Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1) Page 30

by India R. Adams

  He kneels and talks to my stomach with gentle touches. “Is Solace going to be your friend, my little Bambolina?” She quickly moves, causing Ryder to look at me in amazement.

  Gunner runs up to us, also sweaty. “Did you feel her?”

  I start really crying. “Yes, Bubba. Come here.” He hits his knees, his big shoulder bumping into a stunned Ryder. Both males kneeling in front of me, touching my belly as if I were a shrine, causing my baby to move for them, has me bawling. For the second time, complete awareness of what I am carrying hits home, right in my heart. She should be too small to be communicating, but she is. Oh, my God, she is.

  The elves have built a big oven out of rocks. Who does this? This oven looks like something an Italian man would die for because he could make the best authentic pizzas ever. These elves have an outdoor kitchen any barbecue connoisseur would wish to replicate, and it’s all made from nature. Tethered vines are already in place in case it rains or snows, and we need cover. A homemade tarp is strung over so us females can keep up with our duties. It sounds sexist, but it’s not. It seems to be more of a needed break from sometimes overpowering alpha males and a time for females to bond on a level the alpha males can not comprehend. And I now understand why Mama loves to feed her family. To nourish the ones you love is a truly humbling experience. I miss you, Mama.

  There are also no established positions other than medical, spiritual leader, or Warrior. No, everyone knows how to cook, clean, and keep this village in tip-top shape. It’s quite impressive how they work together and pick up the slack with no judgment if anyone falls behind. There is no slave driving, just a simple way of life that reminds me how far detached humans have become from the basics. No one here speaks maliciously about another. If something is missing or lacking, these elves join forces and fix the dilemma. They do not judge any shortcomings. I think of the illness and how I was quarantined by my own kind without any proof I was sick. Here, it would have been the opposite. All would have gathered to find a way to save me. Elves do not let fear dominate their actions. I admire their unity.

  I also learned I ate their crops before I ever met Ryder and never knew the vegetables were farmed by elves. A male or female goes into town, selling a part of the crops so that the elves have cash if needed for something they cannot make for themselves. The city Murphy, where I used to live, has great seasonal vegetables you can purchase on Saturdays at the Farmer’s Market downtown. Tents, set up with fresh veggies—one tent governed by elves. Crazy! The elves also sell soaps and oils. There is a store in downtown Murphy I’ve passed a million times, Blue Moon Elise, and was clueless that the owner knows and appreciates elves’ homeopathic products.

  “Her name is Rachel?”

  Storm smiles as she filters hard wood ash with water. “Yes.”

  “And you just strolled up and knocked on her door. ‘Hello, we’re elves and have a special deal for you. Oh, want some soot? This herb will knock your socks off.’”

  She laughs, still working. “No. Actually, Sage and Blaze found her in the woods one afternoon. They thought she might be hurt, so they approached, but it ends up that she was just meditating in nature. Well, one thing led to another—”

  “They serviced her?”

  “What? No. The bright young woman figured out what we are but vowed to keep us secret. So in time, a relationship was established, and she became a consumer of sorts. She loves our ratio of Alkaline and acid-fat—”

  “I’ve been scrubbing myself with fat?”

  “Well, no, when the acid and Alkaline are mixed, it’s called saponification and becomes something else. Soap. See?”

  “Uh, so, oils huh?”

  Storm giggles, understanding I’m wishing to move this conversation along. “Yes, we also make oils to help dry skin and such.” She pours clear oil in my palm. “Here, try this. We have mixed lavender and patchoulie.”

  I rub the oil on my skin and find heaven! “I’m so smooth!” I pick up a bar of soap. “What are the sparkles?”

  “Tiny flakes of mica to exfoliate our skin. Rachel has named the product line Mystical Forest in honor of us.”

  Elves work together and prepare for seasons in unison. With winter being their hardest months, efforts are amplified, and their own version of canning is underway. In a nearby cave, they store root veggies such as beets, potatoes, and turnips. Some food they ferment, claiming it puts healthy bacteria in my gut. Huh?

  Storm, once again, has been very kind to me, showing me the way. Ryder told her that I wish to tend to him from now on.

  She actually teared up, smiling. “Oh, Ryder, this is wonderful news. Your mother would be so pleased to know you have a female of worth tending to you properly.”

  Jealousy? Gone.

  Storm truly found it an honor, one Ryder needed, so she looked after him. Storm became special to me in that moment. She even showed me how to shave him. I was so scared to hurt Ryder, but Storm assured me I wouldn’t. She was right. I didn’t. And now Ryder sits by the fire late at night with me happily taking care of his needs.

  Storm makes me feel welcome in a way that the others don’t. They all try, always willing to teach me something new so I can contribute daily, but most look at me as if I’m not an equal. It’s not because I’m merely human but because of what I carry and what is starting to protrude from my belly. Gunner? He fits in perfectly and is seen as a male with worthy seed. What the hell is that bullshit?

  “Look at you. Now you are snapping peas like an expert.” Storm snaps peas at double my speed but continues to make me feel worthy for trying.

  I point. “What about this basket?”

  “When it’s full, pass it to Sunset, and she will put them in jars.”

  I think of the little girl Blaze held the first evening I came here. “Oh, is your daughter Sunrise?”

  The beautiful female bows her head. “Yes.”

  A wet kiss lands on my cheek before I see Ryder running away. Then another kiss is planted by Gunner. I yell as he follows Ryder, “Where are you two going?”

  The males, who have become two peas in a pod for some reason, yell in unison, “Training.”

  They’re up a trunk of a tree in seconds, branches and leaves shaking in their wake. I can’t see Ryder, but I hear him. “Gunner! Light on your feet! Otherwise, you might as well announce yourself.”

  “Sorry, expert tree man.” Leaves stop rustling.

  “Better. Always think stealth mode…” His voice fades.

  A male I recognize from my first trip here approaches with a thin log over his shoulders, and a hollowed-out tree stump hanging off each end. Storm smiles graciously. “Eagle, you are a male of worth. Our barrels were running dry.” Eagle walks to three large, handmade barrels and dumps the water he just lugged into one of them.

  He loads the log back onto his shoulders as if it’s not a log and moseys off. “I shall return with more water.”

  During the day, it’s calm, well, as calm as it can be with Warriors trying to master their skills, constantly carrying on and playing around. But at night, you can sense a shift. Females keep their young close, and all males seem on guard. This is the questionable time.

  “We need some intel. The waiting game is driving me nuts!” Parker’s hands ball into frustrated fists. I think it is very respectful to talk of this subject in front of all the villagers at the fire. There are no secret meetings. They are so unified. I’m honored to be a part of it.

  “Yeah, we’re not even sure if they know she’s here at this point.” The fire shines on Hunter’s face.

  “Wut if vee ask un some questions?” Ivar feeds his female.

  Gunner chuckles. “Just stroll up and say, ‘Excuse me, Mr. Demon, could I bother you with a few questions?’”

  “So we can annihilate you and your creepy family?” Blaze jumps
aboard the joke.

  Ivar smacks them both, causing chuckles from Travelers.

  Sage sounds thoughtful. “It’s actually not a bad idea. Maybe we can force them to lead us to their king for answers.”

  Olaf is excited. “Guud! Lez go tonight.”

  Ryder glances at Gunner. “Tonight, we have something else to do.”

  Gunner no longer lives in a temporary tent. He, Ryder, Blaze, and Chase built him a little home next to mine, but on the ground. He said he doesn’t want to climb down one tree to climb another if I need him in a hurry. I look around at the inside of his home, similar to mine but with a touch of Gunner. In one of his wooden walls is carved a rose.

  Gunner’s hands shake. “I can’t believe this is happening.” He’s in elf-made cargo pants, his hair, even longer, covering some of his bare back. I’m in layers of clothing with my blue blanket wrapped over the top. This poor cloth is looking dilapidated with me wearing/dragging it nightly. The days in the sun aren’t so cold for me, but the evenings always cause an unwanted chill.

  “I’m so proud of you, Gunner.” I remove his mother’s necklace from my neck and place it on him. “So you know she’s here with you tonight.”

  “I will give it back.” Gunner hugs me tightly, his skin so warm. “I love you. Will you walk with me?”

  I take hold of his hand that’s building callouses from hard training. “Of course.”

  We leave his home and head toward the fire, where everyone quietly waits. Isolde and Parker stand in the middle of the circle of elves, watching Gunner. The firelight shines off everyone’s faces. Isolde gestures for Gunner to approach her. Ryder offers me his hand, letting me know Gunner is to go alone. Gunner nods, lets me go, and hangs his head low as if he doesn’t feel worthy of this honor.

  “Hold your head high, son. You are becoming a Guardian Warrior tonight,” Parker demands proudly. Gunner lifts his chin and finishes his approach to Isolde.

  “Kneel, Gunner Hayes.” Gunner kneels in front of Isolde and bows his head. She looks at us all. “A special man/elf has been brought to us tonight.”

  All Warriors, including Ryder and male Vikes, pound a fist on their chests.

  “Gunner Hayes is the son of Eve, young of Guardian Warrior Night Breeze. He and his young have watched over us all and helped Gunner see his way back to us so he could help guide his friend, the mother of our Prophecy, to our open arms. Gunner Hayes is of much worth, already protecting our elves with his bloodline and honor, so I see it fit to make him a Warrior of the Guardians. From this night forth, Gunner Hayes will be Wind, Warrior of the Guardians and personal protector of Rose—”

  Gunner snaps his eyes up to Isolde then slowly smiles.

  “You approve, Warrior?”

  I’m stunned. I didn’t know this was happening. Gunner peers over his shoulder, grinning at me. “Yes, I approve. I’m proud to be given such a responsibility.”

  I cover my mouth and stare at him as my eyes well up. He’s always watched over me, but somehow, it now official, I’m deeply touched because Gunner’s gaze tells me he would want it no other way.

  Another slam of fists hits the chests of the Warriors and Vikes. Ryder stands beside me with his shoulders back and chin high. I squeeze the hand I’m holding. Thank you. I know he made this possible. Ryder will never try to get between Gunner and me. In fact, he’s done the opposite.

  He squeezes my palm in return. You are welcome.

  I feel utterly blessed to have these two men in my life.

  “Wind, Warrior of the Guardians, stand before me.”

  Gunner stands, looking majestic, towering over Isolde.

  “I, Isolde, leader of the Traveler Elves and Guardian Warriors, hereby name you Wind because of the ferocious strength within you that could compare to any storm, and the heart that will allow you to go, wherever the wind blows you.”

  Parker walks to Gunner and places a leather strap over his head. Once in place, it rests across his back and chest, just like Ryder’s. Isolde faces Gunner again, and this time, is with a knife. “This knife has been made by your brothers with love and blessings to see you through your battles to come. May you shield it when time to rest. May you hold it with honor when time to love. May you wield it when time to guard.”

  Ryder releases my hand, steps forward, and faces Gunner. Gunner doesn’t move. Ryder takes the knife from Isolde and shaves a strip of hair from the side of Gunner’s scalp. I watch the hair fall delicately to the ground. Parker takes the knife and does the same. Each Warrior repeats this process until the knife is handed to me. I gasp. Gunner kneels. “Rose, will you please honor me?” He is asking for me to tend to him.

  I take the blade.

  Tears stream down my cheeks as I watch my best friend transform to look like his brothers, and I’m a part of it. So humbled am I.

  As if on cue, lightning bugs come and dance above us. The ceremony is simple and heartfelt, just like these wonderful males and females. Gunner is now a part of them, and he looks proud to be so.

  Chapter Twenty Nine


  Rose sits quietly as I prepare to extract my venom. On our home’s floor, I wrap leather swatches over my knife carriers then bite. I stay this way until enough venom drips into the openings to bathe my weapons. My eyes don’t leave her curious face. Hazel eyes study my every move. I cover the filled holder with its cover to avoid waste. “Does this bother you?”

  “No,” she quietly answers. “It’s actually amazing.”

  I prepare another holster, bite, and begin extracting again.

  “Do you think it should bother me?”

  I hesitantly nod without releasing my bite.

  Rose gets to her hands and knees then slowly and seductively crawls to me. Heat rushes through my body, and my organ stiffens. She pulls the holster from my bite. I feel venom dripping from my fangs as she leans forward. I try to wipe my face, but she pushes my hand away then licks my wet lips. Her eyes close as she tastes a part of me no one has dared to. Her eyes open and are dilated as her mouth hungrily crushes to mine. She pushes me to my back, lifts her night shirt, and climbs on top of me. “More.”

  My heart thunders so hard I can barely get air in my lungs as she searches my mouth. I release a little venom from my fangs but quickly retract them so Rose does not cut herself. She sucks at my canine teeth while her feminine opening massages my groin. I growl. “Rose.”

  “Ryder, push your pants down.”

  Her tongue swipes mine again. I quickly yank down my trousers to let Rose have me any way she wants. Her wetness blankets me in a rush, and I moan in pleasurable anguish. Her hips ride me until her body trembles, letting me know she has found the satisfaction she sought. Soon, she’s kissing me again. “Your turn.” She moves her hips with such certainty, I’m forced to spend my seed, jolting through a high only Rose can cause.

  Rose helps me arm myself so I can search for the Clones. “Ryder, if Gunner has no fangs, how does he poison his knives?”

  She straps me in another holster. “Blaze has provided. I offered, but Isolde said I am to save my reserves for you and the baby.” She nods in thought. I lift her chin. “If I’m not back in time, Gunner is to stay with you while you sleep.”

  She smirks. “Anything you say or want after a love session like that, stud muffin.”

  I choose not to question her unfamiliar terminology because I must get my mind focused on the task at hand. As I head down our ladder, the comments begin.

  “Here’s Casanova now,” heckles Blaze.

  Hopefully, Rose is not embarrassed our servicing was overheard. I help her to the ground. “Who’s Casanova?”

  “Oh, my poor Ryder.”

  Gunner smirks. “Looks like Rose tended to other needs of yours. Your hair is a mess, Casanova.”

  Ignoring his
teasing, I give him a stern look. “During the day she is free—”

  “But when the sun goes down, I’m to be on her like glue.” He does not joke around this time.

  I’m relieved this male understands. Rose straps a heavy sack on me. “Rose, how much food is in here?”

  “I was quite hungry when I packed it. And there’s a blanket in case you get cold. Here’s some water.” Rose straps on an enormous jug that will prevent stealth movements in the trees.

  I receive another kiss I wish not to end, hand Gunner the blanket and water barrel I will not use, and leave with my brothers. Heading into the woods. I accept the small water pouch offered by Chase and hear Rose. “That was rude. He needs the blanket!”

  Gunner chuckles. “We don’t get cold, baby. Now, let’s go eat. I’m starving!”

  Entering the tree barrier, I feel as if I’m leaving my heart behind. Blaze asks, “What’s the plan, boss?”

  Parker adjusts a strap. “They are going to want to be underground, out of the sun. We search every cave for a two-hundred-mile radius.”

  Chase bites into an apple. “Easy enough.”

  “Eeny rules wee need ta kno?” We look at Ivar. “I jost mean, tu make heem talk.”

  “They talk?” How do I not know this?

  Olaf’s face winces. “Yu no kno dis? We jost talked bout dis at fire.”

  “I thought we were going to force some sort of communication. Not converse.”

  “Sounds kinky.” Blaze ties his hair back.

  This changes everything. The Vikes have been dealing with the Clones for centuries. The Demons are a specialty of theirs. That is why we asked for them to join this battle. We must win for the unborn and the sake of us all.

  “After all this time, I’ve never heard a peep from them.” Chase leaps over a bush.

  “Vee wandered why u no capture sooner.” Thord shrugs.


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