Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 6

by Belle Winters

  He nodded and the first tear fell. They were sitting at the corners of his eyes waiting for escape. I got up and turned off all the lights so it was pitch black and got back in the bed, when I did he tried to grab me to hold me. “No.” was all I said. I rearranged the pillows and laid back. I put my hand behind his neck and brought his head down to rest over my heart. He turned his body to face me. He had an arm around my stomach and entwined his leg with mine. I felt his tears on my chest and I rubbed my fingers slowly through his hair. I placed frequent kisses on his hair and forehead and I rubbed his back. My tears went straight to the pillow cases soaking them. I held and comforted him until I felt his body relax. I thought he was asleep until he poked his head up and placed a kiss to my lips.

  “I love you angel.” He murmured.

  “I love you too. I’ll be your angel forever LJ” I responded thinking of the engraving on my bracelet and thinking of the nickname that Dean used for him. He put his head back over my heart and placed a soft kiss there. Somehow we found sleep that night.


  I woke up hoping that everything was just a dream. My eyes opened and I realized that I was lying on a warm soft body that was holding me. Lucy. I didn’t dream any of that shit. It was true, my father died from a car accident and I was laying her with Lucy. The pain escalated fast and I felt like I was dying all over again. I tried to control it but it was too much. The tears started again and I held on to her tighter. I started to feel hands running through my hair and it helped ease me. My face was sitting right above her breast so I turned my head and placed a kiss to the top of it. I tasted my tears on her and I liked it. Her body shuddered and I couldn’t help myself. I needed all of her comfort. I picked my head up and my eyes met sad hazel ones. I leaned up and kissed her. Really kissed her the way I’ve been imagining since the day she ran from me. My dick was hard the instant our lips met. I mounted her and started to run my hands all over her. I started at her neck and worked my way down. I thoroughly massaged her soft big tits then made my way down her body. My fingers found her clit and I began to rub her. She was already soaking wet. I eased a finger inside of her and felt her flood my hand. My dick dripped with precum, it was begging for her.

  I picked my head up. “Lucy, I need you.” I admitted.

  She nodded and whispered “I need you too. Please Landon?”

  Fuck I loved when she begged and that made more cum leak from my dick. I gripped her thighs and she threw them around my waist. I didn’t wait I pushed myself into her until I was fully seated deep inside her. I moaned, god I missed this. She was fucking made for me. She fit me like a fucking glove and I’d be lying if I said any other pussy on this planet was better than hers. I made love to her but it wasn’t that soft candle lit shit. No, this was that pure animalistic need. I pounded into her showing her how much I missed her, missed this. I wanted her to know she was still fucking mine. She met my thrusts and before I knew it she was milking me. That spurred me on and I grabbed her and flipped her over. As soon as she was in position I thrust right back into her and she cried out. My baby was a screamer and that didn’t bother me one bit.

  “Landon. Oh god.”

  I kept pounding into her. I gripped her hair. I’m normally careful and make sure when I touch her it’s gentle but this time I wanted her to know that this was serious. “Lucy I’m going to fucking come in you do you understand me. And then I’m going to do it again and again and again because you are mine.” I put my hand down and gripped her hip so I could steady her. I needed more and I was going to take it. “You fucking hear me girl? I’m not fucking around. I refuse to lose anyone else.” She was making all types of noises but I couldn’t stop myself. “LUCY” I growled and she came again. She had my dick in a vice grip and it was driving me insane, but I didn’t have enough yet. “Answer me.”

  “Landon I’m yours. I’ve only ever been yours. It’s too much…” she continued.

  I didn’t care. “It’s not enough until I say it is. Take me baby.” She moaned and her pussy twitched. “Lucy you can’t leave me now. I swear to fucking god I won’t let you. You have to know that it’s over. That is it… you’ve used all your chances.” I leaned down when I felt the tingle up my spin and my balls tighten. “You will never lose or get rid of any of our fucking kids again do you hear me? I fucking love you and those kids… they’re our love. We’ll use birth control or whatever but promise me.” I demanded.

  Her pussy clenched and she screamed out my name with her orgasm. I needed to come but I held back. I pushed into her even harder and deeper. “FUCKING PROMISE LUCY!” I demanded again.

  “I promise” she said softly as she was coming down. As soon as I heard the words there was no holding back. My dick twitched and I was coming hard. I planted myself as deep in her as possible trying to coat all her insides with me and after the fifth spurt I was empty and collapsed on top of her. I kissed her softly.

  “Baby I fucking love you, you know that right?” I asked.

  She rubbed my back and sighed. “Yes. And I fucking love you too. But you’re heavy.”

  I rolled off of her onto my back and she climbed on top of me. When she got herself comfortable I covered us with the blanket. “I’m so sorry and so mad Landon.” She said softly. “All this time we spent fighting and not speaking… it was all just a waste. Anything could happen at any time and we just wasted fucking time being mad at each other. I don’t want to ever waste time again.” She confessed before she fell asleep.

  “Me either.” I whispered and dozed off.

  My phone rang and I woke up. I looked down at Lucy lying peacefully with her entire body on top of me and I sighed. I didn’t want to wake her, but I didn’t know who was calling. I maneuvered her off of me gently and her eyes opened briefly but she got comfortable into the pillow and passed out. I found my phone and it was a message from James saying for us to meet him at 5pm. We were in the hospital well into the morning so I guess they were giving us time to rest. I checked the time to see it was only noon. I crawled back into the bed and spooned with Lucy. She didn’t stir but moved her body as close to mine as possible and sighed. I kissed her head and went back to sleep.

  We met up with James at 5:00 in the lobby. The storm had passed and it was muggy out. He informed us that he would take care of the funeral arrangements and has already notified the school so they would excuse the additional days of absence. We would need to meet with my dad’s lawyer after the funeral and get the details of his estate. Samantha came down shortly after with Max. No one had told him what happened, but he was still weary I guess he could sense the sadness in everyone. He’s always been perceptive for his age. He went right to Lucy and grabbed her hand. She bent down and gave him a kiss on the forehead and ruffled his hair. We left the hotel and headed back to the house. Mel was sitting on the stoop waiting for us to arrive. When we got there she went straight to Nick and threw her arms around him. Her face was red and puffy like she’d been crying a lot. Her face mirrored pretty much everyone’s. I was happy she was there for Nick. Lucy made a quick dinner and we ate in silence. I kept watching Max and he looked confused. Fuck. How was I going to tell him this? What was going to happen with him? I knew Lucy was concerned for him as well because she watched him with a hawk eye.

  When we got home Lucy suggested that we have ‘the talk’ with Max. I was dreading this moment but it needed to happen. Lucy and I waited for him to get situated before we went to his room to talk, truth be told I was just procrastinating as long as possible. When we went into the room Max was laying on the floor coloring. Lucy sat down on his bed and called him over, once he took a seat next to her she held onto his hands not saying anything then her eyes met mine. She was just as stuck about this as I was.

  I walked over to where they were sitting and kneeled in front of them. “Max we need to talk to you about something ok?”

  He nodded. “Ok.” He said with a smile, and that almost broke my heart.

  Lucy cleared her thro
at. “Well little man, your dad was in a very bad accident.”

  Max’s face instantly fell. “What happened to him?” he asked worriedly.

  “Well you remember that day it was raining really hard and you were a little scared?” she asked and he nodded. “Well that bad rain made it hard to see the road and your dad got into an accident.”

  “Like when you had an accident? When is he coming home?” Max asked.

  I felt my eyes sting. Dammit I wish I could just tell him that he was coming home tomorrow and that it would be true. “That’s the thing Max. His accident was really bad, worse than Lucy’s. The doctors tried to help him and everything but he got hurt too bad. Dad went to heaven with mom.”

  His eyes instantly watered and the tears started to fall. “But mom never came back.”

  Lucy grabbed him and settled him on her lap and began running her fingers through his hair. I sat down next to her. “I know little man, I know. But daddy is an angel now. As long as you don’t forget him, he’ll always be here even if you can’t see him.”

  Max nodded. “You’re not leaving too are you?”

  I shook my head. “No Max, I’m not planning on going anywhere anytime soon.”

  “Am I going to see daddy again?” He asked sadly.

  I shook my head. “No, at least not for a very long time.”

  He cried into Lucy’s chest and she held him. When he was done he asked if he could come with us, which I expected. He would be afraid of someone else leaving for a while probably. I took him from Lucy and carried him to the room. He fell asleep on my chest clinging onto Lucy’s hand.

  The funeral would be in two days. Lucy made some quick soup since no one wanted to go out and really didn’t have an appetite. The natural mother instincts in her forced us to eat but I was happy it was something light, had it been anything else I’m not sure I would’ve been able to keep it down. Lucy and I stayed holed up in her room for the most part and Max was there with us constantly. I would wait until they were both asleep before I let my emotions get the best of me. Lucy was a softy and I didn’t want to continue to get her worked up along with me as she’s been going through it herself. Truth be told, I preferred some time to mourn in peace. I was staying awake or zoning out for hours replaying all of the years in my head. My dad was the constant. I remember when my mother got sick, my father was so sad it was constantly written on his face. I remember a time when my mom would smile and my father’s eyes would light up. That’s how I knew for so long that Lucy was it for me. The first time she smiled at me it’s like all of that cliché stuff happened. You know, birds chirped, the clouds opened up and the light was only shining on her. I won’t forget how her hazel eyes glittered and she had all of those small straight white teeth on display for me, and all I did was offer to catch her if she fell off the monkey bars because she was so afraid.

  Watching my parents growing up, I knew that’s what you needed out of life when it came to love. They truly loved each other and us. It wasn’t something you observed, you felt it. You sit in the room with the two of them and it’s practically radiating off of them to fill the entire room. I hugged Lucy closer to me and she tightened her arms around me and took in a deep breath like she was sniffing me then sighed, her entire body relaxed and her breathing evened back out. I kissed her forehead as I thought about the years I spent telling my mother about her. She would give me this knowing smile and just nod to what I was telling her. On the last few days I really had with her before her sickness completely took over and she needed life support I asked her if she sent Lucy to me. She shook her head and told me that god sent me an angel because I deserve her and I need to make sure she knows how much I appreciate her. I readjusted Lucy so she was lying on her side and I spooned her and let sleep come. Right before I fell out I whispered softly in her ear, “I love you always Lucy.”

  To my surprise she answered me in a voice thick with sleep. She might’ve been sleep talking. “You too Landon.”

  James and Sam got us all clothes for today. No one has been out or really doing anything. The only time I saw the others was in passing to get food from the kitchen. Lucy hasn’t been in the mood to cook, however she’s been at least making sandwiches or quick things and making everyone eat. She’s also been making sure that there was lemonade or something to drink in the house. She didn’t want to go to the supermarket so how she did it was beyond me. She was resourceful that’s for sure; it makes me think about how she learned all of this. I had asked her before and she told me that when she was younger and lived with her mother, sometimes she wouldn’t come home or would forget to cook or bring in food. After a while she became self-sufficient otherwise she would have had a lot of hungry days. The thought twisted my stomach. Even when I hated her, if I had known that her mother didn’t feed her that day I would’ve taken her food. I won’t say I would have been nice about it but I would’ve made sure she got it and ate it. Deep down I never really wanted her out of my life. She told me she was worried before she met my dad that maybe her mom met someone that lived far and she’d be moving to another City or something. Right, over my dead fucking body. Even back then, my dad probably would’ve had to check me into a mental institution had that happened because I would’ve lost my damn mind.

  Lucy showered first and got dressed as I went to get myself cleaned up. I’m not going to lie this was my first shower since we got back home it’s probably everyone’s first time washing in a couple of days. When I came out she had on her black dress and she looked amazing. Now don’t judge me, I think she looks good in everything or nothing but she looked conservative. This wasn’t a look she does often so I indulged myself a little and took my time scanning her while she was putting on knee highs. I put on my pants and shoes and threw my belt through the loops. I sighed as I tossed the black button up on my shoulders. I couldn’t believe I was going to my father’s funeral. I felt my emotions getting the best of me and I sat down and put my head in my hands trying to get myself back under control. I sat like that for a while until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

  I looked up and Lucy was kneeling on the floor in front of me. “I’m here for you Landon. I’ll help you.” She stood up and held out her hand for me. I took her hand and stood. Gently she smoothed out my t-shirt and tucked it into my pants. Then she buttoned up my shirt slowly starting from the bottom. When she was done she smoothed the shirt and tucked it in then buttoned my pants. I didn’t move a muscle the entire time, I don’t remember the last time anyone took care of me in this way. When I either couldn’t or refused to myself. She walked to the dresser and came back and put my dad’s favorite cufflinks on me. She fixed my belt and grabbed my tie. My dad’s favorite color was this ocean blue color so we decided that all of us would wear something this color today. Lucy had one of those belts girls wear on their waist, I had a tie, Max a bow tie, Nick a suit handkerchief, Erica shoes, and Mel a blazer. Sam picked up the pieces to ensure they were all the same exact shade. The girls also had different necklaces, earrings, bags and girly shit that color. Lucy put on my tie and straightened it. When she was done she told me to sit and I watched her as she pinned back one side of her hair and put in some clip with a blue butterfly on it. She left it out wild and curly the way I love it. She added her necklace and stuff and finished the look with some black heels. The dress fit her like a second skin and I eyed her probably for the first time without lust just appreciation. When she was finished she put a sweater in her bag and handed me my wallet, keys and things to put in my pocket. She grabbed my suit jacket and threw it over her arm then picked up her bag and put it on her shoulder. She held out her hand for me and I took it as she led me downstairs. Erica and Max were already there waiting, and Nick and Mel came down shortly after us. We all headed out to the waiting limo together.

  The entire ride was eerily silent, however comfortable. It seemed like no one was in the mood to speak or do much else but sit there. Even Max had this deadly calm about him and he’s usually brimming wit
h energy. When the car stopped in front of the church no one moved to get out. We all looked around at each other waiting for someone to take the first step. The driver opened the door and it wasn’t until he stuck his hand inside in offering to help Erica did anyone start moving. I eyed the church skeptically. With every step that I took closer to the front doors, the turmoil inside of me grew. It’s like Lucy knew what was going through my head because she wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled herself closer. I immediately felt myself begin to calm and I wrapped an arm around her shoulder. We made our way inside and the place was packed. There were a lot of faces I recognized and others I didn’t. Dad’s best clients were there and those that were no longer clients but he had become friends with were in attendance. I saw a few colleagues and then finally I spotted James. He must’ve seen us come in and stood so we knew where to go. There were a million eyes on us but it all faded away as the casket in the front of the room came into view. Max spotted it and ran towards it.

  “Dad?” I heard Max say and Lucy took off to his side. She bent down and said something to him and he nodded. I saw his face fall and the tears started.

  I picked up my speed and made my way to the front and I picked up Max and grabbed Lucy’s hand while avoiding looking at what was in the casket. We took our seats in the front row and Max climbed across the seats onto Lucy’s lap and buried his face into her chest. The preacher was speaking but I couldn’t hear anything he was saying. My main focus was on avoiding the casket in front of us. I didn’t want to see my father like that, I couldn’t. I refused to let that be the last memory that I have of him. I realized that the preacher had stopped speaking and people were lining up to see him and say their goodbyes. It took a while for everyone to have their turn. Once everyone else cleared and returned to their seats, James motioned for the people in the front row to go last… the family. Everyone stood up except for me.


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