“Relationships Between the Harvard Community and U.S. Intelligence Agencies” (Harvard report)
Renacci, James
Republican Party
Republic (Plato)
Rice University
Rihan Huang
Rizzo, John
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rocket Media Group
Rodriguez, Orlando
Roett, Riordan
Romine, Stephen
Romney, Mitt
Rosenbaum, Harold
Roth, John Reece
Russia. See also Soviet Union; and specific agencies
academic conferences and
Boren Awards and
China and
CIA and
Cuba and
cyber-spying and
FBI and
illegals in U.S.
submarine rescue and
U.S. study-abroad programs in
Russian mafia
Ryan, Kevin
Sadat, Anwar
Sahimi, Muhammad
SAIS. See Johns Hopkins University
San Francisco
Soviet consulate
Sang, Baojing
Santiago, Nilsa
Santorum, Rick
Saudi Arabia
Schaefer, Mark
Scheeres, Daniel J.
Schureck, Rosa
Schurig, David
Schuring, Kirk
Schwarz, Frederick A.O., Jr. “Fritz”
Scowcroft, Brent
Sechin, Igor
Secret Service
Secret War with Iran, The (Bergman)
Semenko, Mikhail
Semyonov, Semyon Markovich
Seoul, U.S. embassy
September 11, 2001 attacks
Seton Hall University
Sevilla, Roque
Shahid Beheshti University
Shahriari, Majid
Shakespeare, William
Shakur, Assata
Shallah, Ramadan
Shambaugh, David
Shan, Patrick
Shang, Geling
U.S. consulate
Shanghai Normal University
Shaw, Richard
Shaw, Timothy
Shenyang, U.S. consulate
Shepherd, Eric
Shi, Kun
Shoffner, Deanna
Shriver, Glenn Duffie
Shriver, Jon Michael
Shriver, Jon Michael, Jr.
Sichuan Institute of Finance and Economics (_later_ Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Simmons, Chris
Simmons, Robert
Simon, Lou Anna K.
Slater, Robert
Slawecki, Leon
Small World (Lodge)
Smith, David R.
Smith, Dwayne
Smith, I.C.
Smith, Wayne
Smithsonian Institution
Snowden, Edward
Solar Ship
Somoza, Anastasio
Sotomayor, Sonia
Sources and Methods of Obtaining National Defense Science and Technology Intelligence (China’s Spy Guide)
South Africa, apartheid
Southeast University (Nanjing)
South Korea
South Sudan
South Vietnam
Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (Chengdu)
Soviet Academy of Sciences
Soviet Communist Party, Central Committee
Soviet news service
Soviet State Committee for Science and Technology
Soviet Union. See also Russia; Ukraine
Afghanistan and
collapse of
Spanier, Graham
Special Operations Command
Sporyshev, Igor
Sri Lanka
Stanford University
Confucius Institute
State Department
Boren Awards and
China and
Cuba and
Fulbright program and
Harvard and
Princeton and
study-abroad office
State University of New York (SUNY)
Steele, Martin R.
Steinem, Gloria
Steiner, Daniel
Stone Forest
St. Petersburg Times
Strayer Universtiy
study-abroad programs
Sulick, Michael
Sullins, W. Robert
Sun Yat-sen University
Swedish intelligence
Swedish National Agency for Education
Syrian refugees
Szady, David W.
Taiwan National Security Bureau
Tampa. See also University of South Florida
Chinese-American community
Cuban consulate
FBI office
Tan, Wei
“Tang, Mr.”
Tanzania, U.S. embassy bombing
Taylor, Michael
Templeton, John
Temple University
Tenet, George
terrorism. See also specific attacks
Terry, Paul
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Texas A&M
“Theft of a Great Idea, The” (FBI video)
Thorildsplans Gymnasium
Thousand Talents Program
Tiananmen Square massacre
Tokyo, U.S. embassy
Tomsk State University
Tong, Luding
Tonight Show (TV show)
Transportation Department
Treasury Department
Trinidad and Tobago
Truman Show, The (film)
Trump, Donald
Tsantir, Stacey
Tsinghua University
Turley, Jason
Turner, Stansfield
United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI)
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United Nations
Cuban mission to
decolonization committee
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Air Forces
U.S. Congress
U.S. embassies. See also specific locations
U.S. House of Representatives
Armed Services Committee
Foreign Relations Committee
Homeland Secruity Committee
Intelligence Committee
Veterans Affairs Committee
U.S. Institute of Peace
U.S. Interests Section, Havana
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Navy
U.S. Senate
Foreign Relations Committee
Intelligence Committee
Select Committee on Intelligence (Church Committee)
U.S. Supreme Court
University of Akron
University of California
University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)
University of California, Davis (UC Davis)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
University of California, San Diego (UCSD)
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
University of Cambridge
University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
> Boren Awards and
Confucius Institute and
University of Cincinnati
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Havana
University of International Relations ((UIR, China; formerly Institute of International Relations)
University of Maryland
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (UMass Amherst)
University of Massachusetts, Boston (UMass Boston)
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Nevada
University of North Carolina (UNC)
University of North Texas
University of Oklahoma
University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)
University of Pittsburgh
University of Puerto Rico
University of Southern California
University of South Florida (USF)
Confucius Institute
University of Tehran
University of Tennessee
University of Texas, Dallas
University of Utah
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
“Using Your Language Proficiency” (MLA panel)
Van Cleave, Michelle
Van Houtte, Ray
Van Schaick, Alexander
Vasenkov, Mikhail Anatolyevich (“Juan Lazaro”)
Vavilova, Elena (“Tracey Lee Ann Foley”)
Velázquez, Jorge
Velázquez, Marta Rita
Velázquez, Teresa
Velázquez Rivera, Miguel
Vienna, CIA station
Vietnam War
Villasenor, John
Virginia Commonwealth Universities
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Von Eckartsberg, Eric
Von Eckartsberg, Gayle
Waardahl, Robert
Wade-Martinez, Lara
Wagener, Stephanie
Wallace, Mark
Wall Street Journal
Walter, Barbara
Walz, Skip
Wang, Fei-Ling
Wang, Huiyao
Wang, Jeremy
Wang, Rubai
Wang Hui
Wang Zhigang
Warren Medal
Waseda University
Washington, D.C.
Chinese Embassy
Cuban mission
Russian embassy
Soviet diplomatic residences
Washington Post
Washington University
Watergate scandal
weapons of mass destruction
Weits, Michael
Welch, Bryan
Welker, Robert
Wen Bo
Wentong Cai
Wenzel, Steven
West, Nigel
What Foreigners Need to Know About America from A to Z (Johnson)
White, Lynn
Wilcox, Ralph
Wilson, Larry
Winks, Robin
World and Ilsam Studies Enterprise
World future Society
World Trade Center
attacks of 1993
attacks of September 11, 2001
World War II
“Wu, Mr.”
Wuhan University
Xi, Xiaoxing
Xie Tingting
Xi Jinping
Xing Li
Xu, Zao Cheng
Xu Lin, Madame
Yale University
Yi, Xiaoxiong
Yi Lirong
Yi people (China)
Yi Si Wang
York University
Yu, Michele
Yunnan Province
Yu Xiaohong
Yuzhin, Boris
Zarif, Mohammad Javad
Zelikow, Philip
Zhang, Xiaonong
Zhang, Yitang
Zhao, Huajun
Zhejiang University
Zheng, Hao
Zhen Ze Mi
Zhi, Xianyu (father of Peng)
Zhou, Kate
Zhou Enlai
Zhu, Wankun
Zhu De
Zia-ul-Haq, Muhammad
Zi Hui Yu
Zimmerman, Peter
ZTE Corporation
Zubaydah, Abu
Zweig, David
Daniel Golden is a senior editor at ProPublica, a nonprofit newsroom specializing in investigative journalism. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for his Wall Street Journal articles on admissions preferences at elite colleges, which became the basis for his bestselling book, The Price of Admission. A series that he edited about how U.S. companies dodge taxes by moving their headquarters overseas won Bloomberg News’ first and only Pulitzer in 2015. In 2011, his Bloomberg News series about for-profit colleges exploiting veterans, low-income students, and the homeless was named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for public service. He has also won three George Polk awards. You can sign up for email updates here.
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Title Page
Copyright Notice
Introduction: The FBI Goes to College
1: Cloak of Invisibility
2: The Chinese Are Coming
3: Spy Without a Country
4: Foreign Exchange
5: Shanghaied
6: An Imperfect Spy
7: The CIA’s Favorite University President
8: Bumps and Cutouts
9: Hidden in the Ivy
10: “I Am Keeping You out of Jail”
11: No-Spy Zone
Selected Bibliography
About the Author
Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America’s Universities. Copyright © 2017 by Daniel Golden. All rights reserved. For information, address Henry Holt and Co., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
Jacket design by Faceout Studio
The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:
Names: Golden, Daniel, 1957– author.
Title: Spy schools: how the CIA, FBI, and foreign intelligence secretly exploit America’s universities / Daniel Golden.
Description: New York, New York: Henry Holt and Company, [2017] | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016056352 | ISBN 9781627796354 (hardcover) | ISBN 9781627796361 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Intelligence service—United States—Officials and employees—Recruiting. | Spies—Recruiting—United States. | Universities and colleges—United States. | Espionage—United States.
Classification: LCC JK468.I6 G625 2017 | DDC 327.12730071/1—dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016056352
e-ISBN 9781627796361
First Edition: November 2017
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