Ms. Frogg's Hidden Prince

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Ms. Frogg's Hidden Prince Page 6

by Laura Ann

  Tia could see Brody smirking from the corner of her eye and she glared at him. “What’s so funny?”

  “You have flour on you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She pinched up some of the white powder and flicked it at Brody. It clung to his beard, creating a snowy effect. “So do you,” she said with a smug smile.

  “Don’t start a war you can’t win,” he threatened.

  “Psshhh. Obviously, you have no idea who you’re dealing with.” Tia’s grin stayed put. “I’m queen of the kitchen, I win every battle here.”

  Brody shook his head and laughed. “I’ll let you believe that ... for now.”

  Tia shook her head, loving every minute of their flirting. When was the last time a guy made me feel this way? Uh ... that would be never. A small voice in the back of her head responded.

  After they had finished the crust dough, Tia put it in the fridge while they worked on the filling.

  “Can you scrape down the sides?” Tia spoke loudly to be heard over the sound of the electric mixer.

  “Sure,” Brody responded, but his tone was unsure.

  When Tia spotted the way he jabbed at the bowl, she laughed and came up behind him. “Here,” she took his hand. “Let me show you.”

  It felt like she was holding onto a live wire as she guided his large hand around the bowl, showing him how to scrape down the ingredients so they would mix in properly. When she was done, her hand lingered, unwilling to give up the sensation of his skin.

  Brody muttered a curse under his breath before dropping the spatula and gripping her hand.

  Tia yelped with surprise when he pulled her in front of him. Placing her back against the counter and mixer, he put his arms on either side, caging her in. Her breathing picked up as well as her heart rate. She looked up into his eyes which had gone stormy again.

  Despite the size of the man holding her captive, she couldn’t help but notice how safe and feminine she felt standing next to him. He was larger than life and at that moment, she wanted nothing more than his kiss. Her eyes followed her thoughts, dipping down to look the lips in question.

  Brody’s breathing had become harsh, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he surrounded her; pinning her up against the counter. When he saw her gaze slip downward, he groaned, unable to hold back any more.

  Tia sucked in a breath of surprise through her nose when Brody crashed his lips into hers. When the shock of his actions wore off, she felt herself melt. Heat coursed through her and her hands apparently had a mind of their own, as they slipped up his broad shoulders and wrapped around his neck.

  Oh wow ... Fireworks erupted behind her eyes as she gave herself over to him. This was no gentle first kiss. All the desire and tension that had been building between them for weeks had finally come to a head.

  The roughness of his facial hair only seemed to heighten the sensations running through her as he caressed her lips with his. Feeling as if she couldn’t get close enough, Tia tugged on his neck, burrowing further into his embrace and drawing a moan from deep in his throat.

  BRODY HAD LOST HIS mind. The sensation of having her hand on his while they worked had finally made him snap. He’d been rougher than he should have been when he jerked her in front of him. He had grabbed the countertop, to try and stop his hands from doing things they shouldn’t, but when her eyes had dropped to his lips, he could take no more.

  He had slammed into her with no finesse, taking what he wanted and reveling in her response. When she tugged him closer, he allowed himself to finally touch her. One hand slid onto her hip, gripping it like a lifeline, while the other slid to the back of her head, cupping it for better control.

  Tilting her head, he deepened the kiss; memorizing the taste of the woman he was coming to care for.

  Wait, what? His thoughts slammed into him and he wrenched himself away from her. He stepped backward so quickly, Tia nearly fell forward at his retreat. “Sorry.” His voice was husky and he coughed a little.

  “Sorry?” Tia’s incredulous tone had Brody looking up at her.

  He winced when he saw the hurt on her crestfallen face. “I mean,” his mind raced as he tried to think of how to rectify the situation. “I shouldn’t have attacked you like that.”

  Tia raised an eyebrow. “Is it truly attacking if the victim wanted it?” Her eyes widened after her comment as if surprised the words came out of her mouth.

  Brody barked a laugh at her response. He tugged on his beard. “I ... don’t know.”

  Straightening her braids and clothes, Tia took several deep breaths, obviously getting control of herself. “Well ... okay then.”

  “Okay then,” Brody echoed.

  When she looked up at him, slow grins grew on both their faces. “We should get back to the pie.”

  I’m not hungry for pie. “You’re right.” He glanced at the clock by the stove. “Actually, I should probably get going. It’s later than I thought.”

  Tia glanced at the stove clock, then back at Brody. “Where are you sleeping tonight?”

  Brody shrugged. “Hadn’t thought about it.”

  “Do you want to sleep here again?” Her voice was hesitant, vulnerable, and Brody planned his response carefully.

  “I don’t think I should.” He paused when her shoulders fell. “I’m not sure it would be safe.”

  Her eyes darted back to his, studying him. He held himself still as she scrutinized him. He kept his eyes on hers and let the emotions and desires raging through him show; willing her to see what he didn’t want to say. He watched as realization dawned on her and was grateful when she simply nodded and turned towards the door.

  Grasping the doorknob, she waiting for him to grab his things before holding the door open for him. As he brushed past, he heard her whisper, “Thank you.”

  He paused and glanced over his shoulder, knowing if he turned to face her, he would take her back into his arms. “I’m ready for favor number four.”

  Tia crossed her arms. “Find some inspiration tonight, did ya?”

  Brody groaned internally, fighting to stay where he was. “I want a date. A real date.”

  Tia’s smile made it feel as if the sun were shining at midday. “Alright. Name the time and place.”

  Brody felt his chest puff like a peacock at her easy acceptance. Guess all I had to do was kiss her into submission. “I’ll get you the details soon. Night.” He faced back toward his car and forced his lead feet to walk the correct direction.

  “Night,” her soft voice trailed after him in the stillness of the evening and he couldn’t help the satisfied smile that pulled at his lips. Peace he hadn’t known in years settled in his chest; soothing the beast he had been nurturing for way too long.


  Without making a conscious decision, Brody found himself driving to Hank’s house. After locking up his car and grabbing his bag, he headed to the front door.

  “Knock, knock,” he called out as he entered.

  “Little late, don’t you think?” Hank’s voice called from the family room area.

  Brody followed the sound, walking down the hallway until he found Hank sitting in the dark with a bottle of pop, watching a football game.

  “Who the heck is playing this late?” Brody asked as he dropped into a recliner.

  “It’s recorded.” Hank took a swig then looked at Brody. “You missed dinner. Something happen at the school?”

  Brody shook his head and couldn’t contain the small grin that tugged at the side of his mouth.

  Noting the movement, Hank paused with the bottle halfway to his mouth. His eyebrows raised and he sat up straighter. “What’s going on?”

  Brody put on an innocent face and raised his eyebrows. “Oh, I don’t know. Just using my skills to impress the ladies.”

  Hank snorted, then coughed. After a few moments, he got control of himself. “This coming from the man who was so thrilled he had frazzled a woman the other day by being close to her?” He took a drink. “Oh yeah bro
ther, you certainly got skills.” Hank laughed long and loud.

  Brody’s eyebrows furrowed and he felt his temper start to rise. “It’s more than you have! At least I got a date!” Way to go Brodes, now you sound like a six-year-old.

  Hank got himself under control and raised an eyebrow. “Really? A date, huh? Who’s the lucky lady? Did you have to bribe her?”

  Sort of. “No.” His face went smug. “She wanted to go out with me.”

  Hank nodded. “Yeah right,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Dude!” Brody crossed the room and socked Hank in the shoulder.

  “Seriously? That all you got?” Hank taunted, setting his bottle down on the coffee table.

  “What is this? Grade school?” Brody scrunched his face and shook his head.

  Hank shrugged, his face unworried. “You started it.”

  Brody threw up his hands. “I give up! You’ll never grow up.”

  Hank rolled his eyes. “Please,” he murmured. Grabbing his drink again he asked, “So what’s up with this girl?”

  Brody grinned and sat down on the couch. “I asked her out, she said yes.” He puffed his chest out, smug in his achievement.

  Hank just stared. “That’s it?”

  Brody’s brows furrowed.

  “Well, all right then. Good work.” Hank turned back to the television.

  “I need—”

  Hank spun, his finger in Brody’s face. “Ah ha! I knew it, You need my help.”

  Brody rolled his eyes. “Hold up there genius, I just—”

  “Need a refresher on how to kiss? Wow. I’ve never had to give this talk before, but I guess there’s a first time for everything. See—”

  “I ALREADY KISSED HER!” Brody roared.

  Hank smiled slowly. “Did you now? Well, that’s good to know.”

  Brody stilled, then groaned. “Jerk.” He slugged Hank again, then threw his head back and closed his eyes. “I totally fell for that.”

  Hank laughed.

  “I need help figuring out a date that she would like,” Brody mumbled.

  “Cheesemaking.” Hank chugged the rest of his soda.

  Brody opened his eyes and looked over at his friend. “What in the world are you talking about?”

  “Saw it online. Your chick likes to bake. Take her to a cheesemaking class. She gets to spend time in a kitchen, which will make her happy. You get to spend time with a happy woman, which will make you happy. Everybody is happy. She will probably let you kiss her again and BAM! Life is good.”

  Brody raised his eyebrows but otherwise didn’t comment on the long rant.

  Hank tilted his head and look sideways. “I’m already aware that I’m a genius, no need to flatter me.”

  Brody grunted and turned towards the television. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime,” Hank said with a smug grin, which dropped when he studied Brody better. “What did you do to your hair?”

  Brody froze, realizing it was still in the man bun Tia had created. Reaching back, he tore the rubber band out; wincing as he pulled out a few hairs in the process. “Nothing,” he grumbled; shoving the hair tie in his pocket.

  Hank started snickering. “She did your hair for you?”

  Brody glared, but Hank paid no mind.

  “That is the sign of a whipped boy, my friend!” Hank continued to hoot and holler for several minutes.

  “Brody folded his arms, slouched in his chair and pouted. “I’ll show you whipped,” he groused.

  “Oh, this just gets better and better,” Hank sighed as he wiped a tear from his eye.


  Tia was so excited she could hardly contain herself. The wide grin on her face couldn’t be held back, not that she was trying to.

  A deep chuckle sounded from her right. “Excited?”

  She turned her smile towards Brody. “That easy to tell, huh?”

  Brody pinched his pointer finger and thumb together and scrunched his face. “Just a wee bit.”

  Tia laughed. “Have you gone Irish all of a sudden?”

  Brody shrugged, grinning at her amusement.

  “WELCOME CLASS!” A loud voice boomed through the speakers located around the room, causing Tia to jerk and cover her ears for a moment.

  Brody reached up, took her hand and pulled it back down. Tia felt her neck heat, when he held on, cradling her fingers in his large, warm hand.

  “I’m sure you’re all excited for tonight’s experience. On your tables, you will find all the ingredients and tools you need in order to make your very own mozzarella.”

  Tia looked at the hot plate, utensils, and bottle in front of her. Making homemade cheese had been on her bucket list for a while, but she hadn’t bothered to spend the money on the class. She glanced at Brody from her peripheral vision. How does a guy who is homeless and doesn’t get paid, afford to bring us both to this? What is he hiding?

  Brody squeezed her hand, pulling her attention back to the teacher.

  “First thing we are going to do is to take the milk and pour it into your pot.” The instructor began to walk around to the different couples at each table. “Good, good. No worries, you have towels if you spill some.” She stopped to help a couple clean up some drops on their table.

  Brody grabbed the jug of milk and pulled off the lid, then handed it to Tia. “Thanks,” she murmured before pouring it into the pot.

  “Now, take your citric acid, the white powder, and add it to one quarter cup water, mixing it well.” The teacher continued to walk around, helping where needed and shouting directions as they were ready to move on.

  “Whoa.” Brody’s voice was low as he watched the curds form in the large pot after pouring in the rennet.

  “Seriously,” Tia agreed. Since they had to wait for a while during this stage, Tia grabbed the stools from under the countertop and she and Brody took a seat. “I have wanted to do this for forever!” Tia said with a smile. “Thank you for bringing me.”

  Brody shrugged. “I believe I should be thanking you. After all, you owed me a favor.”

  Tia giggled. “Yeah. How does that work exactly? I owe you a favor, so you take me out on a date and pay for it? She narrowed her eyes while she grinned. “Sounds kinda backward.”

  Brody chuckled. “It does, doesn’t it?” He looked down at his hands as if seeking inspiration, before looking back up at Tia. “Well, I guess that favor was that you would spend the evening with me, even if you didn’t want to.”

  Tia’s heart pinched. “Well, we might have gotten off to a rough start, but spending time with a homeless man isn’t as bad as I thought it would be.” She slugged Brody in the arm, enjoying the feel of his firm bicep against her knuckles.

  Brody grabbed her wrist before she could pull away. “Not as bad as you thought, huh?”

  All playfulness had left Tia’s face. The air began to crackle and hum as they gazed at each other. “No,” Tia’s said in a breathy voice. The longer they stared at each other, the more mesmerized Tia became; getting lost Brody’s silver eyes. Their intensity made her stomach flip and her breathing speed up.

  Brody reached out with his free hand and ran a finger along Tia’s jawline.

  She sucked in a ragged breath at the touch, only to nearly fall off her seat when the teacher shouted over the loudspeaker again. “ALL RIGHT! Time to strain your curds!”

  Blinking rapidly and shaking off the residual tingles from their little staring contest, Tia tucked her chair under the table and faced the pot.

  Brody put himself just behind her right shoulder, his jaw matching up with the top of her forehead. “What now?” He asked softly into her ear.

  Tia took a moment to enjoy the shiver that ran down her spine before answering. “We need that strainer.” She pointed to the slotted bowl. “Thanks,” she said when Brody handed it to her.

  “Just scoop them all in?” He asked.

  “Yep. Go ahead.” Working together they separated the curds and whey.

Shouted the teacher. “Now reheat the whey water to one-hundred-seventy-five degrees.” She walked around for a few minutes. “Everyone there?” At the shouts of agreement, the teacher continued. “Great. Now put on your gloves and turn off the stove. Put the strainer, curds and all, in the water. We are working to melt the curds in order to create the smooth cheese we all know and love. If you can handle the heat with your gloves on, begin to work the curds together within the water. If it proves to be too hot, pull it out and massage it on the table until it is smooth and consistent. You may need to dunk it in the heat again to continued to get the curds to soften.”

  Tia reached into the water, but even with her gloves on it was too warm. “Ouch. I’m going to pull it out,” she said to Brody.

  “‘Kay,” he rumbled.

  Putting the glob on a wooden cutting board, Tia began to stretch and massage the mixture. She giggled. “This is definitely the fun part,” she grinned at her date.

  Shifting so he stood directly behind her, Brody leaned down to speak in her ear. “Can I join you?”

  Tia nodded, unable to speak. Her breathing became shallow and her hands began to tremble. Reaching one arm on either side, Brody put his large hands over hers and together they worked the curds into a solid ball; smoothing and shaping until it was exactly as they wanted it.

  That water isn’t the only thing boiling. Tia thought as she felt her internal temperature spike. Brody’s warmth invaded her core and the feel of his strong hands made her feel petite, feminine and protected.

  “Once you have it smoothed into a ball, it is done! Put it in ice water to help hold its shape, or eat it warm. Either way is absolutely delicious,” the instructor continued meandering around the room watching the groups’ progress.

  “Should we eat it now?” Brody asked.

  “Are you hungry?” Tia teased over her shoulder.

  Brody ran his nose around Tia’s ear, causing a small gasp to escape her. “Always,” he murmured in his gravelly tone.


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