Darkness Clashes

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Darkness Clashes Page 17

by Susan Illene

  “If you’re that good,” I addressed the nephilim. “Then why haven’t you tried mediating any of the Middle East peace talks?”

  He gave me a wry look. “It’s not profitable. I have oil interests that rely on the region remaining unstable. The trolls and orcs continue to give me a percentage of the profits from their gold mine for my assistance.”

  “Innocent people are dying over there!”

  “They are humans, Melena. It’s not my duty to fix their problems.”

  I took a step closer to him. “Sometime in the very near future we are going to have a long talk—about a lot of things.”

  “I do hope you have a suitable location in mind.” He lifted his hand and traced my lips with his thumb.

  He was not going to distract me. I took a step away from him and put a hand up when he tried to close the distance again. “No, I’m serious. We have a lot of things to talk about and you aren’t stalling me forever.”

  “We shall see.”

  Yvonne and Diane came in carrying trays loaded down with pitchers of ice water and glasses for us to use. They set them on the table, spacing them out for everyone to reach. Too bad they hadn’t brought anything stronger. I could have used a stiff drink right about then.

  “Will you be needing anything else?” Yvonne asked Nik.

  “That should be it. You have your instructions for when the alpha arrives. Allow him and his second to enter, but no one else.”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  My senses flared with the presence of werewolves coming toward us. Speak of the devils.

  “They’re here,” I announced. “And Derrick has brought about a dozen pack members with him.”

  Nik gestured for Yvonne to leave before turning his gaze toward me. “We expected he’d want to present a small show of force. The extras will be welcome to remain outside.”

  Chapter Twenty-three

  By the time Derrick and Nadine arrived we’d all moved to stand behind our seats. Except Josslyn, who’d been asked to step out since she didn’t have a specific role in the negotiations. She’d cast one last pleading glance at me before going. I kept my face blank and didn’t give any indication of what I might do.

  Derrick came through the door first, wearing a black suit that fit snugly on his bulky frame. Nadine followed, matching him with a slim-fitting jacket and pants. Both wore their hair pulled back. To my surprise they looked comfortable in their less-than-usual attire and their expressions were all business. I didn’t catch any sense of hostility or anger in their moods.

  At least not until the alpha noticed Kerbasi.

  “What is he doing here?” Derrick asked as he made his way past the guardian to his seat.

  “Would you believe I ran out of RPGs?” I gave him an apologetic look. “Unless you’ve got a better idea, there’s no getting rid of him.”

  “Just keep him quiet,” Derrick warned.

  “Your concern should not be with me,” Kerbasi said, picking at a piece of imaginary lint on his shirt. “I’m merely an observer for this farce of a meeting.”

  “Everyone take their seats,” Lucas ordered. “If the guardian causes any problems, I’ll handle it.”

  Everyone settled in their chairs except Lucas. He stood straight and tall with no sign of emotion on his face. Though he usually carried himself in a similar way, this was different. It was more businesslike and foreign to me.

  “I would set the ground rules first.” Lucas ran his gaze between us. “I will determine which party speaks first and when it is time to give the floor to the other. There will be no violence, emotional outbursts, or attempts to deceive. Stay in your seats and under no circumstance will you interrupt the party who has the floor. Any violation of these rules will result in a punishment of my choosing. Does everyone agree to these terms?”

  Kerbasi cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak. Lucas gave him a warning look so intense the guardian pressed his lips together and sat back in his seat. I would have done the same thing in his shoes and I made a habit out of defying the nephilim.

  “I agree to your terms,” Derrick said.

  “As do I,” Nik gave his assent.

  The rest of us mumbled our agreements.

  Lucas addressed the alpha with none of his usual hatred for the man showing. “In consideration of your initiating this meeting, it is your right to speak first.”

  Derrick nodded and laid his hands flat on the table in front of him. “First, I want to make it clear that I not only represent the interests of the pack, but several of the other races living in and around Fairbanks. Before coming here, I spoke with many of them to ascertain their feelings on the matter of leadership and what they’d like to see.”

  I glanced at Nik. The muscles in his face had tightened and his eyes had darkened. He’d just been told he’d lost even more control of his people than he’d thought. That couldn’t have been easy for him to take.

  “Understood.” Lucas inclined his head. “Please continue.”

  Derrick stared straight across the table at the vampires. “I have an offer that will allow Master Nikolas to retain his position while still providing assurances to the supernaturals of Fairbanks. The first is that he will begin holding weekly forums to address the concerns of his people and allow votes on all important matters that may affect them.”

  I didn’t need to look at Nik this time to see his reaction. His mood felt like an electrical storm raging against my mind. I might not have spent much time in the supernatural world, but I was conversant enough to know democracy was not how any leader of a territory managed it.

  “The second,” Derrick continued, “is that I will be placed in charge of security measures. Master Nikolas will keep me informed of any threats to the area—no matter their nature—and allow me a say in how they are addressed.”

  I had to agree with him on that one. Nik had been hiding too much lately and when he made the wrong decision the rest of us paid for it.

  “And the third and final demand…” Derrick paused to look at me. “Is that I must be allowed free access to the nephilim prisoner, Zoe, without conditions other than those that will provide for my protection.”

  I curled my hands into fists. He couldn’t resist including that last one in there, knowing it would piss me off and there was nothing I could do about it without undermining Lucas. My role was to detect lies. I didn’t get an actual say in the negotiations.

  “Do you have anything further to add?” Lucas asked.

  “No. That is all.”

  Of course it was all. What more could he ask for short of the actual leadership position?

  “Very well, I will turn the floor over to Nikolas for his rebuttal.” Lucas gestured at the master vampire.

  For a full minute Nik didn’t say anything. He stared at Derrick with eyes that lacked any kind of warmth and promised retribution at a later time and date. Only once the alpha blinked did Nik open his mouth to speak.

  “On your first point, alpha, I would be willing to consider it with two amendments. The forums would be held monthly—not weekly—and there would only be a vote on important matters if there is no crisis which requires me to act quickly.”

  He paused and glanced at the vampire beside him. She nodded her support.

  “For your second point, I would be willing to give you and Kariann joint control over security measures. If I become aware of a potential threat, I will warn at least one of you.”

  Smart. He was giving himself loopholes in the rules. Now if he could find a way around that sticky one I hated so much.

  “For the third point, I will give you access to Zoe, but only during times where both Melena and Lucas are available to escort you to the prison cell and ensure your safety.”

  I exhaled a breath. There were plenty of ways to delay Derrick from seeing her with that kind of caveat. I could put him off for a year or more if Micah didn’t come out of hiding anytime soon.

  “Anything else?” Lucas aske

  “Yes. I have one point I would add to the others. If we can come to terms tonight the alpha must renew his fealty to me in front of the pack members currently on the grounds as well as the others present in the house.”

  Lucas nodded and returned his attention to the alpha. “Do you wish to modify the terms further?”

  “I do.” He dipped his chin. “The forums can be monthly if Master Nikolas holds two in the first month and gives the people a vote at every forum on at least one important matter. For security, I would be willing to run it jointly if he keeps Kariann and I both apprised of all security concerns except when one of us is legitimately confirmed as unavailable.”

  He stopped to glance at me. I gave him a blank look and turned my head away. There was no way he’d let Nik’s loopholes stand.

  “On the third,” he continued, “I insist on meeting Zoe next week with no delay under any circumstances. And if there are no more changes to these points, I will gladly restate my oath in front of whichever witnesses the master wants.”

  My teeth hurt from grinding them too hard. I didn’t have a problem with any of his points except the one with Zoe. If only he’d trust me that it was best he stayed away from her.

  “Nikolas?” Lucas lifted a brow.

  The master vampire looked at Kariann. She wore a conciliatory expression that said he’d be smart to take the deal. I was being selfish and hoped he wouldn’t. When he glanced at me, there was something in his eyes. Almost a pleading look, but it passed so quickly I couldn’t be sure.

  “I find the terms acceptable,” he said.

  A lump lodged in my throat. Damn, he’d just lied. I could go along with it, hoping it meant we’d get out of the deal with Zoe, but no one would trust me again after they realized I’d covered for him. It was bad enough I had to keep information about Micah quiet. I couldn’t do it for this, too. Especially when Nik had been hiding things from me and I’d only be helping him to continue his behavior.

  I looked at Lucas and shook my head.

  Disappointment reflected in his eyes before they hardened and turned on Nik. “Perhaps you should try that again, master vampire, and mean what you say this time.”

  I held my head up and didn’t flinch at the accusatory look on Nik’s face.

  “This deal is impossible,” he stated with barely suppressed rage. “I cannot be expected to take it.”

  “Which part?” Lucas asked.

  “All of it.” With the amount of angry buzzing at my mind, I was amazed he was able to stay in his seat. Nik was on the verge of losing it.

  Lucas gave him a level look. “You are losing the faith of your people. From what I’ve been able to ascertain it has been happening for some time now and in at least some cases with good reason. Derrick has just provided you with a way to stay in power. The terms may not be ideal, but they are better than losing your position altogether.”

  Lucas had been looking into the matter? He sure hadn’t told me and even if he had I was surprised he was looking at it from such an unbiased viewpoint—especially with Derrick involved. Maybe he did take his role as mediator seriously. Not that I appreciated him encouraging the deal, but I could recognize its merits.

  “I could kill him and end the problem altogether,” Nik said in a threatening tone.

  Lucas flashed next to the vampire, picked him up by the neck, and slammed him into the carpeted floor with enough force I was sure it cracked a joist underneath. He was leaning over him just beyond the table. Forgetting the rules, I stood up to watch. Others in the room did the same.

  “You are one of the few men I have ever considered a true friend, but not even you will be allowed to undermine negotiations when I am present.” Lucas’ voice was like ice—cold and deadly. “No one is forcing you to take the deal, but if you decline I will place the alpha under my protection for the next ninety days as punishment for your lying. Should you harm him in any way outside an honorably fought duel, I will end your existence myself.”

  Still holding Nik by the neck, he looked up Kariann. “Tell me, vampire. What do you think your master should do?”

  “Take the deal,” she answered with no hesitation.

  Kariann was one of the most loyal women I knew, but she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind when the situation called for it.

  Lucas pulled Nik to his feet. “If you need time to think about it, I’m certain Derrick would be willing to give you an hour or two, but you must decide tonight. This city needs the matter settled—particularly when it has other dangers to face.”

  DHS. I’d updated them about the agency taking the pixies out of town, but nothing about Ariel’s visit or my plan to meet O’Connell next week. As far as they were concerned, it was still a valid threat. Until I fixed it, I wouldn’t tell them otherwise.

  Nik straightened his jacket and gazed about the room. There was no anger in him now. The feelings I sensed from him were a mixture of embarrassment and defeat. In a way I felt sorry for him. How many times could the vampire have his position threatened before he was pushed over the edge?

  “Very well,” he said after a few minutes of silence. “For the people, I’ll take the deal.”

  Every gaze in the room swung toward me.

  “He means it,” I confirmed. This time there was no doubt he’d do as he said.

  The tension in the room dissipated like fog being burned up by the sun. I caught Nadine patting Derrick on the shoulder and even Kariann appeared pleased. Lucas remained stoic.

  “Before I can conclude this session,” he said, putting his hands up. “The two parties must shake hands.”

  Kariann gave Nik a questioning look. He nodded and they headed toward the werewolves who met them halfway. The master vampire’s body was still stiff, but he did as he was asked without any signs of malice. As soon as the men and their female seconds shook hands, I made my way out the door. I headed straight for the living room and the liquor cabinet.

  Lucas found me there a few minutes later gulping down a glass of Nik’s good stuff. He took the drink from me and pulled me into his arms.

  “You did the right thing,” he said.

  His hands rubbed against my back and helped calm me down. “We’re really going to have to let Derrick see Zoe when we get back, aren’t we?”


  I lifted my head and met his eyes. “I thought you didn’t want him seeing her, either.”

  “Only because he looks at you in a way I do not like and your thwarting him put the two of you at odds. It was safer for him that way.”

  “But what if something goes wrong after we let him see Zoe?” Aside from what little Josslyn had told me the night before, I didn’t have any proof that it would. Only a gut feeling that I had to keep Derrick away from her.

  “It will be fine, sensor.” He gave me an amused look. “I’ll be there and won’t allow anything bad to happen.”

  “Hey, you two,” Kariann called from the entryway. “It’s time to go outside and get this fealty thing over with.”

  “We’re coming,” I answered, then looked at Lucas. “Will you stay the night?”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I left a vampire hanging upside down with a knife in his neck to come to this meeting. It’s time I finished him off.”

  I scowled at him. “Please tell me there’s something about this guy that makes him deserve that aside from possibly having information about your brother.”

  “He kidnaps human women and makes them blood and sex slaves.”

  Lucas wasn’t lying. “Then he can wait and you can come home with me.”

  “I am tempted.” He pulled away from me. “But if I’m to free my schedule for New Orleans I must get back to conclude my business there first.”

  The next time I saw Micah, I was going to stick a knife in his throat for killing my sex life. It didn’t matter that I’d have Lucas with me for the whole weekend. I wanted him now.

  “Fine. Let’s get outside.” I glanced at my watch an
d saw it was just after midnight. “We’ve got less than seven hours before the plane arrives and if you’re not going to stay I want to get some sleep before then.”

  Chapter Twenty-four

  “This heat reminds me of home,” Kerbasi said, looking pleased. “You should have brought me here sooner, sensor.”

  “Yes, because I live to cater to your every want and need.” I idly wondered how big of a cover-up job it would take if I shot him on the sidewalk. Though it was a couple of hours after dark there were still some pedestrians nearby.

  “Do you not?” He lifted a brow.

  I flipped him off, but he just gave me a confused look.

  We’d just arrived in the French Quarter and stood in front of the building where Lucas owned a condo. From the outside it appeared a little worn with visible cracks on the surface, but it had an old world flavor I liked. The walls were a cream color and wrought-iron balconies jutted from the second and third floors. Black shutters concealed the high windows. Though the city had originally been established by the French, most of the structures had a Spanish influence, including this one.

  “Make yourself useful.” Lucas shoved a bag into the guardian’s arms.

  Kerbasi’s expression turned sour, but he took it.

  Neither of the men appeared fazed by the heat. I’d been to New Orleans once before while on leave in the army, but that had been six or seven years ago. Somehow I’d forgotten what the weather was like. Kerbasi hadn’t been wrong when he said it was similar to Purgatory.

  “Please let the air-conditioning be on inside.” I wiped a sheen of sweat from my brow.

  “It is. I prepared everything before your arrival,” Sayer said. He was Lucas’ other fifteen-hundred-year old vampire minion and the one who’d picked us up from the airport.


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