Stepbrother Obsessed

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Stepbrother Obsessed Page 3

by Devon Hartford

  He motions with the beer can.

  I still can’t see his eyes through his shades, but my heart is hammering. I choke out the words, “Um… I’m only 18.”

  He grins, “So?”

  “You know the legal drinking age is twenty-one, right?” I hate to be the adult here, but I should at least point it out.

  “In the Netherlands the legal drinking age is zero.”

  “No it’s not,” I blurt.

  “Have you ever been there?” he smirks confidently.


  “Then how do you know?”

  I don’t know one way or the other. I hate to look ignorant, so I smirk, “Last time I checked, this is the U.S. Won’t you get in trouble for giving alcohol to a minor?”

  “Do you want the beer or not?”

  Roxanne says, “I’ll take it.” Somehow she snuck up beside me without me noticing. I guess she’s not in a hurry to leave all of a sudden?

  He tosses it toward her.

  Roxanne catches it and grins, “Thanks.” Roxanne has always been more of a risk taker than me.

  “De nada.” He smiles at me. “Here, you take one.” Before I can object, he tosses the beer at me.

  Surprised, I drop my water bottle and Peanut Butter M&Ms, which are probably mush by now, and grab for the beer like a first class spaz. I almost drop the can, but manage to hold on, preventing a frothy beer suds explosion.

  “Easy,” he chuckles.

  Now I feel stupid. I squat down and pick up my water and M&Ms. I’m not normally this much of a spaz. I was on JV Volleyball until my dad made me load up on AP classes junior year. He also expected me to keep my grades up. Between that and never getting the growth spurt I was hoping for, I quit the team. Anyway, I have good hands and I’m not a spaz. So I blame Mr. Miracle for throwing me off my game today.

  “You guys wanna help me drink them?” Mr. Miracle asks casually.

  “Here?” I snap.

  “Naw. Some place nice. Are there any good parks around here? Or maybe some trails? Some place with a good view where we can relax?”

  Why does it sound like he’s trying to get us alone and get us drunk so he can molest us? Not that I would mind. But a six pack isn’t going to get all of us stupid drunk. Rox and I are both good for two beers without losing our good sense. And Mr. Miracle is way too hot to be a molester, but this still seems weird.

  I glance at Rox for support.

  She’s looking all over the place. She does that when she’s nervous.

  I don’t know what to do.

  Sure, I’m tempted to jump into Mr. Miracle’s arms and tell him he can take me anywhere he wants, do anything with me he can dream of (as long as it involves orgasms and not murder), thereby fulfilling my wildest teenaged dreams. But I’m also very aware that Roxanne is with me, which nixes the wildest dreams part. I’m not into three-ways, at least I think I’m not. And let’s be real. I don’t know this guy. He just offered beer to a couple of high school girls.

  That’s bad, right?

  No matter how hot the guy is?

  Especially if somehow the cops get involved. That never looks good on your college transcript. Did I mention that I’ve been dreaming of going to SDU when I graduate, for like, ever? I really don’t want to screw up my chances of getting in by doing something stupid.

  A wicked smile lights up Rox’s face, “I have an idea!” She always does. “Do you want to go to Blazing Waters with us? Over in San Dimas? It’s a water slide park.”

  Mr. Miracle grins, “What… now?”

  “Yeah.” Roxanne tends to take the reins when it comes to adventuring. “Do you have a swimsuit?”

  He nods. “In my bag.”

  “You can follow us there.”

  His cheek dimples, “I could do a water park.”

  He could do me, I think but don’t say.

  “Really?” Roxanne beams.

  “Yeah.” He straps his backpack to his motorcycle with the red net.

  “You want to follow us?” Rox suggests, already climbing back into the Toyota. She isn’t wasting any time.

  Mr. Miracle swings a leg over his seat. “Yeah.”

  My heart is jumping all over the place as Rox drives the Toyota out of the parking lot. All I can think about is what lies beneath Mr. Miracle’s clothes.

  I’m going to see him in his bathing suit.

  The inside of my thighs are literally quivering with anticipation.

  Why, you ask?



  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  “OMG, Skye! Biker Boy is way too hot for his own good,” Roxanne marvels. “I’m having heart palpitations.” She squeezes her hand to her chest and giggles.

  “I call dibs!” I bark as we drive away from 7-Eleven. I watch Mr. Miracle in the side mirror. He’s following behind on his motorcycle.

  “No way!” Rox shouts. “I saw him first!”

  “No you didn’t!”

  “Did too! When he walked into 7-Eleven! You were lecturing me about my caffeine addiction or some nonsense. He is so mine!”

  Roxanne and I have never had a serious fight over a boy before. But this is a man. And there’s a first time for everything. I just hope it isn’t today. Rox seems really into him.

  I sigh, “Rox, there’s no way I’m letting a guy come between us. If you really want him, he’s yours.” I can’t believe I’m saying it, but when the words come out of my mouth, I know I mean them.

  I think.

  “You mean that?” she asks shrewdly.

  “Of course. Guys like him are everywhere.”

  She grins, “You are such a liar. Guys like him are nowhere. They don’t exist.”

  I laugh, “Then can I have him?”

  She chuckles, “You do want him, don’t you?”

  I sigh heavily. “Who wouldn’t.”

  “Thought so. I have an idea,” she says, eyes on the road.

  “When don’t you?” I giggle.

  “That’s why you love me. Cause I’m so much fun.”

  “So, what’s your idea?”

  “How about we let him pick.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We both know we’re going to be flirting with him like crazy at the water park all day, right?”

  “Yeah,” I grin. Although we’re both notorious flirts, usually the flirting is just for fun. This feels like it’s for real.

  She drums her fingers on the steering wheel. “The rule is, neither of us makes a move. Let him make the first move. Whoever he goes for first gets him.”

  “What if he doesn’t make any moves?”

  “Oh, he will. He already gave us these beers and invited us to go someplace secluded. This guy is a total player.”

  “What if he wants a threesome?” I gasp.

  “What if he does?” she giggles.


  She laughs. “I’d totally toss your salad, Skye.”

  “ROX!!!” This is news to me. We’ve never dabbled in diddling each other, but we are BFSFs. Best Friends Since Forever. Who am I kidding? I barely have any experience with guys. I’m not jumping into a threesome with my bestie. It sounds WAY too complicated.

  “Okay, no menage-a-twat,” she snickers. “Whoever he goes after first gets him. Can you handle that?”

  “I can if you can.” I say confidently. I don’t feel confident, but I play confident on TV. JK.

  “I know it’s going to be hard for you to keep your hands off him, but I promise I won’t do anything if you won’t. Deal?”

  I glance over at my best friend.

  A thick spray of dark curls spills out of her ponytail. When her hair is down, it’s this living thing with a mind of its own that guys love. They also love her delicate features and flawless skin. I don’t know how the hell she never has any zits, but she doesn’t. And her blue eyes are incredible. They’re so blue they are actually blue. Not muted, not pastel, but sky blue. I’ve never seen anyon
e with eyes like hers. You’d think with a name like Skye, I’d be the one with the sky blue eyes, but somehow Rox got them. Mine are just gray. Maybe we were switched at birth. I don’t know. Also, my hair is nowhere near as luxurious as hers. Right now it’s in a boring ponytail. My blonde hair is only shoulder length because it’s very fine, so it doesn’t grow much longer without breaking. I do have a wispy shag cut with long bangs, which looks good on me, but it doesn’t scream SEX!!! like Rox’s hair. Plus, mine takes way more work than hers if I want to wear it down.

  Anyway, between her looks, her outgoing personality and her body—it’s a work of art, believe me—she’s the shoe-in with Mr. Miracle. I’m not ugly by any stretch, but if you were to put Roxanne and me head to head in a beauty contest, I think most guys would prefer her. In a wet T-shirt contest, she would win every time. I’ve seen her boobs. She will never need to get implants. Me on the other hand…you never know.

  I sigh and gaze out the front window at the sun drenched foothills to the north. Twin Peaks and Mount Baldy are up there somewhere. Twin Peaks is also sitting right next to me. Groan. And Mount Baldy, because one time Rox gave herself a Brazilian wax job, but that’s another story entirely.

  “What?” Rox asks thoughtfully.

  “Nothing,” I lie and sigh. “We could turn around and go home, you know.”

  She cocks her head, “Do you really want to do that? Don’t you want to find out if he’s into you?”

  “What if he’s into you?”

  “Only one way to know for sure,” she says with a huge smile on her face.

  The one thing I know for sure is, if he’s not into Rox, she’ll be onto the next guy before the sun goes down. With any luck, she’ll find some hot guy at Blazing Waters first thing, then she’ll wander off with him. Here’s to luck.

  “Remember,” I smile back half-heartedly, “no matter who he picks, no hate from the other person.” I feel like I’m saying it to remind myself more than anything.

  “That’s totally fine because he’s going to pick me,” she giggles. “So don’t be jealous.” She giggles again, a bit more nervously than before. “Neither of us makes the first move, right?”

  “Pinky swear?” I hold up my finger.

  She hooks hers around mine. “Pinky swear,” she says with finality.

  As we drive east along the 210 freeway toward San Dimas and Blazing Waters, I feel electric anticipation crackling between us. Rox and I have had some squabbles over the years. No friendship is perfect. Luckily, our problems were never anything we couldn’t get over, even when it involved boy drama. I would never want to lose my best friend over a stupid guy.

  Roxanne is way too important to me.

  But Mr. Miracle is hot in a way that literally makes me crazy.

  Maybe this was a bad idea…

  Chapter 2

  “Do you mind if I leave my stuff in your trunk?” Mr. Miracle asks after we park in the crowded lot at Blazing Waters.

  He can leave anything of his anywhere he wants, but this is Roxanne’s mom’s car, so it’s her call.

  “Sure,” Roxanne says, opening the trunk.

  Mr. Miracle unstraps his backpack from his dusty black motorcycle and sets it in the trunk.

  I like the idea of Mr. Miracle leaving his stuff with us. It connects him to us. I don’t want him getting away. No matter who he picks. Especially if it’s me.

  He removes his shades and takes off his helmet, which he sets next to his bag. He runs his hand through his golden hair, pushing it out of his face.

  Oh my glob.

  His eyes are literally sparkling like gemstones. Maybe it’s the bright California sun, but I swear, if his emerald green eyes were set into gold bands, they’d make a fab pair of wedding rings.

  Did I say wedding?

  I’m getting way ahead of myself.

  Or not.

  Because Mr. Miracle is grinning at me like he’s the bashful one. Does this mean he’s picking me? I steal a glance at Rox, partially because that grin of his is making me squirm, and partially because I want to see what Rox is thinking.

  She’s watching his eyes closely and chewing her lower lip hungrily.

  My eyes are magnetically pulled back to Mr. Miracle as he stretches out of his leather jacket. The material of his T-shirt stretches over his muscles and lifts to give a glimpse of his rippled and tan stomach. The lines of his abs angle toward his jeans.

  Is he wearing underwear? I’m going with no, because I can see happy trail.

  Rox and I are both transfixed. It’s like a striptease and he’s not even undressing.

  He drops his jacket in the trunk. His tight T-shirt hugs his built body. Broad shoulders. Defined chest. Muscled arms. Both forearms are covered in tattooed flames that climb up to his elbows.


  “Gotta get my swimsuit,” Mr. Miracle says and leans into the trunk to fish through his bag. The flames on his forearms flicker as his fingers work through his backpack. His shirt inches up his sculpted back, which is defined with hard muscles. A minute later, he tugs out board shorts. “You mind if I change now?”

  “Yes,” I moan, not even sure what I’m saying. I’m fully prepared to answer every question he asks me with “Yes, yes,” and more “Yes!” You know what I mean.

  His brows knit together.

  “She means no,” Roxanne adds.

  He grins and nods. Without a second thought, he peels his T-shirt over his head.

  Oh. My. Abs.

  All eight of them writhe.

  I am hypnotized.

  Rox grabs my wrist and squeezes it.

  Yeah, we’re both freaking out.

  Normally, Rox and I would take off our shirts and shorts and drop them into the trunk before going into the park without a second thought. But I suddenly feel nervous about doing it in front of The Bod God.

  The Bod God, a.k.a. Mr. Miracle, a.k.a. Every Woman’s Flesh Fantasy, tosses his T-shirt on top of his bag in the trunk.

  I want to lunge for that shirt, bunch it up in my face, and inhale deeply. I want to take it home and stuff it in my pillow and cuddle with it every night from here until eternity.

  From the look on Rox’s face, she’s thinking the same thing.

  The Bod God sits on the back bumper of the Toyota and slides his boots off. Then his socks.

  Gawd, even his tan feet are sexy.

  I’m about to pass out.

  He stands up and reaches down to unbutton his jeans.


  That’s the sound of my and Rox’s jaws hitting the ground.

  The Bod God narrows his eyes. It is the sexiest look I’ve ever seen on a male member—I said member… giggle—of the species. His face makes that cocky dimple again. Cock!

  I am melting.

  I think Rox is having a stroke.

  “Aren’t you guys gonna change?” The Bod God asks.

  Rox and I respond by drooling.

  “I’ll change over here,” he says with a hint of bashfulness. He grabs his board shorts out of the trunk and walks around the side of the Toyota. Although there’s a big SUV parked next to it, and more cars all around, it’s not exactly a changing room at Target. Privacy is an afterthought.

  Rox and I stare at each other.

  I glance around the parking lot. Thousands of cars glint diamonds of sunlight in every direction. People walk from their cars toward the main entrance. Fortunately, no one notices us.

  But we are wide out in the open.

  “You can’t change out here!" I bark, leaning around Rox’s Toyota. “Everyone will see you!”

  He smirks, “You gonna stop me?” His pants are now officially unbuttoned and he’s about to push them down his thighs.

  “Uh…” Gulp!

  He arches an eyebrow. “Better stop me before I’m totally naked. People might freak out,” he quips.

  I’m too stunned to do anything.

  He teases his jeans down an inch.

  Root! I can see root!
Oh, holy hand job—I mean, I don’t know what I mean!

  I glance around frantically. He can NOT be pulling his pants off in the middle of a crowded parking lot! There are kids around! This is wrong! And yet so unbelievably right. I know, because Rox is hovering behind me, trying to get a better look, breathing heavily against the back of my neck.

  He grins, “Are you both gonna stand there and watch, or is one of you gonna help?”

  We are both speechless and paralyzed with naked desire.

  He chuckles, “Fine, I’ll do it myself.”

  I can’t take it. I forcefully spin myself and Rox around so our backs are to The Bod God.

  “You’re missing out,” he quips.

  Wow, could he be any more cocky? I hear his jeans flapping as he kicks them off.

  Something overtakes me. The overwhelming desire to peak. I can’t help it. In order to peak, I need to twist my head and neck around to get a good view. So I twist. I twist with purpose, I twist with conviction, I twist with everything I’ve got. Now I can peak.

  Flexing arms. Oh, those arms. A naked knee rises in the air and steps into the board shorts. The knee descends and—


  I see it!

  Just the profile, but I! SEE! IT!


  And it’s beautiful. And yes, he’s even more cocky than I ever would’ve guessed.

  When he lifts his other knee, his manhood shifts and turns in my direction.


  My breath catches in my throat. I’m choking on oxygen. My eyes attempt to jump out of my skull to get a better view.

  But in a flash, it’s gone, covered by swim trunks. He bends over to pick up his jeans. Any second, he’s going to look up and see us staring.

  The only problem is that Rox and I have both twisted around so far to blatantly voyeurize The Bod God, we’re both off balance. When I lurch forward, trying to straighten up, I bump right into Rox. She makes a choked “GLURP!” sound and I nearly knock her over. Somehow, we manage to regain our balance, but not without stumbling over each other like circus clowns.

  The Bod God snickers behind us.

  I want to shout, “WE DIDN’T SEE ANYTHING!!” But that would be a dead giveaway. The only thing I can think to do to hide my guilt is tear my T-shirt over my head like I was changing the whole time. Not peeping.


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