Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1) Page 17

by India R. Adams

  My chest expands with relief. “Do you mind meeting my Warrior brothers?”

  “Nope, as long as you don’t mind meeting my mom.” She turns to face me on her knees.

  “Are you tricking me, Rose?”

  “Yes.” She straddles my lap. “Do you mind?”

  My brain becomes paralyzed. My body shifts into high gear with her clothed opening tantalizingly close to my groin. Before my hands grip her hips for entry, I shake my head and blink my eyes. “Umm, wh-when do you want me to meet your mother?”


  Before I get to reply, she kisses me. As soon as my tongue is inside her mouth, more of me wants inside her. I try to stop myself but can’t. My hands grab her hips as mine surge upward. Instead of shying away, Rose thrusts her hips down as if enjoying touching me with her opening. My groin rejoices in the invitation, and I have her on her back without another thought. Rose’s sensual moan spurs me onward. My stomach forcefully aches for—

  “Ryder, when will I meet your friends?”

  “Now,” I numbly say, eyes closed, kissing her, focused only on servicing.

  She pushes at my chest. “Now? As in now—now?” Deep chuckles from surrounding trees remind me of who is waiting for an introduction. “They’re already here?”

  My lips reach for hers again. There is only one thing I want at this moment, and it’s not the presence of other Warriors. They can leave, stay, I don’t care, I just need inside—

  Rose pushes at my chest again. “Not happening. Not into public peep shows.”

  I feel my face wince. “Public peep shows?” What does this mean?

  Rose shoves me off her. I reach for her, but she blocks my attempts. “Yes. I like privacy when having sex, thank you very much.”

  The word privacy is logged away in my memory for future servicing attempts as I help Rose stand. My brothers appear, laughing at my lack of concentration—and my scowl.

  “Glad we came to help watch over her, Ryder. Your focus is shot! Elephants could have snuck up on you.” Blaze walks to us.

  I’m stunned when I realize they’re right. Maybe this is why Isolde tried to keep Rose and me from joining in this manner. My desires for Rose are literally a hazard to her survival. I won’t make the same mistake again. Control is mine to own. I gesture. “Rose, this is Blaze. My closest ally.”

  Rose still looks embarrassed. “Sorry about that.” She wipes off leaves. “Nice to officially meet you, salad boy.”

  Blaze laughs. “Salad boy? I guess you didn’t forget our encounter at Mountain Café?”

  She points up and down his body. “This getup is hard to forget.” She shocks me when she hugs Blaze. “From Ryder’s memories, I feel like I know you already.” She kisses his cheek. “He’s lucky to have you as a best friend.”

  Blaze returns the embrace. “Oh, teaching my buddy some up-to-date English? Nice to meet you too, Rose. Heard so much about you from this knucklehead.” He points to me.

  Parker puts out his hand. “Rose, it is an honor and a privilege to—”

  He doesn’t get to finish. Rose pulls him into a hug. “Thank you. You too, slave driver.” Parker appears stultified.

  “Slave driver?” Blaze chuckles. “She’s already got your number, ol’ grand leader.”

  Hunter approaches next, smiling ear to ear. “Nora is going to love her, Ryder. Hi, I’m Hunter, the smart one of the bunch.”

  We all swing to punch him at the same time, and for some reason, us playing around like this seems to please Rose. She giggles then hugs Hunter and kisses his cheek. “Is Nora the one with the flower?”

  Hunter tilts his head, probably with admiration that Rose is watching for details. “Yes, Nora always wears the flower I pick for her every morning.”

  Rose gasps with her hand over her mouth. “That is so romantic!”

  Chase can’t stop himself. “Big ole softy,” he teases Hunter, but his eyes widen as Rose takes him into her next embrace.

  Chase is bashful for the first time ever as Rose kisses his cheek. “And you are Chase?”

  “Y-Yes, ma’am.”

  “Yes, ma’am?” Blaze yells at Chase. “When have you ever had manners?”

  Chase’s brows pinch, and he elbows Blaze. “Shut up.” This only makes Rose giggle harder.

  Sage steps forward. “I’m a hugger too.” Such words from a huge Warrior suddenly seem odd, probably because I’ve never heard them shared before. Rose appears to be bringing out the softer side of us all. Sage embraces Rose as she kisses his cheek. “Wonderful to finally meet you face to face, Rose.”

  “You, too! I guess I have some catching up to do?”

  Blaze rolls his eyes. “Before you know it, you will be sick of us.”

  “No way! Who could get tired of Mohawk-ed, strapping men in cute little outfits.” We glance at each other’s weapons, scars, and overall threatening appearances, wondering which part is cute to her. People normally pick up their pace to avoid Guardians when we’re in town. Not my Rose. She’s either clueless or braver than most. “I’m so thankful for all that you guys—uh—er—males have done for me—and the town, for that matter.”

  Everyone goes quiet.

  Rose looks timid as she grabs for my hand and rises to her tippy toes—did I just say tippy toes? —to the balls of her feet and whispers in my ear, “Did I say something wrong? Are they mad at me?”

  I love her. Crystal will too.

  This girl rocks, Ryder. Morning Star called it.

  She is a fine addition to our family.

  I’m in love.

  I smile. “No, they’re the opposite of mad. They have never met anyone they have guarded, so… no one has ever thanked them before. Some Guardians have died, and the humans never knew of their sacrifice.”

  “Wow, well. I feel honored to know you all.”

  Voices in my head come so fast I can’t understand all the compliments. I laugh. “Males! One at a time!”

  Rose looks excited, eagerly asking my brothers, “Can you hear me, too?”

  Parker appears humbled. “No, dear Rose. You are human. You only hear Ryder because—well, we are guessing because of his transfer of vital fluid and the Linking.”

  “Vital fluid?”

  “My venom, blood.”


  Walking back toward her house, she grabs my hand. “Is this okay?”

  I smile at our joined palms. “Yes. It’s just different for me because it is not custom, but I like it with you.”

  “Elves don’t hold hands?”

  “We tend to concentrate more on spiritual connections.”

  “Not sure what you mean by all that, but you peeps are missing out.”

  Her touch is so intriguing and addicting. “They. Not I.”

  Walking hand in hand doesn’t feel awkward even with the rest of the Guardians. They are already treating Rose like a fine herb and are not judging her human ways. Blaze pushes on my shoulder from behind. “Time to meet the mom, huh, Ryder?”

  “Yes, my presence has been summoned.”

  Rose’s little nose scrunches. “Why do you talk like that when Blaze sounds more… cool.”

  Blaze laughs, pushing my shoulder again. “Poor Ryder here is not cool because he is not disposable as I am. He is not permitted in the public eye and lacks intel on modern lingo.”

  “What do you mean, disposable?”

  I reflect the Warriors, I do not wish to discuss my role yet with Rose.

  “Males, take positions.” Parker gives out instructions, and the Guardians head to the trees. Rose observes and comments on those actions being cool, too.

  I never thought about what we look like traveling through the limbs.

  Rose points. “Ryder, do you loo
k that good climbing a tree?”

  “What? Can we focus on what’s at hand?” I gesture to her back door.

  Rose laughs, walking up the back porch steps. “What’s at hand? Who talks like that?” As we walk through the screen door, Rose yells. “Mama?”

  “In the living room.”

  I follow Rose into a room housing a couch and chairs I have walked many times before. Sam is the first to greet me. His tail wags as I give him much-deserved attention. I’m still under inspection when Sam noses my leather pouch, knowing where his treats are. “Smart dog.”

  Rose’s mom’s energy matrix is so much brighter now. What a difference from the beginning of all this. She stands. “Hello there.”

  “Mama, this is Ryder. Ryder, this is Beverly.”

  “A half-naked man in my living room. Whooee!”


  Blaze informed me, She hates you.

  What? I look down at my bare chest. “Oh, your customs—I am sorry if I have disrespected or offended.”

  “Disrespected? Where are you from, Ryder?”

  I suddenly realize I have yet to be instructed how to handle greeting this female. I’m not ready for an inquisition. I don’t normally meet humans. Blaze skfens, Tell her, over yonder.

  Thank you. “Uh, over yonder?”

  Guardian laughs bombard the inside of my head. Even Rose bursts out laughing. Her mother inspects me. “Over yonder, he says. Yes, the things that make you go, hmm.”

  You’re welcome.

  “I apologize, Miss Beverly. It seems I was not properly prepared for this meeting. I understand you not going for my inadequate replies.”

  “Son, I’ll swallow whatever you’re serving.”

  My jaw drops. “Service you?”

  Oh shit! Blaze is loving my humiliation.

  Rose throws her hands over her face. “Oh, my God.”

  “Rosie! What did I say?”

  Meeting Rose’s mom, needless to say, is off to an interesting start. Blaze giving ill advice and heckling me in the background is not helping in the slightest. Miss Beverly is very intelligent. I see where Rose gets her smarts. Come clean, son.

  What a train wreck.

  I can’t stop watching.

  You’re all making it worse for him.

  I do come “clean,” but Miss Beverly seems somehow aware. She’s not shocked when she learns what I am. That, in itself, is shocking. She handles the discussion as if merely choosing what blade to carry for the day. A few questions are asked, but they seem more out of a long, waiting curiosity.

  Sage reflects, This woman knows something.

  Parker adds, I was thinking the exact same thing. Ryder, you sense a trap?

  Not in the slightest. But she’s somehow aware of our kind.

  Rose, not being able to hear the words I’m sharing with the Guardians, is taken by surprise when I enter her head. Rose…


  Miss Beverly’s eyebrows furrow. “What?”


  “Ohhhh,” Rose says to me, realizing her mistake.

  Rose, did your mother know about my kind before now?

  “Oh?” Rose’s mother’s eyebrows now rise.

  Blaze reflects, Another train wreck.

  Son, cover this mess.

  I try again, Rose, if we explain to your mother how we reflect, we would have to explain how it’s possible.

  “No!” yells Rose.

  “Rose, you’re making no sense.” Miss Beverly readjusts in her seat.

  “Sorry, Mama.”

  No. I don’t want Mama to know the scary stuff about monsters and me being bit. She has enough to worry about, Ryder.

  It is your choice, but I agree.

  Luckily we move to more casual conversation. All in all, Miss Beverly seems to like me. It’s not a total bust, even though I wrongly accused her of wanting sex from me. I ask if I can take Rose to meet my family the next day. When Miss Beverly asks where that would be, I freeze, again.

  “Let me guess,” she asks. “Over yonder?”

  Yep, she hates him.


  Rose didn’t get much sleep last night and seems extra tired. So tonight, I have her lying in bed, trying to get her to rest when we hear a knock on her door. “Rosie?” It is little Wade.

  “Trying to sleep, Bubba,” Rose says with an exhaustion that concerns me.

  “Can I hug you good night?”

  Rose watches me go out her window in a flash. Never would I want to keep her from her family. “Coming, big guy.” Rose’s body drags as she makes her way to her door. Fear wraps around my heart. I know something is wrong. Maybe my blood is attacking hers. Maybe she’s rejecting my vital fluid. If she succeeds, will the Clones come back? Will Rose die from me trying to save her?

  Peeking in the window, I see little arms go around her neck. “I love you, Rosie.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “Tuck me in?”

  Rose exits her room, carrying her brother.

  So the drunk elf said to the bartender… I know Blaze is only trying to lighten my worry.

  She could die because of what I chose for her.

  She won’t, brother. Isolde sees her tomorrow.

  Rose finds me sitting in the moonlight. “You okay?”

  “Isolde wants to meet you.” I hope she can help.

  Rose crawls through her window then sits, leaning her shoulder to my chest. “Am I okay?”

  I cannot lie to her. “It is best if we monitor you closely.”

  Rose’s head rests on my shoulder, her hand on my chest. “Ugh, what’s got you all tied up in a knot?” I stay quiet, hoping to cover up my worry. “Ryder? It’s important that you know—no matter what is wrong with me, I don’t and never will regret you or the hard decision you had to make to save my life. You gave me more time.”

  I can’t take her talking like this, like her life is coming to an end. My kiss is desperate as I imagine my attempts going awry. “Please don’t say these things.”

  She kisses me back just as desperately. “Okay, Ryder. I won’t.”

  No jokes come from Blaze.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Yesterday, Ryder asked my mama for permission to take me to his village. That’s the reason we’re standing in the woods, but I seem to have gotten distracted. I have nothing but disapproval on my face. Ryder tilts his head. “What’s wrong?”

  The sun shines brightly. All is perfect except for… “You’re wearing a shirt.”

  He looks at his covered chest. “But when I met your mother, I learned this is proper.”

  “When did I say I want proper?”

  Ryder is delicious. His laugh? Even better. “Rose, would you please focus on what’s at hand?”

  “I am! Your shirt! Covering perfection!”

  Ryder grins bashfully, removing his clothing. He hands me his homemade in the 1700s shirt. “Better?”

  The sun caresses his exposed skin. “You have no idea.” His leather sheathes show again, and they wrap so nicely around beautiful muscles—

  “Are you smelling my shirt?”

  My nose is awkwardly buried in his shirt. And yes, I’m inhaling Ryder’s scent because it sings to me. “I’m sorry. This must seem weird to you.”

  “No, actually. It seems more like something I would do.”

  An ache in my stomach has me pulling Ryder close for a kiss that he’s all too willing to receive. I love how he makes my heart pound. His lips grow desperate, and he gets more aggressive.

  I’m more than disappointed when he forces himself to gain control. “Rose, we need to stop.”

  The ache keeps growing. “Why?” My li
ps find his again.

  The kiss builds, his tongue swipes mine, he pulls on me, and our breaths mingle… until he pulls back. “Because I’m not human, and I’m finding it hard to hold back what my body feels should be our next step. I’m Linked and T—” He hesitates, trying to catch his breath. “Elves proceed differently than you. It’s not easy not to ask you for more.”

  “I want more.”

  “Rose, you’re sniffing my scent. What if this is not you really wanting me but my blood in you making you react this way?”

  I wince. “No.” I close my eyes to search myself. “This is me, Ryder.” I open my pleading eyes. “Sense my heart. Feel it. This want is a part of the woman in me.” I hold my stomach. “This ache is me wanting you.” His hands grasp my face in a rush, as if he feels and believes me.

  “I can’t help it. I went from no interest in sex to a little curiosity—that led to one time with Gunner—and now with you, it feels so right. A pull I can’t describe—”

  Ryder’s heavy eyelids stop me. He groans. “I understand the pull.” His arms go around my waist with a hypnotic attraction. My hands yank on his neck, starting a frenzy of moans, painful with need. Ryder grips my hips with hunger. “I wish I could be with you now.”

  “Now’s good. Yup. Works for me.”

  He chuckles, kissing me. “My kind will all know what we’ve done. Will this bother you? You claim to need privacy. I know humans think shamefully of sex.”

  “How would they know?” I look around. “Oh, no. Are we not alone again?”

  “We are alone but, well, Isolde—she tends to know more. You’ll see, and—” He points to his nose.

  I step back. “Ew. They could smell us if we ee-er, ee-er?”

  “Ee, er, ee, er?”

  “You know, the wild thing?”

  “Wild thing?”

  “Serve. They will smell it if we serve one another?”

  “All will be well aware of our most recent actions.”

  I regrettably shake my head, refusing his servicing, which sounds like it would be phenomenal. “No. That would be too embarrassing.”


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