The Broken Kingdom

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The Broken Kingdom Page 34

by Sarah Chapman

  ‘Go!’ she yelled at Ellis. He bolted.

  Riley stalked over to one of the soldiers and pulled a radio from him.

  Vann heard her snappily tell the voice on the other end of the line to come and rescue their fellows. The radio was returned. Then she suddenly drew her sword and plunged it into the earth near the soldiers.

  ‘We leave them here and go together. This will have to be enough to keep the ehlkrid away. Let’s go.’

  Despite everything, Vann looked relieved. Riley carefully picked Lillia up. And then she set off towards the camp at a punishing pace. She could go faster, but she would not leave Vann behind.

  As soon as they arrived at the campsite Riley suddenly moved faster, leaving Vann behind.

  ‘Aerlid!’ she called when his tent was in sight. He looked up, spotted Lillia in her arms.

  Riley didn’t say anything else- she didn’t have to. She carefully laid her down before him.

  Aerlid did not wait a moment longer and placed his hands on Lillia’s head.

  Riley watched a moment and stood. She spotted Vann approaching.

  ‘Stay here.’ she ordered. ‘I’ll go check on the others.’

  Vann nodded distractedly, his eyes were on Lillia.

  When Riley returned to the campsite it seemed like a long time later. Her sword- which she had retrieved- kept the soldiers safe. When the rest of Astarian team arrived she escorted them and their injured fellows back to their planes. But they weren’t leaving just yet- they intended to wait for Lillia.

  The soldiers had started to groggily awake by the time they reached the planes. Riley had not asked them how they’d managed to kidnap Vann. Seeing them had brought her anger raging back, and she didn’t think she was capable of anything other than screaming at them.

  As soon as they arrived at the planes, Riley left. When she arrived back at the campsite she spotted Ellis approaching her. She ignored him.

  It did not take her long to reach Aerlid’s tent. Lillia was still there, as was Vann. Seeing Lillia’s prone form, Riley feared the worst.

  Aerlid looked up. He looked terrible. ‘She’ll live.’ he whispered quietly.

  Vann looked up at her too and smiled.

  Riley did not feel she could say anything that would not upset Vann. She rested her hand on his shoulder and stayed near him.

  Vann stood up though and gave her a hug. ‘Thank you.’


  ‘How are the others?’

  ‘Alive, they’re with the planes now.’

  ‘Do they know what happened?’ he asked, not letting go of her.

  ‘I didn’t ask. Do you?’

  Vann shook his head. ‘I thought she was-’

  ‘It’s alright. She’ll be ok.’

  Vann nodded into her shoulder.

  ‘Are you hurt?’ he asked and for a moment moved back a little.

  Riley shook her head, ‘it’s not important.’


  She hesitated and lifted the hem of her shirt, showing a small burn near her hip. ‘It hurts a bit, but it’s not serious.’

  ‘It hurts more than that, I’ll go find one of the trainees. Maybe they can take the pain away.’

  ‘No, it’s ok. I’ll go.’

  Vann frowned. Instead of agreeing he ordered the nearest gemeng to drop what they were doing and go find someone.

  Soon one of Aerlid’s apprentices showed up. Something that Riley thought smelled very strange was rubbed on her wound. Despite the smell, it did lesson the constant burning pain.

  Once that was dealt with, Vann went back to holding her. They stayed by Aerlid’s tent for a long time. Despite Vann’s presence, Riley could not relax. She needed to know.

  It was dark when Lillia awoke.

  As soon as Vann noticed her moving he was instantly by her side, calling her name.

  ‘Vann?’ Lillia said shakily. ‘What happened?’

  ‘Are you ok?’ he asked.

  ‘Y-yes, I’m fine.’ and she sat up. ‘I feel a bit tired, that’s all.’ Hearing that, Vann leant back from her in relief.

  ‘May I ask you some questions?’ Aerlid interrupted.

  ‘Huh?’ Lillia turned. ‘Yes, of course.’

  She patiently answered all of Aerlid’s seemingly simple questions. When he was done she asked, ‘why are you asking me these things?’

  Aerlid sighed. ‘You were hit very hard on the head, but you seem fine. Excuse me, I’d like to get some rest now.’

  Riley gave him her permission to go and he gingerly moved into his tent. Lillia looked at Riley accusingly.

  ‘It wasn’t her.’ Vann said, then, anger leaching into his voice he said ‘It was Ellis.’


  Vann was quiet for a moment. ‘But now I have some questions for you.’ and his voice was hard and edged with anger.


  ‘Lillia, what were you doing with me?’

  ‘Huh- oh… Vann, I had nothing to do with it, I swear. A man came, he was- he had blonde hair and blue eyes-’

  ‘Ellis!’ Vann jumped to his feet.

  ‘What- the man who hit me?’ Lillia asked.

  Riley was already walking away. She seemed very calm.

  Vann heard her ask Karesh where Ellis was.

  A moment later Riley returned, looking annoyed. ‘He’s not here. Adila will find him for me.’ she said ominously.

  ‘I’m sorry, Riley.’ Vann suddenly said.

  Riley didn’t say anything.

  ‘What about everyone else?’ Lillia was asking.

  ‘They’re waiting back at the planes for you.’ Vann replied, his voice harsh again. ‘We’ll find somewhere for you to stay for now, tomorrow morning we’ll take you back to the planes.’

  Vann left Lillia shortly after that to find Riley, who had wandered off. He found her standing at the edge of the camp, staring out at the forest.

  ‘Are you ok?’ he asked gently as he put his arms around her.

  She was fiddling with her necklace. She always wore it, though it was under her shirt when she fought or hunted.

  ‘No.’ she snapped. ‘They took you, Vann. Ellis betrayed me and I let him!’

  ‘It’s not your fault-’

  ‘It is!’

  Vann didn’t saying anything to that. He waited until she was silent before he said, ‘it’s not.’

  Riley sighed angrily but she didn’t reply.

  ‘I almost got your friend killed too.’ Riley added after a while.

  ‘Lillia’s fine. I feel a little angry at her too, but I guess that’s not fair.’

  Riley didn’t reply. Then she said, ‘you were just worried.’

  ‘I was.’ he admitted. ‘But she shouldn’t even have come here.’

  There was silence. Vann could feel that Riley was still angry and tense. But he couldn’t help smiling as he held her.

  She noticed though, Vann could tell from the way she shifted irritably.

  ‘Hey,’ he chided gently.

  ‘Why are you happy?’ she demanded.

  ‘I like being like this with you.’

  She didn’t say anything.

  ‘We can deal with everything tomorrow.’

  ‘Mm…’ He felt some of the tension start to ease from her.

  ‘We don’t need to worry about anything tonight.’

  A moment passed. Then she sighed, ‘ok’, and finally relaxed in his arms.

  The next morning Adila walked into the camp with Ellis beside her. As soon as Riley saw him all the anger returned. Vann had to physically restrain her from launching herself at Ellis. It wasn’t that he had anywhere near the physical strength to stop her, she just didn’t want to hurt him.

  Ellis was pale and trembling. He didn’t say anything.

  Riley fell still in Vann’s arms. She looked over at Karesh and ordered, ‘get the council! I want him dead.’

  Vann might have been angrier at seeing Ellis, but Riley was angry enough for the both of them. As the
council was hastily convened, Vann tried to calm Riley.

  As the council was being gathered Rose approached Vann and Riley.

  ‘I see you have found the culprit.’

  Vann nodded, stopping Riley from launching into a tirade.

  Rose turned her gaze on Riley. ‘I see you’re very angry. Your anger is going to bias the judgement of the council. They won’t give Ellis the same punishment as someone who kidnapped someone other than Vann.’

  Riley glared at her.

  ‘I offer my services as a judge.’

  Riley looked so surprised some of her anger faded. ‘You want to judge him?’

  Rose nodded.

  Riley was silent for what seemed a long time. The council was assembled while she thought and struggled with her emotions. She looked over at them. Finally she said reluctantly. ‘Perhaps that would be best…’ she closed her eyes. ‘But then I’ll just be taking away their ability to make decisions…’

  ‘I can show them my judgement.’ Rose replied, having waited in uncharacteristic patience.


  ‘It’s not something we like to do, a judgement reveals far more about a person than just their crime. But I can show them my judgement, and if they make a decision quickly enough, they will decide based on that and not on your anger. It works a bit like what Aerlid is doing with the sheets and his knowledge.’

  Riley thought about that for a moment. ‘Very well. You show the council your judgement. They’ll make a decision, and I will abide by it.’

  ‘I would prefer not to be present while they present their decision.’

  Vann didn’t quite understand, but he saw from Riley’s face she did. And so he didn’t ask.

  ‘Unfortunately,’ Riley said, ‘death is not the penalty for kidnapping or attempted murder. But you can leave whenever you like. And… I guess I should thank you.’

  The council was soon organized. The procedure was explained to them. And then Rose placed a seed in Ellis’s hand. It grew, covering him in roses. And then when it was done she plucked the roses from the plant and placed them in front of the council. The council members all went still and stiff.

  And then it was over. Rose unravelled the plant from Ellis, likely to plant it somewhere, and left while the council quietly discussed.

  Karesh was the one who went and asked for their decision, Riley stayed out of sight.

  ‘This man is guilty of attacking and kidnapping a member of the tribe and grievously hurting an outsider.’ one of the council members said. ‘We are all in agreement on that. But we also feel he cannot be trusted, that he will try again.’

  Ellis blanched. He made an objection but was quickly silenced.

  ‘We can’t kill him; that is reserved for murder. But he can’t stay here. He must be exiled from the tribe. Whenever he tries to come close he must be chased away. That is our decision.’

  Grimly satisfied Riley went to speak to Aerlid about sending Ellis back to where he came from.

  Later that day Riley and Vann escorted Lillia back to the planes.

  Riley held Vann’s hand tightly and she did not speak.

  Vann seemed perfectly content with this, Lillia seemed a little uncomfortable.

  When they arrived at the planes they found Azra standing outside waiting, surrounded by most of the soldiers. They wore SIGPEWs, but they were not pointed at them.

  Riley trembled, Vann squeezed her hand. To Lillia he said, ‘go on.’

  She nodded and quickly walked the distance between the two groups.

  ‘You may all leave.’ Riley said, her voice very hard and cold. ‘Vann is safe, and unfortunately justice does not suit me right now. So you may all leave. You have a message to deliver for me.’

  That was all she said.

  The humans waited awkwardly for a moment. And then they all slowly boarded the planes. Riley and Vann walked away.

  Once they were away Vann said, ‘we’ll never be able to make peace if we insist on revenge.’

  She sighed, ‘I know.’

  Chapter 70

  Despite her anger, Riley waited a few days after Ellis’ judgement before starting the next part of the plan. The Astarians would get their time to prepare.

  When she felt she had waited long enough, she went to speak to Aerlid.

  ‘I need to talk to a dragon in the Land of the Ehlkrid.’

  ‘And you want me to take you?’ Aerlid asked.

  ‘No. I want you to bring him here, and I will talk to him here. Then I want you to go get the Ehlkrid King, and I will speak to him.’


  ‘I don’t want your opinion, Aerlid, I just want you to do it. Adila will let you out.’

  Aerlid sighed. ‘Very well. Is it too much to ask that you be careful?’

  Riley regarded him coolly. ‘Do you know the dragon ehlkrid? He lives near the King’s cave.’

  ‘I think I can find him.’

  ‘Fine.’ she looked up, her gaze going to Aerlid. ‘You’ll leave now then.’

  The next day a large, black shape flew over the campsite. Riley, seeing it, quickly ran out past the edge of the camp. She followed the dragon, which flew above, to a clearing where he landed.

  strange one! you asked for me.

  ‘Yes, can you talk a bit softer?’

  is this better?

  ‘Thank you. Dragon, I have a plan, but I need your help.’

  what do you need?

  ‘My people will head to a place just outside a big city. The King will attack the city. I need you to have the ehlkrid gather with my tribe. I need them to stay there peacefully and wait.’

  you think the city will kill the King?

  ‘Something like that. Can you do it?’

  how many ehlkrid do you need?

  ‘All of them. I won’t ask them to attack the King. I just need them to wait.’

  very well. it will not be easy, but i will do what you ask.

  The Dragon tensed, and then he leapt into the sky. Black wings beat strongly, sending gusts Riley’s way and ruffling the leaves on the trees. Soon, he was gone.

  Riley returned to the campsite, one hand idly playing with her necklace.

  She saw Vann and smiled.

  ‘How did it go?’ he asked.

  ‘The Dragon will do as I ask. Now I just have to speak to the King.’

  She was silent for a moment.

  ‘What is it?’ he asked, touching her elbow.

  ‘I’m probably going to get my friends killed.’

  Vann didn’t say anything- he could not deny that. But he did not let go of her.

  Riley smiled at him, it was an uncertain smile. She felt ill. Razra’s face flashed into her mind, and Jillia’s and the faces of her old unit.

  ‘I don’t know any other way.’

  ‘I know.’ and he hugged her.

  Riley shook her head. They’d been over this a thousand times. There was still time to give up on this plan.

  ‘Is everybody ready to move?’ she asked, her tone business like. It would take a bit over a month for the tribe to reach Astar, as they could not travel as fast as Riley could on her own.

  ‘Everyone knows where they’re going. We’re just waiting on your word.’

  Riley nodded. ‘Have Karesh’s group,’ which consisted of those who would not be fighting, as well as some warriors to protect them, ‘leave now. I want you to go with them.’



  ‘No, Riley, I’m staying with you.’ and he took her hand. ‘We’re doing this together.’

  A few days later, Aerlid returned, the King at his side.

  The camp was smaller now. Karesh’s group had already left, heading for Astar, but away from the fighting. They would be close enough to summon quickly, but far enough to be safe.

  ‘Hello.’ Riley greeted the King, not commenting on his promptness.

  He narrowed his dark eyes at her. ‘Why do you want to talk to me?’

lla is gone. There is no need for you to fight anymore.’

  ‘I beg to differ.’

  ‘I want peace, but I’m not afraid of a fight.’ and she smiled. ‘Do you want to hear what I have to say or not?’

  ‘Very well, what is it?’

  ‘I am feared by your people more than you now. I’ve done what you never could.’

  His gaze sharpened.

  ‘But there’s something even I can’t do. There are a people stronger than me.’


  ‘And I want you to fight them.’

  ‘You want me to go off and start a fight? If that’s your definition of peace, I’m all for it.’

  ‘You do me a favour, and I will serve you willingly. And the world will fear you again, the ehlkrid will flee from you faster than they do from me.’

  He regarded her coolly, looking for the trap. But this was not a man accustomed to losing.

  ‘How did you kill Andalla?’ he asked.

  ‘I chopped off his head.’


  ‘I convinced him to let me. He even made the sword for me.’

  ‘And do you now seek to trick me?’

  ‘What trick? I’m asking you to defeat a bunch of people who tried to kill me. I tricked one man, King, I cannot trick an entire people. I want them dead, and I cannot do it myself. I need you.’

  ‘Perhaps you think they’ll win.’

  ‘So the King of the Ehlkrid is afraid.’

  Riley could see from his eyes that he saw what she was doing. But that didn’t change the fact that he was the King of the Ehlkrid, and he could fear no one.

  ‘Very well.’ he finally said. ‘I’ll destroy these people. Every last man, woman and child. Where are they?’

  Riley described Astar to him.

  ‘And where will you be?’

  ‘I will be watching. And I’ll be waiting to finish the job if you screw it up.’

  ‘That’s not what I’d worry about if I were you.’ and with a sharp smile he flapped his own wings, smaller than the dragon’s, and took off.

  Riley waited, watching him leave. And then she looked at Aerlid. ‘Do you think he’ll do it?’

  ‘He doesn’t trust you, but he will. He is the King after all. He won’t keep you around afterwards though, Riley. He won’t take that risk.’


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