miscarriage, 85–90
Clomid as possible cause of, 8
compassionate care during, 94
and post-traumatic stress disorder, 87
recurrent, 44, 91–92, 95–114
sporadic, 44, 91, 92–94
statistics, 89, 91
missed abortion, 40–41
Mitalipov, Shoukhrat, 233, 234
borrowing of, 162, 177
and cytoplasmic transfer, 231
effect of maternal age upon, 204
mitochondrial replacement therapy (MRT), 177, 229, 230–31
mitotic cell division, 80
monosomy, 66
mood swings, 5, 8
morula, 75
mosaicism, 79–82, 199–200
Mowbray, James, 109
moxibustion, 28, 29
multiple pregnancies:
and blastocyst implantation, 76–77
effect of hrNGS on, 83
eSETS to limit risk of, 191
IVF to limit risk of, 172
letrozole to lower risk of, 12
mini IVF to limit risk of, 210
Octomom, 167
risks of, 9, 20, 156, 167–69
Munné, Santiago, 81–82, 199–200
nafarelin (Synarel), 61
Nataliya, Dr. (ob-gyn), 141, 144
National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, 232
National Health Service (UK), 180, 219
national health services, 164, 176, 216
natural cycle IVF, 210–12
natural killer (NK) cells, 107–8, 111, 139, 159
Nebraska, 128
Netherlands, 150, 203, 204, 217, 209–10
neuroendocrine system, 31
New Hope Fertility Center, 183, 209, 210, 230
New Jersey, 129, 217
Newsweek, 109
New York, 128, 129, 218, 226
New York Times, 115
New York University School of Medicine, 174
Langone Medical Center, 33
New Zealand, 110, 150
NGS (next generation sequencing), 80–81, 82, 83
Niakan, Kathy, 233
norethisterone, 46
Norway, 109–10, 150
NPR news, 232
nutrition, 14, 68
Obama, Barack, 176
Octomom (Nadya Suleman), 167
Offspring (documentary), 152
Old Testament, 127
oocytes, 208, 214
oral contraceptives, see birth control pills
Oregon Health & Science University, 233
Orgalutran (ganirelix), 58, 73
Ormskirk and District General Hospital, 123
ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), 9, 63–64
ovaries, polycystic, 10–12, 211
see also polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
Clomid and, 4, 6–9
effect of cysts upon, 10
hormones triggering, 97
Oxana, Dr. (Russian fertility doctor), xvii, 137–44, 146, 196, 198, 200, 209
Oxford, University of, 82
P, Mr. (fertility specialist), 51, 52–53, 55, 56, 57, 61–62, 63–64, 75, 77, 101, 102, 125
Pancoast, William, 154
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 115
PCOS, see polycystic ovarian syndrome
People, 109
Perkins Coie, 220
petri dish, 75, 121, 174
PGD (preimplantation genetic diagnosis), 77–84, 193, 234
PGS (preimplantation genetic screening), 66, 77–84, 92–93, 199–200
PGS 2.0 (high-resolution next generation sequencing), 80–81, 82, 83
philosophies on infertility treatment, xvi, 137–38
Phoebe (TV character), 127
phospholipids, 53
plastics, 138–39, 203, 205–6
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS):
and acupuncture treatment, 32
and antagonist protocols for, 73
as cause of infertility, 3–4
as cause of recurrent miscarriage, 96–100
causes of, 10–12
and resistance to Clomid, 6, 11
Portland Hospital for Women and Children, 38, 42
Portugal, 128
post-traumatic stress disorder, 87
pravastatin, 107
preeclampsia, 148
Pregmama, LLC, 212–14
preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), 77–84, 193, 234
preimplantation genetic screening (PGS), 66, 77–84, 92–93, 199–200
prenatal vitamins, 205–6
Profasi, 58
progesterone, 15, 97, 98–100
Progynova, 61
prolactin, 15
PROMISE trial, 99
aneuploidy resulting from different, 199–200
commercial interests driving, 164
conservative vs. aggressive, 189, 203
effect of BPA upon stimulation, 205
for IVF, 64, 72–74
to maximize return on dollars spent, 220
for mini IVF, 209, 211, 220
studies to determine effectiveness of, 96
and success rate, 92, 177, 187, 188, 223
use of Pregmama in, 213
Puregon, see follicle stimulating hormone
Puregon Pen, 57
qi (vital energy flows), 30–31
quintuplets, 9
see also multiple pregnancies
Rai, Raj, 52, 106
recurrent miscarriage:
anatomical factors in, 100–106
antiphospholipid syndrome in, 106–7
hormonal imbalances and, 96–100
immunological problems in, 107–14
vs. sporadic, 44
treatments for, 95–96
Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic, 51, 52, 55, 97, 106
St. Mary’s Hospital, 51, 68, 109
Recurrent Miscarriage Study (REMIS), 110
Regan, Lesley, 97
religion, 54, 105, 175
Israel and IVF, 128
and Loeb-Vergara custody dispute, 228
and objections to egg and sperm donation, 118
and opposition to Louise Brown birth, 175
reproductive endocrinologists, 185, 187
reproductive tourism, 192–93
Reprogenetics, 82, 208
reprotravel, 221
Resolve: The National Infertility Organization, 50, 224
Rienzi, Laura, 63
assessing IVF protocols for, 72–74
of blood transfusions, 110
of child custody and surrogacy, 129
of egg donation, 170
of experimental treatments, 96, 189
of exposure to BPA, 205–6
of genetic diseases, 78
of IVF treatment, and high success rates, 72
of multiple pregnancies, 9, 12, 20, 76, 77, 83, 156, 167–69, 172, 191, 210
of OHSS, 64
of toxoplasmosis, 37
of treating cervical incompetence, 104–6
of using Clomid, 173
of using mosaic embryos, 81–82
Rock, John, 77–78, 79, 174
Roe v. Wade (1973), 175, 176
Roman Catholic Church, 175
Rosenwaks, Zev, 32
adoption process in, 116–17
and fertility tourism, 192–93, 221
IVF in, xvii–xviii, 21, 135, 221
studies on mini IVF in, 210
surrogacy laws in, 140–41, 144–45
view of egg quality in, xvii, 137–38, 203
Sacks, Preston, 13, 25–26, 36
Saint Barnabas Institute, 231
St. Mary’s Hospital, 51, 68, 109
Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic, 51, 52, 55, 97, 106
same-sex couples, 130–31, 153–58, 157–58, 193
San Francisco Bay Area, 153
Sarah (Biblical figure), 127
Sauer, Mark, 168, 187
schizophrenia, 149, 155
selective reduction, 156–57, 190
self-care practices, 28
septate uterus, 102–3
sex life, effect of infertility upon, 47
sex selection:
and genetic diseases, 78
nonmedical, 193
Shady Grove Fertility, 10
Sher, Geoffrey, 112
Shu, Mengda, 23–24
and accidental incest, 149
biological, from frozen embryos, 227
registry for, 152, 155–56, 157
sickle cell disease, 78, 149, 160
Silver, Lee, 162
Simona, Dr. (fertility specialist), 40, 86
Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART), 166, 171
Southwest Airlines, 220
and fertility tourism, 152, 180, 192, 221
IVF in, 117, 166, 210, 221
limitations on sperm donation in, 150
research on egg quality in, 203
surrogacy in, 128
Spar, Debora L., 171–72
Sperm Bank of California, 155
sperm donors and donation, 134–48
and anonymity, 150, 152–53, 155, 195
cost of, in US, 179
laws and legislation regarding, 148–53
as part of third-party parenting, 14
profitability of, for clinic, 185
selecting, 153–57
spindle nuclear transfer, 230
sporadic miscarriage, 92–94
vs. recurrent, 44, 91
Spotify, 220
Stanford University, 118
State Department, US, 195
stem cell research, 176
Steptoe, Patrick, 174
steroids, 9
Stevens, Barry, 152
success rate:
changing measure of, 190–92
and “cherry-picking” patients, 182, 189, 223
and conflict of interest issues, 165
and egg quality, xix
and financing packages, 181–84
of frozen embryo transfer, 60–62
influenced by treatment protocols and costs, 177
of IVF, blastocyst vs. embryo, 76
of IVF in UK, 135–36
of IVF in US, 135
patients’ evaluation of, 72
as reported to CDC, 83, 165, 187, 188, 189, 191
in treating APS, 106–7
in treating immunological problems, 107–8, 112
in treatment of cervical incompetence, 104–5
and use of donated embryos, 229
using PGS, 66, 83, 92
variability of costs and protocols, 177
variable definitions among doctors and clinics, xviii, 181, 182
Suleman, Nadya (Octomom), 167
superovulatory drugs, 14, 20–21, 49
supplements, 28
Supreme Court, US, 176
surgical stitch, 104–6
in Babylonia, 127
citizenship issues, 124, 194–97
compensation for surrogate, 149–50
custody issues, 120–21
and egg donation, 134–53
gestational, 117,127–9, 225
insurance issues in, 132
legal aspects of, 119
in Old Testament, 127
and parental rights, 225–31
as part of third-party parenting, 14
for same-sex couples, 130–32
travel for, 121–23, 125–26, 130–31, 193
in UK, 117, 120, 128
in US, 117, 119–20, 128–29, 179
surromomsonline.com, 119
Sweden, 150, 164, 191, 228, 233
Switzerland, 150
Synarel (nafarelin), 61
Taking Charge of Your Fertility, 46
Tamoxifen, 173
Tay-Sachs, 78
TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), 14, 17, 27–33, 174, 207
Teigen, Chrissy, 53
Tel Aviv University, 32
Tennessee, 128
from animals, for IVF research, 174
PCOS linked to, 15, 97
to treat male infertility, 7
test tube baby, see Brown, Louise
Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, 212
Thailand, 193
third-party parenting:
cost of, 179
definition, 14
surrogacy, 115–33
see also egg donors and donation; sperm donors and donation
Three-Cycle Refund Program, 182
thyroid hormones, 15
Time Warner, 220
Tipton, Sean, 129
toxoplasmosis, 37, 43
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), 14, 17, 27–33, 174, 207
traditional surrogacy, 127–29
fertility tourism, 192–97, 221
between parents and surrogate, 121–23, 125–26, 130–31
triplets, 105, 127
see also multiple pregnancies
trisomy 21, 66
twins, 9, 74, 131, 136, 157, 159, 168–69
see also multiple pregnancies
Two-Cycle Program (refund program), 182
Ukraine, 135, 137, 144, 192–93, 233
ultrasound scans:
cost of machine for, 184
and insurance coverage, 218, 219
as part of initial fertility visit, 15
United Kingdom:
adoption in, 116, 117
effect of Louise Brown birth in, 173–78
and embryonic research, 228–29
financial assistance for IVF in, 164
and gene editing, 233
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) of, 233
IVF basics in, 56–57
laws on donor eggs and sperm, 150
ordering drugs from, 220
Parliament allows mitochondrial donation, 232
prohibition of nonmedical sex selection in, 193
proliferation of fertility treatments in, 189
and regulation of IVF, 166
success rate of IVF in, 135–36
surrogacy in, 117, 120, 128
use of progesterone in, 99
United Nations, 193
United States:
adoption process in, 116
citizenship issues and surrogacy, 194–97
and compensation for egg and sperm donation and surrogacy, 150
cost of fertility treatments in, xviii, 178–79, 221
cytoplasmic transfer banned in, 231
drug prices in, 184
effect of Louise Brown birth on laws of, 173–78
and embryonic research, 229
evaluating of new research and new treatments in, 65
fertility clinics in, 117
fertility rates in, xviii
financial assistance for IVF in, 180–84
gaps in fertility treatment, 216
gender selection as legal in, 193
gene editing in, 233
goal of IVF in, 56–57
insurance coverage, 164–65, 180–81, 216
IVF success rate in, 135
LIT banned in, 110
perspective on egg quality in, xvi
regulation in, xix, 165–73, 225–34
and reproductive tourism, 193
and studies of BPA, 205
surrogacy in, 117, 119–20, 128–29, 179
use of progesterone in, 99
vitrification in, 60
University Medical Center Utrecht, 207
abnormalities of, 101–3
lining, 8, 28, 31, 61, 67, 98, 122, 208
Vergara, Sofia, 228
Veriploid therapy, 214
Viagra, 67, 208
vitamins, 204–5
vitrification, 60
Vorzimer, Andrew, 171, 229
Washington, DC, 128
Way of the Fertile Soul, The (Lewis), 29
websites for surrogacy, 119–20
weight, changes in:
as side effect of Clomid, 8
as side effect of PCOS, 10–11
Wells, Dagan, 82
Western medical practice:
vs. Eastern, 27–30, 33
research on acupuncture and infertility, 26, 31
views on egg quality, xvii, 137–38
Williams, Clara Andrews, 13
Winnie-the-Pooh, 63
Winston, Robert, 189, 202–3, 207
World Anti-Doping Agency, 9
World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility, 209
World Health Organization, 193
Yale Fertility Center, 192
YinOva Center, 32
yoga, 14
Youngman, Henny, 178
Zappos, 220
Zeringue, Ernest, 229
Zhai, Xiao-Ping, 29
Zhai Clinic, 29
Zhang, John, 183–84, 210, 230–31, 232
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Katkin, Elizabeth L., author. Title: Conceivability : what I learned exploring the frontiers of fertility / Elizabeth Katkin. Description: New York : Simon & Schuster, 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2017053978| ISBN 9781501142369 (hardback) | ISBN 9781501142376 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9781501142383 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Katkin, Elizabeth L.,—Health | Infertility. | Infertility—Treatment. | Conception. | Polycystic ovary syndrome—Treatment. | BISAC: BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY / Personal Memoirs. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Pregnancy & Childbirth. | HEALTH & FITNESS / Infertility. Classification: LCC RC889 .K358 2018 | DDC 618.1/780092 [B] —dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017053978
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