Dragon Protectors

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Dragon Protectors Page 9

by Kristin D. Van Risseghem

  “No, you kids go on. I’ll finish up with the meeting items. Have a good night.”

  “Thank you, Danzel,” I say.

  “Be safe out there.”

  “We will,” McQueen says.

  AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, McQueen and I are running out the back door. He’s stripping out of his clothes as his feet hit the cement. I’m a bit more conservative, but I have already tugged my sweater over my head by the time my toes have the soft ground under them.

  I shuck out of my pants, as my skin is morphing into a dragon. Scales appear faster than ever before, and I think it might be because for the last hour or so I’ve been surrounded by dragons. Powerful ones at that since they are on the Council.

  By the time I catch a glimpse of McQueen, he’s in his full form, and I’m a split second away from changing into mine. He doesn’t look back to see where I am or how fast I’m shifting. He’s taking flight into the sky, and I scurry after him.

  We break over the invisible barrier, soaring in the night sky. The lights of New York are below us. My enhanced hearing can make out the hums of vehicles motoring along the streets. I can see the people milling about the sidewalks, going about their business, clueless to what beasts live among them.

  We don’t make it fifty yards when something buzzes past us. There shouldn’t be anything up here. Birds know to stay away from us when we’re in our dragon bodies. They can feel the predator within us. And we’d hear if a plane was near.

  So what the heck was that?

  “McQueen?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I heard it.” He sounds angry. “Don’t know what it was.”

  “Maybe it’ll circle back, and we can get another look at it?”


  “Any guesses?”

  “No. It was too fast to see. It’s like it was there and then gone.”

  “I know.” Using my enhanced vision, I scan the skyline for anything that’s out of place. “Are those planes over there?”

  “Where?” His head turns in my direction.

  “East, toward the school.”

  “Can’t be. Too many of them close together.”

  “Should we take a closer look?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got a bad feeling about it. So against my better judgement, yeah, we need to go see what those are.” We soar higher into the sky. McQueen takes the lead, watching the horizon for anything amiss. “Keep your ears open just in case a plane is this high up. Plane versus dragon isn’t good for either of us.”

  I do as I’m told and watch for airplanes. We glide closer to the blinking dots in the sky. We hear them, blades whirling. Then their outlines become visible.

  They’re drones. Flying around the city, hundreds of them.

  “Who’s controlling them?” I ask.

  “Not sure. Could be a business, a school learning how to use them, or maybe even the government.”

  “Let’s watch and see what kind of information they’re gathering. And if an opportunity arises, take one down and reverse engineer it. Lock in the signal’s location.”

  “And you’ve lost me.”

  “That’s okay. I’m sort of a techy guy.”

  We both swoop down to get a closer look. Me, I’m staying farther back since I’m still new to flying and can’t maneuver as fast nor as well as McQueen can. If we find ourselves in a bad situation, me not being able to handle myself while flying will not bode well.

  With our eyes honed on the black drones darting around the city’s landscape, we follow at a distance. They don’t seem to be scanning for anything in particular. I do notice that they are in clusters of three or four, scouring the area for whatever it is they’re searching for or supposed to be doing.

  I think that’s on purpose, for tactical reasons. If they are searching for dragons, we could take the hunk of junk out of the sky with one swoop from our claws. But if they are in a larger group and spread out, there’s more of a chance that any one of them could send backup data or pictures to their home base if a few of them are destroyed. How did they create them in the first place if normal people can’t see the dragons? If that were the case, then a regular security camera would have detected us years ago. Some sort of new technology infused with magic?

  Great, now I’m thinking like them. But that's not a bad thing.

  As McQueen nears a small grouping, they suddenly turn and emit a high-pitched beeping sound. Then a red laser fans out, scanning in front of them. His wings flap backward. He’s too far back to collide with them, but we have no idea what the scan could mean.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say. “See if they follow us.”

  “Okay. There really isn’t anything we can do while in our dragon forms, but we can’t go home. Not for a while anyway.”

  We bank right and head out toward the ocean, flying higher. Some of the drones do, in fact, follow us for a few miles but then return toward the city. None of them land, so we don’t find out where their home base is. We’ll have to keep watching the sky for them at night and during the day. And by we, I mean the other dragons who are not coming with me on my quest.

  McQueen and I fly across the Atlantic Ocean a few more hours, just to be certain none of the drones followed us this far out, and to make sure that none are spotted around his house. We take many resting stops since it is the first long distance flight for me and I’m not used to having wings.

  We don’t get a chance to practice fighting while in animal form, because my back hurts from the long flight. It’s good, too, that I practiced flying for long distances.

  By the time we land in the backyard, the house is dark, my body is sore, and I’m spent. McQueen, on the other hand, looks like he could go clubbing for another five hours.

  I dress myself almost instantly. My magic courses through my body mid-shift, and as my skin is turning smooth, it’s also being clothed. It’s actually nice that I’m not naked for too long after each change. Not that McQueen or the boys have complained.

  I catch McQueen spying on me as I pull my shoes on. I flash him a wicked smile. He winks as he saunters toward me. His eyes roam up and down my body as that spark of awareness flares between us.

  He holds out his hand and helps me up. His grip on my hand tightens. My eyes find his jade ones, and I think about kissing him. His lips part, and I know he’s thinking the same thing.

  “Are you ever going to kiss me again?” I bite my lip, drawing his attention where I want him to look. We continue to walk toward the house.

  “You told me that next time you had to be the one who initiated it.” He licks his lips. “I may be a cocky asshole, but when a woman says something like that, there’s no messing around. I don’t need to force myself.” His gaze drops to my mouth. “Besides, eventually, you’d make the first move. I have every confidence in that. You wouldn’t be able to keep your hands to yourself much longer.”

  “Oh, really?” I stop walking and place my hand on my hip, trying to be seductive.


  “That sounds very much like a challenge.”

  He shrugs and keeps walking up the steps, opening the sliding glass door. He turns and flashes me his tongue ring.

  Oh, boroughs. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  Game on. Two can play at this game. I don’t need him to kiss me. I’m seeing his brothers in the morning, and then we’ll see who has the last laugh.

  Without saying anything further, he stands in his doorway and watches me walk down the hall. I feel his eyes on me, so I do what I was pondering when I was outside.

  I unbutton my shirt, showing my pink lace bra. I know he can see it even in the dark. My fingers fumble a bit with my pants button, but I manage to get it unclasped as I kick off my shoes. When I turn into my room, I drop them onto the floor and slide my pants down my thighs.

  A low growl escapes from his throat.

  I wink at him and then close my door.

  THE NEXT MORNING, I still can’t believe I did that in front of Mc
Queen. It was so unlike me. I’ve never gone after a guy before. Manny and Bronx pursued me. And Staten, well ... that sort of just happened.

  I check my phone, and Noelle’s text tells me that she’ll be over within the hour. There’s no need to meet at the coffee shop or send a vehicle because Manny is driving them.

  He must have told her, or he’s being the nice guy that he is and offered her a ride over here. I’m guessing it’s the latter.

  I get ready, pack for the trip, and head into the kitchen for a late breakfast. Danzel and his wife, Eliza, are seated at the breakfast table quietly talking. Their heads are tilted toward each other, still in love. They remind me of my parents.

  Boroughs, I miss them.

  As quietly as I can, I shuffle back out, leaving them alone.

  “You don’t have to leave, Brooklyn,” Danzel’s deep voice says. “You’re welcome to anything in the fridge. I know you kids got in early this morning, and you must be starving. I know McQueen usually is after being out in his dragon form for so long.”

  “Mr. Quee—”

  “Danzel, I insist.”

  “We saw some drones out last night. Hundreds of them, and when we got close, some of them activated and did a scan of some sort. I don’t think they hurt us. We know for sure they didn’t follow us because we flew over the ocean for hours, just to make sure. I wanted to let you know in case we forgot and it’s important.”

  “Thank you. I’ll have someone look into it.” He folds the newspaper. “You must have worn McQueen out with all that flying.” He grins. “He’s normally not the type to sleep in this late.”

  My face warms. “Um, yeah. By the time we got back in, he was pretty tired.” I bury my head in the fridge and emerge with eggs and sausage. Opening various cabinets, I find a pan, but before I can reach for it, warm hands brush mine away.

  “Good morning, Brooklyn,” McQueen says.

  “Morning. How did you sleep?”

  He smiles. “Like a rock, actually.”

  “That’s good to hear.” I swallow. “May I have the pan?”

  “Sure.” He hands me it. “You going to make me breakfast, too?”

  “Wasn’t planning on it, but since you’re here now, I can. I’m making eggs and sausage.” Taking the egg container, I select six eggs and crack them into a bowl that McQueen hands me.

  “I’ll make the toast.” He turns and removes a half loaf from a bread container.

  “And we will leave you kids alone,” Eliza says. She takes her husband’s arm and walks out onto the patio.

  “We didn’t do anything last night,” I say.

  “I know that. You know that. But they are assuming we did because we’re both acting weird.”

  “I’m not acting weird.” I point to him. “You are.”

  The remainder of the time we prepare our food is in silence. Okay, maybe I am the one who’s making this strange between us. It’s not like we kissed last night. I might have wanted him to but he didn’t. And I do have to say that he’s being a gentleman about the whole thing if he’s waiting for me to make the first move, especially after I did yell at him for stealing the first two kisses.

  “I told your dad about the drones from last night.” I take my plate to the kitchen table. “He’s going to look into it while we’re gone.”


  We eat in continued silence. When we’re done, we take our dinnerware to the sink, rinse, and stack them into the dishwasher. The electrical charge still zings between us, but neither of us says anything about it.

  The doorbell rings. McQueen walks to the front door and opens it. Noelle launches herself into my arms “Hey, Brooklyn!”

  “Hi, Noelle.”

  She looks around my arm and says, “Hi, McQueen.”

  “Hey, Darlin’. How you doing?”

  We step apart. “Okay. Each day is getting better. You know?”

  He nods. “Come on in.”

  “Manny is parking the car.”

  “I’ll see if he needs any help.”

  I lead Noelle into the living room, taking a quick glance at her so I can see for myself that she is doing fine.

  “How was the drive over?” I ask. “Were you guys followed?”

  “I don’t think so.” Noelle sits on the couch.

  I sit next to her. “So ... um.” My face scrunches, and my hands wring.

  “Look. Just spit it out. I know you have something to say or ask me, which is why you had Manny bring me over this morning.” She tilts her head. “Manny is here ... Bronx and Staten ... wait. They’re going with you, someplace. Right? And that’s why they’re leaving.”


  “Manny. McQueen? We might have a problem. Noelle guessed part of the reason why she’s here and if she figured it out, then don’t you think that Allister will, too?”

  “That is a possibility,” Manny says. “If I were him, I’d keep eyes on all of us. But we’ve taken precautions. We drove around thirty minutes before we came here. We even stopped for coffee.”

  “We’ll be right in,” McQueen says. “I’m helping unload the rest of Manny’s belongings from the trunk.”

  “Noelle.” I turn to face her. “Yes, you’re correct. I’m leaving, and they’re coming with me. We’ve lost our eyes and ears at the school, and I’m wondering if you’d—”

  “Say no more. You want me to spy on the Council and report back to you?”

  “I know it’s putting you in a precarious situation, but we really need to know what’s going on. The Council is meeting without my parents and John, and we think they are up to something.”

  “Okay, I’ll do it.”

  I straighten. “Noelle, this is seriously life and death. If they catch you ... I don’t want to even think what they’d do. But I can’t see you hurt or killed. I won’t. We’ve lost too many people already.”

  “I know. And that’s why I need to do this. To help you guys. If the dragons want to live in peace, I want that for you guys. And if this helps accomplish that, then I’m in. Besides, there is something going on at the school. A small group of Third Years were taken out last night on a covert mission. Level Two’s weren’t invited to go scout, and no one spotted any dragons in the area, so I don’t know what the mission was for.”

  Could it be that the Third Years are training on flying and controlling the drones? “Noelle,” I say. “I need you to find out all the information on any secret missions anyone is being sent on, if Allister has any programs in the works that he hasn’t unveiled yet.”

  Manny looks at me as he walks into the room. I smile back. “Hey, Brooklyn,” he says. “If I were him, I would enable anything in the beta programs, to see if the slayers could get a leg up on any ambushes they coordinate against the dragons.”

  McQueen join us in the living room. “I’d also like to know what they’re planning to use the drones for, if they can carry weapons, and where all the information is being stored. Think you can do that, Noelle?”

  “What drones?” Noelle asks.

  “Last night when we were out flying, we came across them hovering around the city,” I say. “It could be nothing. Could be something new the school is doing.”

  Noelle nods. “I’ll try. These are the days I really wish I had magic, but I’ll just have to depend on good old-fashioned investigating. Don’t judge me for how I might have to accomplish it.”

  “No judgment from us,” I say.

  “Just don’t compromise yourself or your morals, but we really do need that information,” McQueen says. “We’ll be leaving this afternoon, and I think it’s best if we don’t tell you where we’re going just in case you are interrogated.” Noelle nods. “But Brooklyn can still text you, so you know that she’s okay. It might have to be in code in case Allister has found a way to track your phone or figures out who you’re texting with.”

  “Let me change your name on my contact list.” I pull out my cell and swipe the screen. Instead of the name Noelle under her phone nu
mber, I write Aunt Gertrude, showing her the name. “What are you going to write as mine?”

  “Hmm ... let me think.” She taps her fingers on her knee. “How about this?” Quickly, she deletes my name and replaces it with: Little Brother. “Can you tell me what you’re doing on your mission? Or is that top secret, too?”

  I look at Manny and McQueen. From the looks on their faces, they would rather me not tell her. While that might be the better option, I don’t like keeping secrets from my best friend. Thinking of Noelle’s safety, I decide not to tell her the plan exactly. “I’ll tell you when I get back.”

  What I don’t tell her is that the Pride is leaderless, and the group is in disarray right now. Someone needs to fully submit to being the top of the organization, so everyone can fall into line. We don’t need confusion within our ranks while we battle against the slayers, too.

  And if what I suspect the drones are being used for is true, we’re in for a big battle.

  It was nice to see Noelle, even if it was only for a short amount of time. I’d love to be there while she copes with Sax’s death, but my mission is also important. We promise each other that we’ll text soon but only for urgent news. McQueen has also suggested that we wipe our text history. He thinks that if either one of us is caught, we could say the other got a new phone number.

  I find Manny in McQueen’s room, unpacking and repacking into a single bag. From the looks of the room, Manny brought all of his school belongings in one trip. McQueen’s bedroom is large enough to hold everything, but now it just makes it really cluttered. McQueen will have to reorganize more if Staten’s and Bronx’s things are coming over, too. I could offer my space to store some of their stuff. It’s not like I’m going to be here.

  “You all packed?” Manny asks when he notices me lingering in the doorway.

  I nod. “Yes.”


  “What are we going to do for money? I don’t think we should use charge cards.”

  “I would agree,” McQueen says as he walks out of his bathroom, holding toiletries in his hands. “I doubt the Slayers Council would go that far to hack into and track your credit card, but we will be careful and use cash whenever we can.”


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