When I Love (Vassi & Seri 3: Russian Stepbrother Romance)

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When I Love (Vassi & Seri 3: Russian Stepbrother Romance) Page 13

by Marian Tee

  “Forget about them,” he told her.

  Seri took a deep breath. “I’ll try.”

  Turning his back to her, he started signing autographs again. A moment later, the crowd started to laugh, including the girl in front of him.

  He asked curiously, “What’s so funny?”

  “Your girlfriend, Mr. Grachyov.”

  He spun around and to his shock, he saw a furious-looking Seri throwing anything and everything she could get her hands on. Tickets, pamphlets, canapés, and when she ran out of small objects, she actually tried lifting one of the barrier posts of the velvet ropes holding the crowd back.

  Realizing that she wanted to throw that, too, he quickly finished signing the last autograph and, returning to Seri’s side, he curved an arm around her waist and drew her away.

  “They deserve it,” she told him, cheeks flushed. “I can still remember---”

  “Whatever happened to retribution only being for God?”

  Without missing a beat, she said, “God couldn’t make it, so He told me that I should cover for Him.”

  Laughing, he placed a kiss on her mouth, whispering against her lips, “Liar.” He smiled down at her. “But I love you anyway.”

  When they finally made it to the ballroom, Vassi and Seri were immediately surrounded by well-wishers, congratulating them for their successful tandem. With all the gushing flattery, it was almost hard to believe that just six months ago, the world had believed Vassi was a rapist.

  And it hadn’t even ended there, Seri thought wryly. When news of their relationship broke out, numerous advocacy groups had condemned them for supposedly promoting incest. Even Fyodor, Sergei, and Misha had been affected by the scandal, but in the end, everyone had weathered the storm just by being themselves.

  They were a family, and they would stay as one, through thick or thin.

  Happiness swelled inside of her, and unable to help it, she gave Vassi a quick hug.

  He looked down at her in surprise, but Seri had already moved on to the other members of their family. She hugged Misha, Sergei, and Fyodor as well, and when they turned to her with perplexed looks, she said simply, “I’m just happy I’m with you boys.”

  Her gorgeous boys grinned.

  “So are we, little dove.” Misha ruffled her hair.

  “I only wish you weren’t going out with someone like Vassi.” Sergei’s tone was pained.

  “They’re not married yet,” Fyodor pointed out mildly. “They can still break up.”

  Vassi scowled. “Dammit, Papa, can you at least take my side once in a while?”

  “I always will,” Fyodor promised him, “as long as it’s not against my baby girl.”

  When it was finally time to premiere the product commercial, the host called for Seri to join Misha and Max on the stage.

  He kissed her on the cheek. “I’m proud of you, solnishka moya.”

  Even now, Vassi being sweet could still take her by surprise, and blushing, she said shyly, “T-thank you.”

  He watched her go, saw the way just about every man in the room stared at his woman in lustful admiration, and Vassi took a deep, calming breath. He saw Max offer his hand as Seri made it to the stage, the other man’s arm curving around his woman’s waist.

  Vassi took another deep breath.

  Damn American asshole. One of these days, he would end up cutting off Maximilian Rockford’s hand if the damn man didn’t stop making the moves on Seri.

  “I need a drink,” he muttered before swinging away.

  The lights went out as he made his way to the refreshments table, and as he took one of the glasses from the champagne pyramid, he overheard two women gossiping.

  “I heard they used to go out.”


  “Seri Devereaux and Maximilian Rockford?”

  “No kidding? I thought she had been in love with her stepbrother since she was a kid?”

  “I have it on good authority that they really did date, and if you ask me, I think she should be with Maximilian. It’s just creepy, her and her stepbrother together. And then there’s Vassi Grachyov being a rapist---”

  “But wasn’t it proven that Daniela Martin was insane and just made up all those lies about him?”

  The other girl snorted. “Oh please. He’s a Grachyov. He probably paid off every member in the jury to get Daniela convicted.”

  The women’s conversation stayed in Vassi’s mind even as he did his best to shake them off and dismiss it as unimportant. That night, he found himself holding her more tightly as he asked broodingly, “Will it ever bother you?”

  Seri sleepily turned around in his arms to face Vassi. “What would?”

  “What the world thinks about you…about us.”

  It was so unlike Vassi to show concern that she gazed at him searchingly. “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head.

  “Vassi…you’re my dream come true. How can I ever be bothered when you’re something I wished for?”

  His lips formed a crooked smile. “I used to remember a time when you would rather die than say something like that.”


  She turned red. “Why did you have to remind me?” she wailed. “Now, I do want to die!”

  “Thankfully---” He suddenly rolled Seri onto her back. “I know the perfect cure for embarrassment.”

  As his mouth trailed down the side of her neck, she couldn’t help arching against his body even as she stammered, “W-what is it?”

  He lifted his head to smirk at her. “I’ll keep you so busy with fucking you won’t have time to be embarrassed.”

  “Vassi!” But in a few moments, he had proved himself correct, with Seri losing herself in the addictive pleasure of his touch.

  The next day, Seri, accompanied by Davey and the other boys, paid a surprise visit to Vassi on the set of the movie he was shooting.

  He was obviously stunned to see them but soon enough, he was grinning and the moment they finished shooting a sequence, Vassi gestured for them to join him. He introduced them to the cast. “Fyodor, my father, and these two are my brothers. This is Seri and her friend Davey.”

  Oooookay, she thought. He could have mentioned that she was his girlfriend, but whatever. She shouldn’t be fussy. When the introductions were done, she tried catching his attention, but Vassi actually pretended not to notice and instead engaged his director in a conversation with Fyodor and the other boys.

  This continued for the rest of the morning, which finally forced Seri to admit that something was wrong.

  Very wrong, and it was making him extra circumspect with her, almost like he was just her stepbrother---


  She remembered last night’s strange conversation. Was that what this was all about? Was that why Vassi suddenly seemed allergic to standing next to her and making eye contact?

  She turned to Davey, hissing under her breath, “Come with me.” Drawing him to a quiet corner at the set, she asked, “You noticed it, too, don’t you?”

  “Vassi being less than touchy-feely?” her friend guessed.

  “I knew I wasn’t imagining it!”

  “You weren’t, and frankly it’s kinda creepy when Vassi’s being such a gentleman.” Davey paused. “But then, it could be he’s a late bloomer.” At her bemused look, Davey explained with a sigh, “It takes time for things to sink in for some people. I think that’s true in his case. You almost lost your life, he was almost convicted as a rapist, then having to convince the world that you two aren’t incestuous---”

  “But we’re not,” she protested irritably.

  “It’s a judgmental world we live in. Deal with it.” Davey shrugged. “But you get my point, right? It’s only now that he finally has some time and space to think things through, and it’s probably just now Vassi’s questioning himself whether he did the right thing, going public with you.”

  She shook her head in sheer disbelief. “Vassi can’t be so insecure---”

  “Seri, the
man’s head over heels in love with you. That will make him insecure for the rest of his life.” Davey’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, did that make you happy?”

  “Umm, no?” She fought back against smiling, but it was hard.

  “Who would’ve thought you have a sadistic little streak in you?”

  “Shut up.” But she couldn’t stop grinning. Davey had just made her day, saying that Vassi was head over heels in love with her. However, if Davey also proved right about the other thing, and he usually was when it came to relationships---

  She had to do something about that.

  Seri whispered, “Can I ask you for a favor?”

  * * *

  Seri was probably mad as hell with him now. Without trying to be obvious about it, Vassi had tried to looking for her all over the set the moment he realized he hadn’t seen her in the past fifteen minutes. But when it became clear that she had either disappeared or left, Vassi knew he was the only one to blame. Had he really thought she wouldn’t notice the way he had tried to be different with her?

  Excusing himself from his family, who were seriously considering investing in the director’s next film, Vassi made his way to his trailer. At least there, he could be assured of some semblance of privacy while he made his call to Seri and performed some light groveling over the phone.

  Unlocking the door, he stepped inside---

  “Surprise!” A naked Seri jumped out from behind the sofa.

  He managed to kick the door shut just as Seri launched herself at him. “What---”

  “We’re going to fuck,” she announced with a grin. “But first---” Reaching behind him, she tapped on the button activating the trailer’s sound system. She had already preset the playlist, and a second later, Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande started playing.

  When he raised a brow, she confessed, “I set a playlist so we won’t run out of music while we…you know. Also, I didn’t want everyone to hear me make, you know.”

  “Not that I’m complaining about…you know---”

  She made a face.

  He grinned. “But…what made you think of doing this?”

  “Well…” Avoiding her gaze, she said, “I had a sudden feeling that you were having second thoughts about us, and you were thinking about being selfless again, and---” She shook her head firmly at him. “We are not going back to that again. We agreed to be selfish and love each other. So, I thought you needed a reminder of how g-good it is to be selfish. Also, I thought it was adorable, the way you seemed insecure---”

  Seri shut up when she realized what she had just let slip. Her gaze flew to Vassi’s face.

  Uh. Oh.


  “Insecure, am I, leech?” he asked pleasantly.

  “I didn’t say that.”

  He switched the sound system off and opened the windows.


  She immediately tried climbing down from his arms, but he shook his head, saying soothingly, “Relax. No one’s going to see you.”

  She stared at him suspiciously. “You promise?”

  “Yes.” Hearing, however, was a different matter altogether, but he counted on ensuring she didn’t notice that until it was too late. Caressing her face with his knuckles, he said huskily, “And now, we’re going to play a game. I’m going to use your playlist as a basis on how to fuck you.”

  “What?” Her voice came out a shriek.

  He reactivated the sound system.

  “And t-they’re all Ariana Grande songs,” she sputtered.

  “Then that makes it more interesting.”

  Lowering her to her feet so he could swiftly dispense with his clothes, he reached for her again when he was completely undressed, whispering, “Are you ready?”

  “No.” But she was trembling, and her gaze was already clouded with desire.

  Pulling her even closer, he surprised her by sliding one finger inside of her. She moaned. He pulled his finger out, and she whimpered when he showed her how wet it was.

  “Liar.” His voice was teasingly seductive. “If you’re this wet, you’re definitely ready for me.” Without warning, he reached for her and lifted her up, her back against his chest.

  And then he slowly impaled her with his cock.

  “Aaah!” It was a punishingly exquisite position, and she found herself holding on to him, her arms encircling him from behind while her legs were splayed wide over his arms.

  He started to walk while fucking her, making Seri gasp. And then they were facing his mirror, and she gasped again.

  “Doesn’t this make you a Dangerous Woman, leech?”


  He fucked her harder and harder after that, but just before she came, the song ended, and the next one played.


  He switched positions, and she gasped, “No. That’s not possible---aaaah.”

  Outside the trailer, everyone tried not to be aroused at the way Seri suddenly started moaning just as they also started thinking furiously about what Problem could refer to.

  With the windows open, all of them had heard Vassi’s rules perfectly clear.

  “It won’t fiiiiiiit---” they heard Seri gasp from inside the trailer.

  Outside, the crew nodded at each other in understanding.

  Vassi Grachyov had an immensely large cock then.

  The third song started to play.

  Bang Bang.

  And almost right after, they heard loud bangs against the door and the trailer began to shake.

  “This one’s easy,” one of the female production assistants muttered. “Doggie style.”

  “You’re right,” the woman next to her said, “and oh God, what I’d do for a vibrator now.”

  The fourth song played.

  One Last Time.

  And then it was completely quiet.

  “Maybe…69?” a young cameraman hazarded.

  At the suggestion, Seri and Vassi’s viewers nodded. That would probably be it.

  Then the fifth song played.

  Love Me Harder.

  The crew looked at each other in interest. How would the Russian god interpret this? Perhaps he would fuck his woman so hard she would see stars? Or maybe he would end up breaking furniture like that guy from Twilight?

  And then they heard Seri scream, “Oh God. That’s. So. Hard. I’m. Practically. Seeing. Stars!”

  A moment later, they heard something crash and break.

  They looked at each other in awe.

  Vassi had actually managed both!

  Another moment later, and they heard Seri plead, “Not my butt!”

  A collective sound escaped the crowd.


  Thirty minutes later, Vassi had to carry Seri out of his trailer. When she had tried to walk, she had almost fallen immediately on her face, with her legs having turned to jelly after Vassi’s little “game.”

  “I’m never going to play any games with you again,” she muttered as Vassi stepped down.

  Vassi didn’t answer, but he was grinning at something behind her.

  Frowning, she turned her head around and almost screamed.

  Oh my God, what was the whole crew doing here?

  A second later, she noticed the way they were all red-faced but smirking.

  Oh my God, had they heard?

  “D’err mo,” she heard Vassi suddenly mutter behind her.

  Following his gaze, she realized what he was looking at and muttered, “B’lyad.”

  Her family was here, too.

  Davey rushed to her, mumbling, “I’m so sorry. I tried, I really tried to distract them and prevent them from coming here, but you know how weak I get when Misha threatens me with bodily harm. But I swear, I really tried resisting still – but then Sergei threatened me, too, saying when he’s finished with me---”

  Davey shuddered.

  And knowing Davey, Seri thought, it was probably out of pleasure.

  Fyodor walked forward, saying in a steely
voice, “Come here, baby.” To Vassi, he said curtly, “Put her down.”

  Vassi looked at Seri and only lowered her to her feet at her nod. She took one step, and her legs still gave way, making Fyodor curse as he caught her.

  He pulled his daughter to him before looking at Vassi frostily. “You---” As if his English was no longer enough, the rest of his words was delivered in a furious stream of Russian.

  When he was done, he looked down at Seri. “We’re going home now.”

  “Yes, Papa,” she said meekly.

  As soon as she turned away, she heard the sound of scuffling. Unable to help it, she stole a look behind her, and her eyes widened as Misha punched Vassi in the gut.

  “Vassi!” She tried to go to him, but Vassi held his hand up, forcing her to stop.

  “Stand back, leech.” And the foolish man was actually grinning when he spoke. “This means they accept me.”

  “What? Are you crazy?”

  He started to answer, but Sergei had stepped forward and punched him in the jaw.

  “Oh my God, Sergei, stop!”

  Vassi rubbed his jaw. “It’s okay.” He grinned at his older brothers. “Sergei and Misha wouldn’t have punched their little brother for anything, but it’s a different matter altogether if they see me as the boy who’s taken away their little sister’s precious vir---”

  Vassi’s grin disappeared when he realized it was Fyodor standing in front of him.

  His father had once earned his wages as a pugilist.

  He cleared his throat. “Ah, Papa, I was just kidding---”

  “Your mouth needs cleaning, boy.”


  And then he was flying at the force of Fyodor’s blow. His back hit the trailer, and he slid down to the ground.

  Seri rushed to Vassi’s side the moment her father moved away, sinking to her knees as she demanded, “Are you okay?”

  His lips curved in a teasing smile. “I will be…if you kiss me to make me feel better.”

  Behind Seri, he saw his father and brothers gnash their teeth.

  Even though she was embarrassed, she placed a quick kiss on the bruise on his jaw. “Now, let’s go---” When he shook his head, she demanded exasperatedly, “What now?”

  “You kissed the wrong place.”


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