Fierce-Jade (Fierce Family Book 6)

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Fierce-Jade (Fierce Family Book 6) Page 9

by Natalie Ann

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Brock. It’s Jade.”

  “I know. I programmed your number into my phone.”

  There was a pause. “You did?”

  “Yes. We’ve been texting,” he pointed out.

  “You’re right. It’s in mine too.”

  She didn’t normally seem this scattered and he wondered if she was as distracted as him. “Was there a reason for your call?” he asked and hoped that didn’t come off rude but what was he going to say, “Hey, can I see you in some more tight workout gear tomorrow so I can wake up in a cold sweat dreaming of your body again?” That wouldn’t go over too well.

  “Yes, sorry. I wanted to give you an update. I talked to a manufacturing company that we’ve worked with before. They do a lot of test samples in different materials for us and are willing to do some for Toh.” She laughed when she said that, but he didn’t care.

  “You’re still thinking of feet, aren’t you?”

  “I can’t help it. Maybe once it’s a final product I won’t. I know you see strength and that is what you are going for. My father even liked the name and made a point to agree with your thought on it.”

  “That’s good. Glad to know that actually. Anyway, yeah, I’d like to see some test samples.”

  “Can we meet again and finalize some things and then I’ll get back to them.”

  “How about dinner tonight?” he found himself asking.

  “I can do that.”

  Quick response. Even better. Especially since she didn’t need to really call him for this, she could have emailed him and he would have emailed back.

  “Text me a place and time again and I’ll be there. Anything works and it’s an excuse to get out of here on time too.”

  “I figured you’ve been busy,” she said.

  Which could mean any number of things, but his mind went to the fact that maybe she was hoping he would have reached out to her. If he wasn’t so shaken over how strong of an attraction he felt and his own self-confidence, he probably would have.

  But he still didn’t feel like the old him and was taking it slow.

  Jade hadn’t looked at his scars much at all. She hadn’t acted as if he’d been through what he had. Yet in his mind he still had to get over all of it and then work out the fact that the two of them really had nothing in common.

  “I have been. More paperwork and meetings than I care for, but it’s coming into place. I need to work on the housing situation too. It’s never ending.”

  “Okay, then I won’t keep you,” she said, her voice more cheerful than he expected. Maybe she wasn’t feeling what he was because she really latched onto that as an excuse to hang up.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he said back and then disconnected the call. Might as well push it from his mind then and get to work. He was most likely seeing something that wasn’t there and he should just focus on the job he was paying her for.


  Speak The Truth

  “You didn’t need to call me,” Brock said when he walked in the restaurant. She was standing there waiting for him as she’d just arrived a few minutes ago herself and they were clearing a table off. “You could have just sent me an email update.”

  She wasn’t sure if he didn’t want to meet and just agreed to get her off the phone or not. Now she was having doubts about this. “Judging from past experiences, you don’t answer your email.”

  “You’ve got a smart mouth on you,” he said smiling at her.

  She knew her breath caught in her throat but tried to pretend otherwise every time he smiled at her. She had to get over this. “I’ve been told that before, but in this case, I’m just stating a fact.”

  She’d been a wiseass to her brothers growing up. They’d said she was the princess with a sharp tongue more than once. But when it came down to it, all she did was speak the truth and some people—more women than men—didn’t like to hear the truth.

  “Good point,” he said. “At least my personal email, I don’t. I could give you my work one, but I’d rather keep that separate from this.”

  “Not a problem. I could just text you if you want,” she said back. The hostess came back and said a table was ready for them and walked them back.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. Or that it was a problem you called.”

  “Then what way did you mean it?” she asked, her back straighter than normal. She really didn’t want to get defensive but she was feeling it right now.

  “Just that you didn’t have to take time out of your personal schedule on a Friday night to meet me for dinner.”

  She laughed this time and wondered if maybe he was trying to find out if she was dating anyone. “My schedule is pretty bare.”

  “Sounds a lot like mine,” he said. They placed their drink and food orders. He didn’t seem like one that took his time to make a decision. She liked that. “Sorry if I rushed you there with the food. I saw a burger and that is all I’m interested in. I’m not much of a fancy or gourmet eater. Meat and potatoes are good enough for me.”

  “Then you are missing out on a lot of good food. Especially if you eat at Fierce, The Restaurant. But in this case, I’ve been here before and have had their grilled shrimp salad.”

  “Do you eat much at all?” he asked. “When we went out last time you didn’t even finish your meal.”

  She laughed at him. “I eat plenty but I’m not driven by food. I’m not a glutton in life when it comes to that.”

  “Just shopping and clothes?” he asked.

  “Well yes,” she said. “We all have our vices. My guess is clothes isn’t yours?”

  It looked like he might have had the same jeans on from the other day. Well, probably not the same pair but another pair like it. His shirt was a different color but the same style.

  “I’ve spent my adult life dressed in military-issued clothing. I had slim pickings when I left. I did get some more because I needed them, but just the basics for now. In and out. That’s the way I like it.”

  “Do you like it like that for everything in life?”

  His eyes started to sparkle and too late she realized he might have taken that with a sexual meaning rather than a general question. “It depends on the...situation.”

  She’d be damned if she was going to blush but realized she might not have as much control over her body as she wished. “Just like a man to take it in that direction. Of course I’m used to that, having three brothers and a ton of male cousins.”

  “I bet,” he said, “but something tells me your mind really wanted to go there anyway.”

  No reason to argue with him. “While we wait for the food, let’s talk shop and get it out of the way.”

  “So it’s a fast conversation?” he asked.

  “It can be anything you want it to be.”

  He angled his head at her, stared a little longer than normal. He was always trying to read her and she wondered if he saw deeper into what she said than she wanted at this point. If he wanted to play word games, she could hold her own. But something told her that Brock saw more of her than any other man had before.

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  She started to tell him what she found out about the costs, he nodded his head a few times, asked some questions, and showed a bit of excitement in his eyes. “Do you want me to have them do a few test samples then? They have different types of plastics we could use, but if we go the recycled route it might have more appeal.”

  “Yes, do that. In the three sizes you said too. Let me know the cost.”

  “It’s all part of your cost for this project. When it comes to production we build it in because in order for me to efficiently do my job I have to know what materials work the best. But in this case, the manufacturing place we use are offering it at a highly discounted rate due to the product itself and what it will be used for.”

  “Then why did you ask my opinion?”

  “Because you do have some say in this obviously. If
you told me you wanted wood, then I’d give you options there. Steel or any other metal too. Prototypes are where we are at and then we can test them for strength and durability. Once that is all done, you can figure out where you want to go but our work with the plant is done.”

  “So this was faster than I thought,” he said.

  “Not really. We don’t know how it’s going to hold up to the tests yet. Production will be a few weeks, easily. We use this facility for a lot of projects and since it’s not an assembly type manufacturing, we are on a waiting list. Are you trying to get rid of me so soon?”

  “No,” he said. “Why do you ask that?”

  “Because it seems I might have scared you off at the gym.”

  “I don’t scare easily.” He hesitated, the waitress brought their food out and then he started to eat so she figured the conversation was over, but then he said, “No reason to wear out my welcome by going daily, nor could my body handle it.”

  She hadn’t thought of his body as it looked pretty damn strong to her, but maybe he was putting up a front like so many men did when they didn’t want to admit they were in pain. “You are welcome anytime. I’m there six days a week.”

  “What day do you take off?” he asked.

  “Sunday. It’s the only day I sleep in a little later. Well, I shouldn’t say that. I’m at the gym early on Saturday too to beat the crowds but not as early as the weekdays. Most of the residents of my development don’t get up at the crack of dawn to work out, but by mid to late morning they are rolling in on the weekend. I like it quieter.”

  “I don’t blame you. If you planned on working out tomorrow then maybe I can bum along with you.”

  “I’ll be in the gym by seven.”

  “A whole hour later,” he said smirking at her.

  “I thought military men didn’t sleep much.”

  “We don’t,” he said quietly and went back to eating. She’d hit a nerve there and hadn’t meant to.

  The last thing Brock really wanted to do was get Jade to drop the smile from her face or the fun banter they were having. But not wanting something and having it happen was like not turning into a zombie after you’d been bitten. It was going to happen or you’d be the main course.

  “So, if you’re going to be up and you want to work out, come by my place at seven,” Jade said and went back to eating.

  “I’ll be there. What I really need to do tomorrow or this weekend is figure out my housing situation.”

  He figured they were getting along well enough. She seemed to know more about him than most and he’d already said he’d be looking for a house soon. The Fierces knew enough people in Durham; maybe she could recommend a realtor to him.

  “Do you know what you are looking for yet?” she asked, her eyes lighting up. He should have for her.

  “I’m open. I want some space from other people. Enough space in the house too. It’s just me, but my parents will come visit and when they do, I’d like them to not be on top of me. Room for exercise equipment and a hot tub. I realized that is a must.”

  “There’s a hot tub at the gym by the pool. I’d never go in it, but you can if you want.”

  “Why wouldn’t you?” he asked.

  “Because I’m not sure who else has been in it.”

  “Are you a germaphobe?” he asked. Her house was pretty damn neat.

  “Not like you think. I’d rather just use my own tub. It’s jetted and big and I can get it to the temperature I want while having a glass of wine and minding my own business.”

  “Now you’re playing with me,” he said before he could stop himself. “You said that knowing my mind would picture exactly everything you just said.”

  “Did it now?” she said with her smile back in place.

  “You know damn well it did.”

  “You’re free to use my tub if you want. I’m assuming you want it for easing muscle pain rather than for pleasure like me.”

  He sat back in his chair and squinted one eye at her. “What kind of pleasure?”

  He hadn’t expected to be having any type of sexual flirtation going, but Jade seemed to be on board and he was going to run with it while he could. Why not? Life was too damn short.

  “Well now,” she said. “That’s between a girl and her body.”

  “You’re too damn good at this,” he said.

  “I’m sure you could be just as good.”

  “Is that a challenge?”

  “Do you want it to be?”

  The dick in his jeans sure the hell did. “I think we might be getting into some territory here the other might not want to pursue.”

  “Do we need guidelines?” she asked. “I’m good at creating and laying them out.”

  “I guess that will give us something to think about tonight and discuss tomorrow.”

  “A homework assignment,” she said.

  When the bill came he reached for it before she could. “Not this time.”

  “It’s business,” she argued.

  “For five minutes. Do you think your father would want to pay for this knowing what we’ve been talking about?”

  She started to laugh. “We’ve had a perfectly clean conversation and you know it.”

  “Underlying tension and thoughts,” he clarified. “Even your father would have understood them.”

  She blushed adorably and he wanted to laugh. “Consider this a thanks for letting me be your guest at the gym.”

  “Fine,” she said, but he knew she wasn’t happy. At least she didn’t continue to argue with him.

  When the bill was paid, they both stood up and he found his eyes looking down at the fitted red pants she had on again. Not bright red, but red nevertheless. How many women could pull that off so confidently with black pumps, the red soles matching her pants and a white and black button-down shirt.

  She was a walking fashion statement with her dark hair sleek and lying over her back, the makeup on her face minimal but enough to know she took the time to do it.

  He’d seen her dressed up in gowns, dresses, skirts, pants, and workout attire and it never ceased to amaze him how much different she looked in each.

  Always beautiful. Stunning even. But her hair was styled differently again when many women repeated a style daily.

  The same with her makeup. There was nothing average or ordinary about Jade. “Do you ever look the same from day to day?” he asked when they were walking out.

  “What fun would that be?”

  He shook his head knowing he didn’t have much of a response other than, “You’re talking to a guy who might have a tenth of your wardrobe.”

  “If we’re being honest, it’s probably closer to one percent, but if you want to think ten percent that’s fine.” She laughed at him and then walked away, turning her head and smiling. “See you at seven, bright and early.”


  Seen Me Sweat

  Jade wasn’t sure how she’d gotten through the dinner the night before with Brock.

  The teasing, the flirting. The sly looks.

  The two of them knew what the other was saying without coming out with the exact words.

  She hadn’t expected the date to go that way but was thrilled that it had.

  Now she was dressed and ready to go to the gym, just waiting on Brock to show up.

  She had on tan leggings that stopped at her calves with a black and white print on the pockets and a matching black and white print tank top on with it. She put her T-shirt on over her head again. It wasn’t warm enough to walk over without at least a sweatshirt either, but she hated not having another shirt as a barrier after she was done sweating.

  She walked to the kitchen to get her water bottle and filled a second for Brock in case he forgot his again. When she heard a knock at the door, she yelled for him to enter. She could see him from the kitchen once he came in the door anyway with the open layout of her place, the living room through to the dining room and then the large kitchen.
/>   “Hey,” he said. “You ready?”

  “Do you need water?” she asked, holding up the already filled plastic travel mug.

  “Yeah. I need to get one of those or remember to grab bottled water.”

  “Everyone seems to buy bottled water now,” she said. “You don’t?”

  “I shouldn’t if I’m going to be using recycled plastic for the box,” he said.

  “There’s nothing wrong with water from the tap. Society has gotten too used to the convenience of the bottles. I’ve got a filter on the fridge and I change it when it’s due. It tastes just fine for me.”

  “We might be only a few that think that way from my experiences lately. There’s nothing wrong with bottled water. I understand it at work in the jugs, but even then most people buy bottles of it in the vending machines. I might be the only one to put it in a mug from the big jug,” he said.

  “Please don’t tell me it’s the same mug you use for coffee?”

  “I wash it out,” he said.

  She felt her shoulder shudder just a little. “I guess you are a minimalist.”

  “The complete opposite of you. How many of those water bottle things do you own? Do you accessorize them with your clothing because these two are different than what you had the other day.”

  She shook her head and nodded him further into her kitchen and opened the cabinet. “I’ve got seven of them. Most were given to me.”

  “By who?” he asked.

  “My mother. She sees them and picks them up because she thinks they are cute. I’ve got a few in my office with funny sayings on them that coworkers have given to me.”

  “I guess it’s like people giving coffee mugs too,” he said.

  “Totally. Do you want to see that cabinet or go workout? Maybe afterward you won’t sneak out and can have a cup of coffee with me? I might even offer to make you breakfast.”

  “Were you going to do that last time?” he asked, picking up the water bottle, the two of them leaving.

  “I had the coffee made. I normally just have fruit and yogurt during the week since it’s fast, but I would have offered you something.”


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