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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

Page 19

by India R. Adams

  As I’m carried into her tent/fairyland home, the woman explains, “You have been given a powerful herb at my request. What kind of elf would I be if I judged you for your reaction?”

  I don’t know where it comes from, but my natural reaction is to bow my head at her, so I do. Ryder’s eyes go wide. I cringe because I might have just done something awful. As I’m about to open my mouth and apologize, the woman cuts me off as if she read my mind. “Be at ease. Ryder’s expression is merely with shock that your insight is so strong. But little does he know, his vital fluid—blood—is the strength guiding you.”

  My head tilts. “His blood?”

  “First things first, dear one.” She approaches me, offering her hand as if she’s completely aware of human ways. “My name is Isolde.” She speaks with a wisdom I simply cannot fathom.

  I shake her hand. “Rose, ma’am. My name is Rose.”

  Walking to a rickety-looking wood table with ancient bottles and bowls, Isolde almost sings out my name. “Rose. A beautiful-smelling flower of nature with thorns guarding her… I wander if the Guardians are each a thorn in the Blood Demons’ sides?” When she returns, she offers Ryder a drink from a wooden cup. His eyes have questions for her, but he takes a sip then hands her the bowl. “Swallow and kiss her, Ryder.” She walks back to her table.

  Ryder swallows hard. “Pardon?”

  She peers over her hunched shoulder and grins. “Isn’t your kiss what got dear Rose in this state of mind? Hmmmm? Turning my back now. Carry on, son.”

  Ryder seems completely lost for words. He clearly does not want to kiss me right now, but once again, he follows Isolde’s command. He pulls me to him, and we repeat the transfer of herbs with his tongue touching mine. As quickly as I had gone to sleep, I’m now wide awake. I exhale with relief. Everything has dimension again. Ryder lets me slide from his arms and places me on my own two feet.

  Isolde speaks my thoughts. “Much better.” She faces us again.

  Ryder puts his hands together as if praying and bends at the waist. “Thank you.”

  “Rose, Ryder seems to be concerned for your welfare. So I ask, are you?”

  I feel a little tongue-tied, talking to the wise lady. “Well, I definitely feel different. Tired, distracted—”

  “But do you worry?”

  She speaks in code, possibly a code way above my head. “The unknown has me spooked, yes.”

  “Spooked is not always a bad thing. Please sit.”

  Ryder guides me to a fire in the middle of her home. Dried herbs and flowers hang from the ceiling like Isolde lives in another era, like Ireland during the time of kings. I feel like I’m on a movie set, an earthy witch doctor’s home. If it wouldn’t embarrass Ryder, I would pinch myself.

  Ryder helps me sit on some sort of stone-age examination table and gestures for me to lie down. Isolde comes from the fire with more herbs rolled up into a stick with string wound tightly around it. The scent is quite unusual. It’s smoking, and I’m afraid she’s going to ask me to take a hit until she moves the smoke around my face and body with a big feather. I lie there with wide eyes, half expecting Gunner to run in laughing at any minute, shouting, “Got ya! You should’ve seen your face! How did you fall for this shit?”

  “Isolde, you seem happy, but I’m very concerned for Rose.”

  “Because she is human?”

  “Well, yes. I have broken rules to be with her.”

  “Sometimes, broken rules can bring about much-needed change.” Isolde speaks as if constantly re-directing our questions and thoughts. “Rose, don’t they say, in your world, ‘rules are meant to be broken’?”

  “Uh, er, yes.” I’m suddenly embarrassed to be human.

  “What if something happens to her because of my ignorance?” Ryder sounds agitated now.

  Isolde only grins. “Something has already happened to our Rose.”

  “What?” Ryder goes pale. “Do you know—”

  Isolde is already back at her table, putting the smoking herb stick in a bowl—shell? “Warrior, what is your lineage?” She is very quick on her feet. If I wasn’t personally seeing her, I would not believe she is an older woman.

  Ryder keeps up with her fast pace. “Umm, an elf and a snake god bred—”

  Isolde’s laughter cuts him short. “Bred, he says.” She faces Ryder. “Warrior, could you service anyone but who you are Linked to?”

  “So you are saying that, that the Servicing was not done on purpose?”

  Isolde glances down to me, smirking. “In battle, he is as sharp as a whip, I assure you.” She tells Ryder, “It was on purpose, as you see, you are here.”

  I understand what she means. “They were in love, Ryder. Their love had purpose in the bigger scheme of things.”

  Isolde taps the tip of my nose with pride. “Balance. You are my Warrior’s other half.” She turns to Ryder. “You breaking rules appears to be a blessing. And this time, I insist on being heard.”

  “What do you mean, heard?” Ryder asks but is ignored.

  Isolde touches my chest. “Lovely necklace, Rose. It looks happy to be with you.” How a necklace can possibly look happy is beyond me, so I say nothing in return. Isolde’s hands hover above me, slowly crossing my body without touching. “Do you wonder how you are the Prophecy?” I nod, feeling unnerved. “I was wondering too. Until now. Ryder, watch over dear Rose, I shall return.” Without another word, Isolde leaves.


  He leans down to kiss me. “It’s okay. She will explain herself in due time.”

  I force a smirk. “You give good advice.”

  His head falls to my chest. “But I’m not good at following it?”

  Isolde re-enters the home with a young woman following her. She is petite and has a grace I could never compare to. She practically floats and makes an old, handmade gown look like it belongs to a princess. She has striking violet eyes like Sage’s. Blond hair, as fine as her pixie face, is tucked behind ears that are slightly pointed. I quickly look at Ryder’s ears, but they appear normal.

  The young blonde’s hands go together, and she bows to me. “Rose, it is wonderful to make your acquaintance. My name is Morning Star.” Her voice has a harmony all of its own. She faces Ryder with another bow. “Hello, Warrior.”

  Ryder kisses her cheek with such affection my stomach tightens. Then he tells me, “Morning Star is the female who Blaze is Linked, Tied, and Bonded to.”

  First, I’m blushing for being jealous, then my eyes bug out of my head. Morning Star is the opposite of Blaze. She is fair, gentle, and sincere. Blaze is rugged and, well, a smartass. “Bonded?”

  Ryder nods. “It compares to a human marriage.” Isolde snorts. Ryder smiles. “Within reason.” Clearly, Isolde feels her elves’ unions are non-comparable to divorce statistics among humans.

  “Oh… Congratulations.” This non-smooth reply is all I can muster, instantly thinking Ryder is supposed to be with someone like Morning Star, a refined elf, not someone like… me.

  Morning Star picks up the same burning herb stick, closes her eyes, and feathers it all over herself. After putting it down she comes to me. “May I have permission to see you?”

  I Reflect Ryder, See me?

  She’s asking permission to feel your energy.

  I nod to Morning Star, so she slowly waves her hands over my body. I practically jump off the table when she gasps. “What is it?”

  Isolde interrupts. “Ryder, are you two in skfen?”

  “Yes, we are reflecting.” Ryder answers Isolde but is studying Morning Star with pinched brows and a piercing stare. Morning Star says nothing but continues to move her hands, mimicking what Isolde’s did to me earlier, passing them over my body.

  Isolde tries to stand tall. “Strong, strong blood, my Warrior.”
  “That is why she hears me?”

  “Your parents were both of pure blood, so yes, your blood has brought about unheard of change in a human and what is inside her.”

  “Inside me? Am-am I in danger?”

  “Not from Ryder. From yourself and what you are.”

  “From herself?” Ryder closes his eyes. “Please, Isolde, I beg you to explain your meaning.”

  “She is a carrier of the Prophecy.” Morning Star’s gentle voice echoes in the makeshift tent.


  Isolde grabs my hand. “Rose, you are with child.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Morning Star stares at me with awe. I know what she is thinking. She is witnessing what so many spiritual leaders have preached and taught about for thousands of years, what I have heard about my whole life. “We thought Rose was the Prophecy, Ryder—”

  Isolde interrupts with excitement to also be a witness. “We now see it is her unborn.”

  My mind twists with frightening thoughts. My heart pounds with realization. “Rose is still in danger. Once the Blood Clones learn this—”

  Isolde adamantly nods. “They will come in unheard of numbers—”

  Morning Star covers her mouth. “She must be protected—”


  We all glance at Rose. She’s sitting up, breathing heavily. “W-Why do you think I’m pregnant?” No one speaks. We let Rose have time to think. She shakes her head as if this is impossible. “I have only been with someone once. Oh, my God… Gunner.”

  Isolde touches the charm hanging from Rose’s neck. “I am presuming this young man you speak of, Gunner, his mother is the one who owned this?”

  Rose’s skin rapidly loses color. Putting my arm around her, I can feel her nerves rivet through her. “Ye—yes—ma—ma’am. She was an… elf, right?” Isolde nods. Rose is barely audible, “His daddy?” Isolde shakes her head no. “B-But what does that make Gunner? Are—are you sure I’m—I’m—” She touches her belly.

  Morning Star gently places her hand on Rose’s shoulder. “Your inner light is not all of your own. There is another life within you. Reading light is what I do.” She points to Isolde. “Our spiritual leader has taught me well.”

  “But—but—Gunner and I are best friends. We are not—oh, God, it was a mistake!”

  “Do mistakes truly exist?” Isolde gently shares more wisdom.

  “It was meant to be?” Rose is trying to be brave. I so admire that. Isolde smiles. Rose nods, trying to convince herself this is true. “Okay, meant to be… Can I please have a minute to… process this huge bit of information.” She takes a deep breath. “Gunner, is part elf… I’m pregnant… I’m Linked to a…” The shock crossing Rose’s face is almost painful to watch. Her life is taking so many turns at such a rapid rate, I don’t know if she believes she can comprehend it all. I pull her to my chest. She comes willingly, fist grabbing ahold of my knife straps. “Ryder—I’m… I’m so sorry.”

  I place a finger under her chin. “Whatever for?”

  Someone else’s child, Ryder

  This is bigger than you and me, remember?

  Her eyes beg for a forgiveness she does not need. “Shh, Rose. Life is beautiful, whatever shape or form it originates from.” Isolde and Morning Star bow their heads, approving of my words. I pull Rose’s forehead to mine. “This is a miracle.”

  Rose has not been raised hoping for the Prophecy as I have been. Her body shakes. “I’m scared.”

  “I’m relieved.” It’s the truth.

  “How?” Her eyes are haunted with fear and tears.

  “Because this is something I can handle. I can battle whatever Demons come our way. Now, we know you are not sick. It is the opposite.”

  “There are still challenges, but you are not alone in them, Rose,” says Isolde.

  My ears perk. “Challenges? With her health?” I do not want Rose to hear any trepidation, but it’s clearly there.

  Morning Star affectionately touches Rose’s auburn hair. “Ryder, you bit her after conception. The unborn is being formed by two males.”

  My heart plummets. “Rose was already pregnant. I-I hurt her young?”

  Isolde raises her hands to calm me. “I don’t believe so. In fact, I believe your bite is what makes the unborn the Prophecy.”

  Morning Star clasps Rose’s face and looks deep into her eyes. “Therefore, we must take precautions with you, Rose.”

  My need to safeguard Rose consumes me again. “But I thought she is not ill.”

  Isolde smirks at Morning Star. “I have a feeling Ryder is going to be this neurotic for the next eighteen months.”

  “D-Did you say eighteen months?” Rose visibly struggles to swallow.

  Morning Star proudly gleams. “Yes, that is the length of an elven pregnancy. You, of course, could go longer, since you are human, and it will be harder for you to develop an elf.”

  Isolde gives Morning Star a glare of warning to watch her wording and touches Rose. “Or shorter. Try not to fear. Let’s get back to the immediate concern—” Isolde puts up a palm to stop me as my mouth opens. “Which is the unborn’s needs.”

  “May I ask a favor?” Rose eyes us all. “Can we stop referring to my baby as the unborn? It makes he or she sound… not alive.”

  Isolde sounds pleased. “How quickly you have bonded with your—baby. This is good, dear brave one, because,” Isolde now says to me, “I believe she needs more of your vital fluid.”

  It is the least I can do. “Of course, whatever Rose needs.”

  “No, the unborn—excuse me, Rose—the baby needs your blood, Ryder.” Morning Star corrects me.

  “She? I’m having a girl?” Rose asks softly.

  Poor Rose. No one is giving enough time for her to catch up before giving out more information. Morning Star bows her head, possible admitting her error. “It is early, but Isolde has yet to be wrong with her predictions.”

  Wait. I’m instantaneously dumbfounded. “A female? But the Prophecy is to be a Warrior. How can this be? We can’t have a female out on the field!”

  Rose’s disapproving glare rakes me. “How long have you been stuck in these woods, Guardian? My daughter can be a Warrior if she wants to.”

  “My Ryder, only seeing what is in front of him.” Isolde sounds a mite frustrated with me again. “Not all warriors need to carry swords. Not every battle is waged in the form of physical war or out on a field. We will be shown her way of war when it is time.”

  Rose mumbles, “But she can have a sword if she wants one.”

  Shame settles in my chest for not being patient for answers, and by Rose’s sudden mood shift, I now know giving this young a gift of a sword will be top priority.

  Morning Star’s cool hand rests on my arm. “We all have much to learn.” She gestures. “Look around me. This is all new. This event will go down in history. Much, much to be learned.” She meets Rose’s eyes. “It is an honor to be of service to you. Whatever you may require. For your body is doing my race an immeasurable sacrifice for the future of all kinds.”

  Rose’s shock appears to be too raw to hear Morning Star’s words clearly and properly accept the honor she has been given. She numbly nods while another thought crosses my mind. “Wait, how do we get my vital fluid to the baby?”


  My face heats up with anger. “Are you telling me I have to bite Rose?”

  “It must join her bloodstream to reach the baby in a broken-down form.”

  I can not conceive of why this is necessary. “How will my blood help the baby?”

  “Blood is a vital part for the baby’s growth. Rose is a human with a foreign species and its demands in her body. Rose doesn’t produce the blood this baby requ
ires. This is why she is having severe weak, dizzy spells. Gunner’s genes started this, being half elf.” Isolde stops to ask Rose. “I presume he has no fangs?”

  Rose eyes Isolde as if she just stepped off of Mars and then peers at me. Isolde gestures for me to show Rose, but I shake my head no, wondering how much more my Rose can endure. Rose stares at my mouth, waiting, not caring that I have said no. Finally, I step back to not scare Rose since she is already petrified and open my mouth, exposing my fangs. They silently slide out from the insides of my canine teeth and are thinner and clearer, like a snake’s. Even though they look like glass, they are not, and these fangs are as strong as steel.

  Rose goes pale, staring. “No, I would know if Gunner had those, and I can guarantee he is unaware of his mother’s—” I’m sure she’s going to faint as her body slumps backward. I catch her. Morning Star rushes for a cup of water while Rose gawks at my mouth.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Rose quickly inhales with a surprised expression. “Your emotions just blew through me!” Her eyes fill with sympathy. “No, please, never feel ashamed for being a magnificent being. Ryder, you are a wonder of the world in my eyes. It’s just my eyes have never seen”— she points to my mouth—“that before. You and I are going for the forty-eight-hour mark of our relationship, while awake, of course.”

  I smile, glancing at the ground, loving to hear how she feels for me.

  “And I just learned I’m pregnant.” Rose takes a deep breath. “Yeah, that’s a lot for a girl where I come from.” Her forehead touches mine, drawing my eyes from the floor. “I’m strong, Ryder, but this would be too much for even the strongest.” She smirks. “I just need to smoke some of Isolde’s illegal wonderfulness, and I’ll be fine.” Her eyes pop from their sockets as she pulls from me. “Will that stuff hurt my baby?”


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