Love's Interception

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Love's Interception Page 5

by N Kuhn

  “Morning beautiful. Anyone ever tell you how pretty you are when you’re sleeping? Or how gorgeous you look when you blush?” I feel him move next to me, his arm tightening around me. When I look back, his head is propped up on a hand, and he’s staring down at me, grinning like an idiot.

  “No, I’ve never slept with anyone. You know that.”

  “Well I’m happy that I get to be the first. There’s a lot of firsts I would love to be for you.” He leans down, kissing my forehead.

  “As much as I’d love to stay here in bed with you all day, I have to get to try-outs and I need to shower and change.”

  “Great, let’s go shower.” Unable to hold my laughter, I notice he looks serious.

  “No, you need to go home and get ready for practice. I don’t need Dan mad at me that you’re late.”

  Pushing his arm off of me, I get up, pulling the sheet with me.

  “You don’t have to hide your body from me. You’re beautiful, amazing, and perfect. I love looking at you.” My face reddens again. What is it about him that I can’t resist?

  “Go,” I say, a little more stern than I meant. He feigns hurt, then rolls onto his back laughing.

  “Come on, get ready. We’ll swing by my place so I can change and then we’ll go together. We have lunch plans and I can’t have you running away from me again.”

  “We do?”

  “Yes, but it’s a surprise. So make sure you pack some clean clothes with you.” My curiosity piqued, I take a step towards the bathroom but stop, turning back to him. “What kind of clothes?”

  “The comfortable kind.” His grin widens and it makes him look young and carefree. Staring at him, I memorize all of it. I have no clue where we are heading with this and in case it’s not going anywhere outside of this moment, I want to carry the memory with me.

  Twenty minutes and a lot of groping and kissing later, we pull up to a nice house near the stadium.

  “Is this your place?” I ask him. He leans over, brushing a stray hair out of my face. “Sort of. I bunk here with some of the other players. But, could you please do me a favor? I’ll be in and out in less than five minutes. Can you please stay here? I would hate to have to hit one of my teammates for ogling you in that get up.” Looking down at myself I wonder what he means. I have on spandex shorts and a tank top. Basically what I wore yesterday. He pulls me in for a kiss and jumps out of the jeep. Digging out my phone, I take the time to answer some emails and to text my landlord back in LA. If I’m making the squad like Brent thinks, then I’m going to need to sublet my apartment. True to his word, five minutes later Brent runs back to the truck with his gym bag. Throwing it in the backseat next to mine, he climbs in. Taking my hand, he pulls it up to those soft lips of his, kissing my knuckles. I blush, thinking of what he did with those lips last night.

  As we get out at the stadium, there’s less cars here today. Most likely because the majority of the girls from yesterday won’t be here. Looking around, I notice Jamie, and the If-Looks-Could-Kill glare she’s giving me from the entrance into the stadium. I reach behind me, grabbing my duffle, and jump out. Brent rushes around the side of the vehicle, grabbing my hand. He pulls me into him, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I feel like a giddy school girl going to class with her football star boyfriend. Something I never got to experience in school. I may not have as much self-esteem as I would like, but I certainly feel happier than I did back then. The warmth of his body this close to me has my body betraying me. I need to focus on try outs but all my body wants is Brent. Jamie disappears inside before we get there.

  “You know, we could sneak off to the showers real quick,” he smiles down at me with a wickedly delicious stare, “I hear that an orgasm can help clear your mind.” Swatting at him, I try to pull away, but he holds tight.

  “I don’t need my head clear. I need to try to remember the moves we learned yesterday to keep from embarrassing myself.” He leans down, nibbling my ear, kissing my neck, and I know I’m done for.

  “Where are the showers? We have to be quick.”

  “Oh man, look, I’ve created a monster!” He laughs, dropping his arm from my shoulder, he takes my back, dropping it in the hallway. It’s dark in here again, just like yesterday.

  “Why are all these lights always off? It’s kind of creepy.” He just chuckles again. I love hearing him laugh. It sounds so real, so happy, and almost as happy as I feel right now.

  Looking over his shoulder, Brent makes sure no one’s around and drags me inside of a locker room, flipping the lights on.

  “Why is it empty if you guys have practice?” Pushing me up against a locker, kissing my neck. He splays his fingers across my stomach, wiggling their way under my shirt. The fire in my stomach sparks, igniting such a heat, I wonder if I’m burning alive. Slowly, he makes his way up my stomach, lightly tracing the lines of my breasts under the sports bra I put on earlier. His soft lips find their way from my neck to my mouth, and he covers me with his. Strong, demanding, in charge. His tongue makes its way into my mouth and I want to suck on it, on all of him. I love the way he tastes. Salty, manly. Reaching down, he slides his hands to my shorts, quickly removing them. I hold to his strong chest, reveling in the hardness beneath my hands. Stepping out of my shorts, he wastes no time in grabbing my ass. The feel of his hands on me drives my body wild. Lifting me up, with a quick thrust, he’s inside of my swollen pussy. Slightly sore from the night before, I squirm, but the pain quickly vanishes as my excitement builds. I never even noticed he had pulled his pants down. I wrap my legs around his hips and move myself up and down the hard length of his cock.

  “God you’re so wet for me already Bree. I love it. I’ve dreamed of this, of you, for years. I’m not letting you go this time.” The man sure does know all the right things to say. Slowly, he starts moving in and out of my hot needy pussy. The fire inside of me is building quicker than last night. I hold on to him for dear life. As he goes faster, I feel myself come undone.

  Our bodies shaking from the adrenaline rush, I hear footsteps in the hallway. Quickly we both throw on our clothes, but the sound disappears.

  “Man, everything echoes in here. I hope that no one heard us,” I say, as I’m trying to fix the ponytail in my hair. Picking up our bags, he holds the door open for me. The smile on his face speaks volumes. Ignoring the look he gives me, I walk out ahead of him, not looking back. When we get to the field, I hold out my arm for my bag. Brent leans down, taking my mouth with his, caressing my face with his free hand. As he pulls away, he hands me my duffle and smacks my ass.

  “See you at lunch sexy.” He turns and jogs over to where Coach Rey is waiting for him. “Ready to show me what you got today?” I startle, turning to find Elena standing there. Her smile is genuine, and I’m happy to see her.

  “Yes, I think I actually am.” With a hop in my step, I follow her onto the field. I think I’m finally going to be able to make friends, and it feels good to not be so lonely anymore. “He’s got it bad for you, you know that right?” she asks me. Taken aback by what she said, I almost stumble.

  “We really need to work on that clumsiness you have.” The humor in her voice feels great. Like she’s not picking on me, but laughing with me. This is new and refreshing.

  Tossing my bag down on the bench, I sit down to begin warming up. Elena heads to the bench to drop off her bag and go over her papers. Jamie throws herself down in front of me, pretending to warm up.

  “You know, you’re just a toy to him right? Guys like Brent don’t love girls like you. You’re just something to amuse him, bide his time. He belongs with someone like me.” Looking up, I see the wide grin plastered to her face. I imagine throwing my first through it. I’ve never been violent, never hit anyone. But right now, I would consider it. Ignoring her comment, I keep warming up, my thoughts drifting to all that’s happened in the last twenty four hours. Unable to keep the smile from my face, I’m ready to take on today.

  Again, two hours of try-outs, learnin
g moves and routines, and Elena calls us to huddle up.

  “Ok ladies. Again, you all did great. But there’s only three spots. Two of you are absolutely in. The third, well you’re all great and we just can’t decide. So the other girls and I that are on the squad are going to watch over yesterday and today’s footage we took of you and we will make our decision tomorrow. Right now, Brianna Woods and Jamie Brooks, congratulations, you’re on the squad.” She turns to me with a big infectious smile.

  “Great job today Bree. Welcome.” She pulls me in for a hug and it sets me off balance for a moment, but it feels good. This must be what it’s like to have good friends. I can see Jamie scowling over Elena’s shoulder, and honestly, it makes me feel good inside. I worked hard to get this. Jamie is the type that thinks she can get by on her looks. I work hard and earn everything I get.

  “Okay, the remaining ladies, we will have our decision tomorrow and call you to let you know either way. Jamie and Bree, we have full practice every morning from six until ten. I’ll work with each of you in the afternoons to learn all the routines, rules, scheduling and what not. Our first Pre-Season game is this weekend but you girls won’t be cheering. You’re mainly meet and greet. You won’t actually be in the games until the season starts in three weeks.” She turns and heads back to her bag, preparing to leave. Looking at Jamie, I see her mask of fake happiness spread on her face, right before I sense the presence behind me.

  She runs over, knocking me out of the way, wrapping her arms around Brent’s.

  “Oh Brent, aren’t you just excited? I made the squad. We’ll be able to spend so much time together, go on the road with each other! Just like in school. Let’s go celebrate.”

  “Uh, congrats Jamie. But I already have plans. Bree, you ready to go babe?” Nodding, I walk over to my bag. Elena stops next to me.

  “Don’t let her get you down. He doesn’t want her. She’s just a nuisance that will eventually latch on to some other poor unsuspecting guy.” She pats my shoulder and leaves. She’s right. Hopefully Jamie will just disappear into the background. The look Jamie gives me makes me shiver. She’s up to something. I’ve seen this look, right before the giraffe nickname started. I’m more than a little intimidated right now. But the moment Brent wraps his arm around me, I forget all about it.

  “So, where are we going for lunch?” I ask as he leads me to the parking lot.

  “Well, it’s a surprise, and I hope a good one.” Opening the door for me, I hop in.

  “Ready?” he asks when he’s situated in the driver’s seat.”

  “Shouldn’t we change or something?” I ask him.

  “Nope, we’re good.”

  As he pulls his truck into a parking spot, I look out over Lake Erie.

  “What are we doing here?” I ask.

  “Having lunch on my boat.” He smiles at me and I lose all train of thought.

  “You have a boat?”

  “Yeah, I figured when I got my signing bonus with the Bucks, what do I want that can go with me no matter where I go if I’m traded. So I bought a boat.” Holding my hand as we walk down the pier, I look at all the massive sail boats and yachts lined up. They are all amazing. The houseboat we stop at is amazing. It’s huge and a lot nicer than one would think of a houseboat. He turns to me, motioning to the back of the boat. Following his hand, I see the name. ‘Bree Baby’. That has got to be the sweetest thing I have ever seen and the majority of any doubt lasting between us starts to slip away. It’s hard to fully let go of all the pain and hurt, but this is definitely helping.

  “Wow, I-I’m speechless.” Leaning down, he kisses my forehead, taking my hand and leads me to the ramp.

  “Go ahead and look around, I’m going to make us something to eat.” Taking his advice, I look around. There’s four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining/living area, a sun deck on top, and a hot tub on back. This is like a mansion on water. It’s amazing. Bigger than my apartment in LA even. My heart aches at the thought of LA. I’m still going to need to go there and pack my belongings, and find somewhere to stay here. I love my parents, but I can’t go back to living with them, when I’ve been on my own this whole time. Hell, they don’t even know I’m in town right now. It’s going to be a big shock for them.

  Pulling out my phone while I’m alone, I call Elena.

  “Hey there, are you excited to start working out tomorrow?”

  “Yes I am, but I need to see about putting off practicing for a few days. I have to get back to LA and make arrangements for my stuff to be shipped here, sign the permanent sub-let with my friend and tie up loose ends. I also need to find an apartment when I get back before everything gets here.”

  “I understand. Don’t worry about it. You work on that, and I’ll work on you when you get back. Just be prepared for some long days. We’ll have to do double time for a few to catch you up. While you’re gone, I look through some listings and see if I can find you something nice.”

  “Great, that’s...thanks. I mean, I don’t know what to say. I’m not used to people being so nice to me.”

  “Don’t mention it. We’re like a family here at the Bucks. If you need anything, ever, you know where to find me and Dan. Okay?”

  “Yeah, thank you. Well I have to go, Brent’s making lunch. Thanks again.”

  “No problem. Hey, if you get food poisoning, you know where to come for dinner.” Her bubbly laugh was still going when we said goodbye. Smiling to myself, it feels nice to have people in my life now.

  By the time I get back to the kitchen from my tour of the boat, the smells are killing me. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.

  “What are you making?” I ask, trying to peek over his shoulder. He nudges me aside. “Patience Bree. You’ll find out soon enough.”

  “I didn’t know you could cook. What happened to dumb football jocks? Now they cook and plan sweet surprises?” His whole body shakes with laughter.

  “There’s so much more to me than football. You’ll have plenty of time to find out all of my little secrets.” Moving a pan from the stove, he places the food onto two plates. Sitting at the small table, I try to wait patiently. Finally, coming over to me, I see chicken stir-fry and a tossed green salad. My stomach growls loud enough for us to both hear it. His eye brow raises, and I can’t help but giggle at the look he gives me. “Sorry, I’m hungry. Try-outs gave me an appetite. I didn’t think I could eat again after all I had at Elena’s last night.”

  “I think your appetite is sexy. Plus, you’ll need the calories for what I have planned for you today.”

  “Well, I have to be back to the hotel early. I have a flight out at ten tonight.”

  “Flight? I thought you made the squad. You’re leaving?”

  “Yes, I have to tie things up back in LA and get my things ready to ship. Elena said she’ll look at some listings while I’m gone and try to find me something.” His face looks somber, and I feel as if I’m being a buzzkill.

  “I’ll only be gone for two days. I promise, I’m coming back. I’m not running away this time.”

  “Want me to go with you? I can help, maybe we can be back in a day then.” Shaking my head, I smile at him.

  “Thank you, but Dan would most likely hunt me down if you took off. You have a pre-season game this weekend anyways. I’m going to be back in time to see it.” Giving in, he returns to eating, but the mood has definitely shifted.

  After eating, he takes me out onto the top deck, pulling a blanket out to cover us. Sitting on the love seat, he wraps his arm around me.

  “You don’t need an apartment you know. You could live here.”

  “Where? On the boat? No, this is your boat. I’m not looking for charity. I just never thought I would even make the squad, much less be moving back here. It’s okay. Elena will help me, and until then, I’ll just stay at the hotel.”

  “You’re not charity Bree. Never charity. But I want my girl happy.”

  “So, I sleep with you once and I’m your girl huh?”<
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  “Well, you did give me your virginity, so I was sort of hoping.” As he leans in to kiss me, I close my eyes, savoring the wonderful smell of him. Spicy and sexy. A snapping of a camera draws our attention. Turning around, a man standing on the dock has his camera aimed at us.

  “Brianna, hey, are you and Brent dating now?” How does he know who I am? Shocked and scared, I can do nothing but stare. I must look like a deer caught in the headlights. Brent jumps to action.

  “Hey man, this is a private dock. You can’t be down here.” He looks around, finding whatever it was he was seeking, he starts waving his arm, motioning towards the man.

  “Brianna, are you giving up modeling? Is it true, you’re going to be a cheerleader for the Buffalo Bucks?” All the while he’s still taking photos. What is going on? I was used to having photographers and paparazzi around in LA, but not here. How did they find me? I didn’t even think I was a big enough name for them to know who I am. Unless they are here for Brent and I’m just a victim by association. Finally breaking from my trance, I put my hand up over my face. Brent turns to me, trying to shield me. Pushing me forward, he leads me to the stairs that lead to the bottom of the boat. Turning back, I see a security guard walking up to the man, motioning for him to leave.

  “What the hell was that?” I ask him.

  “Looks like a reporter.”

  “Obviously. But I mean, why us? How does he even know me?”

  “Bree, do you really think that no one knows who you are? Hell, my roommates little sister has some of your posters in her room. She idolizes you. People know who you are. Then me, quarterback for a NFL team, I mean it’s bound to happen. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I just… I want to go back to the hotel please.” Not looking happy anymore, Brent nods, gathering his keys and heads to the door. Seeing that the coast is clear, he waves me forward. We don’t talk all the way to the hotel. I can’t believe I blew this already. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just let us be happy?


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