The Divine Fallen

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The Divine Fallen Page 13

by Lorena Beaver

  For what seemed like hours I tried to figure out where I was. I stopped. It felt like I was in the exact same spot that I was before.

  What is going on? Where am I? Wasn’t I in the woods last?

  “Chase!” I yelled. “Ryan! Abigail!”

  My voice echoed through the air. I turned in circles waiting for someone, anyone to appear.

  “Anyone here? Where am I? Show yourself!” I balled my hands into tight fists trying to control my anger.

  What happened?

  I turned again hoping that something would change but everything was still just white. As I took one more turn my blood ran cold. In front of me stood a young man, who looked to be a year or two younger than Chase. His hair was light brown and he was almost as tall as I. He began to walk towards me as he did he smiled.


  He was about ten steps from me when I took a step back. “No, this can’t be,” tears threaten to run down my cheeks as they stepped closer. “Please, stop.”

  I held my hand up and they stopped. He held his hands behind his back patiently waiting for me.

  “This can’t be. You’re not real. Are you?” I stopped when a lump formed in my throat. Tears overflowed as I tried to breathe. My voice was hardly a whisper when I began to speak again. “Noah, please tell me that it’s you.”

  “Hello, Father. You’re looking well,” he smiled.

  I closed my eyes taking a deep breath.

  This is in your mind. When you open your eyes he’ll be gone.

  But sure enough, he was still there when I opened my eyes. I took three large steps wrapping him in a crushing embrace. When he wrapped his arms around me I felt as if I was finally home. I never wanted this moment to end, I could have stayed here for the rest of time.

  “It’s okay, dad. It’s okay.”

  I could help but cry, so many things I wanted to ask and say but they all left my mind once I got to hold him. He patted my shoulder as he pulled away from me.

  “It’s me.”

  “Look at you,” I said still holding on tightly to his shoulders. I was scared that if I would have let go that he would be gone. “You’re all grown up. All the things I’ve missed.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve been doing well.”

  I froze. “Son, if I’m with you does that mean—”

  “Dead? Oh no. You’re not dead. You’re just hidden away for safekeeping.”


  “You are in the land of the Creators. This is where I have been for many years. They teach me great things here. It’s really a wonderful place.”

  “But all I can see is nothing but white.”

  He nodded, “yes it takes time. They have to know that you trust and believe before you can see the real beauty with your own eyes.”

  “I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered, one single tear falling.

  “I’ve missed you too. I’ve been watching over you every day though. I know you know that. But I do miss talking with you.”

  My heart felt as if it were going to explode. How I just wanted to sit and talk with him but I knew that there were things I needed to know before I could do that.

  “So if I haven’t died how can I be here with you? And what am I being protected from?” Reluctantly I let my hands fall to my sides.

  “The Creators are protecting you. The Shifting is happening. The events that took place were the beginning of it. Horrible things are going to happen, but the Creators knew that you needed protection.”

  “Why am I the only one they are protecting? What about Chase, or Ryan and Abigail? What about her parents. They are more important than anyone has ever been considered in Ether.”

  Noah shook his head. “No, they are not. Their daughter is. Her, Chase and Ryan are not here because they are the ones that have to bring an end to this war. If the Creators were to bring them here then that would mean death for all of us. True death.”

  “So how am I here with you?”

  “This is where I live my day's afterlife. One day I will take over one of the Creators positions. As I told you years ago it was never supposed to be me fighting by Abigail’s side. It was supposed to me, Chase. It’s written in the Creators’ prophecy that I am supposed to be here. One day I will show it to you.”

  “Well, what does the prophecy say about the war? What’s going to happen?”

  “That is for Abigail to decide.”

  I frowned. “What? What is that supposed to mean? How can the Creators have made all of these choices for thousands of years and then just all of the sudden leave it up to someone else?”

  He smiled. “Because she is the next leader of the Creators. Her decisions she makes going forward will prove that she is the true next leader. But you must never speak of this to anyone.”

  I didn’t answer, instead, I took time to take in what he had just said. Finally, I nodded. “I swear.”

  “And as to why you are here, protected. You must look after Ether once this is all over. You’re people still need you, the Creators couldn’t risk something happening to you so when the darkness took over they brought you here. No one will be able to find you here, all except for one.”


  He nodded.

  “Are they okay? Do you know? Can you tell me?”

  “They are alive.”

  That’s never good.

  “Was there no one else protected but me?” I asked. Suddenly I realized how Abigail must have felt.

  “Yes, one other.”

  “Who!” I asked quicker than I probably should have.

  “Her brother.”


  “Yes, he is here. He is safe, protected.”

  “Where? Can I see him?” I asked.

  “In time,” he nodded.

  “I don’t mean for this to sound rude but why was he protected? There must be an important reason why.”

  “He will be very important to you one day,” Noah walked past me. I turned walking with him.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Unfortunately, my time with you is just about over.”

  “What? What do you mean?” I grabbed his arm stopping him.

  “I have to go soon. But I must tell you. Abigail will come for you soon, you need to make sure that you give her that key back.”

  “What key?” I stared at him. Suddenly it hit me. “The one they brought back? The one I have hidden?”

  “Yes, she will need it. Make sure that she has it on her at all times. Do you understand?” Noah waited patiently.

  “I understand. I’ll make sure she gets it.”

  He nodded, happy with my answer. “I must go now, Dad. You’re doing well. I’m glad I got to see you today it was a nice surprise when they told me.”

  “I love you, son,” I pulled him into a tight hug. I squeezed my eyes shut to try and keep the tears from escaping.

  “I love you too. I will always be with you,” he pulled away, smiling at me. “Until we see each other again.”

  All I could do was nod. He walked past me. I turned watching him fade into the bright white. I lowered my head, a few tears falling again.

  You turned into a fine young man, Noah. Nothing could ever describe how proud I am of you.

  I jumped when I heard something behind me. I turned to see another young man a few years older than Noah walking towards me.

  “Hello? Is there someone there?”


  He stopped a few feet away from me. “Can you help me? I don’t know where I am. How I got here. Do you have any idea?”

  “Are you Carson?”

  His brows pulled together in wonder. “Yes, how do you know that.”

  I waved my hand through the air motioning for him to come to me. “Come, we have a lot to talk about.”


  “Do you think Owl is doing okay?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes, Charlie has been keeping him company. I think they have become good
friends.” I smiled, remembering how exciting he was when he saw his friend.

  Ryan chuckled. “That’s true. They’ll keep Ether safe until we’re back.”

  “Or make a mess of the place,” Chase added.

  We all laughed. I looked at the boys as they began joking with each other. I tried to take in the moment for as long as I could. For a minute it felt like all was right in the worlds again.

  “Abigail are we almost there?” Chase’s question snapped me from my daydream.

  “Not much farther. Maybe another hour.”

  “There it is. The City of Spirits.”

  Chase frowned. “What do you mean? It’s just a massive mountain.”

  “No, look, Chase,” Ryan pointed to the small path. “Just wait, you’ll see.”

  “Through there?”

  “You go first. You’ll see,” I nodded.

  He hesitated but started down the small path. I looked back at Ryan, we both smiled. We knew what his reaction was going to be.

  I knew we were almost to the end of the path when it began to get lighter.

  Chase stopped. “Wh—what is this? Where are we?”

  “The City of Spirits.” Ryan and I came to stand beside him.

  “Come on, Chase. Wait until you see what’s up ahead,” Ryan started into the city.

  Chase looked over at me. “It's okay, Chase. Come on. I promise its safe.”

  As we got closer to the center of the city I could see the council standing around the tree.

  “Who are they?” Chase asked.

  “They’re the council.”

  “What’s the matter, Chase?” Ryan asked.

  “Abigail, let me see your arm,” Chase turned to me holding out his hand.

  I smiled at Ryan as I let Chase take my arm. Repeatedly he looked down at my arm and then back to the tree.


  “I know.”


  “Come on, they’re waiting for you,” I nodded in the direction of the tree.

  He nodded.

  As we got closer the red-haired lady stepped forward.

  “Hello, Chase. We have been expecting you,” they all bowed to us.

  “Ah, thank you.”

  “We are glad to see that you all are okay.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled.

  “We’re deeply saddened and sorry for your loss Chase.”

  I wondered for a brief moment if they ever knew his father was still alive but quickly expelled the idea.

  Chase looked down at the pendant in his hand. I could tell that every emotion rushed back to him.

  Ryan and I looked over to see the council part. They made a path to the tree, three standing on either side.

  “Come on, Chase,” I whispered holding out my hand.

  He hesitated but finally took my hand. We walked to the base of the tree, Ryan stayed back, standing at the beginning of the path.

  I knelt down, they had already dug a small hole for Chase. I looked up waving Chase to kneel too. “Come on, Chase.”

  He knelt, staring at the pendant in his hand. “Abigail, how didn’t I know? Why didn’t I look harder?” Tears began to flow freely down his face. “God, he must think the worst of me. What kind of son just leaves his father for-”

  “Chase, come here, shh,” he fell into my arms crying into my shoulder. “It’s okay.”

  “No, Abigail. He was alive. All these years. Suffering. I could have saved him. What a horrible son—”

  “Chase, Chase, will you look at me?”

  He paused.


  He leaned back looking at me, more tears in his eyes.


  Ugh, please don’t let him get mad at me.

  “Abigail, what are you talking about?” I was surprised for a moment. Even the short time it was I was used to my thoughts being my own again.

  I sighed. “Chase when I was in Limbo I—I was locked in the dungeons… with your father for days.”

  Shock took over his face.

  “I didn’t know it was him at first. It was quite a while actually. But Chase, I’m so sorry. I tried. I tried so hard,” I couldn’t hold back my tears anymore.

  Chase looked away from me. I couldn’t tell if he was angry with me or not.

  “But Chase, he loved you... loves you so much. And he is so proud of you. He is so proud of what kind of man you have become. Chase, will you look at me please.”

  He looked up. His tears had seemed to stop.

  “Chase,” My voice was hardly a whisper, “they never broke his spirit.”

  He nodded turning to face the tree. He looked down placing the necklace in the ground. He pushed the dirt over it. He took some time to make sure that the dirt was packed tightly over it. I took a glance back to see the council kneeling, bowing their heads. Ryan had his head bowed too.


  I looked back to him.

  “Thank you.”

  I smiled. “He is at peace now.”

  “We can stay longer if you like,” Ryan had come to join us.

  He shook his head. “We have to go. He’s in this wonderful place now.”

  I smiled. “Okay then. Let’s go.”

  He stood holding his hand out for me. I took it getting to my feet.

  I looked up at the tree. “Isn’t it wonder—”

  I stopped when I touched the tree. An energy took over my body. My arm tingled. Suddenly a vision appeared in front of me as if a movie was playing before me. As quickly as it started a sharp burning pain grew in my arm until it was too much to handle anymore. I pulled away from the tree taking a deep breath.

  “Abigail? Abigail? Are you okay?”

  Both Ryan and Chase were holding onto one of my arms.

  “Are you okay?” Ryan asked.

  “What just happened?”

  “Guys, I saw—”


  “They were all together.”


  “Granddad, your father, and—” I stopped, trying to understand what it was I really just saw. “—my parents.”

  “What?” They spoke together.

  “They were all together. They looked happy.”

  “Where were they?”

  “I don’t know,” I looked up at them. “But does that mean my parents are dead?”

  Neither one of them knew what to say. Before us, two leaves fell onto the spot that Chase just buried his father’s necklace. I looked down at my mark to see two leaves fall there too.


  It had been four days since the humans had left us. Each hour Charlie and I would fly around the whole city to make sure that everything was up to snuff. We were starting to get bored though. Nothing was changing and we had no idea when they were going to be coming back.

  “When do you think they’re coming back?” Charlie was hopping around the courtyard, pecking at the ground.

  “Hard to say, I don’t think anytime soon though. The Spirits still have a full barrier of protection up over the city.”

  Charlie had become a good friend. There were many things that we shared in common and I hope that they would let him come back an visit after everything was over.

  “Well, what are we going to do then? This is getting boring. Ryan knows that I can’t sit around like this. He should know better,” I paced back and forth on top of the courtyard wall.

  Charlie flew up to join me. He nodded his beak down. “I know what you mean.”

  “Come on, there must be something that we can do around here.”

  We flew around for ages but couldn’t find anything we could do that wouldn’t get us into trouble when they got back.

  “It’s useless. We might as well just wait it out. They should be back soon right?” Charlie looked over at me. We were both sitting on barrels beside one of the little houses on the street.

  “Well, I would think so. They don’t really have time to waste,�
� I shook my feather’s out as the sun warmed them. “Oh well, at least it’s nice out today.”

  Charlie looked up. “I think you spoke too soon.”

  I looked up too. Once the protection barrier was up we couldn’t see it anymore but now there were ripples of white covering the sky. “Ah, what does that mean?”

  “I think it’s failing.”

  “But they’re not back yet.”

  “Maybe the Spirits can’t protect Ether anymore.”


  Both of us jumped looking back ahead of us. In front of us stood the leader of the council from the City of Spirits.

  I turned my beak towards Charlie, speaking out of the side of it. “Where did she come from?”

  He looked over at me, glaring. “You know where she came from.”

  “Boys, we need your help.”

  “How can we help you?” Charlie asked.

  “You are being attacked. We’re not sure how quite yet but the only way that we can keep the barrier up is if you protect it from inside.”

  “Well, how do we do that?” I asked.

  “You have to go find Ryan’s watch. Take it to the fountain and open it.”

  “I can’t do that. It will kill Ryan,” I took a small step back.

  “That is why you need to find a stone of protection. It will be an orange color. There is one in the city. This much we are certain of,” her image fluttered, proving that she wasn’t actually here. “You will also need to find a black stone. It’s a stone of channeling. It will channel the power of the watch correctly.”

  “Do you have any idea where these stones are?”

  “No, this task will have to lie to you two. But time is failing, you must go.”

  We didn’t have a chance to ask anymore, she has disappeared.

  “Well, how in the hell are we supposed to do that?” I jumped, turning towards him.

  “I don’t know. Hard to say how much time we even have. Do you know where Ryan’s watch is?”

  “Yes, I was with him when it hid it again.”


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