by Ruby Green
He all but whimpered as he guided her head towards his crock. She giggled, as she placed the entirety of his penis in her mouth, feeling the member pulsate as she continued to lick and suck him.
“Oh, I need to be inside of you.” He grunted.
“Mom… the feeling is mutual.” She replied as she stood up and turned around. She winced as he slapped her butt, what little fat she had retained over the many years of squats and leg workouts responding to his hand. “That feels so good.” She breathed as he sat his hard penis on top of her right cheek. He rubbed it against her, teasing her and teasing her, until she could hardly take it anymore. Her jaw swung open as he pressed himself inside of her, a shot of pleasure tumbling up her spine and driving all thoughts of anything that wasn’t Benson out of her mind. He rammed himself in and out, in and out, until she could feel her muscle spasms all the way up her torso and all the way down her legs. He reached up and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head back until she could barely breathe. As he got closer and closer to his climax, he drove himself in, harder and deeper, until every thrust shoved her into the conference table and the conference table into the wall. She felt like she could have been flying for there was no such thing as up or down, no such thing as falling. Her whole face jiggled up and down, the wall-clock hanging on the opposite wall becoming nothing but a blur as she felt herself orgasm, her pelvis falling into itself and her toes curling.
He ripped his penis out of her.
“Don’t you dare-“ she ordered, but he had already cum… all over back. She sucked in a deep breath to calm her still-pounding heartbeat. “I swear if you got even a drop of that on my-“
He chuckled at this. “Relax. It’s all on your back baby.” He replied.
Janette released a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God.” She muttered to herself, then, to him. “What are you waiting for? Go get me a tissue.” She ordered.
Luckily, there was a tray holding a pitcher of water, a stack of glasses and a roll of paper towel. Janette bit her lip as he rubbed her clean, already wishing he would just fuck her again. But even she could see that ever doing this again was a very bad idea. She was pretty sure that if her boss ever found out she was involved with anyone in his firm he would fire her on the spot; something about some personal vendetta he held.
He had finished far too soon. “There you go. Cleaner than ever.” He replied, slapping her one last time.
She flinched, than straightened up, furiously redressing herself. “I can assure you that is not true.” She replied.
He laughed at this. “Oh, is it not?”
She giggled as she watched him dress himself. “You know, that really did backfire.” She commented.
He raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
She shrugged, slipping her brief out of her briefcase and laying it face down on the conference table. “My mind is clearer than ever.” She replied, glowering at him.
He scoffed. “You’re such an amazing liar.” He replied in a mocking voice.
That smirk of triumph stuck on his face was starting to really annoy her. “And you’re such an amazing fuck.” She replied, facing her brief so that she could quickly go over her final statements. “Go. I need to rehearse this.”
He let out a low chuckle as he made his way to the door. “That’s so cute. You need to go over your statement.” He teased.
She glared at him. “I could punch you right now.”
He shrugged. “Well, you already had sex with me….” He murmured.
“Get out, Benson! I mean it!” Janette shouted.
He just continued to giggle as he opened the door and walked out, making sure to shut it behind him. She sighed to herself as she continued to work on the final statement, not stopping until she was sure she had said everything she needed to say, when it needed to be said and exactly how it should be said. With that accomplished, she then packed up her brief, and re-immersed herself into the hallway.
“Oh! There you are!” Pixie caught up with her. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” She cried.
Janette rolled her eyes. Pixie’s intense melodrama over everything was really starting to get to her. “Oh, you got the yogurt.” She replied as she snatched it out of her hands and kept walking. “Great. Now, let’s go in there and win you your case.”
Chapter Three
Janette watched with severe eyes as the bartender poured her third pint of beer. She had started off with Blue Moons, but now she moved on to Guinness, the beer she could only ever drink if she was already drunk anyway. She took that first, excruciating sip of her bitter beer, then turned to face her best friend and favorite bar companion, Victoria Ramsey. One look at Ramsey’s apologetic frown was enough to make her want to down the beer and run. “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.” She snapped, before taking another gulp. It was one thing to come to terms with the fact that she had lost a case she was sure she had wrapped around her finger, but a completely different thing to have to admit to it out loud.
Ramsey took a sip of her martini, that sorry look still on her face. “I can’t do this with you again.” She murmured.
Janette raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”
She shrugged. “Well, if you don’t talk about it with me, you’re just gonna go home and sulk and be unhappy. You’re going to let all those feelings well up inside of you and then one day next week, we’re both going to be back here, and you’re going to be drinking yourself silly once again, but it’s going to be because you went and did something stupid because of all of those feelings you had welled up inside of you.”
Janette rolled her eyes. “Oh what have I done to deserve a friend as attentive as you?” she demanded as she took another gulp of the beer.
Victoria shrugged. “You’re just lucky I had tonight off. There’s been another disappearance and the police station is going crazy.” She replied.
Janette laughed. “Ah, so that’s what this is about… you needing to get out of here as soon as possible.” She replied.
Victoria laughed, placing a reassuring, yet sloppily intoxicated hand on her shoulder. “Well, you too. Just between you and me, the mayor is contemplating putting a curfew on the city.”
Janette’s eyes went wide, but she slipped her hand off of her shoulder. “You should probably sober up, if you are planning on going back in.”
Victoria nodded and ordered water.
Janette waited until she had finally put some water down to respond to her. “A curfew?” she whispered the words, so as to not throw Victoria under the bus. “I can’t believe it’s that bad. How many people are missing now?” she asked.
“Fifteen women.” She replied.
Janette’s stomach lurched. “This town isn’t that big, honey. That’s like half the female population.” But her sarcasm only masked the fear that was rapidly setting in.
Victoria laughed at her. “Now you understand my preoccupation.”
Janette raised an eyebrow. “Yeah. Now, I’m just questioning your work ethic a little.” She teased. “I can’t believe you’re sitting in a bar gossiping with your friend while women are being kidnapped as we speak.”
Victoria punched her playfully in the arm. “Don’t even joke about this stuff. I have fifteen grieving mothers breathing down my neck.”
Janette furrowed her brow. “Mothers? How old are these women?” she asked.
Victoria shrugged. “Around the same age, all between around 24 and 29.”
Janette laughed. “So, sounds like I’m the perfect candidate.” She joked.
Victoria glowered at her as she took another gulp of her glass of water. “I said, don’t joke. I’m actually kind of scared for you, and for myself.”
“Any leads?” she then asked as she took down another sip of Guinness.
Victoria shook her head. “You know I can’t tell you any of that.” She then let out a dry chuckle. “For all I know, you might be defending him in court in a couple of months.”
“You are just so ambitious with these charges.” Janette replied.
“At this point, I am so worried about everything that I would welcome a future that includes a man being brought to court for this. At least it would mean we have something.”
“A man? Stop being so sexist.” She teased.
Victoria flexed her jaw. “What woman would manage to systematically kidnap fifteen other women? It’s probably some sadistic sex trafficking disgusting excuse for a man.”
Janette raised her eyebrow. “So, I see your sobering up nicely.”
Victoria shook her head, waving her hand in front of her. “Oh God, we’re only even here so that I can listen to you vent about the case you lost. I’m so sorry! I just monopolized this whole evening.”
Janette just laughed. “No. No. It’s fine. As always, your murderer is more important than mine.”
Victoria laughed at this. “That’s just because your murderer is never actually a murderer.”
Janette smirked. “Who told you that?” she teased.
Victoria shook her head. “Seriously Janette, this is the last call for any feelings you can’t pour into a tequila bottle.” She scolded.
Janette shook her head, really trying to keep her composure, but as soon as the mere thought of revealing her feelings to Victoria crossed her mind, she couldn’t resist anymore. “Okay well I just. I know I won that case. Benson is such a fucking ass hole to go and sleep with a juror like that, like how much of a floozy can you be?”
“But you slept with him….”
“Okay.” Janette raised her hand. This was the one thing she was not comfortable with. The truth was she felt dirty as hell for having had sex with her opponent in the first place, and, in the second place, to find out that she was just another person on his list of involved people to compromise. “That was not sleeping with him. We had sex during recess. It wasn’t even anything. It was like scratching an itch or something.” Was her hasty reply.
Victoria pursed her lips. “Right…. The sad thing is that you say that about everyone you have sex with.”
Janette laughed to cover up her horror with the fact that what Victoria was saying was too true. She never really did feel connected to anyone she slept with in a meaningful way. Back in college and law school, that was a good thing. It kept her focused and true to herself. Now, all it did was keep her lonely. In fact, she longed to feel that connection Hallmark keeps going on and on about for someone, anyone. “I know, I’m such an anomaly. I bet you my soul mate is one of those extra-terrestrials NASA keeps talking about.”
Victoria chuckled at this. “You know no one’s taken NASA seriously since they shot that meteor in 2027.” She replied.
Janette giggled at this. “I know. I was just kidding I guess. Although that would be weird huh? Falling in love with an alien.”
Victoria shrugged, then took the last gulp of her water. “Everyone’s an alien sweetheart.” She retorted as she stood up, straightened out her suit pants, and ran her fingers through her short, blond bob-cut. “Look, I gotta get back.” She leaned over and planted a mocking kiss on Janette’s forehead. “Go ahead. Finish your beer, but don’t you dare get another one.” She sighed. “It makes me uncomfortable to think of you going home alone. You know what, find a nice guy to flirt with you. It’ll be good for your self-esteem. Make him take you home.”
“Yes Mom.” Janette mumbled.
With that, Victoria turned and walked away. She had only actually made it a couple of steps away, before, thinking better of her advice, she turned and mended it, adding, “Actually, don’t do that. Knowing you, you would pick the one guy who actually is the murderer.”
Janette laughed as she watched her friend leave, then turned back to her drink. As she sipped her Guinness, she continued to wonder about her case, about Benson and about her sex life. This was the first time she had ever lost a case for anyone, guilty or not, and it bothered that it happened to be because Benson was promiscuous. In fact, somehow, the fact that a juror would hang their decision on having sex with only one out of the many good looking men on this planet made her seriously question her faith in mankind. As she sat there, gulping down her bitter beer with more gusto than any woman ever should, she realized that she had never felt more slighted… and more alone.
Chapter Four
By the time Janette finished her Guinness, she noticed her limbs growing heavier and heavier. She could barely focus on the television right in front of her, and it was becoming more and more difficult to hold coherent thoughts. With one sloppy, “Excuse me!” she called the bartender over and paid her tab. She then stood up, only to stumble back over on her chair. She didn’t have to have a case-winning mastermind to figure out that she was not okay to get home on her own, especially in a small town where a murderer, or a kidnapper, or whatever was on the loose. So, she pulled her chair back out, sat down in it and prepared to sober up. With an impish grin, she called that same bartender over to open her tab again and ordered a water and a coke, no Jack involved.
Janette was just taking her first sip of her virgin Jack and coke when she saw a movement out of the corner of her eye. She froze, as this same person pulled the chair out the chair next to her and preceded to sit in it. He raised his hand, calling for the bartender. When the woman finally made her way over to him, the words, “I would like a pint of Blue Moon, please,” slipped out of his lips, wrapped in a voice that was the perfect combination of gruff and smooth.
Janette looked up at him and had to physically stop her jaw from dropping at just how beautiful he was. His face was the model of perfect bone structure; high cheekbones, strong chin, heavy-set brows. His exposed arms, tanned were limbs made of well-cut muscles, covered in skin that was just the right amount of sun-kissed. In fact, as Janette took a closer look at his skin, she could have sworn she saw it glimmering in the dim bar lighting. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows. “I’m sorry. Do I have something on my face?” he asked.
As he made eye contact with her, Janette felt an odd sensation, like every inch of her being, every cell in her body was being reprogrammed towards him. Suddenly, he seemed like the only worthwhile thing in the room. She shook her head. “No.” she muttered, mentally kicking herself for having blatantly stared at him for so long. “I’m sorry, I just was fascinated by your skin. What spray tan is that?” apparently the alcohol was doing wonders for her social awareness.
The man flinched. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He replied as he took a sip of his beer.
Janette cocked head to one side. There was something strange about the way that he formed his sentences, as if he was obsessed with saying every single word exactly how it was supposed to be said. “I’m sorry, I didn’t even realize how weird that question was.” She replied.
He nodded, a smile on his face that suggested he was pretending to understand what she had just said. “Right… Well, I guess I’ll just take that as a compliment.” He replied.
Janette raised an eyebrow. “You are unbelievably nice.” She believed.
“And you are impossibly honest.” Much to her satisfaction, he sounded in genuine awe.
“Am I?” Janette replied. “I think I’m just impossibly drunk right now.”
He laughed at this. The sound leaving his lips resembling more like what a gloriously large bell than what she would have expected from a man that size. She found herself leaning in even closer to him. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s absolutely adorable.”
Janette winced. “Is it that obvious?”
He shook his head. “No. I’m just really good at reading people.”
“And choosing beers.” Janette added, pointing at the pint in front of him.
He cocked his head to the side.
Her lips folded into a triumphant smile. “That was my little bit of mind reading.” She replied.
He raised an eyebrow. “I said I read people, not minds.” He replied.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there was a difference.
” She took another sip of her coke, reveling in the fact that she was feeling more and more like herself by the minute.
He nodded. “Oh yes there is. Minds are complex and hidden, and sometimes what you think you see might not even be real. Minds often lie, but people never do. You can see their intentions in their eyes, you can feel it in their breath and their voice. People are as true as anything can ever be.”
“And what are my intentions?”
He shrugged, pursing his lips as if preparing to give her a half-ass answer, but just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, he saw something in her and his jaw clamped shut. He leaned into her, even going so far as to rest a hand on her thigh. “You seem to be looking for comfort. In fact, you look like you have had a terrible day.” He replied.