All Time Love

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All Time Love Page 3

by Beverley Hollowed

  Not today however. Today, he just wanted coffee and some peace. He took his coffee back to the table he had sat at the day before with Amelia and he couldn’t help but picture her sitting there, drinking the coffee with her perfect mouth.

  For Christ sake, snap out of it James, he scolded himself in his mind. He picked up his coffee cup and took a sip as he stared out the window, watching the world go by.

  Suddenly he thought he saw Amelia, but he wasn’t sure. He shifted position in his seat to get a better look and saw the girl he was sure was her, disappear into a bookstore.

  Then he remembered she had said she worked in the bookstore across the street. It had to be her.

  Much to his surprise, he felt, for want of a better word, happy. Why? He had no idea.

  He pictured her face, smiling and friendly but completely unreadable. Unlike little miss friendly behind the counter, whose face you could read like a book, Amelia was different. She was a mystery. He had no idea what she was thinking. Something that was alien to Mason. In his business you learned to read people, but not Ms. Wells. She was a blank page.

  Maybe I can write a story for her, he thought to himself with a smile. Maybe underneath that quiet, shy exterior, there is a submissive little minx, just waiting to be released.

  He quickly finished his coffee and headed for the exit.

  “You’re off then?” The blonde behind the counter called out to him. Mason stopped and turned, giving her a tight smile.

  “I am, thanks for the coffee,” he replied as he pushed open the door.

  “Be sure to come back,” she said quickly. “Next time, it will be on the house.”

  He smiled without replying, then turned and stepped out into the afternoon sun.

  A couple of minutes later he found himself standing outside the little book shop, peering through the window.

  His breath caught when he spotted her sitting behind the counter, curled over a book, a strand of her long chestnut hair between her fingers as she twirled it absentmindedly.

  She was as beautiful as he had remembered, maybe even more.

  He watched her closely as she flicked the page. He wondered what she was reading.

  Suddenly she ran the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip. It was probably the most erotic thing Mason had ever seen.

  His cock immediately hardened as he thought of her lips on him. He wondered what it would be like to kiss her.

  Jesus, snap the fuck out of it Mace, he groaned to himself. You are even starting to think like a chick.

  A customer in the shop walked up to the counter and Amelia looked up and smiled at them, a genuine, real smile. She listened to whatever the person was saying and then laughed. She stood up and led the customer to a shelf. Reaching up, she took a book down and handed it to the woman. She waited while the woman flicked through it and then looked up and smiled. Amelia smiled back once again, then turned and returned to her seat behind the counter. She was a genuine, good person.

  And I would destroy her, Mason thought bitterly. He knew she didn’t belong in his world. She deserved someone nice, who could be the man she needed.

  With one last look, he turned and headed back to his office. He needed to let her go. They could never happen.

  I should stick to blonde horny waitresses, he thought as he walked quickly back to his office. Vapid girls that had no class and very little brains. Unlike Ms. Wells, who was a class above the rest.

  Chapter 4

  “Have you any plans for the weekend?” Annie Granger, Amelia’s boss, asked as they unpacked a shipment of old, rare books. Amelia had been working for Annie for almost two years and she was very fond of the older woman.

  “Not really,” Amelia said as she carefully removed each book from the box. “I think I will have a quiet weekend. I’m in the middle of a really great book.”

  “You need to find yourself some new friends,” Annie said as she looked up at Amelia and smiled. “A girl needs more than her job and her books. You need to get out there, live a little. Don’t end up old and alone like me.”

  “I do have friends,” Amelia smiled at the old woman. “I have Jeremy.”

  “I think Jeremy would like to be more than friends,” Annie said giving Amelia a knowing smile. “I think your friend, carries a torch for you.”

  “Jeremy is like my brother,” Amelia laughed. “He and I could never be anything more.”

  “You should have some girl friends,” Annie said as they continued to unpack the books. “Someone you can talk about boys with.”

  “There are no boys I want to talk about,” Amelia sighed. Suddenly Mason James jumped into her mind. She hadn’t really thought about him since their encounter several days earlier. Well, she hadn’t allowed herself to.

  She quickly turned her attention back to the books.

  “If you say so,” Annie said with a laugh. Amelia stood up, picked up a large stack of books and carried them to the back of the shop.

  As she packed them away safely, she thought about her coffee date, with Mason, if that was what you would even call it. He was arrogant, rude and far too full of himself.

  Amelia still laughed when she thought of his question about Jeremy. She couldn’t believe he would be so direct and forward like that.

  She heard the shop doorbell ring as she pulled out the ladder and climbed it to put one of the books up on a higher shelf. She knew Annie would deal with the customer. She placed the book, a very rare limited edition of Little Women, one of Amelia’s favourite books, on the shelf with the rest of the rare books they had in the store and carefully climbed down from the ladder.

  Brushing herself down, she walked back towards the front of the store. She could hear Annie talking to the customer.

  “Ah, here she is now,” Annie said as Amelia walked out from between the ceiling high bookshelves. Amelia looked up and stopped dead in her tracks. Standing with Annie was none other than Mason James. Looking as gorgeous as she remembered. When he looked up and saw Amelia standing there, a wicked, mischievous grin, danced on his lips. Oh god, what the hell is he doing here?

  “Amelia,” Annie said with a bright, friendly smile. “This young man was looking for a book. He said it’s a book that you discussed with him recently but he can’t remember the name of it. Can you please help him out?”

  “Certainly,” Amelia said with a smile. She walked over to Mason as Annie excused herself and carried on with her work and left them alone.

  “So how can I help you, Jason was it?” Amelia said with a straight face without looking directly at him. Inwardly she smiled at her comment, even though she knew it was childish.

  “Mason,” he corrected her, but couldn’t help but smile. “And how are you keeping today, Ms. Wells?”

  “Very well, thank you” she replied looking at him properly for the first time. Oh god, why does he have to be so gorgeous? “Now, what can I do for you today?”

  Mason didn’t speak for a moment, instead he just watched Amelia with a strange expression on his face. She could feel her face heat under his intense stare. Finally he spoke.

  “I was looking for something that…” Mason paused as if searching for the right words. “That has sparked my interest.”

  “Oh, well you will need to be more specific, Mr. James,” she said as she walked around the counter and turned her attention to the computer, as she switched it on. “I don’t recall us discussing any books, but if you can refresh my memory, I will search our system for you. We have an extensive collection of rare books.”

  She looked back up at Mason and her breath caught in her throat. He was watching her closely, his eyes taking in every inch of her.

  “I would be happy to refresh your memory,” Mason said as he slipped his hands into his pocket. He smiled and stepped closer to the counter. “It was you who sparked my interest, Ms. Wells.”

  “Me?” Amelia repeated and swallowed hard. “Why me?”

  “I was thinking about your book,” Mason said.
“Or rather, the one you have written but have done nothing about.”

  “Why do you care about my book?” Amelia asked completely surprised by what he said.

  “I believe in encouraging talent, Amelia,” Mason explained as the sound of his voice saying her name made her heart beat faster. “You seem like a bright, intelligent young woman. I believe you could have a lot to offer.”

  Amelia stared at Mason, unsure how she should respond to him. He stared at her for a moment before he continued.

  “I have a friend,” Mason said as he reached into the inside pocket of his perfectly tailored navy suit and removed a business card. “Her name is Amanda Scott. She works for a publishing company. Give her a call and tell her that Mason James told you to contact her. She is expecting your call.”

  “Why would you do this?” Amelia asked, completely thrown by what had just happened. She took the card from him and looked at it closely. “What would I have to do for you?”

  Mason raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  “Well,” he replied, his eyes locked with Amelia’s. “You don’t have to do anything, but I would love it if you agreed to join me for dinner.”

  “Dinner?” Amelia repeated.

  “Tonight,” Mason said as he slipped his hands back into his pockets. “If you say yes, I will collect you at eight, I know a great sushi restaurant not far from where you live…”

  “How do you know where I live?” Amelia asked in surprise.

  “Ms. Wells,” Mason said looking at her with dark, hooded eyes. “I am a man of many resources. You would be surprised with what I know.”

  Before Amelia could respond, Annie returned from the back of the store.

  “Was Amelia able to help you?” Annie asked as she re-joined them at the counter.

  “She was indeed,” he said, his eyes never leaving Amelia. “Amelia has been more than helpful.”

  “Oh good,” Annie said completely unaware of the charged atmosphere between Amelia and Mason. Amelia looked at Annie and smiled.

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have what Mr. James is looking for in this shop,” she said as she turned back to Mason and her smile widened. “Sadly, he will have to continue searching for what he wants, elsewhere.”

  “Oh no, that is a pity,” Annie sighed. “If you leave your details with us, we can keep an eye out for what it is you are looking for. If it comes in, we will give you a call.”

  “Ms. Wells has my details,” he replied, looking at Annie and smiling at her warmly. “Thank you ladies, I hope to hear from you very, very soon.”

  With one last lingering glance and a smile at Amelia, he turned and walked out of the store.

  “What was it he was looking for?” Annie asked once Mason had left them alone.

  “Great Expectations,” Amelia replied with a smile before she returned to the box of books.

  It was just before seven when Amelia climbed the front steps of her apartment building. Slipping her key into the lock, she opened the door and headed inside.

  When she reached her apartment, she dropped her bag, keys and pile of books on the hall table. She felt tired.

  She made her way down the hall to her bedroom and into her bathroom. She opened the shower door and switched on the water, letting it run to heat up.

  She returned to her bedroom and walked to her dressing table. She emptied her pockets onto the dressing table before she began to remove her clothes.

  Sitting down on the end of her bed, she opened the buckle on her sandals. As she slipped it off her foot, she looked up and saw the card Mason gave her, on her dressing table.

  Amelia had no idea of what to make of Mr. Mason James. She stood up, walked to the dressing table and picked up the card. She read the name on the card and sighed.

  She tapped the card against her finger, she was tempted to ring this woman, but she was afraid. She was afraid of her worst fears coming true, that she wasn’t good enough to be a writer. More than that, she was afraid of what Mason would want in return for his help. She sighed again and threw the card into the bin next to her dressing table.

  She finished stripping off and headed back into the bathroom. Climbing beneath the hot water, Amelia washed the day from her slender, firm body.

  Ten minutes later, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She then walked out to her bedroom and picked up her dressing gown from the end of the bed. She slipped it on and let the towel drop to the floor. Sitting down in front of her dressing table, Amelia picked up her hairbrush and ran it through her hair before she picked up her hair dryer.

  When her hair was dry and she was in her pyjamas, Amelia headed out to her living room, picked up the phone and ordered herself a pizza.

  She grabbed her book from the side table and curled up into the corner of the sofa as she flicked it open.

  Twenty minutes later, the buzzer on her front door sounded as her stomach growled with hunger. She was starving and dying for her pizza.

  She hurried to the intercom next to her door and pressed the button.

  “Come on up,” she said as she released the front door. She went to her bag on the hall table and took out her purse to get the money for her pizza.

  As she shoved her purse back into her bag, there was a soft tap on the door. Amelia walked to the door and slid the chain back.

  “About time, I’m starving,” she said as she opened the door, but instead of it being her pizza, she was face to face with Mason James.

  “I am only two minutes late,” Mason said with a smile.

  “I…I thought you were someone else,” Amelia replied. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s eight o’clock,” Mason James said as his smile widened. “And I believe we have a date, Ms. Wells.”

  Chapter 5

  Mason stood there and watched Amelia stare at him in complete confusion. He knew he was taking a huge gamble coming here, and looking at the expression on her face, it could go either way. Still, he had to try.

  She had been all he could think about all week long. Even though he had been determined to leave well enough alone, no matter what he did she consumed his thoughts. He remembered her perfect lips, and fantasized about them on his body, wrapped around his swollen cock as he held her hair tightly in his hands.

  He pictured her unassuming eyes staring up at him as she knelt before him, doing whatever he requested, simply to please him.

  Mason could think of nothing else but her and despite the fact that he knew it was an epically bad idea, he still found himself standing in the book store that day.

  Once he saw her, his fate was sealed, he knew he would do whatever it took to have her, and so, here he was.

  “Have you completely lost your mind?” She asked when she finally found her tongue. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “It’s lovely to see you again, Ms. Wells,” Mason purred. “I know I didn’t say to dress formal, but I’m not sure the pyjamas will be allowed where we are going. Incidentally, do you always just buzz people into you apartment building without asking who it is first? You know this is New York, you really need to be more careful.”

  “I thought you were my pizza,” Amelia said suddenly feeling self-conscious of the fact she was not properly dressed.

  “You thought I was a pizza?” Mason laughed.

  “You know what I meant,” Amelia sighed and rolled her eyes.

  “Look,” Mason said, knowing he needed to pull the situation back. “We seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot. Let’s start again. Hi, how are you this evening?”

  Amelia stared at him for a few moments without replying. He knew she was considering her next move. He liked that about her. She wasn’t some impetuous, stupid girl, despite her young age. He wondered how old she was, twenty-three, twenty-four tops. Making her a whole ten years younger than him, but that didn’t put him off. He wanted her, it was that simple.

  “I am very well, thank you, Mr. James,” Amelia said giving him a ha
lf smile.

  “I am very glad to hear that, Ms. Wells,” Mason replied. “I am sorry if my showing up at your door has made you feel uncomfortable. That wasn’t my intention.”

  “I am not uncomfortable in the slightest, Mr. James,” Amelia said trying to sound more at ease with the situation that she truly was. “I am just surprised to find you at my door.”

  “Good,” he replied with a confident smile. “Then are you going to invite me in?”

  Again Amelia hesitated before she responded.

  “I assure you, Ms. Wells. I don’t bite,” Mason added.

  “Very well,” Amelia said as she stepped back and allowed Mason into her apartment.

  “You have a lovely home,” he said as he walked into her living room, looking all around him and taking in his surroundings. “It’s very…very you.”

  “Thank you, I think,” Amelia said as she remained standing by the living room door.

  “I mean no offence,” he said as he looked back towards Amelia. “You are a very unique and very beautiful young lady. Your apartment too is very unique and full of character. It is as warm and welcoming, as are you, Ms. Wells.”

  Amelia blushed but didn’t reply.

  “Does that make you uncomfortable?” Mason asked but he already knew the answer. He knew he was completely unnerving her. He walked towards her as she took a step back until her back was flush with the door. “You don’t have to be afraid of me.”

  “I’m not,” she replied but the quiver in her voice told Mason differently. “What is it you want Mr. James?”

  “I want to take you to dinner,” Mason said, unable to resist toying with her. “I thought I was clear on this point.”

  “Why?” She asked looking him straight in the eye.


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