Billionaire's Love Suite

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Billionaire's Love Suite Page 6

by Catherine Lanigan

  “I can’t imagine how hard that would have been for you,” he said with so much caring in his deep voice that Shana felt warm all over. Her tears receded. ”How did you manage?”

  “You know, I think we did very well. Because there was always so much work to do at the Inn, we never had fights or bickering. We all just pitched in to help my mother. She made a success of the Inn and she and my sisters are still running it today.”

  “And your brothers?”

  “Harry just passed his bar exams and Sam has his own video game company. I’m proud of them both.”

  “I’ve always wondered what that would be like to be part of a large family. Fun, I would suspect.” He stopped himself the instant he realized he’d vocalized his innermost thoughts. Shana’s eyes were filled with disbelief and he immediately realized his mistake. To cover himself, he changed the subject. “Your siblings should be very proud of their older sister,” he said giving her a look of deep sincerity.

  His gaze was unwavering and Shana believed it came from his heart. Just as had his little confession. She’d never thought about the pleasures and pains of Justin’s childhood. He was a billionaire as if that were his only defining characteristic. What’s more, he apparently seemed truly interested in her family and her past.

  She couldn’t help wondering what it would have been like to have known Justin or someone like him when she had been the victim of those childhood heartbreaks and skirmishes with the older kids at school who mocked her relentlessly. Her revenge had been to escape and move to the biggest cities she could find where she could lose herself in her work.

  Justin reached across the table and touched her hand. Shana knew she should have snatched her hand back and not allowed the gesture of familiarity. She was afraid her body would betray her again and she would feel sensual sensations. Instead, she found the comforting touch a friend gives a friend. How was that possible? Justin wasn’t her friend. He was the man who had lied to her. He was a playboy. And he was her boss. She could never expect friendship from Justin, she told herself.

  She looked down at his hand and discovered that despite her mental warnings, she reveled in the feel of his hand over hers. It was a strong hand with long fingers and short, precise nails. With his forefinger he stroked the inside of her thumb and forefinger. He didn’t ask for words. He didn’t push her into a response of any kind. He appeared to be content just as he was, touching her hand, letting her mind run to a place of calm and ease. She felt like a young puppy that rolls over expose their belly for soothing strokes from its owner.

  Am I rolling over for this guy like a slave puppy? What’s the matter with me?

  “You’re self-reliant,” he said squeezing her hand and then releasing it. He sat back in his chair again and then scoured her face with intense eyes as if assessing her anew. “I greatly admire that in an individual,” he said with objective tones as if he were speaking of someone he didn’t know. “I have worked all my life to overcome the kind of lack of integrity my father exercised too often in his business,” Justin said and then paused as his reflections on the past came to mind. “And in his personal life, I’m afraid.”

  “Really?” Shana asked too quickly because she noticed his eyebrow arch instantly.

  “Don’t sound so shocked.”

  “I’m not,” she replied, but already she realized that Justin’s own reputation had obviously impressed her more than the scathing gossip about Peter Yates.

  “Okay, let’s get it out in the open,” he said firmly. “What have you heard about me that causes these jitters I see in you every time we talk.”

  She exhaled a sharp breath of ire. “I have never had jitters. Around you or anyone else.”

  “Fine,” he replied folding his hands on the table and nailing her with a pointed gaze.

  Shana had always prided herself on being straightforward. She had no intention of being any less with Justin. “It is true that I have heard and read about your father’s arrogance and ego. I have also heard even more about your own reputation for using women for sex.”

  Justin’s head snapped back. He didn’t know what he had expected to hear but this wasn’t it. Not that he doubted her. Justin knew his father planted tall tales about his “playboy” son throughout the staff and most of his affiliates in the hotel industry. He just hadn’t realized how damaging the rumors had become. “I have never ‘used’ another person in my entire life. I like to think that I’ve helped most people I’ve come into contact with. Men and women. I know my father thought I needed to settle down, but I have certainly never been a Lothario. Frankly, I don’t feel I’ve done anything more or less than the next single guy in New York.”

  Shana folded her arms across her chest as he made his excuses. She’d heard this line before and he’d have to do a lot better to convince her.

  “You don’t believe me.”

  “I’m certain in your mind, you’re very fair minded.”

  His eyes pierced her. “Exactly how did you come by this gossip about me?”

  “First hand, actually,” she said.

  “Impossible. What’s her name?” he challenged.


  Justin stared at her blankly as if he had no clue who she was talking about. Shana watched him for a long moment wondering how many names in his long list of lovers he would have to check off before he got to Kimmie. What if there was more than one Kimmie? She had no idea how players kept their women straight.

  Justin started laughing. Then he laughed some more. He threw his head back and roared with laughter. He hugged himself trying to stop laughing.

  Shana looked around. The other patrons were staring at them as Justin laughed louder and harder. Under ordinary circumstances, she would smile because he had a truly wonderful laugh. But because he was laughing at her, it reminded her far too painfully of the cruelties she’d endured when she was a child. She frowned. She sent him a blistering glare.

  Justin’s eyes were closed as he swiped his hand over his face trying to stop his laughter. When he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of glacial blue eyes staring at him.

  “You probably don’t remember her, but she was in your office when you were flying back from Beijing. I left a note for you,” Shana bit off her words.

  “I’m sorry, Shana,” he said as the last snicker escaped. He held up his palms in a surrendering act. “It’s not you. I’m not laughing at you. You couldn’t know. Kimmie is my cousin. She came by to thank me for paying her college tuition.”

  “Your…?” Shana snapped her mouth shut. Of all the things in the world she expected to hear, his explanation wasn’t one of them. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Stop. Don’t be.”

  “I’m curious, though. Why would you be paying for her tuition? Your family is…well, rich.”

  “Kimmie is my mother’s sister’s child. Mom was not from money. In fact, that side of my family is a lot like your family. Hardworking and honest. Kimmie wants to be a fashion designer and I think she has talent. Once she graduates I intend to continue to help her.”

  “I’m impressed.”

  He smiled. “Enough that all those misgivings about me are erased.”

  Shana was silent a breath of a moment too long.

  “So, you have something else you want to ask me?”

  Shana didn’t blink before asking, “There’s the story about a log that was kept on you.”

  Justin sat up feeling the hairs on the back of his neck prickle. “Log?”

  “Of your trysts.”

  Justin was so angry he had half a mind to storm out of the restaurant, but he didn’t. Fortunately for him, Shana was curious, nosy or both, enough to relate the hearsay about him so that he had a chance to confront the allegations. “And the origination of this log was…?”

  “My predecessor.”


  “Cummings. Yes.” Shana finished for him and then waited.

  “I can only tell you it’s a lie. Feli
city and I dated for a short while. She did everything she could to trick me into marriage including a claim that she was pregnant. I exposed her and the truth won out.”

  Shana didn’t think she could be easily shocked at this point in her life, but she was. She didn’t like to think that anyone of her sex would stoop to such meanness. Sadly, too many people truly did use others to accomplish their goals or satisfy their empty souls.

  “I’m sorry for you,” Shana said lowly with such sincere tones that Justin paused. “I can’t imagine how heartbreaking that would have been to think that might be bringing a child into the world and then to find it was all a scheme.”

  Justin peered at her glowing face and realized she had put herself in his situation during the telling of his story. She had empathized with him. She had let herself walk in his shoes, though vicariously, for a moment. But during that moment, she’d shown him a side of herself that he’d not seen in any human being since his mother. Shana had a genuine heart.

  What was of vast interest to Justin was that she had made him realize that he actually had been upset over the incident. Despite the fact that he knew early on Felicity wasn’t the woman for him, he realized now that even then he’d actually liked the idea of being a father. It had all happened so fast and he’d been terribly angry and suffused with revenge in all its aspects that he hadn’t ever stopped to think about being a parent.

  Looking at beautiful Shana with concern and empathy glimmering in her eyes, he realized he was growing quite fond of the idea of making Shana his wife. She was a knockout with no clothes on, capable and smart. He didn’t like the idea that he had to defend himself on their first “date” if that’s what this was. It was disconcerting that she had heard so many disparaging things about him. He’d had no idea the rumor mill among the staff was weighted against him. It was going to be an uphill battle to change Shana’s opinion of him and if he was to have any shot at making her his wife, he had to start immediately.

  “May I ask, are those the only things being said about me or is there more?”

  His question caught Shana off-guard that she laughed.

  Justin looked stricken at her reaction.

  Shana’s hand flew to her mouth to stifle her chuckles. Because he was so well-insulated with his money and power, it never occurred to her that he would care what other people thought about him. His face carried genuine concern and she realized that her answer apparently mattered to him.

  “No. That’s about all. Isn’t that enough?”

  He leaned forward again and stabbed her with a hard gaze. “That’s not me they’re talking about. It’s jealousy and pettiness. All gossip is. It’s meant to be hurtful.”

  Shana felt shame rip through her. Justin was right, of course. She had never participated in gossip or flaming a rumor mill in her life. She had to admit that the only reason she’d given any credence to what she’d heard about Justin was because she was attracted to him. She hadn’t been able to get him out of her head day or night. If she hadn’t been so obsessed with him, she never would have mentioned the rumors.

  “I’m sorry, Justin. I shouldn’t have said anything. I feel terrible.”

  “Don’t. I’m glad you told me. Forewarned is forearmed.”

  Shana tried to match his smile, but failed as remorse weighted her down. “It’s my job to put a stop to these things. I’ll speak to the staff.”

  He shook his head. “Only if it comes up. Otherwise, they won’t take you seriously. The problem is that my own father helped to perpetuate my supposedly ‘errant image’ in the eyes of nearly everyone he met. Some of the older staff believes they have the truth.”

  “Why on earth would he do that?” Shana asked.

  “He wanted me to be married, which to him meant that I was stable. So, he always considered me a failure.”

  “But you were incredibly successful on Wall Street! What kind of parent wouldn’t be proud of that?”

  Justin chuckled, picked up her hand and drew it to his mouth. Pressing his lips to her flesh, Shana felt shivers spiral through her body. Her breath hitched in her lungs and for an instant she was spellbound.

  “You’re my hero,” Justin said with a mirthful smile.

  Shana watched as his eyes riveted her with an unflinching gaze. Slowly, he lowered his lips to her hand and kissed her again. This time the pressure of his lips was soft but filled with intent. This time she read a great deal between the lines and what she filled those lines with was exhilarating and sensual. Shana didn’t know if Justin was feeling the same arousal that she did. If she were to believe the rumors and not Justin, seduction was second nature to him. She wanted to think that what he’d told her was the truth. If she did, she would be forced to take a chance on an unknown. She would have to trust him.


  Shana sat in a beige leather upholstered seat next to the window in the Lux Hotel’s private jet that was headed to Toronto. Justin sat facing her though he was absorbed in the report she’d given him just as they’d boarded the plane. As New York city fell away from them and the distance between earth and the jet was filled with clouds, Shana retrieved a yellow legal pad from her briefcase, ready to make notes.

  Justin stopped in the middle of reading and swept her face with total astonishment. “You want to eliminate the main floor bar? Are you crazy? The income from the bar…”

  She held up her palms. “You didn’t read far enough. I want to build a speakeasy in the basement.”

  Justin’s eyebrows arched and his eyes opened as he paused for the thought to register. After a long moment he said, “Okay. You are nuts.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Continue.”

  “Transforming the street level bar into a business conference room which we can rent out to executives who want total privacy at an affordable price will bring in even more income than the sports bar. By the way, the income from the bar has been slipping over the past three years. It’s my judgment that within a three block radius there is too much competition for the same kind of customer. Therefore, we need to be innovative. The hottest destination bar and club in the city now is underground. There’s too much fun to be had by creating a 1920’s speakeasy atmosphere in our storage areas in the basement. I have mapped out how we can utilize this area on page ten of my report. We have street side access through the door that leads to the delivery steps down to the basement. Customers would enter there. We would put up a second door with a slide panel just like they had in the old speakeasies. I would use the same tables we now have but cover them in linens and center each with battery operated shaded lamps.” Shana absent mindedly stuck her pen through the swirl of blonde hair she’d clipped at the top of her head. Her voice trilled with enthusiasm. “I know a great mixology nerd who used to work at a place in Tribeca. We need a Lux signature concoction. Maybe a new twist on the chocolate martini.”

  “You like those?” Justin asked, his chin in his hand as he gazed at Shana.

  “Who doesn’t?” she chuckled as she looked up at him and the second she did, she felt her pulse elevate. His eyes were filled with soft lights as they perused her face. A nearly imperceptible glance down at her mouth told her that he was not thinking about work.

  Had he picked up on her vision of the two of them cozied up in a secretive place, dark and romantic, filled with bluesy music and couples stealing kisses between sips of intoxicating drinks? Shana had come up with the idea of a speakeasy after going to PDT (Please Don’t Tell) in the East Village with Cate. Though she’d thought the place was fun, it was truly for couples. The fact that she’d dreamed about Justin and herself in such a place, holding hands, told her that she was spending too much energy on Justin, “the steam room Adonis” and not enough on the fact that Justin was just her boss.

  “How much will this cost?” he asked breaking Shana’s heady reverie.

  “Less than you’d think. I have the figures here. Because we’d paint the ceilings, pipes and ductwork black and the walls a near black burg
undy red and even the concrete floor, our main cost would be in lighting and a glass backdrop for the bar. I’d have the existing bar remodeled and re-use all our barware, chairs even some of the glass shelves. The expense will be on advertising to get the word out.”

  “I suppose you have thought that through as well.”

  “Absolutely. I know a PR woman who will throw a media party in our speakeasy. The guest list will include reviewers, of course, a few local radio and television celebrities and a songwriter.”


  “Sure. He uses our name in a new song. It gets play on the radio stations.”

  Justin’s smile was infused with satisfaction. He nodded his head. “Excellent. And our name?”

  “Rum Row. Back in the 1920’s bootleggers used to take boats out the New York harbor to the international waters where they would buy crates of banned liquor.”

  “We’ll start immediately,” he said looking down at the report. Instantly, his head snapped up and he shot her a daring look. “Unless you’ve already put everything in motion.”

  “Of course not. I had to wait for your approval,” she replied with a sweet smile. Justin nodded and went back to reading the report. Shana looked out the window. There was no way she was going to tell Justin she’d already approved the wall color paint and ordered the carpenter to submit drawings for the rebuilt bar.


  The Toronto Lux Hotel was located on Front Street just a block away from the Fairmont Royal York Hotel, which had always been fierce competition for the Lux.

  Both hotels had been officially opened in 1929. Though the Fairmont was the tallest building in the British Commonwealth at the time, the Lux had only been two stories shorter at twenty-six floors. Both hotels had private baths, radios and showers that had been considered luxurious at the time. The Lux hotel boasted a thirteen thousand book library, twelve ornate brass and glass passenger elevators and a concert hall with a full stage, blue velvet seats and a domed Tiffany glass ceiling.


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