Peppermint Mocha Murder (A Molly Brewster Mystery Book 1)

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Peppermint Mocha Murder (A Molly Brewster Mystery Book 1) Page 18

by Pam Moll

  Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang again.

  I opened the door to a smiling Drew. He was tanned, lean and nicely filled out his green sweater worn over a checked shirt and tan trousers. His green eyes shone under his long lashes.

  I felt a brief blush cross over my cheeks when I realized Drew and I were dressed in the same shades of green. I blushed because I pictured us in our coordinating outfits on a Christmas card.

  I wore a little vintage green velvet dress with a lace collar and cuffs. If I added a red scarf, I’d pass for one of Santa’s elves. It had been an unusually cooler night, and I wore a soft, cast-off sweater of my mother’s over the dress.

  Speaking of my mother, she was sitting on the couch next to Henrietta, and across from Granny. She and Granny eyed me and Drew standing in the foyer with curiosity.

  “You look gorgeous,” he said, and his eyes lit up as he smiled at me.

  “Thank you. You do too.”

  “What’s this?” I asked, as he handed me a foiled wrapped pie tin.

  “Peppermint pie,” he smiled brightly.

  “What!” I murmured incredulously.

  “Just kidding. It’s mincemeat pie. Ted’s wife made it and sent it over.”

  Oh, I loved that smile. It could melt ice cream on a cold day.

  “Well, tell him thank you.”

  “I will. It’s nice to see everyone gathered around in Granny’s living room.”

  Henrietta and Jet had joined the Christmas Eve celebration, and when Drew eyed them in the corner talking, he turned to me and asked, “When did you know it was Jet who sold the mint plant clippings to Kate?”

  “I wasn’t sure who he sold them to. I did know that Kate had said she and Jet hung out, which I found a bit odd. And when I confronted Jet, he lied, only because he was afraid he hadn’t asked permission from Granny Dee to sell her herb clippings.”

  He nodded and bent low, and whispered in my ear, “You are truly amazing.”

  Granny and my mom whispered from across the room.

  Noticing them, Drew straightened up. “The house looks so festive.” It seemed a flicker marred Drew’s impish grin for a moment, but then thankfully, it was back to full wattage.

  “What makes it so special are the friends and family gathered around enjoying the holiday spirit. By the way, there are tons of appetizers, if you’re hungry. And for drinks we have hot cocoa, champagne, and spiked eggnog.”

  “I’ll stick to the cocoa,” he said, and smiled. “You never know when I’ll get a call. And hopefully it’s never going to be about another body on the beach.”

  “Never say never,” I smiled.

  We stood a few seconds in the foyer listening to Christmas music in the background before the Mayor called him over.

  Drew and I walked over to the Mayor Clawson and his wife.

  I felt a little awkward considering my brief history with Drew … and umm … well the circumstances that had brought us together.

  Drew confirmed to everyone gathered around that Jim, the vic, as he called him, had an older brother, and that the two had always had a rivalry of sorts. Jim was the black sheep, while his brother could do no wrong. His brother had a falling out with his stepmother, Kate’s mom, and he went to live in Australia. They grew apart, and when he didn’t come home when his stepmom got ill and passed, his father became estranged from him. And then when his father became ill, and the eldest son didn’t return to the U.S. He was removed from the will.

  “That’s terrible,” Granny mumbled.

  “The thing is, Jim’s brother couldn’t return home. He had gone missing years ago. And I uncovered during the timeline that he had stopped all correspondence. This coincided with a trip Kate made to Australia. His body was never found, but foul play was always suspected.”

  Mayor Clawson said to Erica, “Kate was one cold b …” he paused, looked at Granny, and finished with “… fish.” He shook his head. “I still can’t believe she poisoned Jim and then conked you on the head like that.”

  “Kate did this because of greed,” Drew said. “She was messed up. Greed and jealousy pushed her to murder. She had always been jealous of her stepdad’s love for his sons. And in the end, she wanted revenge that he had been unfaithful to her mother …”

  “… and the inheritance,” Erica interjected in a soft voice. “She wanted the money.”

  “Yes. Money is strong motivation,” Drew said, nodding at Erica. “Because of her name changes and aliases, it was hard to track down her history.”

  I’ll have to ask Aunt Tammera about her private investigator friend’s sources one day, I thought. He found information on Kate before the authorities had.

  “Turns out that growing prized herbs was a strong clue.” He smiled at me. “The mocha mentha piperia herb … ah, … peppermint … and the oils it contained, especially the menthol and menthone, were not in his digestive tract and were only found on his body, mainly on his hands. And it may have taken us days to analyze it, but Mo knew right away.”

  I smiled and blushed beneath my makeup. “You would have found out soon enough,” I shot back.

  A few heads nodded. The room was silent until my mom entered from the kitchen, humming tunelessly as she carried a double-layered birthday cake. Henrietta trailed her with a stack of paper plates and a serving knife.

  “It’s my famous chocolate cake with a coffee-spiked crème anglaise sauce swirled over mocha icing,” Henrietta beamed.

  “That’s fabulous, Henrietta! I love it.” And I did love the cake. “You must have been baking all day. Thank you.” I gave her a hug.

  Granny harrumphed at the coffee-flavored cake. Timothy Carlin now seated next to Granny, patted her hand.

  “There’s a pineapple-upside-down cake for you, Dee, and anyone else who doesn’t like chocolate cake with coffee icing,” Henrietta offered.

  Timothy lit the large number 3 and 0 candles and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me, while I blushed the entire time.

  “Thanks, um, thank you all,” I murmured awkwardly.

  “It’s time for a toast,” the Mayor said, breaking the silence.

  Henrietta refilled our flute glasses from bottles of premium champagne, which fizzed merrily as we all held them up for a toast.

  “A toast to Deputy Drew. He was able to get a confession from Kate on where to locate Jim’s brother’s body,” Mayor Clawson chimed.

  Ooohs and aaahs filled the room, and everyone drank a toast, and then clapped.

  “And if I could, I’d like to consider the birthday girl, Mo, as an honorary mayor of Bay Isles for the day. Thank you.” Mayor Clawson said and held up his glass.

  My mind spun out the fantasy for a few seconds, and then I said, “I couldn’t have done it without all your help.” I paused, and added, “and, of course, Snickers.”

  Snickers barked. Everyone laughed.

  I made eye contact with Deputy Drew and winked at him. He raised his glass and gave me a wonderful smile.

  After making the rounds and talking with all our guests, I stepped outside on the back patio.

  A few seconds later, Drew followed me.

  “Beautiful evening,” he said, standing very close.

  And it was.

  “How can I repay you?” Drew asked with a boyish grin.

  A dozen ideas raced through my mind, but I settled on one. “A proper date would be nice.”

  “It’s a deal,” he replied immediately. “We should seal a vow like that with a kiss, don’t you think?”

  Before I could answer yes, his hands were in my hair and the kiss he planted on my lips was soft. The one I returned became urgent and seeking. It was equally met.

  He gave me a comical wince, and I poked at his arm playfully.

  Drew was about to kiss me again, when Snickers barked at the door and it sent us both backward in an attempt to put space between us.

  “We better return to the party,” I said.

  He nodded, and his shoulders slumped a bit.<
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  “Are you available to come by the café tomorrow to fix the tile?” I asked playfully.

  “The tile?” He grinned. “But it’s Christmas day.”


  He nodded, and we went back inside. I looked around the room and tried to take it all in. Over the past few weeks I had gotten to know my Bay Isles family and neighbors like I never expected.

  “Granny, how are you doing?” I whispered.

  “My dear Miss Molly, I don’t think I’ll ever have an exciting holiday season as much as I did this year. It was like I was living in an Agatha Christie novel.”

  I wasn’t Hercule Poirot, but I did follow a persistent hunch that solved the murder case. It inspired me to announce, “To quote Poirot, I’d have to say: ‘I have the honor to retire from the case …’” I grinned at Granny, Mom and Drew.


  Granny’s Note: Do NOT include Cyanide

  Sweet and Salty Peppermint – Pretzel Bark

  You can make large batches without pans or a refrigerator!

  Makes 12 Servings

  ½ tsp. peppermint extract

  1 cup coarsely chopped pretzel sticks

  (16-oz.) package vanilla candy coating chopped

  1/3 cup coarsely chopped peppermint candy canes

  Parchment paper

  Microwave vanilla candy coating in a 1 qt. microwave-safe bowl at Medium (50% power) 1 minute; stir. Microwave until melted and smooth, stirring at 30-second intervals. Stir in peppermint extract.

  Spread half of melted candy coating about 1/8-inch-thick in a parchment paper-lined jelly-roll pan. Sprinkle ½ cup chopped pretzels and 1/3 cup chopped candy canes over melted candy coating, and press into coating. Repeat with remaining ingredients on another parchment paper-lined jelly-roll pan. Chill 5 minutes or until cool and firm. Note: We used Loghouse Candiquick Vanilla Candy Coating and Neisen-Massey Pure Peppermint Extract.

  Make even larger quantities for gifting this easy treat by skipping the jelly-roll pan and covering your counter with parchment. It’ll take longer to harden at room temperature.

  Peppermint Oreo Popcorn Bark

  Popcorn and Oreos, this was a favorite snack of my kids. This no-bake treat makes for a great holiday gift. Can be made with white or milk chocolate. For a more festive feel, add sprinkles.

  Makes a few pounds.

  16 Oreo Cookies

  30 Starlight Peppermint Candies

  2 Bags No Butter Microwave popcorn (lightly salted)

  Bag of Chocolate (I used Candiquik, it melts well, I’ve also used Gridelli chips.)

  Sprinkles (optional)

  Line a cookie sheet with a wax paper.

  Pop the microwave popcorn (pull out any un-popped kernels)

  In ziplock bags (use one for each) crush peppermint and Oreo (You can use a kitchen mallet to crush them.)

  Melt chocolate according to the instructions on the package.

  In a large bowl, mix popcorn, peppermints and Oreos. Mix in 2/3 of chocolate.

  Pour mixture onto the wax paper and spread out. Drizzle remaining 1/3 of chocolate on top of mixture and top with sprinkles.

  Place in refrigerator for 10 minutes and break into pieces.

  Serve and enjoy!

  Granny D’s Gooey Butter Cake

  Molly’s favorite family tradition

  Makes 24 Servings

  1 package of yellow cake mix

  3 eggs

  ½ cup melted butter

  8 oz. cream cheese

  3 Cups Powdered Sugar

  Pat firm mixture into a 9x13 greased metal cake pan. (Granny tried a glass pan but please note, that you should reduce baking temperature by 25 degrees and check the cake often as it may be ready up to ten minutes earlier if you are substituting a glass pan for a metal baking pan. This is because glass doesn't heat up as quickly as metal but will become very hot once heated up.)

  Mix cream cheese, 2 ¾ cups powdered sugar and 2 eggs together until smooth. Don’t over beat. Spread mixture on top of cake base.

  Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

  Let cool 15 minutes, sprinkle ¼ cup powdered sugar on top of cake. Let cool completely.

  Cut into bars.

  Candy Cane Fudge

  If you like red velvet cake, you’ll love Granny’s favorite fudge.

  Makes 3 lbs.

  1 tsp. butter

  2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips

  3 tsp. shortening, divided

  2 pkg. (12 oz.) white baking chips, divided

  1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed milk

  1 ½ tsp. red paste food coloring

  4 cups powdered sugar, divided

  6 oz. cream cheese softened

  ¼ tsp. peppermint extract

  1 tsp. vanilla extract

  3 Tbs. crushed peppermint candies

  Line a 13x9 in. pan with foil; grease foil with butter. (If you like, you can spoon the mixture into paper-lined mini-muffin cups instead of spreading it into a pan,)

  In a large microwave-safe bowl, combine 3 ¼ cups white baking chips, chocolate chips and 2 tsp. shortening. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 1 minute; stir. Microwave at additional 15-second intervals, stirring until smooth. Stir in sweetened condensed milk and food coloring; gradually add 1 cup powdered sugar. Spread in prepared pan.

  In another large microwave-safe bowl, melt remaining white baking chips and shortening; stir until smooth. Beat in cream cheese and peppermint and vanilla extracts. Gradually beat in remaining powdered sugar until smooth. Spread over red layer; sprinkle with crushed candies. Refrigerate two hours or until firm.

  Using foil, lift fudge out of pan. Remove foil; cut fudge into 1 in. squares. Store between layers of waxed paper in an airtight container.



  Pam Moll loves traveling and attributes her creative inspiration to it. Many of her adventures are to remote tropical islands. She lives on an island near Saint Petersburg, Florida.

  Pam has published several catalogs, calendars, guide books, and novels.

  I hope you enjoyed Book One of the Molly Brewster Mystery Series! Your feedback is important to me and inspires me.

  If you liked Book One:Peppermint Mocha Murder, please go to and register to be the first to receive Book 2 in the series:Boats, Bunnies and Bodies. Get on the list to Pre-Order Book 3 and 4 and win an Amazon Gift Card:

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  BOOKS by Pam Moll


  Island of Lies

  Girl Alone on an Island

  Diamond Island

  Peppermint Mocha Murder

  Boats, Bunnies and Bodies Available May 2018

  SUE ME A retread of Plush - Fall 2018

  Island of Lies Click here to BUY:

  Two survivors. One island. No one to trust…

  Ryleigh Lane desperately needed a vacation. The whistle-blower is about to appear in court to go up against a corrupt pharmaceutical exec. If she’s successful, the case will reveal a deadly secret. Shortly before the trial, a carefree cruise with her new boyfriend, Elliot, changes everything. A sudden storm leaves them stranded alone on a tiny island.

  Elliot Finn is incredibly mysterious… and completely sexy. His resourcefulness helps Ryleigh get through the early days on the island. But as they fight for survival, Ryleigh realizes they’re both guarding dark secrets.

  Romance blooms alongside suspicion. Will this new case put Ryleigh’s life on the line?

  Island of Lies is the first book in the Survival Island series, a set of suspenseful thriller
novels. If you like sizzling chemistry, riveting suspense, and twists you won’t see coming, then you’ll love Pamela Laux Moll’s captivating series starter.

  Buy Island of Lies to journey to the island today!

  Girl Alone on an Island Click here to BUY :

  A deadly paradise. A family secret. Fighting for her life could mean saving thousands more…

  On the day Ryleigh Lane became stranded on a tropical island, she hadn’t spoken to her twin sister Cally for 10 years, and she never will again if she can’t get home.

  Missing for over a month, Ryleigh must continue to survive the sun-filled days and terrifying nights. As the hours tick away, she wonders how soon it will be until the island tremors and treasure hunters end her life.

  Surrounded by massive rodents and poisonous snakes, Ryleigh has no choice but to get off the island. But before that can happen, there’s just one more thing she needs to accomplish…

  Girl Alone on an Island is the second book in the exhilarating Survival Island series. If you like fast-paced action, gripping suspense, and captivating plot twists, then you’ll love Pamela Laux Moll’s nail-biting novel.

  Diamond IslandLies Click here to BUY:

  A forgotten treasure. An ill-fated island. Twin sisters are hot on the trail of a multi-generational mystery…

  After being stranded for a month on a deserted island, Ryleigh Lane is home safe. But she’d rather be back on the island. She knows her temporary tropical home holds the key to uncovering an incredible family secret. She’ll stop at nothing to find out the truth, but her rich and ruthless nemesis is just as determined to find the Lane fortune first. Even if it means disposing of its rightful heiress.


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