Sword of Order (Warrior of Souls Book 0)

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Sword of Order (Warrior of Souls Book 0) Page 11

by S Mays

  It was months after the death of her mother. Her father had to attend a meeting with the Council of Overseers, due to the loss of her mother as the Farm’s secondary Stalker, but he did not want to leave Jessica with Bilford so soon after her mother’s death. After he finished, he had spent the day with her, visiting many of the primary tourist attractions in several cities. Although, instead of the usual history, he had relayed supernatural events from the annals of the Order.

  “In 1683, an ice elemental fused with the river Thames, magnifying the elemental’s power and range. It nearly froze the entire city solid. Your grandfather was called in to assist with that event. I don’t know what we’d do without his magical expertise. It’s a shame that you did not inherit his aptitude for magic,” her father had said at the time, looking over the river from the Queen Elizabeth II Bridge.

  Jessica smiled at the memory. She couldn’t recall many memories like that with her father. Even family vacations had been about duty and service. The trip had lasted only one day, because he did not want to neglect his responsibilities back home. Jessica remembered the change in her father after her mother’s death. He had become colder — more focused on the Order’s mission. He also became far more protective of Jessica, attempting to dissuade her from the path she was now following.

  Their cloaked aircraft flew over the city of Rome and descended toward a large, flat rock in the countryside. Night had begun to fall, casting long shadows about the beautiful countryside. The rock split in two, creating an opening into the hillside. They landed in the hangar between two craft which were of similar design to theirs, but there were subtle differences.

  Each branch of the Order customized their weaponry and ships to suit their individual tastes. The European branches were a bit more concerned about environmental causes and fuel efficiency. They also stood on formality and tradition more than their North American brethren.

  They exited the craft, which was powering down for refueling. It would return to the Farm as soon as it was ready, in case the squad needed it for an intercept mission. One of the Italian branch’s aircraft would take them home.

  A rotund man with dark hair and a mustache approached them with arms wide.

  “Bilford! It has been so long since I last saw you, my friend! Welcome back to our great country!” the man said, smiling.

  “Overseer Moretti, it is good to see you again,” Bilford said, opening his arms to return the man’s embrace. The man kissed Bilford on each cheek. Bilford returned the greeting.

  Moretti then noticed Sam.

  “Buona sera, Mr. King! I hope you do not plan to create any trouble on this trip,” Overseer Moretti said, casting an admonishing look at Sam.

  “No, sir! This time we’re here on business, and there won’t be any trouble at all. I’m just lookin’ forward to checking out your delicious restaurants while we’re here, and doing some sightseein’. Any restaurants you want to suggest? Maybe ones with a bar? And maybe a dance floor?” Sam said.

  “Yes! I know all of the best places. We’ve had almost no supernatural activity in weeks, so it will be no trouble to take you myself.” It sounded as if Overseer Moretti had been told to supervise his American guests.

  “And you. You must be the beautiful Jessica. I have heard much about you. You are here to take the Stalker test, no? You will do fine,” he said in a softer tone, moving to kiss Jessica’s cheeks. She began to protest, but remembered Faith’s advice on blending in. A Stalker had to observe local customs to be successful. She returned his embrace and kisses, then spoke to him in Italian.

  “Thank you for your hospitality, Overseer Moretti. I’ve heard your branch is one of the most successful in Europe. I am sure it is a result of your fine leadership skills,” she said.

  His eyes grew wide at her complimentary greeting uttered in his native language. “My word, you are a lovely young woman. Please, follow me. I will personally accompany you into town for dinner. Nothing but the best for my friends! And please, call me Alberto,” he gushed, ushering them out of the hangar bay.

  They drove into town down the winding country roads. Jessica imagined they must use their aircraft for intercept missions more than their vehicles. The twisting roads would hamper their speed, and many of the streets through town were very narrow. The city was stunning at night. She wasn’t one for sightseeing, but even she had to admit it was breathtaking. The atmosphere was very different from the cities in the United States. More relaxed. They soon arrived at the restaurant Alberto had spoken of. He practically demanded that they sample almost everything on the menu.

  “No, thank you. Nothing heavy for me,” she said, turning aside many of the offered dishes.

  “Oh, yes, I almost forgot — your test. Forgive me. You would not want to overeat the night before. You will do fine. Once you have passed the test, you will have to sample more of our delicious cuisine!”

  Hours later, when they left the restaurant, they almost had to drag Sam out of the bar, where he had been talking to several women who were hanging on to his every word. “I’ll be back!” he shouted as Jessica and Bilford pushed him out the door.

  They drove back to the hidden Order base in the hills despite the pleas of Sam. A slight distance up the road was a massive mansion which was connected by tunnels to their underground operations center. Jessica was slightly jealous, thinking back to their humble home at the Farm.

  “I can see you are impressed! This home is very old. It is magnificent, is it not?” Overseer Moretti said, noticing her interest.

  “It is, indeed. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more impressive home,” she agreed, unwilling to offend their host.

  “I have had a wonderful time tonight. I look forward to watching your test tomorrow, Jessica. After your victory, I will show you more of our beloved city. For now, I bid you good night. Camilla will show you to your rooms,” Alberto said, bowing and motioning to a maid who was standing nearby.

  As they walked through the mansion, Jessica marveled at the stonework and decorations. The mansion was furnished with millions of dollars’ worth of decorations. It irked her that her father spent so much time and effort to procure funding for his research while other branches apparently used theirs for a lavish lifestyle.

  Her room looked as if it belonged in a private resort. She immediately unpacked her bag and showered. Afterward, she sat in the middle of her room, meditating and gathering her chi. She would most likely need every ounce of it for the test.

  A knock from her door broke her concentration.

  “Yes?” she asked, annoyed.

  Bilford entered. “I’m sorry to bother you, my girl, but I just wanted to make sure everything was okay. You weren’t very chatty tonight, and it seemed like you had a lot on your mind.”

  “Have you ever known me to be chatty, Grandfather?” she asked.

  He looked thoughtful for a moment before he laughed. “No, I don’t suppose so. You just seemed a bit pensive. Is there anything you’d like to talk about?”

  “No. I’m here to accomplish one task. I’ll pass this exam and then assume my duties as Stalker for our facility.”

  “I can’t believe we are here. It seems like just yesterday that you were playing those video games and jumping up and down, saying you were Princess —”

  Jessica interrupted him before he could say the name. “Yes, I recall. That was a long time ago, Grandfather. I’m a different person now.”

  He looked sad for a moment. “You’re only sixteen. That was ten years ago. Ten years to one who has lived over a thousand years seems like a month. You are growing up so fast.”

  “Please, Grandfather, can we talk about this another time? I have to accumulate chi.”

  “Always with the chi accumulation. A few words of wisdom are worth all of the chi in the world,” Bilford teased. He bent down to kiss her on the forehead and turned to leave.

  “Grandfather?” she asked, causing him to pause.

  “Yes, my girl?”

>   “I appreciate all you’ve done for me over the years. I will make you proud tomorrow and bring honor to the Luvkrafft name.”

  He smiled. “Yes, I know you will.”


  The next morning, they dined in the banquet hall within the mansion. A spread of fresh fruit, pastries, juice, and espresso welcomed them. Jessica was used to the heavy breakfasts Hilda made at the Farm, which included bacon, sausage, biscuits, and eggs. Sam looked crestfallen.

  “Well, guess I needed to lose a few pounds anyhow,” he grumbled, stacking his plate high with the assorted pastries. As an afterthought, he grabbed a single slice of melon.

  “After breakfast, I will take you on a tour of our estate, then, after a light snack, it will be time to head to the Colosseum,” Alberto said.

  “Wouldn’t that be around the time we should leave for the test? I don’t think we will have time for sightseeing,” Jessica said, wondering if he’d forgotten the reason they were there.

  He laughed heartily before replying. “Yes! That is why we will go there. The test is at the Colosseum!”

  Jessica furrowed her brow, attempting to figure out how her Stalker test was going to take place at a public tourist attraction. Alberto let her suffer for a moment before revealing the truth.

  “We will take the subway from our main facility. It leads to the underground portion of the Colosseum. Several stories below the public structure, there is the Stalker testing facility — or at least one of them. There are several more scattered around the world, but the Synod of Seven traditionally observe testing only at the Rome facility.”

  “They are attending my test?” Jessica asked, panic creeping into her voice. She hadn’t been aware that the heads of the organization would be in attendance.

  “Oh, yes. You were not informed?”

  “No…no, I wasn’t,” Jessica said, grimacing. The test would be stressful enough without the most powerful leaders of the Order observing her directly.

  “Now, let us enjoy a peaceful tour of our beautiful estate before the test begins,” Alberto said, motioning toward the front entry.

  Jessica paid no attention to Alberto’s words as the tour wound around the beautiful estate. Her thoughts swirled around the test she was about to undertake. If she failed, she would be relegated to being a regular agent — that was, if she survived. It would be up to her father to determine her place in the Order if she did not pass. She had no doubt he’d make her a lab assistant merely to keep her safe. Years of training for nothing. A cold wind reminded her it was still winter, even if she was almost five thousand miles from home. Before she knew it, they had circled back to the entrance of the mansion.

  “We’ll drive back to the bunker. We have a small underground shuttle that runs between here and there, but it only holds two,” Alberto explained.

  When they arrived at the bunker, they drove down the ramp into the main hangar, which also served as a garage. Jessica was surprised to see the whole facility platoon lined up in formation to greet them as they exited the vehicle. They saluted as the group passed.

  Alberto smiled. “They respect your courage and wish to honor you for your test. It is a tradition we follow here.”

  Jessica returned their salutes, attempting to hold back an embarrassed smile. She wasn’t used to attention. “I am honored by your gracious display. May God guide you in your holy mission,” she said to the gathered troops.

  “This way, please,” Alberto said, ushering the group down a hallway to an elevator. It was much older than the one at the Farm, perhaps from the sixties. They exited the elevator several floors below and walked down a maze of hallways until they came upon an underground hyperloop system. This, too, looked to be old, but the technology was still years ahead of what modern civilian scientists were developing.

  The pod had room for six people, with room to spare for gear and containers. “This is a fun ride,” Alberto said with glee, strapping himself in. The other passengers did the same. He lowered his hand toward the big red button, then paused for dramatic effect. “We are off!” he shouted.

  The pod exploded away from the platform, achieving a hundred miles an hour in seconds. Jessica felt as if her stomach were in her throat. She looked toward Sam, who had both of his hands over his mouth. His cheeks were bulging. Her grandfather just smiled, as if he’d been on the ride many times before. After a moment, they slowed to a stop, and the doors opened.

  “Have you anything like that in America?” Alberto asked.

  “Only in the damn amusement parks,” Sam said, gasping for air. He dashed out of the pod and leaned over the railing, but managed to gain control before he vomited.

  An attendant greeted them. Bilford signed the man’s tablet, and the group continued through the facility. The walls here had been carved directly from the stone in the ground. It was much older than the satellite compound from which they had just come. Shields, swords, banners, and plaques adorned the walls. Cases held trophies and awards from throughout the ages. Bilford stopped in front of one display, nodding for Jessica to follow his gaze. Inside sat a golden ornamental spell book. She looked at the book, then back at her grandfather questioningly. He nodded at it again. When she moved closer, hidden letters appeared on the book’s surface. Wizard of the Century: Bilford G. Luvkrafft - 1400-1500. There were several more golden books on display.

  “Yes, they are all mine. There’s not a lot of competition in the wizarding world these days, but a win is a win,” he admitted, chuckling. “Your father and mother have a few awards here too, but they are in the Stalker section. Your father is one of the few men who have almost as many trophies and awards for scientific achievements as he does for valor on the battlefield. After your test, we can visit them.”

  “I…I would like that very much,” Jessica admitted. She was in awe of the history and heritage on display. This was what it meant to serve the Order with honor.

  The next hall was lined with life-sized statues carved out of marble. Hundreds of warriors from throughout history. Her grandfather leaned against one of them.

  “Oh, this? This was carved around 1402,” he said, feigning humility.

  “It has a remarkable resemblance,” Jessica said, looking the statue over. A master craftsman had created it.

  “You come from a very prestigious line, Ms. Luvkrafft,” Alberto said. “These halls contain hundreds of mementos from your bloodline.”

  “Yes, and it would have been thousands if some of my sons and daughters over the centuries had not chosen normal lives. Not that I can blame them,” Bilford said.

  Jessica suddenly realized she had no idea how many children, grandchildren, or other relatives her grandfather might have had over his long lifespan. Her father had called Bilford “father” so as not to confuse Jessica when she was a child, but he was also a distant grandchild of the wizard.

  “I do not even know, myself,” Bilford said before she could ask. “Perhaps one of these days, I’ll take one of those ‘My Family History’ tests and give some poor technician a coronary.”

  Alberto looked at his watch. “I am sorry to interrupt, but we must be going.”

  They moved more quickly now, passing by numerous displays. Minutes later, they arrived at the center of the facility. They were greeted by a beautiful woman wearing a suit of body armor. Her long black hair cascaded down her shoulders. Two swords were strapped across her back, and she was carrying a submachine gun in a holster on her right thigh.

  “Greetings, Wizard Luvkrafft and company. I am called Adrianna. I am the testing coordinator for this facility,” she said coldly. Her eyes fell on Jessica. Walking around the young girl, she looked Jessica up and down as if inspecting a piece of merchandise. “Ms. Luvkrafft — I am pleased you are able to join us today. You are the youngest to ever take the test. I hope you are prepared.”

  Jessica didn’t like this woman’s attitude or tone. “I am completely prepared. When do we begin?”

  Adrianna chuckled. “You are an
xious, are you not? There are five tests scheduled for today. Yours is the final test. Your test will begin as soon as the current test has concluded…and the cleanup has finished.” There was an ominous undertone in her final statement. “I will show you to the preparation room, where you will change into your uniform and can stretch and prepare. I will call you when it is time.”

  She led Jessica to a nearby room which was a combination of a changing area and gym. “The uniform on this rack is yours. It was prepared using measurements obtained from your records. Be cautious. The uniform is designed for flexibility and movement, but it is not armored in any way. Do not assume it will protect you in combat.”

  “I understand,” Jessica said, removing the sleek black suit from the rack.

  “I will leave you to change. Feel free to prepare in any way you see fit,” Adrianna said before exiting the room. Something about the woman bothered Jessica. It was as if Adrianna was annoyed to have to interact with her, as if she were of a lower status.

  Jessica stripped and donned the skintight suit she had been given. Looking in the mirror on the wall, she blushed. It didn’t leave much to the imagination, accentuating her every curve. Was the test also a peepshow for dirty old men? She strapped Casca’s holster to her calf. She’d spent every available moment training with the amazing weapon, adjusting to the shorter length and near-weightlessness of it.

  Putting her concerns aside, she entered the gym area, where she stretched and lifted some of the lighter weights to prepare her joints and muscles for the contest, which would test her to her limits. After stretching, she drew Casca. “Casca: dissect,” she commanded. The sword quickly formed, its edge glowing faintly. She focused her chi into it, willing it to increase its power. The edge hummed louder as the edge’s light increased. She swung the blade about, practicing her strikes. She holstered Casca moments before the door opened.

  “It is time,” Adrianna said, entering the room. Again, she inspected Jessica. Smirking, she said, “You are a fine figure of a young woman. I hope you make it through the test today with your lovely body intact. It would be a shame to mar such beauty.”


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