All Time Love

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All Time Love Page 23

by Beverley Hollowed

  “It will fade,” Mason said as he came up behind Amelia and wrapped his arms around her. “Soon it will be a distant memory, as will the whole mess with Simone. I promise you, she will not be a shadow over us for much longer.”

  “I am scared Mason,” Amelia replied honestly, as she looked at him in the mirror.

  “Don’t be, baby,” Mason whispered and he pulled her closer to him. “I promise, all this is nearly over. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to protect you. Everything will be okay, even when you think it can’t be, it will.”

  Mason led Amelia back out to the bedroom and once again they got lost in each other’s arms, even if it was just for the night, the rest of the world faded away. It was just Amelia and Mason. The way it should be.

  Chapter 33

  Mason lay awake all night watching Amelia sleep. It was strange, from the moment he had first met her, he had thought that she was beautiful, but somehow lying there next to him, she was beyond breath-taking.

  He thought about the first day he met her and remembered the things he had said to her. Thinking back now, he wondered how she ever even gave him the time of day again, much less let him into her life.

  He smiled when he remembered how she had stood up to him that first day. Knowing her now, he realised just what it had taken for her to do that. But she had done it, and if he was honest, it was what drew him to her.

  Everything about her, made him want to be a better man, a man she deserved to have.

  The night faded and as the sun began to slowly fill their bedroom, Amelia opened her eyes and smiled at Mason.

  “Good morning, Beautiful,” Mason whispered as he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. He pulled back and took in every inch of her face. He knew that he would remember this moment for the rest of his life.

  “Good morning,” she said with a sleepy smile before she laughed a little.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked, as he gave her a curious look.

  “I was just thinking how much I have missed this bed,” Amelia yawned. “I always loved going home to my parent’s house and sleeping in my old bed, for me it was coming home, but not anymore. This is home to me now.”

  “It makes me very happy to hear that,” Mason replied and smiled, before he leaned in and kissed her again. “But for me, you are my home. As long as I am with you, then I am where I belong.”

  “Are you okay?” Amelia asked, as she gave Mason a questioning look. “You seem, I don’t know…different.”

  “I am great,” Mason replied and in that moment, that was the truth. No matter what the coming day would bring, he knew in that moment he was happy and his life was perfect.

  “I am happy to hear that,” Amelia said as she snuggled closer into Mason and sighed. “I wish I didn’t have to get up and go to work today. I wish I could stay right here in this bed with you, forever.”

  “Are you making me an indecent proposal?” Mason laughed as he wrapped her in his arms and drew her closer to him. “Didn’t you get enough of me last night?”

  “I could never get enough of you,” Amelia whispered as she dropped her hand between them and softly brushed across the head of his penis. The moment she touched him, Mason’s breath caught in his throat and he could feel his cock react to her. He didn’t hesitate, he quickly rolled her on to her back and climbed above her.

  “God, I love you,” he groaned against her mouth as he slipped between her legs. “So much I can barely breathe.”

  With one sharp push, he filled her completely. Amelia cried out, but Mason quickly claimed her cries with his mouth.

  He ignored the dull pain he had in his ribs. He knew he had over done it the night before. He wanted them to have one last special night, but it wasn’t enough. There could never be enough when it came to her. He needed her, it was that simple.

  His movements were slow and tender, each thrust he made, brought them both closer to the edge.

  “MASON!” She cried out, and he knew she was close, so he slowed down further. He wanted it to last, but each thrust pushed them closer, and Mason knew they wouldn’t last much longer.

  Amelia clung to him tightly as her whole body shook from the orgasm that had washed over her. It was Mason’s undoing.

  He came hard before he slumped down on top of her, both gasping for breath.

  Finally, Mason lifted his head and looked down at Amelia.

  “I love you,” he said staring into her eyes.

  “I love you, too,” she replied giving him a strange look. “Mason, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he replied, forcing a smile, but his heart was aching. He knew that before this day was over, Amelia’s heart would be broken, and there was nothing he could do to prevent it.

  Mason sat in his car knowing that once he set the ball rolling there was no stopping it. His phone rang and he knew it would be Andrew checking in on him.

  “Hey,” he said as he brought the phone to his ear.

  “Hey,” Andrew said. “Where are you?”

  “I am outside Simone’s apartment,” Mason replied.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Andrew asked, still not convinced by Mason’s plan.

  “Yes,” Mason replied. “I need this over, and I don’t see this ending any other way.

  “Okay,” Andrew sighed and Mason could hear the uncertainly in his voice. “Everything is ready to go. Meet me back here at the hotel once you leave her place.”

  “Okay,” Mason replied. “Are you sure you can trust the people you have used?”

  “Yes,” Andrew replied but then sighed. “I still think you are taking a huge chance, and what about Amelia?”

  “I need her out of this,” Mason replied. “The less she knows, the safer she is. The same goes for Sadie. I know they won’t understand to begin with, but in time they will see that, there was no other way.”

  “I hope you’re right, Mace,” Andrew sighed.

  “I have to be,” Mason replied. “Okay, I am gonna do this. I will call you once I am out.”

  “I will be waiting,” Andrew said before Mason hung up.

  Mason climbed out of the car, and headed into the building before him. The porter at the desk watched him as he walked up to him, and waited for Mason to speak. He gave his name and said he was here to see Simone.

  The guy picked up a phone and for the first time, the thought came to Mason, what if she refused to see him? Mason knew that was unlikely because he knew Simone wouldn’t miss out on a chance to rub what she had done, in his face.

  “Mrs. Anderson is expecting you,” he said as he directed Mason towards the elevators. Mason didn’t waste any time. He headed straight to the elevator, and up to Simone’s apartment.

  When he reached her floor, he hammered on her door hard until he heard movement from the inside. When an old woman answered the door, Mason didn’t wait to be invited inside. Instead he hurried in past the woman and walked down the hallway, not really knowing where he was heading.

  “SIMONE!” He called out angrily as he walked into what looked like a large living room, searching for the queen bitch.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Simone said, suddenly from behind Mason. He spun around to face her, as anger coursed through his entire body.

  “I think you know why I am here,” Mason growled, as he pinned her with his eyes. “This stops today!”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” she smirked as she walked further into the room and towards a mahogany bar that was in the corner next to a full length window, with a view overlooking Central Park. She picked up a crystal decanter and looked up at Mason. “Drink?”

  “Don’t give me that crap,” Mason shot back as he took a step closer, completely ignoring the offer of a drink. “I know you were behind the crash, and it’s only a matter of time before the police find a link to you.”

  “That’s quite a slanderous allegation, Mason,” she said with a laugh as she poured herself a drink, then picked it up and took
a sip, the whole time watching him. “But let’s for argument’s sake say I was. Do you really think coming in here shouting the odds is the best idea you’ve ever had?”

  “You don’t scare me, Simone,” Mason replied, not backing down. “And it’s murder one when they do catch up with you, but I can make it all go away, I can send the investigation in a different direction, you just need to call the dogs off.”

  “You really have this all figured out, don’t you Mason,” Simone said with a smile, but Mason knew it was as fake as she was. “And if I didn’t take your offer, assuming I had something to hide, what can you do about it?”

  “I have detailed documents,” Mason said as he took a step closer to Simone. “I have enough to send you, Colton and even Colton Jr down for a very long time.”

  “That would be breaking lawyer/client confidentiality,” Simone replied, and for the first time Mason could see he hit a nerve. “I would sue you for every penny you’re worth.”

  “You really think I give a fuck about money, Simone,” Mason said walking up to her and looking her straight in the eye. “Call the dogs off, or I will pay a little visit to New York’s finest. You have till 5 pm today. The call is yours.”

  Without waiting for a reply, Mason turned and walked back towards the door and out to the elevator. It wasn’t until the doors closed, he released the breath he had been holding. He knew he had just poked a bear.

  When he reached his car, he pulled out his phone and called Andrew.

  “It’s done,” Mason said as he put the car into drive and pulled away from the kerb.

  “Do you think she took the bait?” Andrew asked.

  “She didn’t look happy,” Mason said, as he checked his rear view mirror to see if he was being followed. Sure enough about three cars back, he spotted it. “I am being followed.”

  “Then this is going to happen soon,” Andrew replied and Mason could hear the worry in his voice.

  “Stop worrying,” Mason said, wishing he could take his own advice. He knew he had every angle covered, but now he that had set the ball in motion, he was wishing it was over already

  “Then hurry up and get here,” Andrew replied. “We have everything ready.”

  Mason could hear Andrew’s other phone ring.

  “It’s Skinny Pete,” Andrew explained and Mason could only half hear the conversation his friend was having on the other line. Finally, he came back to Mason. “He got the call. I guess this is happening.”

  “I guess so,” Mason replied. “I will be there in ten minutes. I will see you then.”

  Mason hung up and concentrated on getting to the hotel in one piece. When he pulled up outside the hotel, he wasted no time handing over the car to the valet before he hurried inside and made his way directly to the room where Andrew was waiting for him.

  It was almost an hour later that Mason and Andrew left the hotel suite. They didn’t say a word the whole way down in the lift. When it came to a stop, Andrew looked at Mason nervously.

  “Are you sure, you want to go through with this,” Andrew asked Mason. “It’s not too late to change your mind.”

  “I am doing this,” Mason replied. “I need this to be over.”

  “Then it’s game time,” Andrew said as the doors opened.

  When they reached the front of the hotel, Mason handed the valet his ticket.

  He turned to Andrew and gave him a smile.

  “I will call you later,” Mason said giving Andrew a knowing look.

  “I will call you if I hear anything new,” Andrew said staring at Mason. “Be careful.”

  “Always,” Mason said with a laugh as Andrew turned and walked away. Mason stood and watched his friend while he waited for the valet to bring his car.

  Finally, his car pulled up alongside him, and Mason smiled at the valet as he stepped out and hurried around to where Mason was standing.

  “Mason James,” a voice said quietly from behind, and Mason turned around to where it came from.

  “Yes,” Mason said, as his heart hammered rapidly in his chest. “Who wants to know?”

  “Simone Anderson said ‘hi’,” the guy, who was no more than twenty said as he slowly lifted his hand and pointed a gun directly at Mason’s chest.

  “Hey,” Mason said as he instinctively raised his hands. “You don’t want to do this.”

  But it was too late. A deafening shot rang out and Mason felt like he had been hit with a lump hammer in the chest. He was knocked back with force and hit the ground with a thud.

  He couldn’t breathe.

  Suddenly Andrew was next to him, looking down into his eyes.

  “STAY WITH ME, MASON!” Andrew screamed as he pulled Mason to him. “SOMEONE CALL 911!”

  Mason was aware there was a crowd around him. He brought his hand to his chest and touched it. It felt wet, he lifted his hand and looked at the redness all over his fingertips.

  He looked back up at Andrew, who was holding him tightly.

  “Stay with me, Mace,” He pleaded with him. “Stay with me.”

  Chapter 34

  When Amelia arrived at work, Annie was surprised to see her walk through the door.

  “Sweetheart,” Annie said as she hugged her tightly. “Are you sure you are ready to come back, you got such a nasty bump on the head. There really is no rush.”

  “I’m okay, honestly,” Amelia assured her friend. “Besides, Mason has gone back to work too, and I would be a nervous wreck if I sat in that apartment all day worrying about him. I am better off here. You know, keep myself busy.”

  “Well, I am happy to have you here, I have missed you,” Annie replied, giving her a warm smile.

  Amelia decided not to tell her about the baby, not yet. It was still so early, and enough people already knew, so she decided to keep it to herself for a little longer.

  They spent the morning going through new orders that had arrived in to the store, and chatting happily between themselves. Annie was delighted to hear Amelia had finally sorted things out between her and her father.

  As she worked, Amelia’s mind wandered to Mason several times. Something wasn’t sitting right with her. The night before and that morning had been so perfect, but still there was something that was bothering her. Mason seemed strange, like he was trying so hard to make sure they had the perfect night. Almost like it would be their last.

  Amelia knew he could have been simply trying to make it up to her because of this trouble with Simone. She knew that Mason still felt responsible for her getting hurt in the crash, even though she had repeatedly reassured him, it wasn’t his fault. She realised she was probably overthinking things, but still she felt somehow, it was more than that.

  It was a little after twelve when the chime on the door of the store sounded. Annie had just popped out for a few minutes so Amelia was in the store alone. She walked out from between the bookshelves but stopped dead in her tracks the moment she saw Simone Anderson standing there. Her heart began to hammer in her chest. Amelia instinctively pressed her hand over her tummy, as if to protect her unborn child.

  The moment Simone spotted Amelia, she smirked at her, then looked her up and down. This time Amelia didn’t feel as uncomfortable as she had before. The only thing Amelia really felt was sheer and utter hatred for the woman standing before her.

  “I came to collect my book,” Simone announced, then flicked her hair as she walked towards the counter. “I am sorry I’m only calling in now, but I have been rather busy dealing with a particularly annoying little issue, but I think today…”

  She paused and gave Amelia a knowing look.

  “Today it was taken care of once and for all,” she threw her head back and laughed before her eyes met Amelia’s again.

  Amelia could feel her stomach heave, what did she mean, ‘taken care of’? She knew she was looking for a reaction, but she refused to give her what she wanted.

  “You don’t scare me,” Amelia said walking up and staring back at her. “You are nothin
g but a bully, who thinks you can do whatever the hell you want because you have money in the bank. Well money can’t buy you class, or humility. Money can’t make you a better person, how you act does that. So that makes you nothing but a common thug. A poor excuse for a human being.”

  “I’m impressed,” Simone sneered at Amelia. “The little bookworm has teeth.”

  “She does,” Amelia replied stepping closer to Simone. “And I suggest you remember that, before you come in here again and try to intimidate me, because you are wasting your time. I am not intimidated by the likes of you. Now get the hell out.”

  “You have no idea who you are messing with,” she whispered to Amelia.

  “Who said I was messing?” Amelia replied, not backing down. “Now I am warning you leave or…”

  “Or you’ll what?” Simone laughed into Amelia’s face. “You, silly little girl. Mason should have stuck to fucking bimbos, maybe then his life wouldn’t have turned into the train wreck it is.”

  Without even thinking, Amelia slapped Simone across the face and for a brief moment, Simone looked stunned, but then she smiled and leaned into Amelia.

  “I will give you that one, kitten,” Simone hissed at Amelia. “But only because your life is about to epically fall to pieces.”

  “Get the hell out!” Amelia demanded but her voice quivered, betraying her true emotions.

  Simone smirked at her again before she turned and walked out of the store without saying another word.

  Amelia could barely breathe. She gasped for breath as she reached for the counter to balance herself. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep, calming breaths.

  I need Mason! She thought as she reached for her handbag beneath the counter. She pulled at the strap and it swung off the shelf abruptly, spilling its contents all over the floor. FUCK!

  Amelia dropped to the floor to pick up her phone, but her eyes suddenly stung with unshed tears and she couldn’t see clearly anymore. She released a sob as she slid into the corner and buried her face in her hands.


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