The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

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The Weapon Bearer (Book 1) Page 17

by Aaron Thomas

  During the evening of the third day, Bowie was talking with Leroy taking up a position in the back. He called up, “A rider coming fast from the rear.”

  Brent called back, “Be calm, it is probably nothing. If there is a problem I will defend us with fire, at least I am strong with this.” He held up the bracer so the others could see. Bowie had already strung his bow, and knocked an arrow at the ready. He held it in place with one hand and held the reins with the other. Leroy flicked his father’s silver knife across the back of his fingers then it disappeared back into his sleeves as quick as it had come out. Kilen began to wonder at when they had become so weary of other strangers on the road. Then he realized that this is the first time they had been passed since they started. They had overtaken many people on the road, but because of Kilen’s constant help they had been swifter than anyone else.

  Slowly, the rider overtook the gap they had between them. When Brent was able to pick out the features of the rider, he called the party to a halt. Brent rode back down the road and met the rider half the distance from them. The rider was wearing a blue robe and next to Brent was small in stature. The girl removed her hood and Kilen recognized Twilix, the water wizard who restored the power in his rings. The girl was still wearing the same robes she had been when he met her, and her golden hair flowed down around her shoulders. Brent and Twilix road up to meet the others who were still mounted in the middle of the road. She rode up and looked each person over, shaking their hands and exchanging pleasantries as she passed. She looked over Kara and nodded her head in satisfaction. When she came to the front of the column Kilen remembered that he still had his helmet on and tucking it under his arm. He ran his hands through his hair, straightening it. She looked him up and down before smiling, “I know you, the boy with his father’s rings of earth magic, am I correct?”

  “Yes, that was me in Humbridge. Thank you again Wizard Twilix, they have helped me a great deal already.

  “I see that you have come far since that day just a week ago. How did you ever come into possession of a weapon like that Kilen?” she said looking down at Kilen’s hip.

  Kilen’s horse pranced to the side and he fumbled with the reigns. She smiled, patiently waiting for an answer. “I uhm, it was my father’s. I think you might remember my mother giving it to the volunteer from my village before you sent him to the king.”

  She looked at the sword and then nodded, “How did you convince him to give it back?” She looked in her book searching for something, “Your volunteer, Chit if I remember right, didn’t seem very generous to his friends or family there.”

  “I didn’t let him get away with my father’s sword. He had no right to it. My mother had no right to give it to him either. I used the strength in the rings to chase him down and I caught up with him outside of Basham.”

  Bowie cut him off speaking from behind the small cart, “Caught up with him, you beat him there and laid in waiting.” The wizards both looked at him and gave him a look that said to be quiet.

  Kilen continued, “When I caught up to him I tried to fight him in the street. Kara and Bowie had been following me.” He gestured to them as he spoke, “Kara became angry and awakened her fire magic. She started throwing fire and nearly caught Bowie up in flames, too. Brent came around the corner and saved us all, using that elemental. After that I took my blade back and…”

  Brent interjected, “and I am helping them get Kara to the king. We have much more story. I’m sure Kilen can talk to you about during his training as a weapon bearer. He wishes to be a scout to pay for Kara’s training. We have a lot of road to make up if we are to get her there before nightfall. Shall we be off?”

  “Kilen if you don’t mind, I have a lot of extra energy here and would like to help you maintain the others until we reach Deuterium,” She spoke in a calm and patient manner as if she didn’t hear Brent’s urgency.

  “I can maintain my party. It is my duty as a weapon bearer, Wizard Twilix.” Kilen tried to sound as if he had already become a weapon bearer.

  She smiled at him a very big smile, Kilen wondered how someone so young as Twilix could be allowed to travel the road alone. In Humbridge girls of her age were not allowed to be out after dark or go to Basham without an adult escort. She reminded him of his little sister and he was sure she was of the same age. He knew that she was very good at using magic as the messenger in Humbridge had warned, but he wondered how she got so good by her age. He wanted so desperately to be taught by her because it reminded him of time he spent with Kara. When she spoke next he looked into her green eyes and saw an unfamiliar wisdom. He instantly wondered if that wisdom would come with their training. “You will do as a wizard commands and keep your own delusions of duty out of it. Now I command you to take up the rear and save your energy for training at Deuterium.” Kilen did as she commanded, feeling embarrassed that he had defied her. He rode hard, to keep up with Brent as he set a far faster pace than he had the entire trip.

  Soon the forest faded and in the distance, taking its place, were rows and rows of orchards. Every kind of fruit tree Kilen could ever remember tasting grew there. The trees went on as they rode for more than two leagues. Small towns existed along the road and contained the normal hustle and bustle of village life. Houses and barns sprang up between them as they rode past in a hurry. When the orchards faded in the distance, fields of crops took their place, the roads widened and finally Kilen could see Deuterium in the distance. The city was so massive that they road for another league before Kilen could make out the individual towers. The city itself was cased by three of the largest trees the world would ever see. The trees were legendary and were supposed to contain the spirits of great earth wizards from the past, Terifue, Pacta, and Heathmos. The city and castle were dwarfed by the giant trees, shading it underneath their limbs. When they got closer Kilen felt like an ant standing under one of the trees in the forest he had just ridden through.

  The castle walls were made of what Kilen would say was white marble with shining silver flakes veining their way up the walls. They seemed to be made of one piece the way it was seamed together, as if the city was carved from a mountain instead of the walls built from stone blocks. When they passed through the city gates, vines and flowers climbed the inside walls. Each patch of ground grew luscious grass and each window had a box with herbs and flowers blooming. The buildings were three stories tall, made of wood and stone. The roofs were made of gray slate tiles. Vendors and markets lined the streets and children wove in and out of the people shopping there.

  Brent led the group to a tavern just inside the front gate where he was greeted as Councilmen Parker. The praetorian outside waved for a boy to get help and take all the horses around the back entrance. Leroy followed at the instruction of Brent. Twilix departed with the need of reporting to the King before dinner. The crowd parted for her, all calling her Sorceress Twilix and cheering her on down the street. She waved at them all, and even tossed down a couple copper to children in ragged clothes playing near the alley. Once inside, Brent lead them to a washroom with bowls filled with warm water and soap. They all stripped down and cleaned themselves. Leroy came in carrying new underclothes and a second uniform for Kilen. Bowie had a new yellow lord’s jacket and black breeches with yellow dyed leather lacing up the legs. He stuck a new feather into his hat, also the color of yellow. He would stand out as a lord in any crowd Kilen thought. Brent stuck his robes into a basin and scrubbed them with soap. His small frame was skinny and the skin seemed to cling to the wiry muscles underneath. He looked as if either he hadn’t eaten or had taken sick for some time. He quickly removed the water from the robe, using his magic to force the water out. The robe looked clean and fresh like it had been washed and dried properly. Its vibrant dark blue was restored. Kilen took a rag and oil and polished his shield and armor, making them shine. He threw the rag into a rubbish pile and realized that it was the last of his torn clothing from the night of chasing Chit. When they were all clean Kilen, carri
ed in Kara and laid her down. Everyone else left the room and he began to wash her hair, extremities and face, making her presentable to King Atmos. Bowie knocked on the door and provided a yellow dress fit for Kara. He did his best to dress her then took her to the private room Brent had acquired. A young serving girl came in and at Brent’s request braided Kara’s hair with fresh flowers in it.

  “I don’t know if the King will allow you to visit her after we start her training. I arranged for this dress hoping you would remember her like this until you can see her again. If she learns to control herself in as much time as normal fire wizards, she will have only aged a few years before you see her again.”

  Kilen choked his tears back before he got out, “Thank you.” He stroked his sister cheek and laid her on a bench with a pillow so they could eat. A stew had been put into bowls and each person ate in silence either from nerves or from or excitement. When all the bowls were empty and cleared from the table Brent closed the door to the room and spoke to each in turn.

  “I said she would age only a few years. You will have aged probably more than ten.” He waited for Kilen to understand what he was saying. Learning to control her emotions would take a far longer time than had thought. “Leroy, today you will not be going to meet the king with us. You will mind the horses, and insure that they aren’t mistaken for the kingdoms pack animals. Master Crescent you will come in with us. I will introduce you and lay down your desire’s of wanting to become an archer for his majesty’s army. Is that really what you want, you could make a large sum of money becoming a private fletcher in town making arrows.”

  “I make arrows because I can, but it isn’t what I want to look back at my life and say I accomplished. I will help Kara plain and simple. It is the way I will help,” he said looking between Kilen and Brent each in turn. Brent nodded his approval and understanding.

  “I will present Kara next and introduce her. Her herbs should wear off soon. She might even be able to talk so you will need to be ready to subdue her again, Kilen. I will present you last. Kilen. There will be much to discuss about your father’s sword and your right to claim it. We will discuss payment for Kara’s training, your training schedule, and where you should be housed. These things are normally discussed privately, but with you having two marks on your blade he might take a special interest in your training. I did send a message when you two were sleeping in Gulrich. It contained most of what I was presenting the King with. I’m not sure if he will ask for your oath Kilen, in which case we will have to give it if you plan on making this work. If he does not, you will be bound by only your word. I would not suggest an oath, if he does not ask. When and if he asks you a question you must answer honestly and without hesitation. Hesitate and he will take it as a sign of you making up a lie. Always answer questions with “sire” or “my king”. He must know that what we have done was not out of treachery. If he makes you angry do not show it. You must present yourself worthy of the sword you carry. Make your father proud.” The last was given by command but it was Kilen’s intention before being told.

  After this last meal and lecture they left the tavern by the back entrance and Kilen lifted Kara into his saddle. He then climbed up and arranged her into it with him, her riding side saddle, leaning on his chest. Leroy helped Kilen strap the shield to his back and place the helm on his head. Brent and Bowie both mounted and Bowie primped his hat, making sure one side was pinned up properly by the yellow feather and the rest was straight. He straightened his jacket and placed more arrows into his quiver. He kept his strung bow over his shoulder, with the string running across his chest. When they walked their horses through the town Bowie heard comments from people wondering which lordling was in town visiting the king.

  The closer they got to the inner city the larger the houses got. The building materials became the same white marble the city walls were made of. The plants and trees became sparse and the number of people on the streets dwindled to only a few. The people in the inner city wore nice clothes and all the men wore thin dueling rapiers with ornate hilts. The women wore dresses with lace at the cuffs and around the exposed cleavage. Each dress would have cost a two months’ wages in Humbridge, Bowie pointed out. Bowie wondered at the riches he would find when he could explore the city’s shops.

  The king’s castle was towering over head and it was surrounded by a second inner city wall. The walls were two building levels high in the inner city, but they were made with the same seamless marble materials. A guardsman atop the gate’s high arc recognized Brent and yelled down to men inside. Two large black steel gates creaked open and men rushed out to take the horses. Brent motioned everyone down and Kilen slid off his horse holding Kara in both arms. Men came to take Kara from him but Brent waved them off. Brent approached, “Remember what we talked about. Tell only the truth and speak only when asked a question directly. When we get before the King keep left your hand on your blade at all times, remember it is yours. When I greet him you will go to one knee, placing your helm on the floor beside you, then salute with your blade hand across your chest and bow your head. You see these men, upon their shoulders tells what they are. The shield pin holding that one’s cloak on says he’s an armor bearer. That one there had a sword holding his up saying he’s a weapon bearer, and the man out in front has both. That is what you will be one day, a man with both the sword and shield. He will not know until I tell him what you are, so holding the weapon would normally be a threat. I will not allow him to see you as a threat, in no circumstances will you remove your hand from your sword. Make your father proud today, show King Atmos a weapon bearers son.”

  King Rekkan of the Fire Realm sat atop his camel in front of his palace. He wore his black tight leather clothes that would not catch aflame when he used his magic. The fire imbued armor he possessed was nothing more than earrings, rings, and bracelets. The king had more piercings than any other person in the kingdom and carried enough adornments to fill them all. The pieces of armor were safely tucked away in his belt pouch, there was no need to be angry until the battle arrived, if it did arrive at all. The white strip of cloth he wore as a hat was soaked with water to keep the head cool, it had a cloth veil to keep the sand from getting into his nose, mouth, and eyes. The veil hung down against his chest letting everyone see his face.

  The ocean’s breeze provided a cool wind that swept through the open arches and balconies of his palace. His realm’s palace was different than any other realms in that it did not provide protection from invading armies. In order to come into the Fire Realm’s palace you would have to pass through one hundred leagues of barren desert. If you had the army and supplies to accomplish that you should be given the palace without a fight.

  The only doors in the palace were to the throne room and to the king’s personal rooms, and these were seldom closed. Every other door had silk curtains that made the room private. If you’re country had enough boats you could sail to the Fire Realm but the edge of the land was a steep cliff that rose hundreds of hands from the waves that crashed below. Stairs and docks were built into the sides of these cliffs that allowed boats to dock and fishermen to climb up and down. The stairs also had built in buckets and pulleys for providing water to the city.

  He had already said his goodbye to his wife and received his final instructions from her. She now was watching from the balcony far above. King Rekkan was following his wife’s orders to seek out King Atmos of the Earth Realm to return with wizards to complete the water canal the Queen’s mother had started. The Fire Realm’s king was more of a weapon than a ruler. His wife would rule the land and was often chosen for their ruling abilities. He was the third husband to this aged queen and he was far from her own age. Only men were allowed to posses imbued materials, keeping the anger of the fire magic contained to one sex. If a wizard was born a woman, her husband to be would submit himself to his mother in-law’s command, so that no man was in charge of running a house. Men were submissive to women in all areas except for battle. King
Rekkan was the best warrior in the land and had caught the respect of the queen. The queen used her husbands like tools and when they were aged or battle worn she discarded them for a new tool to be used up. King Elick Rekkan was a mild tempered man that had learned to use the sword at an early age. His temper made him able to handle more fire magic than most of his peers, earning him the right to be the queens third, but probably not last husband.

  The next few weeks would not only be dangerous due to traveling the waste lands, but could be dangerous just traveling with other fire wielders. The king did not believe he would return from his mission. He could only trust a handful to obey his commands at all times, and all were veterans reaching their grizzled old age. Most of the men should have been retired long ago, but these were the best at their craft. They were slowly forming ranks in front of him, some on camels and some hitching wagons to horses. He knew not to provoke men who possessed fire imbued armor or weapons. These men before him had more than just fire, some had trinkets of every element. He had selected the group because of their ability to handle multiple types of magic. He had twenty men before him, ten armor bearers in two groups being led by three weapon bearers. His personal adviser was a fire wizard, and had two other wizards for controlling the weapon bearers. Some of the men had practiced day and night under the close discretion of the fire wizards, and they could control their anger better than normal men. Others were provided the last of the Fire Realm’s water imbued items so that they suffered no detrimental effects from the wielding fire magic. Still some fingers sparked and some caught fire on random parts of the bodies. Others looked at those men apprehensively.


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