In the Kingdom's Name (Guardian of Scotland Book 2)

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In the Kingdom's Name (Guardian of Scotland Book 2) Page 28

by Amy Jarecki

  At least if he left thinking she was insane, she might not hurt his feelings too badly. He was that kind of guy. Brilliant like William, masculine, considerate, chivalrous, fiercely good looking.

  Not for me.

  Eva must move on. She couldn’t mope around in a quagmire of depression anymore.

  Fortunately, as soon as she’d returned from hell, her “modern” life shifted into high gear. The only problem? Things just might be happening too fast.

  The movie company had e-mailed her tickets to fly to America for the film debut of her book. Jeez, her agent had dropped the phone when Eva finally called. She’d missed all of the promotional appearances and a chance to be on The Tonight Show with the cast, but Eva didn’t care about that. However, she was looking forward to attending the debut.

  And then she’d spend a couple weeks in Washington DC at the embassy with her parents. Mum was elated. Breaking the news to them would be—well, Eva would just have to do it.

  Though her main residence was a townhouse just outside Edinburgh, Eva had invited Bill to Torwood. She could explain things so much better there—kind of keep things in the past as well.

  She waited for him in the car park and when the rumble of the Audi’s engine approached, her palms grew moist. Every time Eva looked at this man, she shook like a Chihuahua standing in snow. Seeing him was almost akin to an addictive drug—it terrified her, yet she craved his nearness, his scent. He made her think of little else until their next meeting, and by God, that needed to stop.

  Driving over the gravel, he waved, smiling the grin she’d fallen in love with. Jeez, looking at him twisted her into a million knots. He cut the engine and stepped out of his shiny black car. “Am I late?”

  A deep inhale helped to steady her nerves. “Exactly on time.”

  She’d told him tonight was casual and he sauntered toward her wearing jeans and a black t-shirt that stretched taut across his biceps and well-muscled chest.

  Eva’s knees wobbled beneath her sundress and sweater. But she ground her teeth and forced herself to look away.

  “It’s good to see you.” He took her fingers, bowed over them and plied the back of her hand with a kiss—warm breath, lips softer than feathers… “How are you, my lady?” …a burr that could melt honeycomb.

  Forcing a smile, Eva drew away her hand and rubbed the back of it—tried to erase the tingles skittering up her arm. “Coping.”

  “That doesn’t sound good.” He bit down on his bottom lip. “Are you certain you wouldn’t prefer to go out? I know—”

  “I’m positive,” she said a bit too insistently. “Besides, I already have everything prepared.”

  “I’m honored,” Bill said with deep sincerity in his voice. He gestured toward the enormous doors. “Shall we?”

  Leading the way, a lump of lead sank to the pit of her stomach. This was a bad idea—the worst she’d had yet. Bill’s footsteps echoed behind her along the way as they climbed the five fights up the wheeled stairwell.

  I cannot back out now.

  Exiting into the fifth floor passageway, she regarded him over her shoulder. “I’ve never brought anyone up here. This wing isn’t open to the public.”

  “No?” His mouth turned up as if he liked the idea but tried to hide a bigger grin. “What other surprises do you have for this evening?”

  “You’ll soon find out.” She unlocked her chamber door and motioned for him to step inside.

  He stopped just beyond the doorway. “Wow. This is incredibly authentic looking.” He turned full circle, his lips slightly parted, then he gave her a pointed look. “Are you sure you didn’t show me this chamber on my first tour?”

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Huh.” Bill tapped his chin. “I feel like I’ve been here before.”

  Eva swallowed against her thundering heart. He’d probably taken a tour at Holyrood Palace and was remembering the King’s Bedchamber—though a bit more lavish, it had similar furnishings.

  She watched him stroll inside and run his fingers over the round table set for two, a pair of candles burning atop. He then moved to the hearth where a peat fire smoldered. On the mantel, a candelabra cast the most light. Eva had opted not to use electricity this evening.

  Turning to the bed, he crossed his arms while a look of surprise arched his brow.

  That was her cue. She definitely didn’t want him to get the wrong idea about all this. “Clan Forrester has granted me this chamber for my own private use. Did you know the royals once entertained their closest friends and allies in their bedchambers?”

  “Ah, no. I didn’t.” His stance relaxed. “Do you write up here?”


  He ran his finger down a brass candlestick on the table. “It’s perfect—just like the medieval chambers you describe in your book.”

  “I hoped it would be.” Eva pulled out his chair and pointed to it. Having him standing in her chamber—the replica of the one she’d once shared with William, made it nearly impossible for her to focus. “Wine?”

  He shook his finger. “I’m supposed to pour.”

  “Very well.” She slipped into her seat before he had a chance to hold it for her.

  He pulled the cork out of the bottle, then hesitated. “Only one glass?”

  She nodded, indicating she wanted him to pour. If she didn’t start talking now, she might never address the issues and then this night would be for naught. “Ah…when you saw me for the first time, did you have a spark of recognition?”

  He sat and rested the bottle in the pewter holder. “Do you mean did I have déjà vu?”

  “Something like that.” Eva chewed on the inside of her cheek.

  “Come to think of it, I did have a flicker in the back of my mind, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.” He leaned forward, squinting. “I haven’t wanted to sound tactless, but it’s been driving me insane. Have we met before?”

  “Yes…and no.” Lord, she probably had the man entirely confused and she hadn’t even touched on the meaty stuff.

  “Huh? Ever since we met…every time we’re together, there’s a sense of-of-of familiarity I cannot possibly explain.” He pushed the heels of his hands against his temples. “Have I lost my mind?”

  Eva managed a smile. “I don’t think so, but after I tell you a few things, you might think I’ve lost mine.”

  Dropping his hands, he blinked. “Forgive me, but you’re not making a bit of sense.”

  “I know.” She cringed. “Sorry—it’s just hard to decide where to start.”

  “You seem nervous.”

  Licking her lips, she wished she’d allowed herself a half glass of wine. “I am.”

  He reached across the table and smoothed his fingers down and up her arm. “No need. I’m just happy to be here…with you.” He spread his arms wide, taking it all in. “In this amazing chamber.”

  God, she needed to get this over with before his charm completely seized her heart. “So—you don’t remember meeting me, but you felt something…some familiarity when we met?” she repeated.

  “Yes.” He nodded decisively.

  She twirled William’s ring around her finger. “Well, I remember meeting you.”

  “You do? Where was it? At university? Because, I have to say I wasn’t always on top of my game—”

  “No.” She reached under the table and grasped the file of photos she’d printed. “I have so much to say, please bear with me.”

  “Why not take a deep breath and start at the beginning?” One side of his mouth quirked up—as handsome as...

  She set the folder down. Maybe it can wait. “Would you prefer to eat first?”

  He leaned in, his blue eyes sparkling with the candlelight. “I think you’re stalling.”

  “Right. The beginning makes the most sense.” Sighing, Eva pulled the medallion from under her blouse. “Um. Over eight years ago, Professor Walter Tennant gave me this medallion…”

  “Tennant?” Bill clasped his hands
together, satisfaction filling his eyes. “I took a class from him at Glasgow Uni.”

  “So you know him?”

  “Yes—brilliant man.”

  “Quite,” Eva said noncommittally. She showed Bill the medallion’s front and back, explained the only rule. Then she sat straight, clenched her bum cheeks, and told him everything from the first occasion she’d time traveled. Showing him the pictures she’d taken along the way, she made her case, trying to convince him to believe the unbelievable, knowing that with each word, she hammered a nail in the coffin of their relationship.

  Bill sat very still, listening, not saying a word. Though he studied every picture, running his pointer finger over his—William’s face.

  Did this man have any recollection of the events she unraveled? Was she completely off the mark? God, she didn’t even believe in reincarnation.

  Or did she?

  By the time Eva got to the part about William’s trial she was a wreck, shaking like a lunatic. “After the justice finished, I opened my mouth to refute the litany of false accusations against William, and poof, I was gone.” She thrust her finger out. “Landed on that bed, and then you were the first person I saw.”

  Sitting back, Bill picked up his wine glass and swirled the cabernet. Then he took a long drink—a very long drink—drained half of it.

  Eva licked her lips and cringed. “Do you still want dinner?”

  “Aye,” he croaked out hoarsely.

  “Are you all right?” She stood.

  He took another drink. “Not certain.”

  Perhaps he needs a little time before he bolts for the door.

  She started across to the sideboard. “I have a lamb pottage and fresh bread warming.”


  Picking up the spoon, she regarded him over her shoulder. “Is that all right? Would you prefer something else?”

  He poured himself another glass of wine. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

  “It’s sort of a medieval stew.”

  “I know…don’t ask me how, but I know.” His voice sounded strained. What did she expect—she’d just told a decorated colonel that she’d been running around medieval Scotland with his clone.

  Eva placed the plates on the table. “I half expected you to have walked out by now.”

  He took his serviette and unfolded it across his lap. “The thought crossed my mind.”

  Her heart sank. “Sorry. But at least I can serve you a good meal first. I didn’t make the pottage—ordered it from the medieval restaurant at Stirling Castle.”

  He held up his fork. “Well, thank heavens you have modern cutlery.”

  She let out a nervous chuckle—ah yes, she’d told him about using an eating knife. “It’s time I put all this behind me and move on with my life.”

  “Good idea.” Ignoring his food, he stared across the table as if he were stunned. Did he have any remembrance? Was he about to run? Did he think her a complete lunatic?

  She should have just cut things off over the phone before she got on the plane tomorrow. Why in the hell did she think she needed to explain?

  Examining her food, Eva shoveled a bite into her mouth. He did the same.

  “Mm, this is very good,” Bill said, dabbing his lips.

  “I’m glad you like it.” She swallowed—more like gulped.

  He picked up his glass and swirled the ruby liquid. “Have you given it much thought?”

  “The pottage?”

  “No, what you’ll do now that your ordeal is over?”

  Eva pushed her food around with her fork. “In the short term, I’m traveling. Hopping a plane for Los Angeles in the morning. Fortunately, I’ve made it back in time for the film debut of my book. And then I’ll stop in Washington to see my parents.”

  “You’re leaving?” His eyebrow’s pinched together as he set his glass down. “How long will you be away?”

  “A month or so.” She shrugged. “I suppose it doesn’t matter.”

  “Pardon?” He picked up one of the pictures—a selfie she’d taken with William in the early days. “Did you think your leaving wouldn’t matter to me?”

  She sat back with a snort. “Ah…I thought you would have run out of here screaming by now.”

  “Perhaps I should.” He then examined the one she’d taken when William and Andrew were consecrated as Guardians.

  “Not before dessert. I made your favorite.” Eva again headed for the sideboard. “I had to make it from scratch because they didn’t have any at the castle.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, he pushed his chair back. “So, what is my favorite?”

  “Plum pudding.”

  “Wrong. It’s plum tart.”

  Her shoulders dropped. “I knew there had to be some differences. After all, it’s been seven hundred years.” She tried to laugh, but it came out like a splutter.

  Standing, the floorboards creaked as he moved in behind her and placed a hand on her waist. “You seem upset.” His whisper sent a shiver across her shoulders.

  This time Eva’s laugh sounded like a cough. “If only someone besides Walter Tennant would believe me.”

  Warm breath caressed her neck. “I believe ye, mon amour.”

  Eva froze, goosebumps coursed down her arms. She hadn’t said a word about William’s endearment. But then, it was common enough—the two men were similar, too.

  “God help me.” She closed her eyes and swooned against him. “Do you remember anything from my story?”

  “Not a thing…but…”


  “I had a feeling. I can’t explain it—but there’s something incredibly familiar about your photos—about you—about this room.”

  “There is?”

  “So much so, I cannot walk away—though any reasonable man would have already sprinted to his car and sped down the motorway.”

  Eva’s head spun. It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. He was supposed to be history by now, speeding down that very motorway. She picked up the spoon and scooped some pudding. “Taste.”

  He opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him. His bold jaw twitched with his chewing, then his eyes grew wide. “Lord, that is delicious.”

  She grinned. “A new favorite?”

  He reached for the spoon and scooped some more. “It’s a close second for certain.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” She bit her bottom lip. “But there’s one more thing I have to tell you before…before…um...” …you make that mad dash for your Audi.

  He stopped mid-chew. “Yes?”

  “I’m pregnant,” she blurted without hesitation. After all, he needed to know and she had to get this whole thing over with. Jeez, how he’d hung around this long was beyond her.

  His Adam’s apple bobbed with his gulp. “Oh?” It wasn’t a happy “oh”. It sounded more like the croak from an adolescent rooster.

  Now he’ll run for certain. “I just found out yesterday.”

  Bill’s face pinched like he was in complete shock, then he turned and strolled toward the hearth. “And the father?”

  Here it comes. Eva clutched her hands against her abdomen. “Ah…as I said, I’ve been away since February. It’s August—and I’m only two months along.”

  “Good God.” Bill buried his face into his palms. Shaking his head with a groan, he then slid his hands over his hair and regarded her. “What other shocking surprises do you have for me tonight?”

  Regardless of the fact that she’d prepared for his reaction, the hunk of lead in her stomach dropped to her toes. “I didn’t think you’d want me to cut my trip to America short.”


  “The film debut—you know—I mentioned it.”

  “Er…yeah.” Bill paced the floor, his head still shaking. How she’d ever thought there was a thread of hope he’d believe her… Then he stopped. “I…you…I—”

  Throwing out her hands, she stepped in. “You don’t have to say anything. I know this seems crazy—im
possible. I can’t even believe you’re still here right now.”

  “Jesus.” He looked to the ceiling. “Do you have any idea why I haven’t walked out the door?”


  He pointed to her chair. “You’d best sit, ’cause this might take a while.”

  Holy shit. What on earth? Eva complied and folded her arms. This ought to be good.

  He stood with his arms crossed, his black t-shirt straining good and tight across well-muscled pecs. “The first time I saw you, your eyes were swollen and red with tears. At that time, my instinct was to leave you to your sorrow, but then a picture flashed through my mind—one that’s been with me since the beginning of time—one I’ve dreamt about as long as I can remember.”

  Leaning forward, she opened her mouth, but Bill held up his palm.

  “Bear with me.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “When I looked at your face—really looked at it, you brought all my dreams to life. You made the hairs on my arms stand on end.”

  He shuddered.

  So did she.

  Then his crystal blues bore through to her soul. “Every dream is the same—and it’s you. I’m certain of it. You are always dressed in gold with an aura of light radiating around you.” He pulled open her arm, took her hand and turned William’s ring around her finger. “Don’t tell me how I know this, but I gave you that ring. I know this ring. I know it in my heart and my soul. And God save me, you are the woman I’ve always known I would be with.”

  Eva’s heart fluttered like a gazillion flashing lights. He did know her. “A-and the baby?”

  He let out a wee chuckle. “I only wish I’d been dreaming about the time of conception all my life.”

  Heat burned her cheeks while she tore her gaze away. “I know the responsibility is too much to ask of any man.”

  “The wee one needs a father.” He brought her ringed finger to his lips and kissed the Celtic knot. “Is it safe to travel in your condition?”

  Eva nodded. “The doctor said I should be all right this early.”


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