Midnight Action (Hollywood Nights Book 2)

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Midnight Action (Hollywood Nights Book 2) Page 4

by Amelie Black

  Logan looked over his shoulder at her. “I did it two days ago when I accepted the job. You were in the bathroom at the time. I snuck in and did it then.”

  It took a while for this to sink in. When it did, she spoke with a voice full of consternation.

  “You seem to have a habit of coming in my room when I’m predisposed.”

  Logan shot her a grin in the dark, not sure if she could see it. “Honey, I intend to come in your room under all conditions.”

  With that parting line Logan stole outside, closing the door behind him. He didn’t leave until he saw her turn the lock in the door and heard the resounding click that followed.



  Lexi watched as Logan disappeared into the shadows silent as the night.

  Although she should have been concerned by the tripping of the alarm, Lexi found she couldn’t focus on it. All she could think about was the things he had just done to her and the wanton way she had responded. He made her body come alive and Lexi felt like she knew who she was for the first time in her life.

  Some of her friends (if you could call them that) weren’t virgins anymore. They had described in great detail their first times but they were always short fumbling advances that were painful and unsexy. One of her friends had even sworn off sex if that was as good as it was ever going to get. Lexi never had any intention of getting involved with someone at this point in her life. Her aim was just to reach eighteen and become a legal adult at which point she wanted to do something with her life. She wanted to become someone special, and she didn’t mean in the way her parents were. She wanted to be someone’s world and now in just one day, she knew who that someone was.

  Lexi suddenly realized that her panties were on the floor — which meant she had locked the door while her lower half had been completely bare. Lexi couldn’t believe she had been standing in only her tank top half-naked for Logan to see. This was so unlike her. She was not the exhibitionist her mom was.

  She retrieved her panties from the floor noting how sodden they were and pulled them back on. Then she found a pair of silk shorts and tugged them on. If somebody was here, she didn’t want to be half-naked when they found her. Moving to the bed, Lexi caught a glimpse of the twisted sheets and a flash of Logan licking her private parts flashed up in her mind. She trembled as she recalled his tongue in her ass, embarrassed and confused by how much she had enjoyed it. Even though she was alone in the dark, she felt her cheeks turned red with hotness. Moving away from the bed, she grabbed her cell from the bedside table. Scrolling through the menu she found the contact list.

  And there, first on her speed dial was the listing for Logan.

  He really had sneaked into her room to input his number while she was in the bathroom. Lexi knew this should have made her angry, however, she just felt happy. She had his number now. She would be able to call him whenever she wanted. Even if he wanted to, Logan couldn’t disappear out of her life.

  She moved to the doors and looked out across their backyard. There were lights dotted around the fence at regular intervals but they were too far away to be able to make out here. Staring out into the darkness Lexi realized how vulnerable she suddenly felt. There were so many places a person could hide.

  Lexi thought about going to her parents but she had always been the worst liar. If they even mentioned Logan she knew they would read the truth on her face and then they would both be in trouble. Despite feeling happy about having Logan’s number, she suddenly felt panic take hold as she realized if they knew what had just happened they might still have a way of making him vanish from her life. Her parents weren’t just filthy rich, they were also powerful players in Hollywood and Logan would not want to go up against them. No, Lexi thought, she couldn’t go to them. She needed more time with Logan. She needed to know that what she was feeling for him wasn’t just a physical reaction.

  Unable to do anything, Lexi stood by the doors, anxiously holding onto her phone. Minutes passed by in agonizing silence until she started worrying about Logan. What if there had been more than one intruder? What if they had overpowered him and he was out there, helpless right now?

  Lexi had a hand on the door and was about to unlock it when a figure ran at her! She jumped back, her heart in her throat, a scream frozen in her mouth. In that split second, she was so terrified that her throat had seized up and she could barely make a sound. Her finger moved over to Logan’s name on the contact list and she was just about to touch it when a face came into view and it was she recognized.

  Unlocking the door, she yanked it open.

  “You were taking so long I was getting really worried!” Lexi cried, unable to help herself.

  Logan’s eyes looked black and dangerous in the night. He raked them up and down the length of her body until she felt herself shivering under his gaze. It felt like he was going to attack her and she didn’t know whether that would be a bad thing or not.

  “You don’t worry about me sweetheart, that’s my job,” he said his voice low and pained. Hearing the anguish in his voice, Lexi became concerned.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?”

  “It wasn’t a false alarm. Someone was trying to scale the fence.” He moved inside and showed her what he held his hands. There was a piece of rope and some silver carabiner clasps commonly used in rock climbing. Lexi knew what they were because her dad had gone through a climbing phase when she had been younger.

  Seeing the evidence, she couldn’t hide her shock. “So someone is really after me?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  “Yeah,” Logan responded, that one word making him sound terrifying.

  Lexi bit her lip, suddenly afraid in spite of Logan’s comforting presence in front of her. “What now?” she asked.

  “Now we wake your parents,” Logan replied in a voiced tight with tension.



  Logan was going to kill whoever it was that had set off the alarm.

  There he had been, deep in Lexi’s delicious pussy, preparing himself for the main event when the fucking alarm had stopped him short. He was furious with the kind of vengeful anger that meant someone was going to get it. The weird thing was, however, it wasn’t even his own satisfaction he was thinking of. No, he was worried about leaving Lexi alone.

  He always took his job seriously but the protection he felt over Lexi was something he had never felt before. Just the sight of her caused him to want to make her his, and he knew he would kill anyone who tried to harm her, to hell with the consequences.

  After she had locked the door, Logan had taken out the Glock that he hid in his ankle holster and sprinted to the spot where the alarm had been triggered. It was a sheltered spot nestled between a bank of trees. In short, it was a clever place to break-in.

  Logan didn’t like this.

  Whoever was sending the threats, they were smart enough to have surveyed the property enough to know this was a vulnerable position. It was far enough away from the main house that it wasn’t overlooked. In fact, if it wasn’t for Logan’s new security alarm they would never have known somebody was here.

  The thought chilled him to the bone.

  When Logan had arrived, whoever it was must have heard him coming as they had beat a hasty retreat. They didn’t have time to take their climbing gear with them and had just left it on the wall. A quick examination of the materials later and Logan could see that although they were new, they were cheap. This meant their intruder was likely working on his own and wasn’t part of a wider network: networks were usually financed productions and this looked like a one-man band. The thought of this didn’t make Logan anymore relieved, however. Individuals had a habit of being unpredictable. When push came to shove, it was usually the unknown individual that behaved in a manner which proved detrimental to all.

  Sprinting back to Lexi, Logan knew he had to wake her parents immediately and tell them what he had discovered. If the person he had interrupted wasn’t scared off, it was likel
y that they would be attacked again and very soon as the longer the perp left it, the longer they would have to fortify the grounds.

  Logan and Lexi were standing inside her parents' room now. Lexi sat huddled in the bed flanked by her parents as Logan explained the situation.

  “We can just get more guards. Wilson has an army of them doesn’t he?” Stonewall asked.

  “He does but your property is just too open. It’s much too difficult to try to protect it. It would be far easier to move you all into a safe house.”

  “A safe house?” Amanda said incredulously. “Absolutely not. I made a movie about one of those once, they’re terrible places in some God-forsaken location. There is no way I am moving my family out of this one and into one of those.”

  “I know it’s not the Four Seasons but they are where they are for a reason,” Logan tried again to plead his case.

  “If we go with you, can I still run my studio from there?” Stonewall asked.

  “I’m afraid not. Once you’re there, you won’t have your phone or anything that can be traced to you or your location. It would defeat the purpose of the safe house. We will keep you isolated until the threat has been neutralized.”

  “But I can’t do that,” Stonewall spluttered. “I have a studio to run and Mandy is days away from finishing her latest movie. If we walk away now, we would be opening ourselves up to the kind of lawsuit that even we couldn’t afford.”

  Logan felt a surge of anger well up inside him. Were these people putting their careers ahead of their daughter? But Stonewall glowered at him suddenly.

  “I know what you’re thinking and the answer is no. Of course, we care more about Lexi than our careers or our money, but you understand we are both in a multi-billion business. Mandy’s movie has a budget of Eighty Mil plus and it’s already running over schedule at a cost of five million a day. If she leaves now, they can’t finish it without her and she will absolutely be held to account for that. My studio too has twelve movies in production right now, all of which I oversee. There just isn’t a way I can take off without there being a catastrophe that we may never be able to dig out way out of. Not to mention the bad publicity we’d receive.” He turned to look at Lexi, torn. “You know it’s not that we don’t want to, it’s that we can’t leave with no notice.”

  Logan’s anger died down as he felt their palpable pain. They really were in a difficult position. If they went with their daughter, they would lose everything they had worked so hard for, but if they didn’t do anything, their daughter’s life was at risk.

  “There is one other option,” Logan said keeping his voice as neutral as possible. “Lexi can come with me and I can guard her while Wilson sends another team to find the perpetrator.”

  Lexi’s parents looked shocked by the suggestion but the girl herself, she seemed calm. She raised her eyes to Logan, unable to hide the knowingness in them.

  “I don’t know, I’m not comfortable sending her off with you,” Amanda said.

  “But if it’s the only way to guarantee that she will be safe... isn’t that a risk worth taking?” Stonewall replied.

  “It doesn’t have to be one of our safe houses. I just need to get her somewhere that is already secure where the average person can’t come strolling through the door. We will obviously need food supplies and amenities. If they had a security system in place, cameras and some such, that would be even more ideal,” Logan offered.

  Amanda stared at him with a frown. “You mean like a private members club? They all have the things you just listed.”

  Stonewall started nodding vigorously. “She’s right. I’d be much happier knowing Lexi is still in our neighborhood instead of beyond our reach.”

  Logan looked at Lexi who was yet to say anything.

  “Does that sound okay to you?” he asked, feeling suddenly concerned that she would turn him down. He’d faced bombs, armed terrorists, and a sinking ship yet they were nothing compared to the fear he now felt that she would say no.

  “Yes. That sounds doable. I like Lofthouse on Sunset,” she replied softly.

  “Then it’s settled. Logan, you will take Lexi to Lofthouse while Wilson tries to find who this asshole is,” Stonewall said.

  “Please take care of her as if she were yours,” Amanda asked in a pleading tone.

  “Don’t worry, I intend to,” Logan said, looking at Lexi.

  She glanced down suddenly, hiding her face beneath the curtain of her hair as a delicious blush spread over her cheeks and Logan felt himself grow warm at the thought of what he would do to her when they were alone.Lexi watched as Logan disappeared into the shadows silent as the night.

  Although she should have been concerned by the tripping of the alarm, Lexi found she couldn’t focus on it. All she could think about was the things he had just done to her and the wanton way she had responded. He made her body come alive and Lexi felt like she knew who she was for the first time in her life.

  Some of her friends (if you could call them that) weren’t virgins anymore. They had described in great detail their first times but they were always short fumbling advances that were painful and unsexy. One of her friends had even sworn off sex if that was as good as it was ever going to get. Lexi never had any intention of getting involved with someone at this point in her life. Her aim was just to reach eighteen and become a legal adult at which point she wanted to do something with her life. She wanted to become someone special, and she didn’t mean in the way her parents were. She wanted to be someone’s world and now in just one day, she knew who that someone was.

  Lexi suddenly realized that her panties were on the floor — which meant she had locked the door while her lower half had been completely bare. Lexi couldn’t believe she had been standing in only her tank top half-naked for Logan to see. This was so unlike her. She was not the exhibitionist her mom was.

  She retrieved her panties from the floor noting how sodden they were and pulled them back on. Then she found a pair of silk shorts and tugged them on. If somebody was here, she didn’t want to be half-naked when they found her. Moving to the bed, Lexi caught a glimpse of the twisted sheets and a flash of Logan licking her private parts flashed up in her mind. She trembled as she recalled his tongue in her ass, embarrassed and confused by how much she had enjoyed it. Even though she was alone in the dark, she felt her cheeks turned red with hotness. Moving away from the bed, she grabbed her cell from the bedside table. Scrolling through the menu she found the contact list.

  And there, first on her speed dial was the listing for Logan.

  He really had sneaked into her room to input his number while she was in the bathroom. Lexi knew this should have made her angry, however, she just felt happy. She had his number now. She would be able to call him whenever she wanted. Even if he wanted to, Logan couldn’t disappear out of her life.

  She moved to the doors and looked out across their backyard. There were lights dotted around the fence at regular intervals but they were too far away to be able to make out here. Staring out into the darkness Lexi realized how vulnerable she suddenly felt. There were so many places a person could hide.

  Lexi thought about going to her parents but she had always been the worst liar. If they even mentioned Logan she knew they would read the truth on her face and then they would both be in trouble. Despite feeling happy about having Logan’s number, she suddenly felt panic take hold as she realized if they knew what had just happened they might still have a way of making him vanish from her life. Her parents weren’t just filthy rich, they were also powerful players in Hollywood and Logan would not want to go up against them. No, Lexi thought, she couldn’t go to them. She needed more time with Logan. She needed to know that what she was feeling for him wasn’t just a physical reaction.

  Unable to do anything, Lexi stood by the doors, anxiously holding onto her phone. Minutes passed by in agonizing silence until she started worrying about Logan. What if there had been more than one intruder? What if they had overpowered him a
nd he was out there, helpless right now?

  Lexi had a hand on the door and was about to unlock it when a figure ran at her! She jumped back, her heart in her throat, a scream frozen in her mouth. In that split second, she was so terrified that her throat had seized up and she could barely make a sound. Her finger moved over to Logan’s name on the contact list and she was just about to touch it when a face came into view and it was she recognized.

  Unlocking the door, she yanked it open.

  “You were taking so long I was getting really worried!” Lexi cried, unable to help herself.

  Logan’s eyes looked black and dangerous in the night. He raked them up and down the length of her body until she felt herself shivering under his gaze. It felt like he was going to attack her and she didn’t know whether that would be a bad thing or not.

  “You don’t worry about me sweetheart, that’s my job,” he said his voice low and pained. Hearing the anguish in his voice, Lexi became concerned.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?”

  “It wasn’t a false alarm. Someone was trying to scale the fence.” He moved inside and showed her what he held his hands. There was a piece of rope and some silver carabiner clasps commonly used in rock climbing. Lexi knew what they were because her dad had gone through a climbing phase when she had been younger.

  Seeing the evidence, she couldn’t hide her shock. “So someone really is after me?” she asked in a quiet voice.

  “Yeah,” Logan responded, that one word making him sound terrifying.

  Lexi bit her lip, suddenly afraid in spite of Logan’s comforting presence in front of her. “What now?” she asked.

  “Now we wake your parents,” Logan replied in a voiced tight with tension.



  The next day, Amanda and Stonewall kissed Lexi by the front door of their house and then they were gone.


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