Highlander's Castle

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Highlander's Castle Page 4

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Anne, do you like the pipers?” Mary jiggled in her chair as if eager to join those dancing.

  “They’re magnificent, and the girl who’s singing is a delight.”

  “My lady.” One of the clansmen addressed Mary. “Would ye care for a birl?”

  “Oh aye.” She bounded to her feet. The hulking man spun her away.

  Now, that’s what she wanted. She slid her hand around Alex’s arm and his gaze jolted to hers. “It’s a beautiful evening for a dance.”

  His jaw went slack. “I dinnae partake in such activities.”

  “It’s easy. You move one leg and then the other. All you have to do is keep a rhythm going.”

  “I still prefer no’ to—”

  “Superb.” She hauled him up.

  “Nay, Anne.”

  “Really, you just need to move a little.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I promise it won’t hurt.”

  “I dinnae dance.” He gripped her hips and tried to urge her back down.

  “No, you don’t.” She rested her cheek on his chest. “I’ll ease you into it slowly. Every girl should get to dance on her handfast day.”

  “No one dances like this.”

  “People actually do. You simply haven’t seen it yet. I did mention my travels.” She’d loosen him up.

  He growled then muttered, “Here, at least let’s do this where we can’t be seen.”

  Ahh, success. Her Highlander had a soft streak no matter how big and tough he looked.

  “I cannae believe I’m giving in to you.” He ushered her into a hidden alcove behind the dais.

  “Don’t think of it as giving in, but instead coming on board. It’s a great way to start our relationship.” She snuggled against him. “We’ll even call this our first dance.”

  “A relationship?” He swayed ever so slightly to the playful tune.

  “Mmm-hmmm. Don’t you think our handfast warrants being called one?” She certainly did, although what a shame to have agreed simply to a friendship. Oh, the things he likely knew and could teach her. Hold on. Any relationship she embarked on with him wouldn’t have any lasting consequences. She had protection. And until Annie had fixed what she’d done, she may as well enjoy herself.

  “More so by the second, lass.” He slid a finger under her chin, lifted her gaze to his. “This handfast was forced upon us, but that does no’ mean we cannae benefit from it in some way. If both parties were willing.”

  “Tell me what you mean, exactly.”

  “I’ll make it abundantly clear.” He leaned into her until her shoulders grazed the paneled walls behind. “Since we spoke this morn, I’ve become aware of you in ways beyond friendship. If you wish a relationship then I wish one too.” His husky voice held dark, sensual promise.

  “You truly mean that?” Please, please, mean that. “Because I could easily be swayed to your way of thinking.”

  “Aye, and ’tis you who has the most beautiful eyes.” He pressed his hands flat against the wall either side of her, dipped his head and completed the trap. “I want the right to sleep in your bed, or I should say, to keep you in mine.”

  Oh, yes, yes, yes. “I’ve waited a long time to be with a man, so I have one stipulation. I won’t accept you sleeping with anyone else while we’re together. Can you accept that?”

  “If you wish.” He pressed his body against hers and she tingled everywhere they touched. “I must kiss you.”

  He covered her mouth with his, his lips so achingly soft. Oh, the taste of him swarmed her senses. She wanted more. He licked her tongue and his desire had her arching against him. She couldn’t fight this attraction, didn’t even have a hope of doing so. “Okay. Your bed. Now. We have a new deal.”

  He swept her into his arms and bounded up the stairs to his chamber. Carefully, he set her on the end of his enormous four-poster bed dominating the room. “Are you sure, Anne?”

  “At the speed you ran, I better be.” She stroked the thick fur pelt underneath her.

  “I am.” He removed her slippers then tugged her up and turned her around. He unlaced her stays, his warm breath feathering across each inch of skin he exposed.

  “You seem rather experienced with dresses, not that I’m complaining.” She clutched the front so it didn’t slip.

  “I’ve wished to remove this one since the moment I saw you in it.”

  “Well take your time. I haven’t done this before.” Great, now was not the time to get nervous.

  “I’ll take immense care.” He spread his hands over her hips. “Turn around.”

  Her heartbeat raced. She was ready for this. Beyond ready.

  She turned.

  * * * *

  Anne faced him, and Alex took one of her hands in his. She still clutched the fabric over her breasts. “You have naught to worry about. I’ll never hurt you. Pass me your other hand.”

  “It’s not worry. I’m not sure how to explain this, but it feels like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this moment. That makes no sense, but neither does me being here.”

  “You’re here because you’re mine.” No matter the agreement in place, she was his.

  “Yes, yours.” She let go and her dress slithered down and clung perilously to her hips.

  “I want to touch you. May I?”

  “Stop asking and start doing.”

  He cupped her breasts, their fullness almost spilling out of his hands. Groaning, he thumbed her peaking nipples. “This morn I ached for what you now offer.”

  She lifted onto her toes and with the lightest of caresses, touched her lips to his. “Then take and don’t hold back. I’ve been alone for too long. No more.”

  His cock pushed toward her as if trying to spear through his plaid. He had to have her now. He licked her nipple. Hell, she tasted divine, like the sweetest nectar, and naught could halt him from sucking her harder.

  She shivered and arched fully into him. He feasted on her, but it wasn’t enough. He gorged on her other breast.

  “Oh my.” Her breath whooshed out. “That feels incredible.”

  “This dress must go.” He flicked the last lacing and it fell in a heap to the floor. She stood bared to his gaze, the fire’s dancing flames casting a golden glow over her pale skin.

  Every contour of creamy skin called to him, and between her thighs, white-gold curls shimmered. “You’re so beautiful, Anne. I cannae believe you’re mine.”

  “And you, Alex, are overdressed.” She unhooked the broach over his chest and unraveled his plaid. “Take your shirt off so I can see exactly what you’ve promised is mine in return.”

  “Yes, my lady.” He hauled the last obstruction over his head and her gaze dropped to his cock.

  “Can I touch?” She licked her lips, and her clear desire hardened him further.

  “Later. I need to get my fill of you first.” He scooped her up and laid her on his bed. Her hair floated over his pillow and he nuzzled into the silky length and breathed deep. “Your scent is intoxicating.”

  She smiled and clasped his face. “You have a way with words.”

  “They are only for you.” Allowing his passion its release, he kissed her. He would claim his bride, and she would be his in every way.

  “I love the way you kiss.” She rubbed her chest against his, her hard nipples grazing his flesh. “Show me everything. I never want to forget this night.”

  He kissed her, allowing his hunger to reign.

  Aye, he’d show her everything.

  They would never know such fulfillment as they did this eve.

  * * * *

  Anne couldn’t halt her hips from pushing against Alex’s. He’d awakened her body. Amazing. Wishes truly could come true.

  She clutched her Highlander’s broad shoulders then caressed his roped biceps. Big and strong. Wanting to touch all of him, she skimmed down his arms and over his hands. Her warrior from another time was built to battle and conquer, and right now, he was doing a fine job with her. He sucked her nipples, bo
th soothing the need deep within and inflaming an equal need for more. Surrounding her, hot and hard, he intensified that heat.

  “I need to touch more of you.” He stroked her sides, cupped her bottom and brought her tight into him. “Rub against me.”

  “You want friction?” She massaged him with her body. “Like this?”

  “Aye, your body fits mine.”

  “Or yours fits mine.”

  “I’ve never known such temptation as you.” He dipped his fingers between them and glided along the inside of her thigh.

  “Neither have I.” Craving a deeper touch, she eased her legs apart. Her mind raced in a hundred different directions but they all led to one place. “Don’t stop.”

  “I willnae.” He swept his hand over her entrance, his intimate touch scalding her. Then he plunged one finger inside. “I’ll make this good for you.”

  He stroked deep inside then curled one finger into a spot that had her almost catapulting off the bed and would have if he hadn’t held her down.

  Oh, Alex was about to teach her more than she’d ever dreamed. This would certainly be a night she’d never forget.

  * * * *

  Hands on her hips, Alex slowly, carefully, moved between Anne’s legs and nudged his cock along her slick folds. “Open wider for me, my sweet.”

  She spread her legs further. “I know there’ll be a little pain.”

  “Only a pinch, and then it’ll be gone.”

  “I trust you.”

  Her words undid him.

  Covering her mouth with his, he demanded a response, which would distract her mind. Then he pushed against the barrier, tore through and plunged deep inside.

  Her gasp was muffled against his neck as she held on piercingly tight.

  “’Tis done.” He stared into the depths of her restless gaze. “We’re one.”

  “I like the way you said that. What are you waiting for?” She clutched his butt and urged him on. “Give me everything you promised.”

  “I’ll give you your heart’s desire.” With one hand on her hip, he eased up slowly then gently pushed back in. She moaned, and he increased his pace until his thoughts were consumed by her. He pounded, hard and deep, taking her frantically as she encouraged him.

  “So good.” She raked her fingers down his back then screamed his name.

  He was lost as her inner muscles tightened and dragged him in. Filling her completely, he spilled his seed deep, his release violent as he exploded along with her.

  “Lovers,” he whispered as he slumped on top of her, spent. “For as long as I can keep you.”

  * * * *

  The wave of pleasure sweeping through Anne slowly receded. Alex lay heavily on top of her, but it was wondrous having him this close. She didn’t want him to move, and she certainly hadn’t expected how incredible her first time would be. She caressed the corded muscles of his damp back.

  Wow, talk about a man of action. He was a warrior who could slay, and in more places than one. How was he all hers?

  “Anne.” His breath tickled her ear. “Are you sore?”

  “No, I’m blissfully content. What about you?”

  He rocked his hips and his shaft stirred and lengthened inside her. “’Tis been a while for me, but you can be assured I’m equally so.”

  “You want to teach me something else new?” Surely he wouldn’t say no. “Because I promise I’m up for the lesson.”

  He chuckled then rocked faster. “What wonders do you wish now?”

  “We’ve already agreed on it being everything.” She sighed as he continued to rise and fill her. “I’ve missed you, Alex.”

  “I’m right here, lass.”

  “I know.” They were finally one, as they always should have been.

  “I dinnae intend to relinquish you. Are you ready for everything?”

  His words sent a thrill through her, and his kiss took her places she more than desired. Below he stroked deep, as if touching the very heart of her. Her new handfast husband didn’t know it yet, but he’d opened a new world of sensation she had no intention of giving up. She wanted more, and as much as could give her in whatever time they had.

  He increased his rhythm then rubbed her clit. Oh, sooo good. She moved with him, giving him more of the friction he’d asked for before.

  “Come when you wish.” He pushed his long length in then drew out, his kisses matching the same ebb and flow as below.

  Her orgasm built. “I want this to last forever.”

  “Nay, I need to hear you scream my name.” He grinned, and with one decisive flick of his finger over her clit, he made her come, so staggeringly fast.

  Crying out his name as he’d wished, she convulsed around him. She rode the waves then crashed hard as he suddenly stiffened and jerked out. He groaned as if in pain before spilling himself on the bedding.

  “Are you all right?” She rolled toward him. “Alex?”

  “Aye. I cannae risk getting you with child.” He seized her hand and held it firm over the heavy beat of his heart. “The first time I couldnae stop, but I must no’ come inside you again.”

  “What? Seriously? I don’t believe that actually works.”

  “It does. I’ve yet to father a bairn.”

  He couldn’t father one with her anyway. Should she tell him?

  Yes. She didn’t want any lies between them. She wanted the trust she’d already placed in him to grow.

  “Alex, whether you do that or not, I won’t get with child. I’m safe for a couple of years.”


  “It’s true.” Argh, what would it hurt if she told him she was from the future? They were wed, and she’d already given him her body. He deserved to know the truth. “You asked me how I arrived here alone and unescorted. What if I said, I came from the future? A time centuries from now and a place filled with wonders beyond your imagination. Women can actually take contraceptives for protection. That’s what I’ve done.”

  He groaned. “Again, impossible.”

  “So, you won’t even consider I speak the truth?”

  “Anne.” He edged up on one elbow, looked her in the eyes. “I dinnae wish lies between us. There’s no need for it.”

  “Which is why I’ve decided to tell you the truth.” She cupped his cheeks, leaned in and kissed him. “I truly am from the future, but I understand if you don’t believe me. Maybe in time, you will.”

  “Your words dinnae always make sense, but these less than any other. I’ll hear no more of this nonsense.”

  She wouldn’t push him. Speaking the truth had lightened her heart, no matter his answer. Instead she kissed him again.

  He moaned and she writhed against him. Such sweet agony. He returned her kisses, and she accepted the full length of his cock and the pounding rhythm of his sensual thrusts.

  Time. Surely all it would take was a little time.

  Chapter 4

  As the dawn hour neared, Alex stirred and dragged himself out of bed. Anne remained curled on her side under the sheets, an enticement he had to leave behind. She certainly deserved her rest after last night. He hadn’t been able to cease making love to her, as if every moment counted.

  He dressed quickly before he succumbed and returned to her. His men would be waiting for a hard day of training after such revelry the day before. Downstairs at the edge of the great hall, he halted next to Alan, his trusted man.

  “Alex, I didnae expect to see you so early.” Alan scratched underneath his chin as he arched one thick red brow. “How is your wee bride this fine morn?”

  “Abed, and no’ to be disturbed.” He crossed his arms. “Has there been any word from Fergus?”

  “Nay, and he took Hawk.” Hawk, their carrier pigeon, would be sent home once Fergus had sufficient word to convey.

  “Good. Then report to me the moment Hawk returns.” He clapped Alan on the back then continued to the dais and broke his fast with a steaming bowl of porridge and honey.

  His men wer
e jovial, eager to get outside and practice and he yearned to do the same. He rose, and his warriors scraped their chairs back and joined him. They moved in a steady stream out toward the yard.

  * * * *

  “Anne. There you are.” Mary lifted her teal skirts and hurried along the passageway toward her.

  She’d only taken one step out of Alex’s chamber. “Good morning, Mary.”

  “Aye, ’tis good. How did you sleep?”

  “Very well.” She cleared her throat and smiled. “Thank you for the gowns you left atop Alex’s trunk. I found them when I woke. How was your sleep?”

  “Peaceful. James left for Dunvegan this morn to deliver news of your handfast. MacLeod will soon know our feud has been set aside.” She smoothed out the lower ruffles of Anne’s skirts then stood. “This deep blue matches your eyes to perfection. I thought it would. Come, it’s nearly midday and so lovely outside. We’ll gather flowers for the tables.”

  “I’m allowed beyond the gates?”

  “You’re kin now, so aye.”

  She followed Mary downstairs. This was what she’d come to Scotland for, to find family and to tour the countryside. Now she had both, and all at the same time. Overwhelming, yet wonderfully so. “Thank you, Annie,” she whispered under her breath.

  At the door, they collected two woven baskets and with them looped over their arms, walked out into the sunshine. The fresh sea air fully awakened her. “I can’t believe how beautiful this place is. I thought it so cold to start with.”

  “What do you mean? To start with?” Mary linked her free arm through hers and they passed under the arch and headed toward the drawbridge.

  “Oh, just that I enjoy when the season changes.”

  “As do I.” She called out to the burly guardsman who shadowed them. “Good morn, Alan. Why do you follow us?”

  He marched to their side. “My lady, the men practice this way.”

  “As they have for all the years I’ve known them to.” Mary giggled. “Anne and I willnae disturb them. We need to fill these baskets. When the chief returns, I want every room awash in welcome.”

  “I will still watch over ye.”

  “We dinnae require protection on our land, or at least no’ this close to the castle.”


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