Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2)

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Keeping Her (The Lexington Series Book 2) Page 12

by Belle Winters

  I climbed in bed with Lucy and kissed her. She stirred, “Landon?” she said in a sleepy voice.

  I smiled. “Yes baby. Wake up.” I felt great about what I just done. I wish it was him and not his car but I would have to take what I can for now. He needed to get the message that he needs to think twice about fucking with me that I bite back. I know this thing wouldn’t be over with just that but hopefully he at least keeps it between us. If he comes next to my girl again no amount of begging from her is going to save him. I’m going to fuck him up.

  “No Landon, I’m sleepy.” She whined.

  I began feathering kisses all over her face. I needed her bad right now, sleep be damn. She can sleep another time. “I need you Lucy, come here.” I whispered to her.

  She stirred some more. I placed my hand on her hip and trailed it up her side. She turned over to face me with a moan. I leaned forward and suckled on her neck. I trailed kisses down her neck until I reached her full breast. I licked her nipple and her hands came up to my shoulders and rubbed lightly. I grabbed her left breast as I sucked on her right one. Her body writhed underneath me. I ran my hand down her body to her center and felt she was soaking. That was good because my dick was so hard it hurt. I needed her too bad for foreplay. I slid off my boxers and entered her in one swift movement. She made this kind of purring noise deep in her throat that I loved and I grinded into her. She clamped down on me like her body was trying to pull me in deeper so I obliged. I tried to go slow and she wrapped her legs around me. I leaned down and kissed her.

  “You know I love you baby?” I asked her.

  “Yes Landon” she whispered.

  I couldn’t control myself anymore. It was like that confession spurred me on. I hammered into her recklessly and her voice grew louder. She kept saying my name on repeat and I could only go harder and faster. I felt her come and her body shuddered but I needed more. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her flush against me. And I drove into her until I felt the tingling in my spin and my balls tighten. I put a finger on her clit and began a punishing motion. “Come for me baby.” I urged and bit down on her neck. She came hard with a scream and that set me off. I came in her and it felt like I just unloaded a truck inside of her. My body jerked from the strength of it and I stayed inside her until the last spurt came out. I sighed and placed a few small kisses to her lips. When she unraveled her legs from around me I rolled over to the side. I pulled her against me and kissed her forehead.

  “Night angel.” I whispered.

  “Goodnight Landon.” She whispered back.

  The next morning I was walking to my first class and I spotted a pissed off Dylan walking my way. I wanted to laugh but I couldn’t, instead I pretended not to notice him. I continued walking and he came to stop right in front of me. You could see the veins popping out of his neck.

  “That’s the best you got? You fuck up my car?” he practically screamed.

  I smiled and held my hands up in defense. “I have no idea what you’re talking about man?” I was taunting him and I noticed the attention he had drawn. Fighting was a no go, but if he provoked it or threw the first swing… all bets were off. But that’s what I want, a chance to bash his fucking teeth in.

  He stepped closer to the point of invading my space. “You fucking heard me. I know you’re the one that fucked my car. Not man enough to admit it?”

  I shrugged. “I still have no idea what you’re talking about. If something happened to your car then I’d be more careful about who I piss off.” As I walked past him I whispered, “Always time to back down. This is a man’s game bitch.” I smiled to myself. It is so degrading to a man to be called a bitch. That’s why I throw it at him every chance I get.


  Landon was home before me. It was really weird that he beats me home. I know he’s feeling down about the suspension but he had his appointment today to test for steroids. They said it will only take a couple of days to get the results and he’ll be back. He was sitting on the couch with his back to me. I walked up behind him and threw my arms around his shoulders and kissed his cheek.

  “Honey I’m home.” I sing songed and he laughed.

  He grabbed me and pulled me over the back of the chair and I landed awkwardly on him. I slapped his chest. “Hey baby. And when you come home I want a real kiss.” He said and leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips. When he pulled back I grinned like an idiot.

  He began playing with my hair and cleared his throat. “Listen Lucy, we need to talk about what happened with Dylan. I let it pass the other night because I knew how much it meant to you, but I need to know everything that happened.”

  I sighed and sat upright. “Landon I told you. The moral of the story was that he had something against you and he’s gunning for you.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You know what I’m asking. Give me details Lucy.”

  I folded. “Fine. He cornered me and basically taunted me a bit saying he’s a better man than you and I could leave you for him. He asked if I loved you, he really only grabbed my arm.” I felt him tense then but I continued. “But in the end I told him he wasn’t even on your level… to fuck off. It’s over now, so just drop it. Don’t make it into something bigger than it has to be.”

  My cell phone rang and I went to answer it. I saw it was Catherine, she had put some of my art work on display once and she helped me pick out a school and get noticed by some people in the art world. She had an awesome eye and we kept in touch. “Hey Catherine, how are you?” I greeted her.

  “Hello Lucy. I’m doing well actually. I’m short on time but I needed to catch you as soon as possible. I’m having another show in two weeks and it’s going to be on your campus. People are looking forward to seeing some more of your stuff. Do you think you would like to put together maybe 10 pieces or so for the show?” she asked quickly.

  I squealed. “Yes! I would love to. And don’t worry I’ll have Landon help. Can you text me the details and when I need to drop the pieces? I can take pictures of the pieces and send them to you beforehand.”

  I could hear her clap her hand. “That would be wonderful, thank you Lucy. You’re a hit. People have been buzzing about you since the first one and well what kind of hostess would I be if I didn’t give the people what they wanted. I’ll see you soon.”

  We said our goodbyes and hung up. I went back to Landon in the living room and plopped on his lap. I placed a wet sloppy kiss on his lips and grinned. His eyebrows hit his forehead. “That was Catherine. She’s doing a show here on campus and wants me to show about 10 pieces. So you mister have some work to do.”

  He smiled and kissed me. “That’s great Lucy. You know I’d take any chance I can get to rifle through your stuff. When is it?” I asked.

  She shrugged, “I’m not sure yet. But make sure your ass is there.” I threatened.

  He smiled. “Would I miss it babe?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No Landon. You wouldn’t.”

  Catherine texted me a couple of hours later stating the show would be in three weeks. I’d need to have my paintings there the day before for the setup. The only problem is that Landon had an away game that day. They would be leaving in the morning a couple of hours before the show. I kind of wanted to beg his coach to postpone the time they leave since they’re going to arrive really early. It’s only an hour away but he wanted them to get in some practice time and rest before the game. Landon was upset because he wanted to be there for me, but I assured him I would be fine. Nick and Max were coming to support me. Dad and Sam would be coming up too. Landon and I spent our free time going through my paintings trying to find the perfect ones. In the meantime, I worked on a family portrait. There was a picture with Dean, Landon, Nick, Erica, Max, and I that Mel took two Christmas’s ago. I had the photo and I used it as my guide.

  I got the painting finished within two weeks which was a relief. Landon and I were able to narrow down which paintings to use and the school was buzzing with excitement for
the upcoming event. I was nervous and eager at the same time. As the days closed in, more and more people in the art department were gearing up to showcase their best work around. The show was being held in the art department so some of the student work will be on display around the halls and such but not directly in the show. The day before Landon helped me drop off my work. I spotted Jasmine there as we were leaving and she appeared to be setting up a painting in the hall. I had no idea she was even into art.

  She spotted us walking her way and waved. “Hi Lucy, Landon.” She greeted us.

  “Hi Jasmine.”

  “Hey” Landon said in greeting.

  She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt and cleared her throat. “So Landon do you want to study together this weekend for our economics test?” she asked hopefully.

  I kept my mouth shut and just watched. Landon grabbed the back of his neck and massaged. “Um.” He cleared his throat and shifted his feet. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. But good luck, yea?” he was so uncomfortable.

  Her face dropped and she looked at me then swung her gaze to Landon. “Oh ok. Right. That’s fine I get it. I meant to just study, nothing more… but I understand.” She turned back around to finish what she was doing.

  When we were in front of the school Landon let out a long breath and met my eyes. “God, she makes me uncomfortable.” He confessed and I burst out laughing.

  “Yes I know, and it’s hilarious dude.” I told him through laughter.

  He rolled his eyes. “Go ahead and laugh Lucy.” He said taking my hand and leading me back to the car.

  “Oh babe, I will.” I assured him still grinning.

  We went back home and cuddled together in bed. Max came to join us and we watched the movie Home together. Landon packed his bag for the next night and we went to sleep. The next morning I had to practically push him out the door. He was like a little boy being shipped off to summer camp I had to pry him off of me. He promised to call me when he got there and I promised to tell him all about the show. James and Sam arrived shortly after Landon left and we headed over to the school. The show began at 11, and I needed to be there when it began. There was a large crowd outside waiting when we arrived. My palms grew sweaty as my anxiety went into overdrive.

  Nick threw his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple. “It’s going to be fine baby girl. Don’t worry about it.” he assured me and it made me feel a little bit better.

  We were one of the last people to enter. They revealed one section at a time. I was last and my stuff was still in a closed off section of the room. I took in some of the other paintings and studied their strokes and color usage. I would need to incorporate some of these techniques in my work. There were a lot of great pieces. We have been here for about an hour when Catherine finally announced me. She gave me a glowing praise and it boosted my confidence just a bit. The space was opened up and people began filtering in. I heard gasps and became nervous. Did they not like my work? I was almost afraid to find out. I felt a hand in mine and looked up to see James smiling down at me encouragingly. I smiled back and squared my shoulders ready to face what people thought.

  I walked inside and when I caught sight of my work I immediately froze. All of my paintings were ruined. Each one was covered in insults in big red paint. There was whore, bitch, slut, and more strewn across all my paintings. My eyes stung with tears, I couldn’t believe someone had ruined my work. I stepped inside and immediately looked for the painting I did of the family. When I saw it I couldn’t hold back the tears. I put a lot of work into it and had big plans to put it up in the family room. It was a piece I was most proud of since it meant so much. It held memories from that day, that moment, Dean, and someone ruined it. I walked closer to it. This one was different. Instead of just splattering paint and profanities on it, they had covered me in paint. The rest of the photo was intact except for me. My body shook and my knees got weak. My entire face was covered in red paint so you couldn’t even tell it was me and there was a mark in the middle of my chest that looked like blood leaking from a target. Nick caught me before I hit the floor and I let him hold me. The show was immediately cancelled and Catherine apologized to me profusely, but it wasn’t her fault. Who would do this to me?

  We all went back to the house and I curled up in a ball on the couch and cried. Not only was my stuff ruined, but someone basically sent me a threat. The thought made my body shake. I haven’t done anything to anyone to deserve this. After a while I settled and was able to think clearly. I didn’t answer Landon’s call because he would know that there was something wrong. It’ll be fucked up to spill this to him while he’s away an about to play a game. I was watching TV when my phone chimed. It was a text from Landon. Come meet me at our hotel. I miss you. I’m in room 32, there will be a keycard for you at the front desk. I read the text twice and made my decision to go. It was only an hour drive and I really wanted Landon. Just to hold me and tell me everything is ok. Fine, I’m being needy but so what… he’ll deal with it.

  I went upstairs and packed an overnight bag. Technically they aren’t supposed to have people with them in their rooms, but this is Landon. Since when does he ever follow the rules and his ass always gets away with it. I took my time getting myself ready since it was still pretty early when he first texted… it was before the game. I checked the time and noted that their game should’ve just ended. I hopped in my car and drove to the hotel. I couldn’t help but get excited at the thought of seeing him. After the day I had I needed my dose of Landon.

  I made it to the hotel and went to the front desk. “Hi, my name is Lucy. There should be a card here for me?” I asked.

  The lady behind the counter smiled and checked around. She slid an envelope with my name on it across the desk to me. “Enjoy your stay.” She said and I smiled and thanked her.

  I went to the elevators and went up to the 3rd floor. I found room 32 and took the card out of the envelope and inserted it into the door to let myself in. I immediately heard the shower running as soon as I got into the room and I smiled. I put my bag down on the bed and started to make my way to the bathroom door to let him know I was there. As I was walking I noticed something red on the floor. I frowned and bent down to inspect it. It was a red thong, what the fuck? I heard the shower turn off and I looked around. I noticed a matching bra hanging off the back of a chair in the corner. I walked over to it and frowned. Am I in the wrong room? But that wouldn’t make sense since the key card was left for me and everything. The door to the bathroom opened and steam billowed out. I looked up and didn’t find what I was looking for. There was a blond girl standing in the doorway wrapped in a towel.

  I hit defcon 1 in 1.5 seconds. “Who the fuck are you?” I practically yelled.

  She jumped in surprise. “Excuse me? You’re the one who just came into the room. I would think I should be asking you that.” She retorted putting her hands on her hips.

  I crossed my arms. “This is Landon’s room right?” I asked.

  She quirked an eyebrow. “Yea, and?”

  I scoffed. My anger was at an all-time high and my hand was itching to slap a bitch. I’m not going to lie, it was a combination of the whole day… but it’s unfortunate for her she stepped into my path. “See this ring?” I asked pointing to my engagement ring. “This means that I can ask whatever the fuck I please. Now where the hell is Landon and why are you in his room… Naked.” She opened her mouth to answer and I put up a hand to stop her. “Before you answer just know that I am on a war path and I won’t mind putting you on your ass.” I made sure she got the message before I waved at her to continue.

  “Listen. I don’t know about all this engagement ring and girlfriends and stuff. Landon and I hook up at away games and sometimes back at school. There’s none of that relationship stuff. There’s an itch, we scratch it… simple. I had no idea about you and it’s not really my business. If you’re looking for him he’s out getting food. I’ll be getting dressed and I’m out of here. This is to
o much drama for me.” She dropped the towel and started getting dressed in front of me. I didn’t even blink. I grabbed my bag and left back to my car. I wasn’t going to cry, fuck no. this is just too fucking much for me right now. When I got back to my car I held my phone in my hand. I know I should talk to him. I dialed his number and he answered on the second ring.

  “Hey Lucy.”

  “Hi. Where are you?” I asked cutting to the chase.

  “Grabbing something to eat.” He told me and my stomach clenched.

  So she was telling me the truth. BASTARD! “Oh ok.” Was all I could get out before I hung up.

  I sped home and didn’t immediately get out of the car. After thinking it over for about 20 minutes I dialed Naiyla.

  “Lucy? Hey!” she greeted me enthusiastically.

  “Hey Naiyla, are you busy?” I asked.

  “No actually. I’m here bored looking through Netflix for something to binge on. What’s going on? I miss you we need to spend time together.” She told me.

  That made me smile a little. “Well, that’s why I was calling. I was kind of hoping there was still a spare room there… with a bed that I can sleep in for a few days?” I asked her.

  She laughed. “It’s still your room girl. Come on over, and you’re going to spill. There can never be a good reason for a girl to leave a smoking hot guy in bed.”

  “Thanks, I’ll see you soon. I have to pack up some things and I’ll be on my way.” I told her.

  I went in the house to seek out Nick. He was in the family room watching TV. I took a seat next to him. “Nick?”

  He turned to me. I saw a witty response on the tip of his tongue but when he took me in he frowned. “What’s the matter Luce?”

  I sighed. “Today has just been rough. First it was the whole thing with my pictures and the threat. Then Landon texted me to go see him so I drove out to their hotel. He left a key to his room for me at the front desk and when I got there, there was a naked girl. She said that they hook up at away games and sometimes around here. When I asked where he was she told me he was grabbing them food. I called him and he said the same thing so I came back home. Today was just a lot and it’s taken a toll on my emotions. Landon will be back tomorrow, would you mind watching Max tonight? I want to go stay with Naiyla for a few days, get some girl time in and get my head on straight.”


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