now is the Japan account and how I was going to close the deal.

  Trey woke to an empty bed and worse, an empty house. He called out to Jennifer but there was no one around nor was there a note anywhere leading to where she might have gone. He decided to jump into the shower for a quick rinse off when he noticed the shower still had water on the walls and floor. She must not have been gone too long so he decided that perhaps she went out for a morning jog. He remembered reading all about her profile that Zachery had obtained from their background check on her. Facebook wasn't the only place Zachery knew how to dig up details on their females.

  Ten minutes later, he went out to the private fenced in patio area in only his cargo shorts. He glanced at the hot tub thinking of the fond memories that just took place there less than twelve hours ago. Thinking how he would not mind partaking in remaking a few of those memories again and soon. However, something told him in his gut that this business only woman was not going to let him be her boy toy. That if she had her way when she got back from her run, she would brush him off and tell him this was a strictly business only transaction. He knew it would come but until then a small romantic part of him hoped she would bend her crazy personal rules that she lived by and give this surfer a chance.

  The open gate swaying in the light breeze caught his attention. He went out to the steps that led down to the beach. He closed the gate behind him, and just as he did, he realized he had locked himself out. In only his brown cargo shorts, no shirt or shoes he started down a few steps until there was a small open deck to the ocean below. It was just a small version of what was enclosed up above. Trey thought how if this was his place, he wouldn't be blocking the ocean view from his patio off the back; he would open all of it up with glass walls and some well-placed landscaping. Then he thought quickly how the woman that owned this place was as closed off and secluded as her house was. She was no open book or an easy romance; she would be closed, and complicated. All leading to eventual heartbreak, and he should know better. He did know better; he just did not want to go that way.

  He sat down in a wooden deck chair that was in desperate need of some sanding and stain. He looked out to the ocean and took in a deep breath of the salty air. He scanned to his right for her and saw only other active adults out running or walking with their dogs. He scanned to his left and saw nothing more but the same, but no Jennifer. He leaned back and closed his eyes, resting his mind and letting the sounds of the waves massage his soul. Not but a short time passed before a familiar voice made him open his eyes, and a sexy Jennifer stood before him looking confident and desirable in her running shorts, and sports top.

  s"You always hang back and lounge around half naked at friends' houses?" He listened to her voice taunting with him flirtatiously. He would take the fact that she called them friends, more like friends with really great benefits, but he liked that she wasn't upset he was still here. Alternatively, perhaps he was just hoping she had not wanted him to slip away unnoticed. Heck, almost all his sex-charades ended that way, a quick slip away, and then he could evade the woman if he decided she was not worth his efforts or heartbreak, which was often. No, standing before him was one dangerous woman, tall, tanned, sexy as hell and her skills in the sex department put her top of his lists of 'hey let's stay and see where this can go'. But he knew better. He remembered her 'consenting adults' comment, yet with the smile on her face and glow of sweat on her skin from her recent jog; he wanted nothing more than to eat a hearty breakfast, then eat her to a molten of sexual satisfaction.

  He decided to finally speak up with a casual tone, or she would be able to see right through his desire for something more. "I woke up and showered and went in search of you, then locked the gate behind me by accident. You hungry, because I am famished."

  I glanced over his naked chest and then up into his eyes, and I saw that sexual lust build and a smile creep across his face that told me I was going to have a hard time just tossing him aside. Hell, I had a hard time keeping myself from flirting with him. I knew how to ditch a man, especially one that thought something more was going to come of a bootie call. There had been a few, and they quickly learned the silent rules. It's casual friends, sex if I offer or call and no attachment beyond that.

  "Come on in." I directed, and then I bolted up the last few steps and punched in the security code to the gate. Once inside, I turned back to him walking up the steps, and I shook my head while smiling. He looked spectacular half naked. Just enough naked to remind myself of what he looked like all naked, sweaty, muscles bulging for exertion. Ah, yes, he was the type of man physically that I could never get bored with, but on an intellectual level, we were worlds apart. What could he know about international business, finance, marketing? What could he possible bring to the table in a relationship that I would want so bad, I would actually cave to the idea of a relationship or love ever after?

  He watched her take off her running shoes and set them off to the side of the door. She let her brown hair out of her ponytail and fingered through it. He wanted to rub the sweat that was glistening on her body on her naked skin. He imagined his hands rubbing her naked skin then washing her off in the shower. He caught her looking back at him, standing just inside her back door from her kitchen granite counter top island. The very same one he ravaged her body like a hungry wolf. Then he let the smile he was showing on his face, emanate from within him as her voice tingled his cock with mere words.

  "I'm afraid oatmeal or prepackaged dinner meals is about all I have. I need to jump in and wash my hair. It was pretty hot and humid out this morning already. Give me five, and I'll be back out to figure out something to feed you. There's single cup coffee choices in the cabinet above the coffee maker."

  Trey watched her saunter off towards her shower and wondered if she would mind if he jumped in behind her in the shower. Maybe soap up her back, her ass, her breasts and then gentle bend her over just enough to guide into her from behind. He felt his cock twitch up from semi hard to hard and thought it might be better if he saw where he stood in this some kind of new relationship or 'friend'ship as she called it.

  He opened the cabinet and saw several single serve varieties of tea and coffee. He picked out something dark and robust for him and a french vanilla cappuccino for her. He made sure there was water in the coffeemaker and slid the plastic individual serving into place. He pressed the correct button and slid a coffee cup underneath. Five minutes later, she wasn't out, and he was still hard thinking of her wet naked body and soap being rubbed all over with his hands. He left the two cups sitting on the counter and proceeded to walk towards the shower. He had not got but within two feet of the door when he heard the shower stop. He decided that knocking would only give her an excuse. He slowly opened the bathroom door and peered in at her naked body from behind the glass shower walls. The water had stopped; she had her back to him, and she was starting to towel herself off inside the glass walls of a shower that easily fit two.

  He walked up behind her while whispering her name, not sure if she could even hear
the soft tone of his voice. "Jennifer?" He had internal doubts as to whether she would let him do anything. He opened the shower door, reached out to her wet naked body turned away from his direction and let his hand caress her shoulder. He watched her body stop in motion from toweling herself off. He took the last step forward so that his naked chest rest against her back. He slipped her wet hair off to the side and began to nibble her neck as his right hand began to caress every naked inch on her body, working its way to the front of her. Letting his fingertips tease her pebbled nipple with a wispy touch that caused her to let out a soft moan. She was moaning the words stop but her body was pressing into him, arching her back, letting her nipples touch out to his fingertips, then her hand reached out and pulled his head in closer to her neck. She let his name roll out of her mouth in a moan, and he had to have her.

  His cargo shorts were off, and he was searching madly for a condom in his side pocket when she turned and held a hand out.

  "Trey. Stop. We can't. I've got work to do. You've got whatever it is you need to do today. This can't go on. It was fun last night, but this is business between us. Anything more and it would just ruin it for us. I need your business. You need your twin bunnies and a surfboard. Our lives are two completely different lives that we live. If I could wrap you up in a short professional haircut, three-piece suit and an intelligent conservationist to attend my social business events, I would. I would in a heartbeat. I would toss my anti surfer blonde attitude out the window because of how incredible you were last night, but I can't. I need a non-sexual relationship next to me while I handle my business affairs. If you weren't the owner of this escort service, I would gladly put you top of my booty call list. It would work out nicely since we live so close and damn, Trey. We fucked so incredibly well last night, I think you ruined me for all my other social fucks."


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