Fort Collins, Colo., 2, 232, 234, 237, 316
High Park fire in, 42
Four-Cornered Falcon, The (Saner), 307
fracking, 1, 13, 108, 123, 124–26, 133, 258, 264
environmental consequences of, 116, 123, 124, 125–26, 283
lack of caution in, 124–25
see also boomtowns
Fradkin, Philip L., 264, 300, 303, 318, 319
Frenchman River, 26, 258, 259, 263
Freud, Sigmund, 161
Friends of the Earth, 181
Frost, Robert, 13, 85, 150
Fruita, Colo., 87
Garfin, Gregg, 316
gas, 87, 100, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 119, 136, 164
Gathering of Zion, The (Stegner), 158
Genesis West, 70
Geological Survey of the Rocky Mountain Region, 127
Gessner, Hadley, 48, 225, 226, 232–33, 238, 242, 243–44, 245–46, 247, 248, 249, 251–52, 257, 258, 259, 261, 264–65, 282
Gilpin, William, 129–30
Glen Canyon, 166, 174, 177, 183, 184
Abbey’s trip through, 169
drowning of, 169–70, 173, 174, 178
Glen Canyon Dam, 97–98, 166–68, 167, 169, 173–74, 177, 182, 183, 224
Abbey’s opposition to, 97–98, 166, 169–70, 172, 174, 179, 182, 184, 313
author’s rafting trip from, 177, 178–79
construction of, 169, 174, 178
size of, 167–68
Stegner and, 173–74
Glen Canyon Institute, 183
Glenwood Springs, Colo., 59
Goblin Hills, 125
gold, 5, 6, 36, 87
golden-cheeked warbler, 240, 241
gophers, 27, 37, 83
Gordon, Bruce, 122, 123, 311
Gowdy, Curt, 317
Gramont, Nina de, 48, 90, 91, 225, 226, 232, 248, 282
Grand Canyon, 23, 24, 127, 131, 134, 164, 169, 179, 201
Grand Canyon Trust, 94, 309
Grand Forks, N. Dak., 25
Grand Gulch, 207
Grand Junction, Colo., 40, 59, 63, 87, 117, 214, 218, 224, 315
oil boom in, 41–42, 311
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, 67
Gray, Peg, 85, 262, 308, 318
Gray, Phil, 85, 262, 318
Great Aridness, A (deBuys), 213–14, 307, 308, 314
Great Depression, 84, 271
Great Drought of 1276–1299, 47
greater sage grouse, 240, 241
Great Falls, Mont., 27, 163
Great Salt Lake, 67
Greenpeace, 222
Green River, 119, 122, 123–24, 126, 133, 134
Abbey’s rafting trip on, 189
Powell’s rafting journey on, 127
Greensboro, Vt., 301–2, 312, 316
Greg (Navajo river guide), 199, 208, 209
Grey, Zane, 22
grizzly bears, 243, 244, 248, 249–51, 317
Grizzly Man (documentary), 243
Grizzly Years (Peacock), 35, 244
Gull Lake, 264
Gunnison River, 62
Gusher, Utah, 109
habitat preservation, 239–42, 316
Half-Moon Bay, Calif., 11, 276, 304
Hall, Donald, 255
Halliburton, 111, 115
Hamburger Rock, 91, 96
Hammond, Emily, 232, 233, 234–35, 316
Harrison, Jim, 244
Harvard University, 69, 85, 127
Briggs-Copeland lecturers at, 10, 85, 270
Hatch, Don, 117
Hatch, John, 117
Havasu Canyon, 24, 201–4, 300
Havasu Creek, 201, 202
Havasupai (Supai; Indian village), 201, 202
hawks, 170, 197, 272
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 276, 281
Hayduke, George Washington (char.), 179–80, 243, 247, 249, 251, 277
Hayduke Lives! (Abbey), 277, 288
Headwater Economics, 88, 309, 310
Health Department, Utah, 310
Hedden, Bill, 94–95, 309
Hemingway, Ernest, 80, 154
Henry David Thoreau (Krutch), 310
Herodotus, 56
Herzog, Werner, 243, 250
Hetch Hetchy Dam, 171
High Country News, 310, 311, 314, 316
High Park fire (2012), 42
Hills, Rust, 191
Hoboken, N.J., 76, 77, 100
Home, Pa., 10, 19, 305, 318
Abbey’s childhood home in, 21, 301
Abbey’s return visit to, 265–67, 318
Homestead Act, 38
Honerkamp, Mark “Hones,” 90, 91, 184–85, 188, 214, 224–25, 243, 250
on San Juan River rafting trip, 189, 190, 192–93, 194, 196–98, 199, 203, 204, 207, 208, 209
Hoops, Herm, 118–19, 311
Hoover Dam, 168, 172
Hopi, 23
“How It Was” (Abbey), ix
Huntsman, Jon, 95
hurricanes, 1, 43, 60
Idaho, 238
Illinois, 48
immigration, illegal, 72, 195, 205–6, 315
“Immigration and Liberal Taboos” (Abbey), 205–6, 315
“Importance of Peacock, The” (Turner), 244, 255
In Cold Blood (Capote), 148
Indiana, Pa., 19
Indian Creek, 90–91
Indian Reservation land, 126
Iowa, 25, 29, 110, 154, 270
Iowa, University of, Stegner as teaching assistant at, 28–29, 84, 270
Iowa Writers’ Workshop, 84
irrigation, 39
Irvine, Jack, 158
Italy, 24
James, Henry, 83, 196
Japanese whalers, 222
Jeffers, Robinson, 76, 171, 309
Jet Skis, 166, 170
Johnson, Samuel, 14, 70, 280, 319
Jonathan Troy (Abbey), 80
Jordan (Navajo rafter), 198–200, 209, 210, 212, 314
Journey Home, The (Abbey), 305, 313
Kansas, 30
Keats, John, 54
Kellett, Michael, 183
Kennedy administration, 175
Ken Sanders Rare Books, 147–48, 149
Kentucky, 55, 70, 136, 158, 231, 266, 272, 307
Kentucky River, 51, 55
Kesey, Ken, 10, 11, 12, 53, 70–71, 155, 279–80, 305, 307, 308, 309
Kirkpatrick, Dick, 266, 318
Kittredge, William, 11, 284
Knopf, Alfred, 67, 182
Kodas, Michael, 306
Korean War, 48
Kringle, Dolly, 70, 309
Kropotkin, Peter, 68–69
Krutch, Joseph Wood, 102, 106, 202, 233, 310
LaBoissiere, Bryson, 258–59, 262, 318
Lake Mead, 172, 183, 184
Lake Mills, Iowa, 35
Lake Powell, 166, 169–70, 172, 174, 178–79, 183
Land Trust, 219
“land use” concept, 6, 9, 36, 54, 60, 130–31, 136, 236–37, 261, 264–65, 284, 315
La Sal Mountains, 75, 77, 89, 96, 97, 100
Lassen Volcanic National Park, 35, 276, 306
Las Vegas, Nev., 48, 178
Lees Ferry, 97, 177
Legacy of Conquest, The (Limerick), 315
LeRoy, Dorothy, 85, 163
Lester, Bill “Brutus,” 41
Lexington, Ky., 70, 308
Life Work (Hall), 255
Lightcap, Henry (char.), 22, 266
Lightcap, Will (char.), 266
Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 284, 306, 315
Lish, Gordon, 70
Little, Brown, 71
Lockwood, Jeffrey, 308
Loeffler, Jack, 185–88, 194, 222, 288, 300, 314, 320
Lonely Are the Brave, 309
Lone Rock, 166
“Long-Legged House, The” (Berry), 55, 307
Longs Peak, 17
Lopate, Phillip, 104
Los Altos Hills, Calif., 270, 271–73
Los Angeles, Calif., 117, 124, 201
Lost Landscapes and Failed Economies (Power), 88
MacLeish, Archibald, 85
Madison, Wis., 84–85
Mailer, Norman, 109
Mammoth Hot Springs, 245, 251
marmots, 241
Marshall, Ian, 301
Mason, Bo (char.), 110, 142, 163, 276
Mason, Bruce (char.), 29, 110, 140, 142, 306
Massachusetts, 17, 18, 248
McChesney, John, 123, 133
McClanahan, Ed, 70, 269, 272, 308, 309, 318
McGurl, Mark, 279–80, 308
McKinnon, Kristen, 185, 192, 193, 314
McLaughlin, Mark, 301
megadroughts, 44
megafires, 235
Merry Pranksters, 70, 279
Mesa County Land Conservancy, 50
Mesa Verde region, 48
Mexico, 206, 239
illegal immigrants from, 205–6
Mexico, Gulf of, 283
migratory paths, wildlife, 238–39, 240, 242, 283, 316
Mile Four Dam, 179
mines, mining, 13, 20, 39, 74, 111, 112, 172, 236, 261
environmental consequences of, 58, 90, 93, 121
Missouri River, 30, 263
Moab, Utah, 11, 66, 71, 74–76, 86, 89, 92, 100, 165, 238, 305, 309, 312
Arches National Park in, see Arches National Monument; Arches National Park
population of, 74
tourism and recreation in, 74, 75–76, 89, 94–95
Modern Language Association, 52
Monkey-Wrench Gang, The (Abbey), 6, 81, 96, 97–98, 148, 149, 152, 179–80, 181, 243, 247, 250, 276–77, 288, 304
sexist language in, 277
monkeywrenching, 3, 9–10, 35, 148, 186–87, 214–19, 243, 303
by Abbey, 69, 186–87, 220, 221, 284
in Abbey’s writing, 9–10, 69, 96, 148, 179–81
decline of, 214–15, 217-18, 221
modern forms of, 222–24
“terrorism” label on, 10, 182, 216–19, 223
Vail fire case and, 215–17
Montaigne, Michel de, 56, 104, 105, 191, 194, 233, 278, 282
Montana, 5, 100, 113, 156, 238, 243
Montana, University of, 88, 121, 309
Moon Water canyon, 208
Morgan, Larry (char.), 71, 145–46, 147, 274
Morgan, Sally (char.), 228
Mormon Country (Stegner), 85–86, 158
Mormons, Mormonism, 6, 67, 86, 130, 158–59
Morris, Edmund, 306
Moser, Don, 304
moth people, 210–11
Mountain Gazette, 150
mountains, 16–17, 18, 30, 31, 48, 49, 51, 58, 59, 63, 109, 125, 138, 157, 172, 225, 226, 242, 265, 282, 285
Abbey’s first sight of, 16–17, 23–24
see also specific mountains and mountain ranges
Mount Sopris, 59
Mr. Trim Seat Covers, 113
Muir, John, 41, 170–71, 318
Muley Point overlook, 243
Murphy, Buck, 25
Myers, Roger, 300
Nabhan, Gary, 319
National Book Award, 2, 127, 230, 273
National Geographic, 6–7, 111
national monuments, 237
national parks, 67, 135, 173, 175, 265
“connectivity” needed in, 239–40, 242, 316
creation of, 67, 134, 175, 237, 239, 242
recreation in, 86, 93
tourism and automobiles in, 75–76, 77, 90, 101, 106, 242, 251
see also specific national parks
National Park Service, 41, 97, 198, 200
Native Americans, 94, 159, 201, 202, 207, 208, 263
see also specific tribes
“Native Hill, A” (Berry), 55, 307
natural gas, see gas
Natural Resources Defense Council, 306
Nature Conservancy, 89
nature writing, 57, 60, 66, 171–72, 254, 267, 300
Navajos, 23, 192, 198, 199, 200, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211
Nevills, Norman, 196
Newcomb, Ralph, 169
New Mexico, 17, 23, 24, 60–61
New Mexico, University of, 24, 72, 219, 220
New Mexico Daily Lobo, 219
New York, N.Y., 10, 55, 303, 310
New York Times, 12, 179, 316
New York Times Book Review, 153
New York Times Magazine, 153, 319
Nikiforuk, Andrew, 308
North Carolina, 1, 51, 63, 109, 240, 241, 243, 253
hurricanes in, 1, 43
Outer Banks in, 43
North Cascade National Park, 41
North Dakota, 2, 5, 25, 114, 115
Nurse Ratched (char.), 279, 280, 308
Obama, Barack, 115
“Of Books” (Montaigne), 282
off-road vehicles (ORVs), 74, 86, 93, 94–95, 165, 309, 311
oil, 5, 6, 87, 111, 112, 113, 116, 124
oil drilling, 2, 40, 41, 63, 93, 100, 111–19, 214
environmental consequences of, 111, 112–13, 116, 117, 119, 122–23, 238–39, 283, 311
rigs vs. well sites in, 114
in Saskatchewan, 258, 264–65
scarring of landscape by, 122–23, 125–26, 311
wildlife migratory paths disrupted by, 238–39
see also boomtowns; fracking
Oil Progress Parade (Vernal, Utah), 114–15, 114
Olympic National Park, 139
On a Darkling Plain (Stegner), 147
OnEarth, 306–7, 309
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Kesey), 10, 279–80
“One Last Wilderness” (Stegner), 146
One Life at a Time, Please (Abbey), 305, 310, 313, 314, 315
One Nation (Stegner), 128
On Teaching and Writing Fiction (Stegner), 318, 319
Oregon National Forest, 181
Orion, 301
ospreys, 242, 253, 254
Ostlind, Emilene, 238–39, 316
Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission, 94
Outside, 100, 101, 304
“Oven Bird, The” (Frost), 13
Owens Valley, Calif., 226
Pack Creek Ranch, 75, 96–97, 98, 99
Painted Desert, 23
Palin, Sarah, 96
Palo Alto, Calif., 155
Paonia, Colo., 59, 62–64
Patterson, Thomas M., 131
Paul (river guide), 178–79
Peabody Coal Company, 187
Peacock, Doug, 35, 243–52, 250, 253, 254, 255, 288, 317, 320
Abbey’s relationship with, 248–49
cohabitation with bears of, 243, 244, 246, 249–51, 317
Hayduke character as based on, 179, 243, 247, 249, 251, 277
writing of, 244, 248, 249, 300, 320
Pearce, Fred, 307, 313–14
Pearsall, Sam, 240–41
Pennsylvania, 15, 23, 114, 125, 219, 301
Abbey’s childhood in, 19–22, 301
landscape of, 19, 22, 301
Petersen, David, 303, 320
Petry, Adam, 59, 63–64, 65
Phoenix, Ariz., 48, 124, 178
Pinedale, Wyo., 117, 311
Pinedale Anticline gas patch, 238–39
Piñon Ips beetles, 58
“Pleasure of Ruin, The” (Saner), 47
Polk, James, 263
Port Royal, Ky., 51, 307
Port Royal United Methodist Church, 51
Postcards from Ed (Abbey), 319–20
Powell, John Wesley, 125, 127–32, 135, 165, 175, 176, 177, 313
as director of US Geological Survey, 127, 129
honest assessment of western conditions urged by, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132
“land use” plan of, 130–31, 136, 284
river rafting journey of, 127, 128–29, 168–69, 174
Stegner’s biography of, 9, 127, 128–32
Powell, Lake, see Lake Powell
Power, Thomas Michael, 87-88, 89, 309
Prescott, Steve, 288
sp; “pre-storing” habitats, 240–41, 316
Program Era, The (McGurl), 279–80, 308
pronghorn antelopes, 238–39, 240, 241, 253, 316
Puebloan people, 44, 47
Pulitzer Prize, 2, 5, 127, 153, 273
Pyne, Stephen J., 316
Quammen, David, 8, 100–101, 303–4
Quiet Crisis, The (Udall), 175
Quimby, Jane, 214–19, 221–22, 223–24, 315
rafting tours, 88, 93, 108, 116–17, 118, 125, 196
author’s trip on Colorado River in, 177, 178–79
author’s trip on San Juan River and, 185, 189–90, 192–94, 196–200, 204, 207-12, 226, 314
Rainbow Bridge, 170
Ralph (river rafting guide), 192, 193, 196, 197–98, 199, 200, 207, 209, 212, 314
ranchers, ranching, 40, 42, 87, 90, 95, 130
Abbey’s antagonizing of, 98, 121–22, 172
environmental consequences of, 121
Randy (author’s friend), 30, 225
Rastafarians, 201
Reaching Keet Seel (Saner), 307
Recapitulation (Stegner), 140, 311
recreational tourism, 33, 58, 74, 86, 87–89, 90, 93–95, 118, 166, 236
benefits of, 87–89, 93
environmental issues in, 58, 87, 90, 93, 94–95
government regulation proposed for, 95
motorized, 74, 86, 93, 94–95, 166, 170, 309, 311
in national parks, 86, 93
Redd, Heidi, 89–90
Redd family, 89–90
red wolves, 243
Reece, Erik, 308
Refuge (Williams), 34, 67–68, 311
Reisner, Marc, 34, 284, 313–14
Remembering Laughter (Stegner), 109
Report on the Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah (Dutton), 38
Rethink Diné Power, 198
“rewilding,” 239–40, 241–42, 316
Rewilding North America (Foreman), 316
Ring, Ray, 311
Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, The (Morris), 306
Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department, 235
River’s Edge (Emigrant, Mont. bar), 245, 246, 247
Riverside Hotel, 258
Rocky Flats plant, 57-58
Rocky Mountains, 16–17, 18, 23, 58, 226, 265
Rogers, Liz, 313
Roosevelt, Theodore, 34, 134, 306, 318
Roth, Philip, 5, 149
“Running the San Juan” (Abbey), 226
Russian olive, 192, 197, 204, 205, 207
sacred datura (chohajilla), 210–11, 210
Saguaro National Monument, 151
St. Louis, Mo., 30
Salt Lake City, Utah, 27–28, 69, 84, 127, 132, 138–39, 140–42, 147, 153, 155, 227, 257, 275, 276, 311
Carnegie Library in, 158
George Stegner’s death in, 85, 140, 141–42, 162–63, 302
Ken Sanders Rare Books in, 147–48, 149
Stegner family burial plots in, 140–41, 143, 147
Stegner’s boyhood years in, 27–28, 84, 157–59
Salt Lake Tribune, 310
“salutary co-operation,” 130
Sam (Navajo rafter), 207–8
All the Wild That Remains: Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and the American West Page 34