The Retreat

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The Retreat Page 4

by Jojo Brown

  Realizing that the ‘how things work’ was in reference to her toga being back in place, Lexie giggled nervously and assured him that she forgave him. “I would like to know who it is exactly that I am forgiving though.”

  “Oh, of course. I am Amante Perfeccione and unfortunately, my time here is coming to an end, as yours is just beginning. I’m sure my stay would have been even more thrilling if we had met sooner.”

  He took her hand lightly in his and held it to his lips. The brush of his warm breath across her skin set her on fire. How could someone she had never met have this kind of affect on her? It was as if she had already been with him — intimately. Well, she had — hadn’t she — in her dream.

  She still hadn’t said another word to him; she was simply drinking him in with her eyes. He didn’t back away or seem to be the least uncomfortable under her intent gaze. He just stood there with his hard, chiselled muscles draped with the softness of the toga, surrounded by the billowing sheerness of the wall coverings and watched her eyes as they travelled along his magnificent lines.

  “Would you care to take a walk with me?”

  His question broke in to her haze of memories of the dream and silent thanks for his reality. “Oh, I was staring — I’m sorry. Yes, I would but I really should let my assistant know that I’m leaving first.”

  “Dante will understand, I promise.”

  The warmth of his eyes drew her in more than the extended hand. So much so, she didn’t even question how he knew the name of her assistant.

  Chapter Seven

  The moment he ushered Lexie through the door, the view took her breath away. How was this possible? In her sensible brain, she knew she was in a building in the middle of town — but the softness of the needle-covered loam under her feet made it clear that the coniferous forest was very real. It was unlike any she had ever seen before.

  Between the towering evergreens, beds of moss spread out, wildflowers of every kind pushed the thick layer of needles aside to raise their faces to the filtering sunlight and ivy looped in haphazard paths. Lexie stood and drew a deep breath of the warm air, delighted in the way it smelled — warm and clean — just the way the man at her side smelled. He must spend a lot of time out here.

  Amante took her hand and threaded it through his arm. As he led her along the path, they talked in hushed tones, neither wanting to disturb the small forest creatures they could hear moving around.

  He told her that he’d been a doctor in a big hospital, but walked away from the insanity to join a team of fellow doctors on a mission. They made a point of going to the patients that could not come to them — the tired, the weak, the poor and the lost.

  “Don’t you ever worry that you could be putting yourself into dangerous situations?”

  The laughter rumbled up from his chest. “A lot of people ask the same thing, but I have never felt more like I was doing the right thing before in my life.”

  Lexie was still trying to get her mind around the fact that once again everything seemed too good to be true, when Amante stopped and bent to the ground. Lexie couldn’t see what he was doing until he stood back up and turned to her. In his large hand, he gently held three wild roses.

  He handed them to her one at a time. “One for dreams lost — one for dreams realized — one for dreams yet to be known.”

  Lexie held the delicate flowers on her palm, afraid to grip them too tightly in case she broke them. She knew she would press them between the pages of her thickest book the moment she got back home.

  They continued along the path enjoying the quiet simplicity of the woods. Lexie rested her head on his shoulder, absently stroking the soft petals in her hand with her thumb, lost in the timber of his voice. He talked of his sister’s son and the many adventures they’d had together. His love of the boy was evident in every word.

  She felt the sudden tension rage through him, before she saw what had caused it.

  A small brown chipmunk sat in the middle of the path. The panic in his little red eyes was heartbreaking. It was clear from the way he held his tiny leg there was a problem. Broken in a fall perhaps — or injured by another of the forest animals?

  Amante knelt slowly, gently near the cowering creature and held his hand out, palm up. Lexie stood as still as a statue, silently willing the chipmunk to step up. She knew instinctively that he wouldn’t hurt the animal.

  The breath she had been unconsciously holding, slowly released through her tense lips when it actually did lumber up onto the offered hand. When Amante stood, he had the trembling chipmunk cradled in the security of his large, curled palm. The look of complete tenderness he gave the scared soul, made Lexie’s heart melt.

  “I’m sorry to have to cut our walk short, but I think we better take this little guy to the infirmary. I know someone there who can fix him up.”

  * * * *

  Lexie held the metal door open for him as he smoothly walked with his precious cargo. The doctor met them as they entered. Amante obviously knew him. “Curador, I have a very small patient for you. We found him out on the long path near the silent woods. I know it is an unusual request, but can he be helped?”

  The doctor, she’d heard Amante call Curador took the chipmunk from him and gently placed him on a soft white towel. “The leg is definitely broken, but I am sure we can help him to a comfortable recovery.”

  He held Amante’s gaze as he straightened, “How is it you always seem to find these non-human patients?”

  “I think they find me. Thanks for taking a look at him, doc.”

  * * * *

  When they stepped back out into the hallway, Amante took her hand and held it to his lips, as he had done before. “While I would love nothing more than to be able to spend the entire day in your company, I am afraid that I do have some other engagements that I must see to.”

  Disappointment washed over Lexie, like an icy shower, her teeth even chattered slightly, “I understand.”

  “I would hate for the sun to go down on this day without seeing you again, though. May I join you for the evening meal?”

  Warmth rushed through her veins again, at his words. “Yes, of course. That would be wonderful.”

  “Until then, Lady Alexandria. I shall count the moments.” He pressed his warm lips to the pulse in her wrist and seemed to breathe in the scent of her. She felt her toes curling at the sensation of lust racing through her entire body, set to flames at the point of contact with his lips.

  Lowering her hand, he turned and hurried down the hall. Lexie stood and watched him, breathless, hot and moist between the legs. Damn, could he be any more perfect?

  Chapter Eight

  Lexie watched until he disappeared around the corner of the hall, before she turned toward her room. She had no trouble finding it, even though she passed through halls she’d never seen before. She simply walked with a purpose and stepped through her own door in no time at all.

  Dante turned from the window, with a dreamy expression. “Did you enjoy your morning?”

  Lexie gushed excitedly about the miracle of meeting Amante — how incredibly perfect he was — how caring and loving. “It’s like he stepped right out of my dream, Dante. Right down to the timber of his voice. And, the tenderness that he showed for that poor little chipmunk, I can only imagine what he would be like with a child.”

  She stopped pacing around the room and really looked at Dante. She sat perched on the end of the bed, watching Lexie’s every move. Something about the expression on her face, told Lexie that the young woman was thoroughly enjoying the excitement emanating from her.

  “Dante, surely you know who I’m talking about. He said he was coming to the end of his time here, so he’s been here a while.”

  “I don’t get to know everyone, Lexie. Some of the guests come and leave without me ever laying eyes on them. Other’s I know as well as I know myself.”

  With a silly schoolgirl giggle, Lexie flopped on to the bed beside Dante and wrapped her arms around he
r slender waist. “Believe me, if you’d seen him you would remember.”

  Dante returned the embrace as well as the laughter. “I’m sure I would remember Lexie, I am sure I would.”

  She tightened her arms around Lexie, her hands flattened on her back and her warm laughter softened to gentle mews against her neck. It felt wonderful. The lips against the sensitive skin on her throat were so warm, so tender — the hands on her back, sliding around to stroke the side of her breast were so strong and sure.

  The scent of Amante filled Lexie’s nostrils — she felt his firm muscles bunching and flexing under her touch. She turned her face to find his mouth. Behind her tightly closed lids, she saw him press him lips to hers. His tongue tangled and danced with her own searching tongue. He tasted as wonderful as she knew he would — earthy, warm, clean and fresh.

  Lexie trailed her hand around his side, enjoying the way his strong muscles felt. Beneath his arm, she felt the ropes of toned muscle shift over the ridges of his ribcage. Further forward — to the mound of developed chest muscle freed from the loose toga.

  His hungry mouth ravished hers, as his hand closed on her breast. She heard and felt the deep, lusty moan rumble in his chest.

  She slid her hand farther forward. His chest was so warm, so soft. His hard nipple pressed into her palm as she pressed her fingers into the soft firmness. It felt familiar. She knew it from close experience. It felt exactly like her own breast.

  What the hell?

  Lexie’s eyes flew open.

  Dante was soft, aroused and pressed into her. Her breast lay exposed, lovingly clasped in Lexie’s own hand. Her moist lips slightly parted, puffy and inviting.

  Lexie’s mind reeled. She jumped to her feet, leaving Dante in a confused, crumpled lump on the bedspread.

  “Oh my God. I am so sorry, Dante. I was still so wrapped up in the thoughts of Amante racing through my mind. I just… I guess… I got caught up in the emotions. I didn’t mean to… I just… Oh shit, Dante, I’m sorry.”

  Dante gathered herself together with as little fuss as possible. She stood with Lexie, straightening her clothes. “Do not torture yourself over this, Lexie. I am here to help you — in everything.”

  “Dante, you are a beautiful woman. Don’t get me wrong, if I could close my eyes and see you instead of Amante, I would throw you down on that bed, again and spend a few glorious hours getting to know every inch of you, intimately. Unfortunately, he is all I see — all I feel. I have to give myself a chance to find out what it could be like with him.”

  There didn’t seem to be any residual effect on Dante from the few fevered moments on the bed. She simply went back to her duties of seeing to Lexie’s enjoyment. As soon as lunch was finished, she led her to the pool area and faded away again.

  Lexie slipped into the white swimsuit that waited for her in the change room. As she looked into the full-length mirror, her eyes grew wide in amazement. The thought I wish it was yellow. I look good in yellow, flashed through her mind. The reflection she gaped at was her in the suit she had picked up from the chair. The yellow was exactly the brilliant colour she loved so much.

  “I love this place — even my ass looks firmer here.”

  Lexie dove into the deep end of the empty pool and began swimming laps. She was suddenly able to do those perfect flip and kick turns she’d seen Olympic swimmers perform on TV. She could do the butterfly stroke, backstroke, open and all without getting a stomach full of chlorinated water. Sitting on the side of the pool an hour after her first dive, Lexie rang the water from her hair. She didn’t give the fact that she wasn’t tired or out of breath, a second thought. The lounge on the patio was so inviting, she relaxed onto it with a deep sigh.

  Her skin warmed quickly in the sun’s rays. She smelled of coconut from the lotion that had not been rubbed all over her, but was there anyway. Her eyes were shaded with the sunglasses she had not put on. The margarita, which was on the small table as soon as she reached for it, was cool perfection.

  With her eyes closed, she gently floated into a restful sleep. The breeze blew softly over her, through the solid cement wall, which she no longer saw. The sun beamed down onto her from above the thick ceiling that she had forgotten existed.

  Chapter Nine

  Lexie’s stomach grumbled angrily, as she dressed for dinner. Her fingers trembled as she tried to fix her hair. She hadn’t felt so hungry in a long time. It was almost as if she had missed a few meals. But, that wasn’t possible — she clearly remembered eating lunch, right before heading to the pool. It must be all that exercise and fresh air had given her a healthy appetite.

  Dante took the clip from her fumbling fingers and pulled her hair up into a loose tangle of curls at the back of her head. It was precisely the soft, romantic look she’d been going for.

  Once she was ready, Dante escorted her to her table in the dining room. Lexie had already asked her to leave once she was seated. She had lowered her eyes and quietly agreed. Lexie felt only slightly guilty. She wanted to be alone with Amante. It was as though she had been looking forward to this for a long time.

  While she waited for him to join her, she looked around the room. A brilliant smile lit Lexie’s face. The ‘penis lady’ was at her table, devouring a large deluxe pizza. Lexie noticed that her three male attendants stood quietly off to the side, waiting patiently for her to finish her hearty meal.

  Half a dozen attentive imps serviced the ‘wish king’. The lap of his overly long toga moved up and down in a very telling way while they fed and cleaned him. The slender feet peeking out between his own made it obvious that one of his helpers was seeing to it that he would not be bothered by an uncomfortable erection throughout his meal. He certainly appeared to be enjoying the blowjob.

  Somehow, Lexie was not able to tear her eyes away from the old man’s pleasure at this not-so-unusual public display. After all anything goes at The Retreat.

  * * * *

  The soft throat clearing at her side brought her back to her own table. Amante stood there, with the vase that had been at the centre of her table, the night before. This time there were three pink roses tucked into its neck — just like the roses he’d given her earlier. He softly set the vase in its rightful place and bent to press his lips to her cheek. “I have been with you all day — in my thoughts and heart. Have you felt me?”

  She had to be honest, “Yes. Yes, I have.”

  They quickly settled in to their delicious meal. The new potatoes cooked with fresh mint complimented the lamb, perfectly. At one point, Lexie leaned over and wiped a drop of sauce from Amante's chin with the corner of her linen napkin.

  He asked her about her life, her family and her dreams for the future. He clearly did not just feign interest; he truly hung on her every word. His intent gaze began to make her just a tad uncomfortable — it’s not every day you sit across the table from someone who actually does look you in the eye while you talk to them. He didn’t seem to ever blink. She really needed to do something to get off the subject of her mundane life before she bored him to tears.

  “Other than travelling all over the world to bring desperately needed healthcare to those in dire straits, what do you do?”

  That did it — he definitely blinked then.

  A look of embarrassment washed over his face before he answered. “I paint. In fact I would love the opportunity to paint you.”

  “Do you mean paint on me or paint a picture of me?”

  He stood, pulled her to her feet and kept her hands trapped within his very large ones. “While I would undoubtedly thoroughly enjoy spending an hour or two covering every inch of your body with a rainbow, I think a portrait is more what I had in mind.”

  “Lead the way Rembrandt.”

  The two of them were still laughing as they walked arm in arm along the hall.

  His studio was an amazing assortment of half finished still-life’s, covered canvasses, piles of squeezed tubes and tubs of soaking brushes. At the centre of the mess, an area
had been cleared. An easel stood with an empty canvas in place. Fresh brushes and paints stood at the ready on the small table beside it.

  A beautiful antique chaise lounge sat on a slight rise in front of it, surrounded by palm fronds and urns filled with flowers. Clearly, that was where he wanted Lexie to pose.

  “It seems you’ve thought of everything.”

  “This seemed to be the only backdrop that could possibly match your beauty. I hope you don’t mind, I made the assumption you would agree to this.”

  “Not at all, it’s wonderful. In fact, I can only think of one thing that would make it better.” One thing? Hell no! She wanted so much more than one thing from this man. She wanted it all — his touch, his kisses, his body pressed on and in hers. She wanted to feel him, taste him, truly know every inch of him.

  The heat he had ignited earlier blazed through the pit of her stomach quickly became an ache as he stepped closer to her. His big hands closed on the sides of her face, lifting it to him. As his mouth closed on hers she heard him whisper softly, thank you.

  That small statement didn’t even come close to what Lexie wanted to say. There was no way to be grateful enough for perfection.

  His mouth covered hers. His tongue found hers, coaxed it from its timidity and took her with that intimate touch on a ride of absolute bliss. He held the back of her head with one hand tangled into her soft tendrils — explored the warm interior of her mouth with his urgent tongue — slid the other hand down to the centre of her back and pressed her tighter against him. His toga did nothing to mask his arousal.

  He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. Yes, thank you, indeed!

  Chapter Ten


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