304At around three in the morning on August 18: A recent account establishing the date, which had been somewhat in question, is in the short text of Titos Martinez, Verano de 36 en Granada. For an understanding of the context and the correspondence discovered and presented in the book, it needs to be read in its entirety.
305one of the executioners: His name was Juan Luis Trascastro Medina. He was a local Falangist leader and had earlier declared that he was ready to “slit the throats of any reds including breast-feeding babies.” See Preston, The Spanish Holocaust, pp. 173–174.
308discovered in a crate: The poetry of Ismail ibn Neghrela, whose Hebrew name is Shmuel HaNagid. This story is told in the introduction by Peter Cole to his translation of the Selected Poems of Shmuel HaNagid, pp. xiv–xv. For an even more extraordinary story about the recovery of four thousand poems of medieval Hebrew poetry, a priceless treasure, just before they were burned in a fire to heat a kitchen pot, see Cole’s introduction to the Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol, pp. 10–11.
311“The color of the Angel Gabriel’s wings …”: However unlikely it might seem to anyone, this is an exact transcription of what she said. Her declaration was so sudden, and so detailed, that as soon as she had gone into her ballet class, I sat down and wrote out her words in my notebook, so that I could have them down accurately.
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