I laugh, “Are you serious? Please tell me you’re fucking with me right now. That is insane. I wouldn’t even make it to auditions probably, you have to be either a model or have a high paying, first class type of job to be on that show. Plus ninety percent of the ‘couples’ end up splitting up before the episodes even air. Go home Sarah, you’re drunk.” She goes to get in the car and rolls her eyes at me.
“I’m just saying getting paid to be on a tv show and possibly finding love. I don’t see the negative side here, even if it ends you we’re on TV.” With that she waves and gets in her car, leaving me astonished that she thinks that's even slightly a good idea.
I head home, wash my face, put on my favorite sweats and crawl in bed. I text the girls the Uber got me home safely and that I’ll talk to them tomorrow. Thank God tomorrow is Sunday and all I have to do is lay around watching sappy chick flicks like the hopeless romantic that I am, while sipping on some coffee and maybe I’ll work on some stories for my column. I roll over, exhausted and a bit drunk because I’m a lightweight and Zoe apparently wanted to give me alcohol poisoning tonight. I should take some ibuprofen, but I’m too comfy and sleepy to move. I’ll regret this decision tomorrow when I’m hung-over, but right now all I want to do is shut off the world for a bit.
….A sneak peek at Finding Forver – Book two in The Second Chances Duet
I have always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. I believe that you meet people for a reason. They come into your life to help you form into the person you are meant to be. Whether they become a temporary acquaintance, a lifelong friend, the person that breaks your heart, or the love of your life; every single person you have relations with, gives you something, even if you don’t know it.
Years ago, when I made the biggest decision of my life, a life changing decision, I met a person who changed every outlook I had. He helped me so much to become the woman I am today, whether he knows that or not. I was so lost before I met him, I was just stumbling through life, waiting to find my purpose, desperate to find my path. I took the chance to make my dreams come true when it was offered and then something unexpected happened. I met the love of my life. I fought it, I didn’t want to be hurt again, but he showed me how real love works.
Real love helps you grow as a person, real love nourishes your soul, real love is forever… even when the relationship ends.
Chase will forever be the love of my life, that’s why I left. I couldn’t let the love of my life give everything he’s ever wanted up for me. I just couldn’t do it. Even though my heart aches every day missing him, even though it hurt like hell to have to look him dead in the face and lie to him, it was the best thing for him. I love Chase so much it hurts, but when you love someone, truly, unconditionally love them, you do whatever you have to in order to make sure they get what they deserve. Chase deserves his happiness, he deserves the life he is finally living. I wasn’t about to rip all of that away from him.
Mystique Roberts love for books started at a very young age. Growing up she was the shy, quiet, girl with her nose in a book. Although she has come out of her shell, you will still find her immersed in a story one way or another. Whether it be reading one or writing one of her own, books are her passion.
After her enthusiasm for writing was reignited in 2016, she found herself jotting down ideas for different books more and more. Originally working in accounting, one day she decided to take a chance and follow her dreams. Mystique is currently residing in Illinois. There you will find her studying English, working towards a career in publishing and writing one of her upcoming novels.
You can follow her on :
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Email: mystiqueroberts1@gmail.com
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