Cott, Nancy, 235n25
Cowie, Elizabeth, 64
Crafts, Wilbur F., 165, 174–76, 199, 285n115
Crane, Frank, 163
Creel, George, 155
Crockett, Davy, 59
Cruze, James, 216, 217
Current Opinion, 158, 163
Curtis, Catherine, 89
Cushman, Charlotte, 29-31, 35-41, 37, 44, 92
Cushman, Susan, 37
D.W. Griffith: American Film Master (Barry), 9
Daddy-Long-Legs, 55
Dali, Slavador, 124
Dalton, Dorothy, 98
Dame aux camelias, La (Dumas), 40
Daniel Boone, or Pioneers Days in America, 50
Daniels, Phyllis, 43
Danielson, Jacques, 94
Daughter of Two Worlds, 114
Davies, Marion, 189
Davies, Robertson, 32
Dearborn Independent, 158–65, 168, 177, 279n26
deCordova, Richard, 240n3, 241n7
delinquent youths, 19–20, 106, 170–72. See also female delinquency
DeMille, Cecil B., 9, 77, 90, 228n5, 267n29; Pickford and, 47, 76, 87, 250n119; sex pictures directed by, 117–18, 167, 208, 267n28; studio system pioneered by, 234–35n22; views on marriage of, 131-32, 271n77, n79, 272n82
DeMille, Mrs. Cecil B., 150
de Mille, William, 10, 47, 56, 77, 84
Democratic Party, 33, 108, 159, 264n21
deWolfe, Elsie, 121, 144, 275n124
Dickens, Charles, 41, 126
Dietrich, Marlene, 140
Dispatch Bearer, The, 50
divorce, 13, 93-95, 135, 150, 166-67; celebrities’ attitudes toward, 123, 129, 269n49; in DeMille and Swanson sex pictures, 117, 131, 167, 172; double standard and, 95, 207–9, 216; feminist advocacy of, 91, 220; Ku Klux Klan's denunciation of, 164; New Women and, 17; moral crusades against, 166-67, 175; rising rates of, 93-94, 117, 133; sensationalist newspaper stories about, 197-98
Dixon, Thomas, 164
domesticity, 39; cult of, 12, 31, 240n5; middle class, 31, 35, 278n11; Orientalism versus, 161; of stars, publicity about, 23
Donovan, Frances, 80, 257n51
Don't Change Your Husband, 117, 118, 267n28
double standard, sexual, 24, 40, 66, 97; censorship advocates’ support of, 165-66, 170-71; divorce and, 95, 207-9, 216
Dreiser, Theodore, 215
Du Barry (Belasco), 46
du Maurier, George, 47
Duff Gordon, Lucy, Lady, 129
Dumas, Alexandre, 40
Dumb Girl of Portici, The, 77
Duse, Eleanora, 41
Dutch Treat Club, 97
Edison, Thomas, 48, 50, 53, 160–61, 175, 177, 280n39
Eels, George, 254n12
Eltinge, Julian, 182
Emerson, John, 258n67
Equal Rights Amendment, 153, 166
Essanay, 72, 79, 280n39
Evans, Hiram, 165
Evening World, 192, 201,
Exhibitors’ Herald, 77, 130, 198, 199, 271n75
extra-girls, 150-52, 180, 182, 218
Eyes of Youth, The, 136
Fairbanks, Beth, 261n116
Fairbanks, Douglas, 67, 90, 130, 239n3, 260n95; divorce of, 207, 261n116; and founding of United Artists, 88, 259n82; on Liberty Loan tours, 84–85; marriage of Pickford and, 57, 87, 95, 96, 209, 245n60
Famous Players, 54, 56, 250n116, n119
Famous Players-Lasky (FPL)/Paramount, 87–88, 90, 111, 208, 294n72; FTC complaint against, 179, 198; merger creating, 56, 277-78n6
fan culture, 9-10, 13-14, 99, 218; depictions of extra girls in, 150-51; discussions of marriage and sexuality in, 124, 132, 133, 144; glamour and, 122-23; journalists’ role in, 70-71. See also Parsons, Louella; St. Johns, Adela Rogers; vamps and, 116-17
Fazenda, Louise, 16
Feature Play Company, 10
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 179, 198, 297n117
female delinquency (“problem girls”), 20, 106, 115, 135, 152-53, 156, 170-74, 284n90
Female of the Species, The, 52
female headed households. See single mothers
femininity, 15, 36, 67, 92, 72–74; anti-suffrage fear of women's rejection of, 91; compatibility of successful careers and, 42, 76, 79-81; contestation of norms of, 11, 14, 44, 76; decorous middle-class, 38, 150; modern, 112, 115, 140, 181, 218-19; of serial stars, 58-59
feminism, 17, 28, 87, 91-92, 215, 219-20, 235n26, 268n31, 300n19. See also woman suffrage; of Hughes, 216, 218; of Parsons, 76, 91, 96-99, 174, 262n122; Pickford and, 87; serial queens and, 232n18; third-wave, 220; of vamps, 66, 82; of WVC's views on sexual violence, 203, 207
feminization of American culture, 34, 70; movie fans in, 14; racial origin attributed to, 162; theater in, 46; western migration and, 11
femmes fatales, 66, 142. See also vamps
Ferber, Edna, 97
Fine, Gary Alan, 298n127
Fine Arts Film Corporation, 88
First National Exhibitors’ Circuit, 87-88, 105, 198, 250n116, 259n85, 294n72
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 115
Fitzmaurice, George, 93, 271n77
Flanner, Janet, 97-98
Flapper, The, 116
Flo's Discipline, 52, 248n90
Foolish Virgin, The, 182
Fool There Was, A, 66
For Better, for Worse, 267n28
Forbidden City, 89, 114
Ford, Henry, 162-65, 195, 280n34, 281n57; anti-Semitism of, 156, 158–61, 163, 177, 279–80n26, 280n34, 281n52; Ku Klux Klan and, 164–65, 282n59; production methods of, 162-63
Forrest, Edwin, 33-34, 36
Forum, The, 258n67
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The, 136-38, 143, 144
“Four Minute Men,” 155
Fox, William, 161, 177
Fox Studio, 251n150
Freedman, Estelle, 262n1
Fried, Eleanor, 89
Frohman, Charles, 141, 249n107
Frohman, Daniel, 54, 55, 249n107, 274n113
Fuller, Margaret, 92
Fuller, Mary, 54, 57-59, 67, 246n64
Gabler, Neal, 278n12
Garbo, Greta, 140
Garden of Allah, The, 141
Gasoline Gus, 22, 185, 198
Gaumont Film Studio, 77
Gay Illiterate, The (Parsons), 80
gender/gender roles, 24, 27–29, 91, 107, 144–45, 169, 218; confusion over, 93-94; double standard and, 171, 194; dynamics of, in western boom towns, 13; equalization of, 207; glamour and, 113, 119, 134; in marriage, 131; middle class, 148, 149, 167, 200; Parsons on, 74, 78, 92; postwar transformation of, 103, 106, 110; theater and, 30-32, 34, 36, 46; traditional, 21, 132, 151, 215; unconventional, 144, 211, 219, 240
General Federation of Women's Clubs (GFWC), 155, 165-66, 169-70, 200, 214, 283n79; Motion Picture Committee, 169, 178
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos), 90
Germany, film production in, 110, 265n2
Gerould, Katherine Fullerton, 105
Girl From Hollywood, The (Burroughs), 215, 231n15
Girl and the Outlaw, The, 50
Girl Scouts, 173-74
Gish, Dorothy, 44, 246n60, 259n82
Gish, Lillian, 44, 246n60
Gish, Mary Robinson, 43
Glaum, Louise, 66, 67, 259n82
Glyn, Elinor, 15, 113, 123-31, 128, 133, 142; hired by Lasky, 123–24; novels written by, 124–27, 141; Orientalism of, 127-28; Swanson and, 118, 123, 125, 128-30, 208; on Valentino, 138; views on sex and marriage, 131, 134
Godey's Lady's Book, 38
Goldwyn, Samuel, 90, 218
Goldwyn Company, 99, 146
Gomery, Douglas, 278n11
Good Little Devil, A (Rostand and Gerard), 47, 52; film adaptation of, 54
Grant, Madison, 159
Grauman, Sid, 185, 198
Great Depression, 211
Great Migration, 3
Great Moment, The, 123, 130
Great War, 3, 8, 9, 13, 16, 24, 103–4, 116, 159, 226n1; mo
vies set during, 182; patriotic activities of stars during, 84–87, 155; rise of anti-Semitism and nativism in aftermath of, 22, 157, 163–64
Greeley, Horace, 10-11, 99
Grieveson, Lee, 236n29
Griffith, D.W., 9, 77, 136, 189, 190, 228n5, 256n35; actresses directed by, 48, 50, 52, 53, 75-76; and founding of United Artists, 88; and resurgence of Ku Klux Klan, 164
Grimsted, David, 244n44
Gunning, Tom, 278n11
Guy Mannering (Scott), 36
Hamilton, Clayton, 42
Hampton, Benjamin, 153–55, 157, 175, 178, 250n116, 277n6
Hansen, Miriam, 14
Harding, Warren, 23, 108, 208-9
Harper's Weekly, 91
Hart, William S., 57, 271n77
Hayakawa, Sessue, 130
Hays, William, 4, 23, 108, 208-9, 238n36, 298n118
Hays Office. See Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association
Hazards of Helen, The (serial), 59, 61, 61
Hearst, William Randolph, 82, 144, 214, 242n14; Parsons and, 80, 83–84, 208, 254n12; scandalmongering in newspapers of, 185, 188-89, 193, 194, 199, 203-5, 287n10, 290n42
Hearts Adrift, 54
“Hebrew Trust,” 107, 156, 166
Hedda Gabler (Ibsen), 141
Held, Anna, 43
Hennessy, Charlotte, 26, 42-43, 54
Her Child's Hour, 248n87
Hichens, Robert, 141
Higashi, Sumiko, 268n31
Higham, John, 157
His Victure in the Papers, 260n95
Hollander, Anne, 264n17
Hollywood. See also specific directors; journalists; screenwriters; stars; studios; attitudes toward sexuality and marriage in, 95-96, 130-36; bohemianism of. See bohemianism; Chamber of Commerce of, 5, 197, 292n57; City Council of (LACC), 196, 197, 292n57; divorce in, 93-95; European influences on, 110-13, 117, 124-29, 134–36, 138–44; fans and. See fan culture; as fashion capital, 113–15; fear of immoral influence of, 22, 94, 154-56, 158, 161-62, 166, 178. See also censorship; during Great War, 85-87, 103-4, 155–56; novels about, 90, 215–16, 218, 231n15; revolution of manners and morals in, 106-8; scandals in, 39, 95, 126, 135, 209. See also Arbuckle-Rappe scandal; single women in, 212, 213. See also extra-girls; star system in. See star system; transformation from rural backwater to motion picture industry capital of, 4, 8-9; women's role in growth of, 9–12, 14, 16–17, 25, 27, 30, 43-44, 67, 71-72, 90, 99-100, 103, 105, 214–15, 218–20
Hollywood, 216, 217
Hollywood Board of Trade, 151
Hollywood Studio Club, 150
Hollywood Writer's Club, 218
Holmes, Helen, 57, 59-61, 60, 61
Honeycomb, The (St. Johns), 214
Horse Shoer's Girl, The, 64
House in Good Taste, The (deWolfe), 121
House of Representatives, U.S.: Committee on Immigration, 157; Committee on Education, 176
Howard Street Gangsters, 202–4
Howe, Julia Ward, 39
How to Write for the Movies (Parsons), 72
Hudnut, Winifred Shaughnessy. See Rambova, Natacha
Hughes, Rupert, 90, 115, 216–17, 231n15, 299n11
Hull, Edith M., 138, 140
Humoresque, 94, 97, 105
Hurricane of Galveston, 18
Hurst, Fannie, 94–95, 97, 98, 105
Ibanez, Vicente Blasco, 136
Ibsen, Henrik, 42, 141, 273n107
identification, process of, 32, 57, 60, 64-65
Image, The (Boorstin), 28
immigrants, 3, 5, 11, 24, 147; in founding of motion picture industry, 8, 48, 53; Italian, 135, 147, 200; Jewish. See Jews; in movie audiences, 19, 161, 169, 171-72; postwar nativist panic over, 108, 134, 156-59, 164, 166; restrictions on, 127, 134, 156-57, 159, 171; Southern and Eastern European, 3, 5, 107, 130, 134, 158, 226n13; white slavery attributed to, 21
Ince, Thomas, 9, 18, 72, 228n5, 256n35
Independent Motion Picture Company (IMP), 48, 51, 256n42
Inglis, Fred, 240n3
Inside the White Slave Traffic, 21
Interdenominational Committee for the Suppression of Sunday Vaudeville, 176
International Reform Bureau, 174–76
Isle of Love, 287n5
Jackson, Andrew, 33
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 4
James Boys in Missouri, The, 19
Janis, Elsie, 42-43
Jeffries, Jim, 175
Jews, 17, 107, 116-17, 135, 156-65, 199, 273n105, 279n12, 280n34; allegations of moral degeneration of, 21, 22, 160, 164-65, 168; Hays and, 23; Orientalism associated with, 110, 156, 161-63; “racial” prejudice against, 159–62. See also anti-Semitism; stereotypes of, 135, 159, 279n26
Johanna Enlists, 116
Johnson, Albert, 157
Johnson, Jack, 175, 176
Johnstone, Justine, 259n82, 271n77
“Jonesy” film series, 50
Joyce, Alice, 246n64
Juergens, George, 242n14
Just Me (White), 64
Kalem Pictures, 280n39
Kammen, Michael, 265n9
Keaton, Buster, 114
Kenega, Heidi, 150
Kenyon, Doris, 88
Keystone studio, 121, 189
Kingsley, Grace, 276n149
Ku Klux Klan (KKK), 75, 163-65, 168, 177, 199, 281n58, 282n59
Kunzel, Regina, 20, 237n31
Ladies’ Home Journal, 44, 69, 155
Ladies’ World, 44-45
Laemmle, Carl, 48, 52, 53, 69, 161, 177, 256n42
LaGuardia, Fiorello, 163
Lasky, Jesse, 10, 111, 208, 211, 235n22, 250n119, 267n27; censorship advocates’ anti-Semitic attacks on, 177; DeMille-Swanson collaborations for, 117, 118, 132, 267n29; Pickford and, 87; Glyn hired as screenwriter by, 123–24, 128; Zukor's merger with, 56. See also Famous Players-Lasky (FPL)/Paramount
Lasky Feature Play Company, 10, 250n118
Latin Lover type, 134-35, 139, 147.
See also Moreno, Antonio; Valentino, Rudolph
Laughter Limited (Putnam), 231n15
Laurie, Annie, 194, 203, 207, 291n45
Lawrence, Florence, 44, 48–54, 49, 54, 247n76, 248n87
Lawrence, Lotta, 50, 51
Lazarus, Sylvain, 200, 202, 204, 206
League of Nations, 195
legitimate theater, 29–42, 44, 52, 54, 76, 80, 92, 249n107; audience for, 13-14, 34-35, 39-40, 42, 46; censorship and, 168, 207; film industry's takeover of, 104; Jews in, 160–61, 165; melodrama in, 32-33, 38, 40-41, 46, 105; Nazimova in, 140-42, 273n108; Pickford in, 28, 34, 38, 42-43, 46–47, 53; stars of, 29-34, 51, 54, 76-77, 79, 241n7. See also specific actors and actresses; Valentino and, 135-36
Lehrman, Henry, 182, 185, 187, 189–90, 289n33
lesbianism, 142–44
Levine, Lawrence, 33
Liberty Loans, 84, 87, 155, 258n64
Linda Lee Inc. (Vance), 231n15
Lindsay, Vachel, 27
Lippmann, Walter, 106, 156
Literary Digest, 84, 104, 106, 107, 184, 263n15
Little American, The, 56, 87
Little Rebel, The, 51
Lockwood, Harold, 182, 182, 287n4
Loew, Marcus, 161, 177, 178
London, theater in, 35, 36
Loos, Anita, 15, 52, 90, 94, 97, 148, 258n67, 260n95
Los Angeles, 57, 115; Anglo elite of, 6; bigotry in, 17-18; migration of women to, 13, 15-17, 68, 79, 99, 121, 150, 152–54, 212; rise of motion picture industry in, 6–8, 21, 24, 83, 98, 145, 161. See also Hollywood; tourism in, 5-7, 227n3
Los Angeles Evening Herald, 214
Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 144
Los Angeles Merchants and Manufacturers Association, 197, 292n57
Los Angeles Theaters Association, 393n57
Los Angeles Times, 93, 151, 154, 157, 185, 196, 197–98, 276n149
Love Light, The, 56, 260n97
Loves of Queen Elizabeth, The, film adaptation of, 54
Lubin Studio, 51, 248n87, n90, 280n39
bsp; Lubitsch, Ernst, 110
Lummis, Charles, 5
lynching, 164, 199, 202, 295n90
Macbeth (Shakespeare) 35, 36
MacGowan, J.P., 61, 61
MacKinnon, B.A., 155
MacLean, Nancy, 281n59, 282n59
MacPherson, Jeanie, 87, 90, 117, 260n95, 268n30
Macready, William, 34, 36
Madame Butterfly (Belasco), 46
Male and Female, 123, 267n28
manners and morals, postwar revolution in, 16–17, 103–9; Dreiser on, 215; in Hollywood Bohemia, 17, 103, 110-13; race panic and, 159-61
Marion, Frances, 15, 17, 56, 116, 145–46, 149, 260n95, 275n127; attitude toward marriage of, 131, 271n77; Pickford directed by, 91, 260n97; Swanson and, 118
marriage, 92-97, 264n18, 268n31; celebrity's attitudes toward, 95–97, 121, 123, 131-33, 271n77; companionate, 124, 133, 272n86; in DeMille's and Swanson's sex pictures, 117; eschewed by New Women, 11–12; Glyn on, 124, 130–31; Hurst's theories on, 94–95; motherhood without, 41, 131; movie heroines’ resistance to, 55, 61; movie portrayals of, 117, 147, 172; occupations for women forbidding, 40, 92; of Pickford and Fairbanks, 95–97, 96, 209, 245n60; stage actresses and, 38-39, 41, 141; working by women after. See working wives
Marriage of Figaro, The (Mozart), 35
Mathis, June, 15, 113, 136, 137, 140, 142-44
Maugham, W. Somerset, 211, 218
May, Lary, 278n11
Mayer, Louis B., 195
McNab, Gavin, 209, 211, 298n127
Meighan, Thomas, 271n77
Méliès, Georges, 280n39
melodrama, 31-33, 143, 145, 241n9, 242n14; Cushman and, 38; erotic, 124, 127; immoral, 40, 46; newspapers’ appropriation of narrative style of, 82, 83, 183, 189, 199, 204-5; passionate, 107, 112–13, 142; Pickford in, 46; romantic, 55–57, 84, 105, 111, 114, 186; in serials, 84; of sexual danger, 156, 158, 159, 164, 165, 173, 177, 183, 188, 193, 195, 210, 216; society, 57, 121; traditional, 9, 21, 75, 154, 178, 183–84, 203n14; women's prospects for employment in, 39-40
Meredith, Bess, 260n95
Merton of the Movies (Wilson), 231n15
Metamora, or the Last of Wampanoags (Stone), 33
Metro Pictures, 85-86, 136, 140, 142
Meyerowitz, Joanne, 20, 237n31
Miller, Nathan, 171
Ministerial Union, 196, 292n57
Missouri Anti-Suffrage League, 91
Monroe, Marilyn, 240n3
Moore, Colleen, 118, 255n25, 275n127
Moore, Owen, 44, 51, 95
Morals of the Movie, The (Oberholtzer), 167
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