Talk of the Town

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Talk of the Town Page 3

by Tanya Ridley

  I looked at the clock on my dresser and smiled. “Damn, it’s only twelve-thirty. I can’t believe her ass is up already,” I said to myself. When I finally opened the door Mya walked in like she owned the place.

  “Why you got me waitin’ outside so fuckin’ long? You know I hate to sweat, now my hair is all fucked up,” she said, lightly punching me on the arm. “I know your ass wasn’t still sleep. You know I think you need some dick to wake you up every morning, fuck an alarm clock.”

  I laughed and placed my hands of my hips. “For your ghetto ass information, I’ve been up doing hair since eight o’clock.”

  “Oh, yeah well maybe you can do something to this frizzy ass shit,” Mya replied, rubbing her hands over her hair.

  I ignored her request, because for some reason I wasn’t in the mood to fight with Mya’s uncontrollable hair at the moment. Mya had what most people called, good hair, but it was always frizzy. “So, how did it go last night?”

  “It was great. I did my thing as usual, but I’m gettin’ tired of that niggah, because he always wants to be all over me after we fuck. You know how I need my space,” she stated, being loud and ghetto. “That niggah acts like I’m his fuckin’ wife wit’ that cuddling shit.”

  “Mya, you’re so crazy,” I replied.

  “I swear Diamond, niggahs around your way be actin’ like they’ve never seen pussy before. As I was gettin’ out my truck niggahs were lookin’ at me like Jesus was walkin’ through the projects or something. I mean damn, they were makin’ me nervous. I’m gonna end up shooting a couple of those fools if they come at me wrong,” she stated with authority.

  Looking at the tight booty shorts she wore, and the snug red t-shirt that accentuated her breasts, I could understand why the guys outside were probably undressing her with their eyes.

  “Calm down, Mya. What do you expect if you come out here looking like you about to start swinging around a pole? And stop acting like you don’t like it, because your ass craves for the attention, that’s why you dress the way you do.”

  Mya smiled. “So true…so true.”

  “Well stop complaining all the damn time, hoe,” I said jokingly.

  “Yeah I may be a hoe, but at least I’m a paid hoe,” she responded. “Anyway, where you stash that niggah’s shit?”

  “In my bedroom closet, I was just about to call you.”

  “Well, I’m here, so let’s do this so I can go shoppin’. I need to get my party on tonight.”

  We went to my room and I pulled the suitcase out my closet and dumped the contents on my bed for the second time.

  “Oh my goodness, my pussy just got wet staring at all this,” Mya said. “Damn, that niggah had taste. They doin’ it big up in Philly, huh?”

  I nodded my head. “I guess so. I was just saying the same thing.”

  “Yeah, he woulda definitely got some of this pussy if he wasn’t such an asshole. What a waste of dick.”

  First, we divided up about thirty thousand dollars worth of jewelry, then split the cash. I agreed to let Mya have the coke, because she had people who could move it. Ever since my brother got locked up, I was never interested in the drug game, and besides I wasn’t greedy. In the end, I had about twenty five thousand from the hit, so I was satisfied. That was more than enough to pay off some bills, go shopping, and more importantly invest in my salon.

  “Diamond, what you doin’ tonight?” Mya asked, putting the new items inside her denim Louis Vuitton bag.


  “I got us another score,” she replied.

  I’m never gonna get any rest. “So soon?” I asked.

  “Of course, you know I stay on this money!” she responded with a smile. “Did you think we were on vacation or some shit?”

  “No, I just didn’t think we would do a job back to back, that’s all. So who’s the victim this time?” I asked.

  “This white boy from Buckhead, who’s so fuckin’ paid. He owns a few restaurants downtown, and a club down in Miami. He’s into other things too, but I don’t have the rundown yet. He’s a baller, Diamond. I know we can get this dude for an easy hundred thousand a piece. But I need for you to be the front girl.”

  “Again, why me? I thought we were supposed to take turns.”

  “Well normally we would, but I heard this dude is into Puerto Rican type chicks, and since you could pass for one, I know he’s gonna love you.”

  I looked at her with a frown. “What about you? You’re damn near white yourself.”

  “Honey, I’m far from a Spanish chick. You’re the one with the beautiful complexion.”

  I hesitated for a moment before I continued. After the Sky incident the night before, I kinda wanted a break before being the front girl again. I wanted to wait at least a week. “What’s his name?” I asked in a low tone.

  “They call him Scottie, but I don’t know if it’s his real name. He’s cute for a white boy. I know for sure that he’s gonna be at Visions tonight doin’ his thing.”

  “But look at my eye, Mya. I can’t be seen like this!”

  “Girl, just throw on some sunglasses, and you’ll be good. A niggah ain’t gonna give a fuck about your eye when he’s starin’ at that ass, and thinkin’ about pussy,” she stated with a bold tone.

  I looked hesitant, thinking that it was still too soon, but Mya was straight hood, and didn’t give a fuck about risk or chances. All she saw was paper and opportunity.

  “C’mon, this is major mutha-fuckin’ paper we talkin’ about. You can open up two fuckin’ salons after we hit this dude,” she continued, trying her best to encourage me.

  “Okay, I’m in. But after this, we need to chill for a minute. I don’t wanna make it too hot for myself. We live in this town too, Mya,” I replied. “I keep telling your ass we shouldn’t shit where we eat.”

  “I know, but do you think I actually give a fuck about these niggahs out here? We need to ride this shit until we fall back.”

  I knew once Mya had her mind set there was nothing I could do or say to convince her otherwise. Even if I would’ve told her no, she probably would’ve found someone else to take my place. Mya and I went over a few more details before she headed out the door. When she left, I looked outside my window thinking to myself. This game was cool for now, but I had dreams that I wanted to see happen.

  Several minutes after going over my future plans in my head, my phone rang interrupting my thoughts. After answering it, I realized that I had another hair appointment at three. Even though I was tired, doing hair wasn’t a problem for me. It kept me busy and most of all, focused. I even enjoyed hearing all the gossip that was told to me by every woman who sat in my kitchen chair. They talked about everything, from their cheating boyfriends, their kids, to who was fuckin’ who around the way, and the craziest topic, who was gay. I probably knew every man on the down low in Atlanta. People could waste their money on magazines or newspapers, but the best resources in the world, were gossiping women.

  Chapter 3


  At eleven p.m., I was in my white convertible Toyota Solara cruising down 85 South, on the way to Visions nightclub. I loved convertible cars and couldn’t wait until I stacked enough money to buy the new 650i BMW. Every so often I would go to the dealership and drool over the stunning vehicle.

  When I arrived, the place was packed with people waiting to get inside. I guess some people got tired of waiting and decided to move the party outside because I could barely drive through the large crowd. I parked my car, and stepped out in my sexy cream Nicole Miller halter dress that hugged my body in all the right places. If I wanted to make an impression on this Scottie guy, I had to start with a gorgeous appearance. I had decided not to take Mya’s suggestion about the sunglasses in order to cover my eye, but had applied tons of makeup. I didn’t want Scottie to think that I was being abused.

  As I walked toward the club, the line seemed even longer to get in and stretched down the street like a damn slinky. I knew I wasn’t ab
out to play myself and stand in the back, so I strutted my way up to the front entrance to see if any of the bouncers I knew were at the door. When I passed by all the losers standing in line, I could hear several men trying their best lines on me. I had to laugh when I heard one of them say “Damn, I’m glad I’m not blind because you’re fine as hell.” I’d never heard that one before. I didn’t even entertain the comment and continued toward the club.

  When one of the bouncers saw me coming, he smiled. “Diamond, I had a feeling that you were gonna show up tonight. It’s too much money inside for you to stay home, right?” Brian joked.

  “Why did you say that?” I responded, trying to act offended. “I’m just here to get my party on.” I lied.

  “Yeah right,” he responded.

  I turned back around and looked at the crowd. “It’s packed out here tonight. What’s going on?”

  “This is the after party for the Bank Roll concert. Petey Pablo is hosting it.”

  Even more ballers to choose from. “Oh, so that’s why these money hungry tramps are out here.” I stood in front of Brain, who looked at me like I had some nerve by saying that. Brain was a handsome six-four, muscular brotha that had a thing for me since we both worked at Body Tap. I was close to him, but it was strictly platonic. Brian and I always had an arrangement. At Body Tap he would put me on to all the dudes with paper before any of the other girls could get to them, and in return I would introduce him to some of my freaky girlfriends like Alaina and Mya.

  I stood behind the red velvet rope and barked, “So what’s up, Brian, you gonna have me standing out here all night, or do I gotta get Mya on your ass.”

  “Shit, is she comin’ up here?” he asked with a frown.

  “Maybe, why, do you miss her?” I joked.

  “Man, hell no. You better keep that crazy bitch away from me. The last time I got wit’ that, she damn near snapped my dick off. You would’ve thought she was tryin’ to win a race. That girl needs help, she’s too damn freaky. I ain’t into that S&M shit.”

  The other bouncers laughed including me. Shit, if Mya was too much for Brian, then she had some serious issues, because I heard Brain liked it rough.

  “Get your ass inside, Diamond and behave yourself,” he said, removing the rope.

  “I always do,” I returned, and strutted passed the bouncers like the diva I was.

  Once inside, I noticed that it was even more crowded, than I thought. The place was so packed you could barely move. I watched as the crowd went wild, when the popular DJ Smooth played ‘Get Low’ by Lil’ Jon. After shaking my bare ass in front of hundreds of men as a stripper, dancing was the last thing I wanted to do when I went out, so I made my way to the bar. I seemed to catch every man’s attention as I navigated my way through the thick crowd. I wasn’t as nervous from the score the night before, but I wanted to get a drink so I could blend in with the crowd, just in case the white boy saw me first.

  I was at the bar for less than a minute, when a guy came up to me and offered to buy me a drink. Reluctantly I accepted, and decided to hold a conversation with him. As I sat there and listened to him go on forever about his job as a record producer, I realized he was very attractive and well dressed, but I had to remain focused because he wasn’t my target.

  I decided to scan the room for the white boy that resembled the description Mya had given me. Luckily for me, there weren’t too many white boys in the club, especially cute and rich, so it was easy to weed out the crowd.

  I cut my conversation with Mr. Unknown short when I noticed a small entourage of men making their way over to the V.I.P section. As I continued to look, I quickly noticed a white guy in an expensive looking suit walking with the same group of men. That has to be him, I thought. He was tall, about five-eleven, and sported a short spiky hair cut. He looked like money and I admired his style.

  “Thanks for the drink, but I have to run,” I said to Mr. Record Producer.

  “Wow, so soon. Well, can I at least get your number?” he asked.

  I looked back and noticed the entourage of men were almost to the V.I.P. door, and I hadn’t made my move yet. “Umm, sure but let me run to the ladies room first,” I replied. I didn’t even wait for his response before I turned around and walked away.

  I quickly made my way toward the group of men, with my Apple Martini clutched in my hand. I had to quickly think of a scheme to get the white guy’s attention. I didn’t want to come off desperate for his attention and look like a fuckin’ groupie. That was the last thing I needed him to think. I needed to do this without playing myself somehow.

  Luckily when I got closer, Scottie still hadn’t reached the V.I.P from all the people who were stopping him, so I still had time to go in for the kill. It was now or never. As Scottie turned around I pushed myself forward, tripping over him and spilling my drink. He quickly caught me in his arms and I acted as if I was so embarrassed.

  “Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” I apologized. “Some asshole just pushed me. Damn, I spilled my drink all over you.”

  “It’s okay,” he responded with a smile. “It happens.”

  “I’m so clumsy. Let me get you a napkin.”

  “No, I’m good. I have three more of these at home,” he stated.

  “Well, send me the cleaning bill, it’s the least I can do.”

  “Nah, don’t worry it’s an old suit anyway. Like I said, accidents happen. I’ll give it to charity tomorrow.”

  Damn, give it to charity. That suit looks like Armani. After apologizing a few more times, Scottie stared at me for several seconds without saying a word. It was if he was looking at me for the very first time.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I’m fine,” he responded, never taking his eyes off me.

  Indeed you are, I thought gazing into his beautiful green eyes. “Well, thanks for not blowing up about this. You’re a true gentleman.”

  When I attempted to leave, I felt him grab my arm gently. “Um, you’re not in a rush, are you?”

  “Why did you change your mind about me cleaning the suit?”

  “No, not that. I just want to know if I can have the pleasure of knowing your name?” he asked with such charm.

  In my mind I could hear Mya telling me the rules of the game, so I had to come up with something. “Dee and yours?”


  “Nice to meet you, Scottie.”

  “Listen, I was just on my way to the V.I.P, would you like to join me?” he asked so smoothly.

  I hesitated for a moment. I already knew my answer, but I didn’t want him to think I was too anxious. “Hey, I owe it to you for ruining your suit, so sure I would love to join you.”

  He smiled and extended his hand as a sign that he wanted me to walk first. As I took my place in front of him, I thought his gesture could mean one or two things. That he was a true gentlemen or that he was trying to look at my ass from behind. Either way, I liked it. Phase one was already in action.

  Once inside, Scottie introduced me to his crew, and everybody looked like they had money. Mya would be on cloud nine if her ass was here right now. When he finished introducing me to his friends, we found a private section of the room and sat down on a comfortable red chaise. I made sure I sat with class.

  “So, I assume you came alone tonight, Dee?” he asked, pouring me a glass of Veuve Clicquot.

  “Yeah, my girlfriend was supposed to meet me tonight, but as you can see…”

  “Hey, everything happens for a reason,” he said.

  “So Scottie, if you don’t mind me asking, what is it that you do for a living?” Fuck all the small talk, I came here for business.

  “No, I don’t mind at all. I own a few restaurants here in Atlanta, and also own a few clubs in South Beach. Have you ever been to Miami?”

  “Actually no, I haven’t,” I said embarrassed. It was crazy how Mya and I had never even thought about traveling or getting out of the hood before.

  “Well I would lo
ve for you to come down sometimes, as my guest, and even bring a friend if you’d like. I know you would have a wonderful time,” he replied.

  “Thanks, I would love too.”

  He flashed a sexy smile. “So, what does a beautiful woman like yourself do?” he asked.

  “Well I’m into a little bit of this and that, but more importantly I’m trying to get paid like you.” He probably thought I was joking, but little did he know I was serious as a heart attack.

  He smiled again. “With beauty like yours, it shouldn’t be hard.”

  “So, I see you’re into black chicks,” I said boldly.

  “I love the sistahs,” he admitted.

  I admired his honesty. “And why is that?”

  “The attitude, the look, everything about a black woman is so exotic and tasteful. Black women are some of the finest women on the planet,” he stated gladly.

  I smiled. “You probably just like black girls because we have big asses and white girls are flat as ironing boards.

  “Actually, I’m a brain over beauty type of guy, but I must say, Dee; you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. So right now you could be dumb as hell and I wouldn’t even care.”

  I began to blush. “You need to stop flirting with me white boy.”

  He smiled again exposing a set of teeth that looked like they cost a fortune, his smile was contagious. Scottie was certainly a nice piece of eye candy, with his clean shaven face. I also liked the fact that he wasn’t too flashy. The only piece of jewelry he wore was a huge diamond studded earring in his left ear. He had class, but definitely had a little thug in him. He was so smooth, that if I closed my eyes, I would’ve sworn I was talking to a black guy.

  We began talking about everything, the business that he was in, a little bit about himself and even about interracial dating.

  Scottie told me all of his old girlfriends were black or Spanish and had been in some form of the entertainment business, whether it was modeling, acting or singing. He also told me that he was originally from New York, and only seemed to date girls who were stuck on themselves, but that I seemed different.


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