No More Waiting (The James Family Book 3)

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No More Waiting (The James Family Book 3) Page 1

by C. M. Steele

  No More Waiting

  C.M. Steele

  Copyrighted © 2016

  This is book is dedicated to Katrina and Lisa.

  Thank you for all you do to make me shine, ladies!

  All rights reserved. All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover created by: Makeready Designs by Allison Martin

  Photo taken by: Lindee Robinson Photography

  Cover models: Victoria Morin & Chad Demchik























  Christmas break. Damn, my flight would be leaving in three hours to go back to Seattle. I wasn’t looking forward to it. I’d never heard of a student not wanting to go home on vacation in real life. Sure, Harry Potter didn’t want to go home to his Uncle’s home, but anyone with family like that would like to stay at school. I didn’t have a hateful family. In fact, I had loving parents and two big brothers.

  So why wouldn’t I want to go home? I didn’t care for college, and that was why I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to see what I was missing. The life I had back in Seattle and my family all around. It was childish, but I never spent that much time away from them before. Packing my suitcase, I gathered all the gifts I’d gotten my brothers and parents. It wasn’t a lot because I really didn’t want to shop or do anything. Most would say that I was homesick. I was.

  They say college isn’t for everyone, and they were right. My grades in high school weren’t the best. How I thought I could make it in college was beyond me. Naturally, learning came harder to me, and now I was away from the people that helped push me through the four years of hell in high school. Who was going to get me through the next four years? It was my family’s fault I went to school anyway. If they hadn’t been so damn perfect, I wouldn’t have to prove myself. They hadn’t approved of it, but they knew it wasn’t really up to them.

  My brother Cameron tried to talk me out of it, but no—I had become an adult. I remembered the first time I mentioned that I was going all the way to Illinois for college.

  We were eating ice cream on a Sunday night out on the veranda. “So bro, I’m going to college this fall in Illinois.”

  Cam’s eyes bugged out in pure shock and he had ice cream dribbling down his chin. He was handsome, but that look on his face still cracked me up. Reaching for a napkin, he wiped the chocolate off his face. “Vanessa, please. Why do you need to go so far away? The weather there isn’t much better than here. They get tornados,” he said seriously.

  “Cam, I don’t want to be dependent on everyone all my life,” I whined. I really hated my reliance on them. They were all hardworking, brilliant, and successful.

  “You aren’t. You have your own inheritance, so technically you don’t need any of us once you’re married or twenty-one. I definitely hope it’s the latter, but you’ll be well off.”

  “I need this, Cam. Mom and Dad are onboard even though they’re not happy about it. Please don’t try to talk me out of it.”

  “Okay, Van, but promise if you need anything or have a problem that you can’t handle don’t hesitate to call. I’ll be there in a flash.”


  I sat on my bed hoping that going back home wouldn’t be everything I fondly remembered. My phone buzzed with a text from the cab company. They were downstairs. I walked out of my dorm and jumped in the cab. I shared my room with one other girl who was the complete opposite of me. She partied since the first day she got there, but she left to go back home a day before the semester finished. I was one of the few who were still at school. It was like a ghost town when I left.

  It wasn’t too long before I was on the plane waiting for it to take off. I was about to turn off my wifi on my phone and put it in airplane mode when a text came in from my brother Cam. Sorry, Van. Can’t pick you up, but my head of security will. His name is Tim. I’ll send you his employee photo so you know who to be waiting for.

  Okay, was all I texted back.

  I second later the photo popped up. Holy shit! This was the guy who was picking me up? I had to zoom in to get him closer to me; he was so fine. I damn near licked my screen. Thankfully, I held back because the flight attendant came up to tell me it was time to switch to airplane mode.

  After doing as she asked, I went back to the photo. Hot damn. His thick head of hair was perfect for the photo, but all I could think of was running my hands through it, fucking it all up. I swallowed several times as I thought about his mouth. It was so bad the flight attendant asked if I was afraid of flying and if I needed some water.

  “Yes, please. I’m not afraid to fly, just anxious to go home.” I really was. The instant I saw his face, Tim made me want to come home. It was chiseled and strong. His brows screamed all man. Every inch of the small image had me panting. His broad shoulders barely made it into the photo. Suddenly I was jealous of the woman that worked in HR who took the staff pictures. She got to stare at him. I bet she even kept a copy for herself. I worked myself into a fit, like this guy was mine in a matter of a heartbeat. I knew nothing about him except that he worked for Cameron. They often sparred in the gym downstairs, but I never met him before. Since Cam worked a lot, I didn’t want to interrupt him when he was getting his workouts in.

  God, I wondered what would have happened if I’d walked in on him and Cameron fighting MMA style. Would he be shirtless and a sweaty mess? I moaned thinking about him tackling me to the ground. Would he be breathing heavy as he crushed me with his frame? I shouldn’t even be thinking of him like I was. He could be married with kids or already taken.

  Needing a distraction from my fantasies, I popped my headphones in and hit shuffle on my phone. I cracked up because the first track playing was Mariah Carey’s Fantasy. I turned it up, leaned my seat back, and closed my eyes. I think I hit repeat over and over again until I fell asleep.

  Visions of him calling my name in a deep voice penetrated my brain. Not that I was sure that he had a deep voice, but he had a rough voice in my head. It wasn’t him. The guy next to me was tapping me. “Miss, we’re landing.”

  “Oh, thanks.” I blushed and righted my seat.

  He had a smirk. “Do you listen to those audible books or something?”

  “I don’t. Why?”

  It was his turn to blush. Then a woman’s teasing voice came from behind me. “Because…the way you were moaning we thought you were listening to some erotic novel.”

  I turned crimson, closed my eyes and tried to pretend that I wasn’t mortified, but there was no hiding it. Holy shit, I was so freaking embarrassed. I excused myself to use the restroom, splashing cold water on my face to cool the redness that I wasn’t sure came from the dream or my wake up call. Either way, I needed to get my shit together before I saw Tim. My body throbbed with desire, and I hadn’t actually met him yet. What the fuck was I going to do?

  There was a knock on the bathroom door. “It’s time to take your seats, please.”

  “I’m on my way out,” I called out.



  When Cameron asked me to pick up his sister for the Christmas holiday, I had no idea that I was going to lose my shit from just a picture. Cam sent one of her smiling in the summer sun. I couldn’t even see her eyes because she was wearing sunglasses, but I knew that she was gorgeous. Vanessa James, who the fuck hid you from me this past year?

  It was like Cam didn’t want me to know his sister, but that was just too bad. After taking on the task of scooping up the little princess, I had to get ready. Her flight wasn’t landing for three more hours, but I needed to look my best.

  Because I was technically working, I was going to pick her up in a suit. After all, didn’t they say women love men in suits like we love them in lingerie? I would love to see her naked. My dick was growing quickly in my pants. I didn’t even have my phone in front of me. I pulled out a fresh suit and laid it on the bed. Looking at my face in the mirror, I rubbed my chin wondering if I kissed her would she mind the hair. Her face was too beautiful to damage with my beard. I decided the day’s growth needed to go.

  I jumped in the shower and let the water hit my bare chest, soften up my scruff before I chopped it off. Letting the water spray against me, I envisioned her sweet lips pressed against my body. Her little hands would run along my abs. I groaned and took my stiffening cock in hand, squeezing it slightly. Closing my eyes, I started stroking myself. Thinking about her flesh that looked so smooth, I wondered how she would taste. With each stroke, I thought about how much I wanted her and what I would do to her. She was going to get fucked so hard. It wasn’t long before I was coming against the shower wall.

  After washing off the cum from my body and the wall, I jumped out of the shower. I shaved my face so she didn’t see the grizzly me, that she’d get later. Looking smooth, I got ready to go pick up the princess.


  It was the start of winter and it was already cold as shit, so I had to warm up the truck and take it for a quick wash. There was a large snowfall last week, but most of it had disappeared which would go a long way to keeping it clean. When I got to the airport, I parked in the pick-up lane and walked into the baggage claim area. I waited impatiently there for her. My palms were sweating as more time passed. It felt like hours, but it was more like minutes. Four minutes to be exact, but my heart thumped harder with ever tick of the clock. I wiped them on my pants, trying to stay calm, but it wasn’t working. I felt like the narrator in Poe’s The Tell Tale Heart. The sound of my own heartbeat was driving me mad. I had to step out into the cold Seattle air to cool the heat pumping madly through my body. Craving her was pissing me off. Why would one image of a smiling barely legal woman send me into unbelievable frenzy?

  I had to rush back in because her flight was landing at any moment. I looked at the arrivals board, and it had just pulled in. It wasn’t long before she was coming out of the terminal…with a man walking alongside her. She blushed, and it wasn’t something I particularly enjoyed. She was ten times more beautiful in person and that blush fucked with my cock. I wanted to growl and punch him in the head, but I didn’t have a right. She pinked-up again when he winked at her. Fucking cocksucker. I had to mentally calm myself down before I lost it for a woman I hadn’t even spoken to, but that was something I was just about to rectify.

  “Miss James,” I called out in a stern voice. She turned to the sound of her name, and her facial expression sent a tingle straight to my balls. The little princess was interested—very interested.

  “Tim?” she asked in a shaky voice while looking around for the guy that just left her side and not even making eye contact with me.

  Suddenly, I was fit to be tied. Jealousy rushed through me. “Yes, I’m Tim. Let’s get your suitcase so I can take you to your parents,” I said gruffly, my anger tainting my words. It was an emotion I wasn’t used to. I couldn’t hide my annoyance, but she took it the wrong way, like I didn’t want to do this. She grabbed her luggage off the carousel and started to walk out to the cars.

  “Hello, do you mind waiting? You don’t even know what kind of vehicle I’m driving.”

  “Who said I was going with you?” she retorted giving me a sneer.

  “That’s what I’m here for and you know it,” I replied just as grumpy.

  “Yeah, but you sound like you don’t want to take me. I can manage on my own. I didn’t ask Cam to send anyone to get me.”

  “You may not need it, but Cam wanted to make sure you got home safe. This way, little princess.” I pulled her to a stop and took the suitcase from her.

  “I’m sorry, too. I feel a little on edge today.”

  “Why? Was that jackass on the flight bothering you?”

  “No.” She gave me a strange look. Then I realized that I was gritting my teeth when I said that. I must have looked like a total grouch to her. I was walking with a fucking hard on that if anyone looked down they could see. Suit jacket or not, when I walked it pressed against my clothes.

  “Are you always so grumpy? Is that part of the whole big bad head of security requirements?”

  “No. Truth be told, I find you fucking beautiful, and I’ve got a million fucked up thoughts in my head right now.”

  “Like what?” she gulped, nervously looking down. Her eyes caught my erection in her sight, her mouth parting in surprise.

  “Lots of dirty shit.”


  “Let’s drop it, Vanessa. As you can see, you’ve got me hard as fuck and I can’t even think straight. I’m liable to fuck you in the truck if we keep talking about this, and you won’t be going back to school.”

  “But I have to go back and finish.”

  “Exactly, so as much as I want to hear you cry out my name I have to let you finish first.” I didn’t tell her that I’d only let her finish out the school year and that was it. If she wanted to still go to school, we’d need to get married. I knew that was an extreme reaction, but the first thing that crossed my mind when she exited was that she was mine.

  “Okay…” I grabbed her hand and led her to my truck. She didn’t fight or resist my touch; she just followed along. It took all my will-power to refrain from kissing her.

  “If we’re not together then you can let go of my hand.”

  “Not yet.” I wasn’t letting go of her hand until she was snug in the truck and we would be together in a matter of time.

  We reached my truck, and I stopped to place her suitcase in the bed of my Dodge Ram. I loved my truck, but she was eyeing it like she was confused as fuck. Her eyes immediately went back to my erection which shamelessly hadn’t gone down.

  “I guess it’s not overcompensating,” she said. I closed my eyes, trying to stem the flow of cum leaking onto my boxers. It took a moment, but I regained a semblance of control and opened the door for her. She easily managed to get in the truck without my help. She moved so fast that I didn’t have time to move and got a face full of ass. I wanted to lean forward and take a nibble.

  Closing the door, I walked around to the back, hoping and wishing my cock would soften before it broke the fuck off. I opened my door to catch her looking at herself in the mirror.

  “You’re fucking beautiful. Don’t worry.”

  “Thank you.” She blushed again, and all I could think about was how far did it spread down her body. Did her pink extend to those large breasts under that sweater?

  “Where’s your coat?”

  “I have one at the house. I forgot mine in my room. It’s not quite as cold back at my school.”

  “Well, I’m glad I left the truck running.”

  “So am I,” she said with a smile.

  “Damn, you need to stop,” I informed her.

  “Stop what?”

  “Being sexy.”

  “Wow, your standards are low.”

  “Don’t ever talk down about yourself. One day you’ll understand that I won’t tolerate that shit. You’re going to be the mother of my kids in the near future, and they will have the most beautiful mother ever.” She gasped in shock, but it did
n’t matter. I was serious. I knew it. One day we’d get married and I’d fuck ten kids into her. Damn, I needed to calm down or I’d come before pulling out of the parking spot.

  She was about to say something to me when her phone rang. With a chagrin, she answered, “Hi, Will. Yes, I just got back to Seattle.” He said something to her which must have been about getting together because she responded, “Actually, I don’t have any idea what my plans are for the next three weeks. I have to talk to my family and get that all straightened out, then I’ll give you a call.” Jealousy pumped through my veins, taking away my erection. I was hoping she was talking to her gay best friend or I’d have to knock some punk kid out. I was a grown ass man ready to fight a teen over a girl who was barely eighteen. Shit, I felt like an idiot. Trying to ignore the automatic response to her talking to another man, I drove in silence. She hung up the phone but didn’t look at me again. Damn it, it wasn’t a gay friend she was talking to, it was a boyfriend or ex of some sort.

  Needing to have an answer to the burning question running through my brain, I asked, “Is he your boyfriend?”

  She still didn’t look at me. It was like there was something captivating her outside her window. “Ex-boyfriend. We broke up when I left for college.”

  I wanted to close my eyes and calm down because my ass was losing it already, but I was driving. “So, why is he calling you now?”

  “We still talk sometimes. It’s complicated,” she admitted.

  Clutching the steering tightly, I drove on trying not to get insanely jealous. “If he’s an ex then you shouldn’t be talking to him.”

  “Look, I get that somehow you think you have this authority over me because we’re attracted to each other, but I’m not going to be told who the fuck I can talk to by a man that’s got no right to do so. Talk to me when you man up and want more than to just fuck me. Until then, leave me to do as I please.”

  Slamming on the brakes right then and lifting her onto my lap sounded like a good plan. Vanessa needed to be taught a lesson. She was attracted to me and not once tried to hide or fight the attraction until this little fuck called. I was trying to keep my cool because I was moving at a million miles an hour without even committing to a relationship with her. It sucked, but I didn’t know if a long distance thing could work between us. Not that I’d ever do her dirty like that and hook up with someone else, but the stress and worry that would fuck with our heads would be too much.


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