Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Competing for Lisa [The Callens 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Melody Snow Monroe

  When he handed Lisa the glass, their fingers touched, and he swore sparks flew.

  Without a doubt, this was going to be some month.

  Chapter Three

  Lisa had studied every photo of Dante on his Facebook page, but he looked a lot better in person. While it had only been eight months, he appeared to have lost a little weight, creating a more angular slant to his face. The change gave him a tougher, leaner look that she found sexy.

  “Tell me how you’re doing.” Lisa wanted to keep the focus off her job loss and what her plans were, and learn more about his wonderful life.

  “Working hard to keep the business afloat.”

  That didn’t sound as positive as she’d hoped, and discussing the weak economy wasn’t her first choice of topics. Good thing she hadn’t responded with something snarky like, “At least you have a job.” Self-pity was an ugly trait.

  “Where’s Trevor?” That was a safe topic.

  He clasped her arm and led her over to two chairs on the edge of the patio. When he didn’t answer right away, a prick of fear and disappointment slid into her. He sat next to her. “He’s working.”

  Lisa tried not to slump, but she failed. “So he can’t come?”

  Dante chuckled. “Don’t worry, Denver, he’ll be here. He’s just a little delayed.”


  He shrugged. “I figured it was better than short-stuff.”

  If he hadn’t had the twinkle in his eye, she would have punched him. Lisa lifted her heeled boots. “I’ll have you know, I’m five-foot-six in these.”

  He winked. Dante swigged a drink from the bottle and couldn’t have looked sexier. “So what are your plans while you’re in Intrigue? Mandy said you’re here for a month.”

  If she wanted to spend some time with him, she needed to be upfront. “I have to look for a job, but I also want to enjoy myself. I might try to talk Candy into some tennis or borrow one of Mandy’s horses to go for a ride.” Then I want to get you and Trevor naked and have wild monkey sex.

  His brows rose. “You looking for a job in Intrigue, or are you committed to staying in Denver?” His chest expanded. Was he holding a hopeful breath that she’d say yes?

  Don’t do this to yourself.

  “Committed? No, but I own a condo in Denver, and right now owe more than I could get for it.” She’d have to cash in her inheritance to pay off the mortgage if she sold it at today’s prices, which would mean she’d then be flat broke.


  “Tell me about it.” Listing her failures wasn’t a sexy topic. “Tell me more about the hardware business.” Even on Facebook, he referred to his store in most posts.

  She didn’t miss the flinch. “Bottom line is that I’m losing money. People are flocking to Kellums’ and I can’t blame them. They have a larger supply and better variety.”

  She waved her glass. “You sound like you’ve given up. That’s not the Dante Williams I remember.” The man I fell for was fearless and determined.

  He lifted the bottle to his full, sensual lips as if he needed a moment to come back with an answer. She had no place to go and could outwait him.

  “I haven’t given up and won’t, but everything I’ve tried hasn’t helped much.” His lips skewed and his glance latched onto some imaginary point in the sky.

  She sipped from her glass. “Maybe I can help.”

  His chin caved. “I thought you worked for an environmental firm.”

  “I did, but my dad must have started ten different businesses. Some succeeded and some failed, but I learned a few things from him.”

  He leaned forward and since the top two snaps of his cowboy shirt were open, she got a great view of his muscular chest. Her breath slightly hitched. “Do tell, Denver.”

  At first the nickname sounded strange, but from the way it rolled off his tongue, she liked it. “How about appealing to the women in town?”

  He sucked in the sides of his cheeks as if to contain his laughter. “If you’ve forgotten, I own a hardware store.”

  “So? The wives are the ones who pick out the fixtures, the paint color, and the type of tile or wood they want for the floors. At least the women in Denver do.”

  He raked his gaze over her, and his brows pinched. “You think I could cater to women?”

  Her mind raced to Mandy. “Think about the women with kids. It’s hard to spend time browsing with a baby who wants her attention. You could hire a few older women to look after the children while the moms shop. Put a two-hour limit to avoid abuse.”

  His eyes widened and then a pussy-dampening smile crossed his face. “That’s brilliant.”

  His praise gave her a rush and her mind raced for other options. “Besides putting in a play area, you could have classes just for women.” She must have hit a nerve because his respiration increased.

  “Classes. Like what kind?”

  She tried to think about what she’d like. “How about how to change that ball thingy in the toilet when the water won’t stop running, or how to replace the garbage disposal, or ways to plant a vegetable garden?”

  Dante grinned. “Holy shit. You just might have something there, babe.”

  Before she could bask in her glory, she lifted her gaze and saw Trevor’s intense focus on her. Her pulse raced and her nipples puckered, but she chalked it up to the chill in the night air. She stood to greet him.

  Dante turned around. “There he is.”

  Trevor’s gaze never left her face. From the slight darkness under his eyes, he wasn’t getting any sleep, and while his shoulders looked as broad as she remembered, he, too, looked a little thinner.

  Trevor reached her in three strides and drew her into a hug. “Hey, sugar, glad to see you made it back.” His tone sounded a little fake, but maybe it was because it had been so long since they’d communicated.

  “Happy to be back.” That wasn’t a lie. Seeing her old friends had boosted her spirits tremendously.

  Trevor looked around. “Let me get a drink and I’ll join you.” He moved with the fluidity of a dancer. She bet the children appreciated his calming style.

  When Dante reached over and clasped her hand, delicious ripples wiggled up her body. He wet his lips and the memory of his kiss slammed into her. Dante was a take-charge type of guy, whereas Trevor had been more seductive. Together she bet they’d be deadly not only on her body but also on her heart.

  * * * *

  When Trevor spotted the way Lisa’s lips lifted and her eyes sparkled as she spoke with Dante, he hadn’t expected his stomach to twist. She was here for a month and then would return to Denver where he might not see her again for another year. On the drive from Cheyenne, he told himself to keep it casual. Being the best doctor possible had been his goal since he was a little kid, and nothing was going to get in his way. Then Mandy had paired him with Lisa at her wedding, probably knowing that if he’d been looking for something permanent, she’d have been the one.

  Tonight, he aimed to have a good time, then go hide in his hospital and do what he was put there to do—help others.

  The bottle of Pinot was open, so he poured himself a glass then strolled back over to his roommate and Lisa, drawing on his doctor calm to get him through. Dante seemed intense while Lisa appeared excited, if the way she was running her hand up and down the glass was any indication. He dragged a chair over and sat next to her.

  “—back room.”

  Trevor came in on the tail end of Lisa’s statement.

  Dante smiled. “That’s perfect. I’ll see what I can arrange this week.”

  Trevor hadn’t heard such enthusiasm from his roommate for months. “What did I miss?”

  Dante blurted out Lisa’s new ideas for building his business. “She was just suggesting that if I clear out some of the items in storage, I could put the child’s area back there.”

  Lisa’s skin seemed to glow under the praise. “That sounds highly creative.” He twisted toward her. “Maybe I should pick your brain f
or ways to make the hospital a friendlier place.”

  She laughed and the sound caused a physical stirring he didn’t want to address. It wasn’t often that he was around such a high level of hope—an item he missed in his daily life. Sure the parents always had hope that the next round of chemo would do the trick, but too often the plan took longer than anyone wished. If it hadn’t been for some of the successes, he wasn’t sure he could remain a cancer specialist for life.

  Her brows rose. “I’m sure the children’s ward is fully stocked with toys, but I would like a tour sometime to see what else could be done.”

  That wouldn’t be a good idea. It was one thing to go out to dinner or catch a movie, but it was another to let her enter his real domain. “Sure.” Damn. That had slipped out, but a quick tour shouldn’t be a problem. He’d usher her in then lead her out.

  She brought her glass to her lips and he counted the number of different lipstick marks on the glass. The wine was almost gone, yet the smudges were limited to a small space, implying she was a tidy drinker. He had no idea why he focused on that fact, but it was one more piece to the puzzle as to who Lisa Brightner was as a person. Figuring out what made people tick intrigued him.

  You’re attracted to her.

  Hell, yes, he was. During her three-day stay, he’d found her physically appealing and highly competent in her field, yet delightfully unsure of herself as a woman. The chance to have a woman willing to explore her sexual needs enthralled him. Too bad he had to work right after his brother Daniel got married or he would have done some exploring.

  The nudge to his arm cut off his fantasizing. Her gaze was on him and worry lines creased her brows.

  Her fingers tightened on his wrist. “Are you okay?”

  “Why?” He looked down to see if perhaps he’d spilled his drink.

  “I asked about the patient you were treating.” She retrieved her hand. “Is the child okay?”

  He didn’t want Lisa to care about what he did. His job was his private world, a world where he could be a different person. “She’s fine. We gave her some antibiotics.” He stood. “I’m going to see if Cam needs help with the grill.”

  That was so lame, dude. He hustled over to his good friend. “Can I do anything?”

  Cam spun around. “Only takes one to turn the hotdogs.” He glanced back at Lisa and Dante. “What’s wrong? You decide she’s not your type?”

  That was the problem. Lisa was the type of woman he wanted, but he couldn’t afford to get involved. He needed to have his head clear during the day so he wouldn’t mess up. “She’s a cute girl.”


  “You know what I mean.”

  Cam nudged the hotdogs and flipped the burgers, causing the juice to drain out and send the fire into a sputtering fit. The aroma moistened his taste buds. He’d skipped lunch and was now starving.

  “Did Dante tell you Lisa got laid off?”

  “Yes. It’s a shame.” All that meant was that he’d be tormented for a full month before she left for good.

  Cam cocked a brow. “I know both Mandy and Candy would be eternally grateful if you could convince her to get a job here.”

  Here? He was smart enough to know that if Lisa lived in Intrigue, he might succumb to her siren call. “How do you propose I do that? I have no influence over her.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. The girls were in the kitchen last night where I inadvertently overhead Lisa ask about the ménage lifestyle.”

  Blood rushed to his cock. “That so?” He was pleased with his unemotional delivery.

  Cam lifted the burgers and placed them on a plate. “You don’t fool me. Look, Lisa is here for a good time. She wants the next month to be one she’ll never forget. If she ends up staying, great, but if not, then you tried. From what I’ve heard, you’re the best at pleasing a woman, and even better at sealing your heart against her charms.”

  Ouch. Dante had accused him of the same thing, but he didn’t like that others saw him as some womanizer who gave her what she wanted, then walked away. “I have patients to think about. I’m not looking for a wife.”

  Cam placed a hand on Trevor’s shoulder. “You aren’t getting any younger. There comes a time in a man’s life where ambition can start to eat away at a guy’s heart. Trust me, I know. If you can’t share your accomplishments and joys, what’s the point?” He didn’t wait for an answer before continuing. “Please go back to Lisa and stop acting like an ass. She’s here to see you. Just give her what she wants.”

  Trevor hadn’t felt this low since his dad took a switch to his ass for stealing his cigars and smoking them. In hindsight, he could see where having a six-year-old son smoke would be cause for concern.

  Trevor gave Cam his best grin. “Oh, you can bet your last dollar that I will give my all—and more—to what she wants.”

  He just prayed that in the end, his heart was still intact.

  Chapter Four

  Lisa woke up to the sun spearing her in the eye. Her body almost felt heavy as if she’d slept too much. When was the last time that had happened? Too bad she’d rather lie there and dream about the two men than get up.

  Spending the evening in deep conversation with Dante had been totally wonderful. She’d tossed out random suggestions on what a woman would like to have in a hardware store, and he’d eaten up her ideas. Never once had he said she didn’t know what she was talking about. Even though she’d never run her own business, he carefully listened to her comments, and either asked for clarification or requested her opinion on some of his ideas. They’d connected on such a deep level that time flew by.

  She couldn’t recall such an intense sharing with any man at Eastman Environmental. That proved that losing her job might turn out to be a good thing in the long run.

  “Knock, knock.”

  It was Mandy. “Come in.”

  “Aren’t you feeling well?” Her friend’s brows creased.

  “I’m good. I overslept, I guess.” There was no guessing about it. Dreaming about her men had extinguished all her worries, at least for the night.

  “Sam called and invited me to go riding this morning.” She pressed a hand down her thigh. “I haven’t been in months and I was wondering—”

  Lisa shoved the covers off and jumped out of bed. “That’s what I came for. I’ll be happy to watch the baby.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Absolutely. It’ll give me time to finish the book I started.”

  Mandy’s arms relaxed by her side and she leaned against the doorjamb. “I heard Dante invited you out for tonight.”

  Excitement sizzled inside her. “Yes. We’re going to dinner in Cheyenne, where hopefully Trevor will join us.”

  She winked. “I won’t wait up for you.”


  She stepped into the room. “What? You came here to experience something wonderful. I say let loose and go for it.” Her friend reached her and ran a hand down her arm. “Once you find another job, you’ll be chained to your desk and will regret not taking advantage of these hunks.” Mandy tossed her an exaggerated pout.

  But what if I get my heart broken? “We’ll see. Now go have a great time riding.”

  She straightened. “Cereal is on the table and the baby is still asleep.”

  They hugged and Mandy scooted out.

  Lisa stood there not wanting to leave her wonderful reminiscing. Her mind shot to Trevor and how he’d been at the party. Distant described him the best. When she’d asked questions about the hospital or the kids, his face would light up. Then, as if an electric storm had knocked out the power, he’d go dark inside as if letting her into his world was forbidden. She loved his ambition and drive, but he seemed likely to end up alone if he didn’t let people in.

  Dante was an open book, whereas Trevor was more like a lightning bug. Bright one minute, dark the next.

  Despite his mercurial behavior, Trevor’s passion and focus resonated within her soul. He was a man she wanted to
heal, but she had to find a way into his heart first.

  Get a move on it before Josh wakes up. Lisa scurried to get ready. Today she planned on vegging on the sofa then getting ready for her big night out. She’d have to do something extra special for Mandy for making her buy the push-up bra and matching red lace panties. If she was lucky, someone other than Mandy would get to see them.

  * * * *

  Mandy knocked on the bathroom door. “You ready yet? Come on. Let me see.”

  Her friend had also insisted she buy a top to show off her boobs, as well as a pair of jeans that hung too low on her hips. Despite her curves though, she had a flat stomach, so at least her gut didn’t hang out. Go Pilates!

  “Just a sec.” Lisa added the finishing touches of mascara then opened the door. “Ta, da!”

  “Holy, shit, girl. I bet you won’t even make it to dessert. Those two men will have you in the sack faster than you can fill out an online application.”

  She laughed. Mandy was so good for her self-confidence. “I just have to remember that I’m here to have fun. No strings, no broken promises, and most importantly, no broken heart.”

  Mandy smiled. “The only broken hearts will be the men’s.”

  “Right.” The doorbell rang, and her excitement morphed into trepidation. “Do you think my hair looks okay?”

  “I don’t think they’ll notice.” Her gaze dropped to her chest then back to her face, making Lisa’s cheeks heat.

  She hugged Mandy. “You are the best.”

  Vince called from the front. “Date’s here.”


  Mandy pointed to the bed. “Your purse.”

  Oh, shit. She raced to pick it up and slung the bag over her shoulders.

  Mandy stopped her. “You have condoms, right?”

  “What modern girl doesn’t these days?” What happened to the old days when men supplied them? Yeesh. She grabbed her jacket and rushed down the hall on her tiptoes, not wanting Dante to think she was anxious. She slowed as she turned the corner into the living room. As soon as she spotted him, jitters engulfed her.


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