All Time Love

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All Time Love Page 5

by Beverley Hollowed

  “Are you okay, Monkey Face?” Charlie asked as he watched her through the rear-view mirror.

  “I’m just tired,” she replied with a smile, not wanting either of her parents to worry about her. She decided then, that for the rest of the weekend she would relax and just enjoy her time with those that meant the most to her in this world.

  It was late on Tuesday afternoon when her mom dropped her off at the train station. It took all she had to convince her father not to drive her back to the city himself. It was only when Amelia agreed to call Jeremy and have him collect her from the train station in New York that her father backed down.

  “Milly,” her Mom said as they drove to the train station. “Is there something you would like to talk about before you head home?”

  “Not really,” Amelia replied. “Why do you ask?”

  “I don’t know,” Shannon shrugged. “I know my daughter and I know when she isn’t happy. I know when something is bothering her.”

  “I’m okay,” Amelia said as she turned to her mother and gave her a reassuring smile. “I promise.”

  “I am always here if you want to talk,” Shannon replied as she quickly glanced over at her daughter. “I love you kiddo.”

  “I love you too, Mom,” Amelia said.

  When they reached the train station, Amelia hugged her mother and promised to call when she got in to let them know she made it home safely. With one last hug, she boarded the train and found a seat next to the window. She looked out and waved goodbye to her mom as the train slowly pulled out of the station.

  As she sat on the train, she thought about Mason James. It was the first time since Friday she had really allowed herself to think about him.

  She had no idea why this man had gotten under her skin the way he had, but he did. She thought of their conversation in her apartment about Chase. She remembered the look in his eyes when she told him what had happened to her. She had no idea why she had felt compelled to tell him about that night, but she had. If she was completely honest with herself, she hoped it wouldn’t matter to him, he was an older man and she thought it wouldn’t have mattered, but clearly it had.

  She rested her head against the cold glass of the train window and closed her eyes. She needed to forget about Mason and put their encounter where it belonged, in the past with all the rest of the crap. It was time to let it go and move on.

  Chapter 7

  “Court is adjourned,” the judge said with a loud bang, and Mason was on his feet in one clean movement.

  “You’re eager today,” Paul, the junior associate that was working with Mason on his current case, said as he gathered up the papers.

  “It’s Friday,” Mason replied impatiently, as he packed up his briefcase. “And I have plans.”

  Without saying another word to his young associate, he grabbed his briefcase and made a beeline for the exit.

  “MACE!” He heard someone calling his name as he hurried down the steps of the courthouse. He turned and spotted Andrew pushing his way through the crowd of people on the front steps fighting to get an interview from some random lawyer.

  “Jesus,” Andrew said as he finally got through the crowd and reached his friend. “Since when did the courthouse become a tourist spot?”

  “Fucking press,” Mason growled as he shot a look over Andrew’s shoulder, then continued on down the steps.

  “So, I have been calling you all week,” Andrew said as he followed Mason down the steps. “You are a hard man to pin down. Though, Lori thinks you may be avoiding my calls deliberately.”

  “And why would I do that, exactly?” Mason said with a half-laugh, his pace not slowing down.

  “Because the baby shower is on Sunday?” suggested Andrew.

  “Fuck!” Mason groaned. He had completely forgotten about the baby shower.

  “So you weren’t avoiding me because of the baby shower,” Andrew laughed.

  “I don’t really have to go, do I?” Mason asked giving Andrew a pleading look.

  “Yes,” Andrew sighed. “You are the godfather, and also, Mom is expecting you.”

  “Fine!” Mason agreed reluctantly and let out a deep, irritated sigh.

  “Jesus, Mace,” Andrew laughed. “You need to snap out of this mood you’ve been in. You’ve been like a bear with a sore head for the past couple of weeks now. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Nothing!” Mason snapped. He had been in a foul mood for the last two weeks but had no idea why.

  “How about we grab a beer after work?” Andrew suggested.

  “I have a date tonight,” Mason sighed. “Some girl that my trainer set me up with. Christina somebody.”

  “You don’t even remember her name,” Andrew laughed. “Sounds like a winner.”

  Mason sighed but said nothing. He knew Andrew was right. He was going to dinner with some girl, whose name he couldn’t even remember. What was the point?

  The point is you need to get out there and stop thinking of the one girl you want but can’t have, Mason scolded himself.

  “I only plan on fucking her, Andrew,” Mason replied sarcastically. “I’m not marrying her.”

  “Charming,” Andrew rolled his eyes. “Well the baby shower starts at three o’clock, try not to be late.”

  “I won’t,” Mason replied feeling irritated. He said his goodbyes and hurried back to his office.

  Mason took his seat across from Christine when they reached the restaurant, and tried his hardest to look interested, despite the fact her voice was already grating on his very last nerve.

  She was attractive enough, in an obvious way, but Mason just didn’t find himself interested in her in the slightest.

  He smiled and nodded as she talked endlessly, but he never heard a word she said. Mason laughed to himself as their entrées arrived, she hadn’t even noticed that he hadn’t said two words since they had gotten there. She just kept prattling on about, God knows what.

  “More wine, Sir?” The waiter asked as he arrived at the table to make sure everything was in order.

  “Please,” Mason replied. Maybe if I get hammered, this nightmare will be a little more bearable.

  “Will you excuse me?” Christine said as she stood up. “I need to use the little girl’s room.”

  Mason stood as she left the table, then, taking his seat again, he watched her walk towards the bathroom and sighed.

  That’s when he spotted Amelia. She was sitting at the far side of the restaurant with a group of people. She was smiling and listening to one of the girls tell a story very animatedly, but Mason thought she looked sad.

  He watched her as she carefully swept a strand of hair back, catching it behind her ear. She then reached for her glass of wine and brought it to her lips.

  Instantly Mason could feel himself become aroused.

  What the fuck is wrong with you? He scolded himself in his head.

  Still, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was as beautiful as he remembered and for the first time in a week, he felt happier.

  Mason recognised the guy sitting next to Amelia at the table, as the guy from the coffee shop. He watched as the guy reached for his drink, sat back in his chair and absentmindedly draped his arm around the back of Amelia’s chair. Amelia seemed uncomfortable with this gesture, and for some reason, this angered Mason.

  He watched as she fidgeted uncomfortably. Mason had to stop himself from getting up and going to her.

  Suddenly she stood up, excused herself, and headed in the direction of the ladies’ room. He watched her as she walked, watched the way her dress clung to her perfect frame. She wasn’t skin and bones like so many girls her age. She had curves in all the right places.

  “Sorry,” Christine said, suddenly standing in his way and Mason groaned in annoyance. “I met a girl I used to go to school with, we got talking and…”

  “Excuse me,” Mason said as he stood up, interrupting her mid-flow not caring that he had behaved rather rudely. He hurried in the dire
ction of the bathroom, not really sure what he was planning to do, but he needed to talk to her.

  What the fuck are you doing? He asked himself as he paced up and down outside the ladies’ room. The lack of sex has finally driven you insane, Mace!

  He turned as the door opened and came face to face with Amelia as she stepped out of the bathroom.

  “Hi,” she said as her eyes met his. Mason knew she was surprised to see him standing there.

  “This is a pleasant surprise,” Mason said, going for the surprised effect himself. “It’s lovely to see you again, Amelia. How have you been?”

  “I’m good thank you,” Amelia said as she blushed a little and Mason could feel his cock twitch. “And you?”

  “I have never been better,” Mason replied holding her eyes with his. He could feel his cock twitch again.

  Why the fuck does this unassuming girl have such an affect on me? Mason groaned in his mind as he tried to control his over-active sex drive.

  “Are you here on a date?” Mason asked, he couldn’t resist. He needed to know if she had finally given into the coffee boy.

  “No,” Amelia said as she dropped her eyes to the ground and Mason knew he had caught her off guard with his question. She blushed again and Mason smiled to himself. He liked the affect he had on her. “It’s a friend’s birthday, well a friend of a friend.”

  “I see,” Mason replied, feeling relieved. He dug his hands deep into his pockets to stop himself from pulling her into his arms and kissing her hard. This was very new and a little scary for Mason. No one had ever gotten under his skin the way the delicate Ms. Wells had. He had to have her. That much was now very clear.

  “And you?” She asked, looking up at Mason, meeting his eyes with hers. Her sudden directness surprised Mason and he hesitated for a moment before he answered.

  “I am on a blind date,” he replied honestly. He had thought about lying, but he wanted to see what her reaction to him being here with someone else was.

  “Oh,” was all she replied and Mason smiled. She looked disappointed that he was with someone else. This pleased him.

  “I will let you in on a little secret,” Mason whispered as he leaned in closer to Amelia. “I’m having a terrible time.”

  “Me too,” she giggled and her face lit up.

  “Now that is a lovely sound,” Mason said smiling at her. He liked that he made her giggle. Ms. Wells didn’t laugh enough. He needed to fix that. “I do believe that’s the first time I have heard you laugh.”

  Amelia smiled shyly.

  “You know,” Mason said. “I haven’t even eaten yet. There is a great little pizza place, not too far from here.”

  “What about your date?” Amelia asked, surprised by his suggestion.

  “Oh, I think she knows we are never going to be love’s young dream,” Mason replied. “I will go settle the bill and make my excuses. I will be outside in ten minutes. If you wish to join me, then that’s where I will be.”

  “I am here with my friends,” Amelia replied looking at Mason is disbelief. “I can’t just leave. That would be rude.”

  Mason sighed. He thought he had read her right, but maybe he was wrong.

  “I see,” Mason replied feeling a little disappointed. “Well, should you change your mind, that’s where I will be. I hope you will come.”

  Amelia didn’t reply and Mason knew she was considering his offer. He gave her a smile before he leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek.

  “It is so lovely to see you again, Amelia,” he whispered before giving her one last smile, then headed back towards his date.

  As he walked back, Mason smiled to himself. He knew the beautiful Ms. Wells was as intrigued with him as he was with her. The question remained, would she be bold enough to take him up on his offer.

  God, I hope so, he sighed to himself when he spotted his date sitting at the table with a pout on her face. Mason rolled his eyes.

  “I am sorry about that,” Mason said as he returned to the table, but he didn’t sit down. “And I am so sorry to do this to you, Christine, but there is an emergency at work, and I need to leave. I feel terrible.”

  “Oh, I see,” she said looking somewhat taken aback.

  “You are welcome to stay and finish your meal,” Mason said. “I will pay before I leave. Or I can put you into a cab.”

  “I think I would be better off calling it a night,” Christine replied and Mason could hear the annoyance in her voice.

  Mason paid the bill and escorted a very unhappy Christine out of the restaurant. As he made his way to the door, he couldn’t resist one last glance over towards Amelia.

  He smiled when he caught her looking at him and she quickly turned away.

  Please let her follow me out, he silently prayed to himself.

  When they got outside, Mason flagged down a passing cab and when it stopped, he opened the door for Christine.

  “I had a lovely time,” Mason said as Christine turned to him before she got into the cab. He knew he was lying but he thought he would at least give her that much.

  “Then call me,” she said kissing him on the cheek. “We can do it again some time.”

  “Sure,” he lied as she slipped into the back of the car. He slammed the door shut, then added. “When hell freezes over.”

  He stood and watched as the cab pulled away from the curb and disappeared into the busy New York traffic.

  He shoved his hands into his pocket, turned back to the restaurant and found Amelia standing there.

  “Hi there,” Mason said as a big smile filtered across his face. He was genuinely happy to see her standing there. She really was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

  “So,” Amelia said trying to appear confident, but failing miserably. “You said something about pizza.”

  The things I want to do to you, he thought to himself as he slowly walked towards her.

  “Yes,” he said with a smile as he reached her. “I know a place that sells the perfect pizza.”

  He stopped so close to her that they were almost nose to nose. Amelia looked up into Mason’s face and he knew she wanted him to kiss her.

  All in good time, Ms. Wells, he grinned to himself. He reached down and took hold of her hand. All in good time.

  Chapter 8

  Kiss me, Amelia thought as she leaned into Mason but he didn’t, he just smiled and took her by the hand.

  “Let’s get that pizza,” Mason said with a grin as he turned and began to walk. Amelia had to walk quickly to try keep up with his long strides, but that wasn’t the reason her heart was racing.

  She didn’t know what the night was going to bring. What was he expecting from her? By the time they had reached the restaurant, she had worked herself up into a panic.

  What the hell were you thinking? Amelia thought to herself as she sat across the table, and stared at Mason. She had told a very unhappy Jeremy that she was feeling unwell and that she was going to call it an early night.

  Now that she was sitting here, she was wondering if she had done the right thing.

  The waitress came and Mason ordered the same pizza Amelia had ordered the night he arrived at her apartment. Amelia was surprised he remembered. Is that attention to detail or stalker tendencies? She thought.

  “Would you prefer red or white?” He asked pulling her from her thoughts.

  “Red or white?” She asked not having the first clue what he was talking about.

  “Wine,” Mason said with a laugh.

  “Oh, um,” she replied¸ as she blushed. “White please.”

  Mason ordered a bottle of white wine and smiled at the pretty waitress. Amelia was surprised at the sudden stab of jealousy that coursed through her.

  When the waitress left them alone, Mason turned his attention back to Amelia and watched her for a few minutes without saying a word. Amelia shifted uncomfortably under his stare.

  Oh God! She thought to herself. Why does this man have such an effect on me? />
  “So, Amelia,” Mason said with a small grin. “How have you been?”

  “I’ve been good, thank you,” Amelia smiled, but she still felt like she was under a microscope. She was starting to think that she had made a huge mistake agreeing to come here with him.

  “And the writing, how’s that going?” He asked as the waitress returned with their wine. Amelia couldn’t help but feel a little relieved when Mason didn’t even look in the girl’s direction, instead keeping his eyes fixed firmly on her.

  The girl poured Mason a taste of the wine. He reached for the glass and brought it to his lips to sample it, the whole time keeping his eyes fixed on Amelia. He nodded his approval.

  “Oh, I haven’t really given it much thought,” Amelia replied. “I haven’t even opened my laptop in two weeks.”

  “What about the number I gave you?” Mason asked as he poured himself and Amelia a glass of wine. “Have you called my friend?”

  Amelia hesitated as she could feel her face grow warmer with nervous embarrassment.

  “Well?” He pushed. Amelia looked up and her eyes met his.

  “I didn’t call her,” she replied, then quickly dropped her eyes down to her wine glass.

  “Why ever not?” He demanded and the tone in his voice made Amelia flush with complete embarrassment.

  She just shrugged her shoulders. She wasn’t about to admit she was too afraid to, because she didn’t know at what cost, the favour came. If she had, what would he have expected from her in return? Why had he even done it in the first place?

  “Amelia,” Mason sighed. “What is it you are afraid of?”

  Amelia didn’t reply, she didn’t really know how to answer him.

  “Are you afraid of failing?” He asked, once again surprising her with his directness. “Or is it something else?”


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