Dark Desires: Dark Erotic Tales

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Dark Desires: Dark Erotic Tales Page 6

by M Jet

  Manu smiled and patted my hand. "Time will tell, Gita. You will see. At any rate, similarly to you, my parents also saw this life for me. But obviously, as a man, I can't be in a harem. Nor did we come from the sort of wealth that I could ever hope to have a harem of my own. But they had a plan for me as well…"

  I stared at Manu, hanging on his every word.

  "Gita, do you remember that summer after our third grade year? After your parents took you out of school? I was gone for a while…"

  I nodded vigorously. "I do remember, Manu! I remember your face when you returned, you were… Different. You seemed sad."

  Manu nodded. "My parents sent me away to have surgery that summer. So that I could be assured a spot in this life."

  "Surgery? So young? What kind of surgery? I'm sorry Manu, I still don't understand."

  In a voice barely audible, Manu answered. "I'm a eunuch, Gita."

  The puzzled frown did not leave my face as I continued to stare at him. I felt like groaning in frustration. Questions that made no sense with layers of answers… That made no sense. The confusion seemed endless.

  "Do you know what that is?"

  I shook my head. "No."

  Manu lowered his eyes, his cheeks burning. "When I was nine, a surgery was performed on me to remove my sexual genitalia."

  I reeled backwards, choking on a violent gasp. "Dear God, no," I whispered, outraged. My stomach bubbled, hot bile searing the back of my throat.

  Manu's eyes darted around; hoping no one else was eavesdropping on our conversation, though they already knew about him anyway. It was still difficult for him to speak it aloud. "Gita, please! This is so difficult for me to tell you."

  I became quite literally consumed with rage and began to shake violently, hot tears spilling down my face. I hated Manu's parents at that moment. I hated my parents for knowing this about Manu and not telling me, not doing anything to protect him. My eyes were suddenly open to the world I was now a part of.

  Most of all, I hated Shekhar Kulkarni.

  Manu took my arm and gently led me from the table and out of the cafeteria. Outside in the hallway, he hugged me briefly, but I felt no warmth in his embrace. Just perfunctory comfort.

  "Gita," he began pulling away. "It is OK, I promise. I've had a wonderful life. I've never suffered anything other than some temporary pain after the surgery. I am a close confidant to one of the most powerful men in India, and therefore I am powerful. I exchange this gladly for romance or a family of my own. The harem is my family."

  "And because of all this, Gita," Manu continued. "I was able to ensure your placement here. I was able to make sure no other harem picked you, where you may have been abused or brutalized. I knew for years your parents planned to sell you to the highest bidder. So, I made sure the one who bought you was the one where I could be there. Every day. Watching. Protecting you!"

  I stumbled backwards. "Sell me?" I whispered. "To the highest bidder? I… My…" I didn't know what to say. "I can't leave?"

  Again the sadness passed over Manu's face and he tried to hide it. "Not easily, no. But, that's what I've been trying to explain to you! You won't want to leave, Gita! Your life here will be Heaven on Earth! I promise you this!"

  I glared angrily at Manu. "Oh yes, Heaven," I growled. "Like your life here? Where you bring women to orgasm with no satisfaction of your own? Where you live your life among women. No, among WHORES because your parents made sure you could never do anything about your urges?"

  Manu looked stung, as though I struck him. "I have no urges, Gita," he said softly. "Having this done to me at such a young age, I was spared all that confusion."

  Against my control, I released a peel of wicked laughter. "Spared?" I seethed. I shook my head. "Given what you just made me feel, Manu Gadhavi, back there in that room… I can tell you, it's very sad that you see it that way."

  I turned and stalked angrily away.


  Another week passed by in much the same way. Endless primping. Exercising. Hostile stares and hushed voices. Then, one afternoon, I saw a new girl at lunch with Padma. She had the same wide eyed, frightened look about her that I'd had on my first day. I'd never seen anyone like her. She was petite with toned, wispy limbs. Her black hair hung perfectly straight down her back and glistened in the dim lighting. Even without any styling or adornment, her hair was a striking frame for her delicate face. Her black eyes were made up with smoky brown makeup and she had expressive arched eyebrows. Pouty, full pale pink lips moved as she whispered to Padma and I saw she had sparkling white, perfectly straight teeth. My breath caught in my throat as I watched her. I caught glimpses of her throughout the day, but never got a chance to speak to her.

  Early that evening, Manu came to gather us. He informed us we were being taken into the main house for a party. Despite my mounting disgust toward the harem and Shekhar Kulkarni, I couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement. I was glad to be getting out of the harem, even if just for a little while. And though I had my mind set to hate Shekhar, I was curious to meet him, and to learn what he was like.

  When I entered the banquet room where the party was to be held, I gasped. It was the most elaborately decorated room I'd ever been in with golden wall paper and trim, live plants, and a feast set up that was fit for a king. We were told immediately to eat sparingly and not to overindulge in the fattening foods. A band was set up in a corner playing lively music and some of the harem girls were already there, laughing and dancing.

  I looked around the room surprised to see the only "party goers" were the same people I saw day in and day out. There were no people from the outside, and I didn't see any trace of Shekhar Kulkarni. I could barely refrain from rolling my eyes. Some party.

  But I did catch sight of the new girl, quietly perched on a cushion by a tall, open window. I was surprised to see that even for the party, she was still not heavily decorated, nor had she been given an elaborate hair style like the rest of us. Her beauty was so apparent, even the harem artists had elected not to trifle with it. Mustering up my nerve, I walked to where she sat and took a seat next to her on the cushion.

  "Hello," I said, smiling warmly.

  The girl looked at me nervously, but also gave me an inviting smile. She looked grateful that I was speaking to her. "Hello," she said demurely.

  "I am Gita Sonal Mullur." I informed. "And what is your name?"

  "My name is Kishori Bala Joshi," she replied.

  "It's very nice to meet you, Kishori," I told her.

  Kishori and I settled into an easy and immediate rapport with each other. We sat together sipping Hadia, and my head became light. We leaned close together so that we could chat without being overheard. Kishori and I giggled as we poked fun at things we'd noticed about other girls in the harem and Padma.

  "Kis?" I asked her, using the nickname I'd already given her. "How on Earth did you get here?"

  Her head shot up and her smile faded. She looked at me sideways out of the corner of her eye. "I don't want to tell you, Gita."

  I frowned. "Why not? Please, tell me!"

  "I asked to come here," Kishori admitted. "I wanted to be a harem girl."

  I gasped. I could see why Kishori hadn't wanted to tell me. I'd already told her about my parents basically giving me away to this life, completely against my will, and how much I hated being here. I stared into her glittering eyes and tried to understand yet another person telling me they chose this life happily.

  "Gita, you don't think less of me, do you?" Kishori asked, a pained expression crossing her pretty face.

  I thought about it for a minute and then answered her. "Of course not, Kis. It just took me by surprise, that's all." We resumed our friendly banter.

  Hours went by with no sign of Shekhar and finally Manu came to gather us to return to the harem. "But? Where is Shekhar?" I asked, the drinks I'd had giving me courage and brazenness.

  Manu smiled and some of the other harem girls tittered. "Shekhar ended up choosing
his company for the evening before the party and wished to spend time with her privately. Don't worry, Gita. You'll meet him soon."

  I smirked. As if I cared.

  Kis and I linked arms and meandered back to the harem together among the other girls.

  Part 4

  The following evening, Manu sought me out, and found me in the library with Kis. "Gita," Manu said, not even acknowledging Kishori. "Come with me please, Shekhar has requested a visit with you."

  My stomach roiled. I began to tremble and a cold sweat beaded my forehead. "What? Now?" I asked in a panic.

  Manu chuckled. "No time like the present!" he exclaimed jovially.

  I cast terrified eyes at Kis but she smiled and urged me to go with a small wave of her hand.

  With my mind reeling to the extent of causing dizziness, I struggled to keep up with Manu's brisk step as he led me out of the harem into the main house. We wound through a network of high ceilinged hallways until finally arriving outside a tall, ornately carved wooden door. Manu opened the door, and gestured with his hand to allow me to enter ahead of him.

  Inside was a gigantic bedroom. It was decorated with a different variety of the same golden gilded wallpaper I'd seen throughout the house. A massive canopy bed stood in the middle of the room. Though the bed was beautiful with extravagant silk blankets and pillow, to me, it lurked there like a monster ready to pounce.

  Manu smiled broadly. "He'll be in directly, Gita. Remember what I've taught you."

  Without another word, Manu spun on his heal and left, shutting the door behind him.

  I stared down at the round rug in front of the door, recalling how Manu had instructed me to disrobe and display myself when awaiting Shekhar. Hot tears stung in my eyes, and for a few seconds I was afraid I was going to throw up on the round rug.

  I couldn't do it.

  My eyes darted around the room and I found a chaise lounge placed under a window. On shaky legs, I stumbled across the room and fell onto it. Come hell or high water, this was just going to have to do.

  A lot of time seemed to pass as I sat on the plush seat silently dying inside. I thought of how long I would've been splayed nude on the rug, humiliated and my contempt for Shekhar boiled. But finally, the door swung open.

  Once inside, Shekhar stopped short, staring at the empty rug. I gasped. I didn't know what I'd expected but it certainly wasn't what I saw standing there. I could smell his heady cologne as soon as he walked in. He was tall and well built, wearing a perfectly fitted pin striped suit. His face was a majestically formed collection of chiseled, prominent features. He had beautiful sharp dark eyes and a mane of thick wavy black hair. Even though he was hands down the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen, I still hated him.

  Shekhar's head jolted up when he heard my gasp and he stared at me. His face broke into a grin. "Gita," he said simply. Shekhar strode across the room. "May I sit next to you?" he asked politely.

  My back straightened more with my surprise. He wasn't angry? "Um, yes, please do," I invited politely.

  Shekhar took a seat next to me, leaving space between us. I grew slightly intoxicated by his scent. "I apologize for my surprise, Gita. I wasn't expecting… Well, never mind that! It's so wonderful to finally meet you!"

  I stared at the lines of his face as he spoke, and his crimson lips as they moved. "It's nice to meet you as well, Mr. Kulkarni," I said, and I was beginning to think it actually was.

  Shekhar laughed a deep, musical sound. "Oh please, call me Shekhar!"

  Shekhar engaged me in lovely conversation. He told me about himself. He never mentioned that I hadn't been doing anything right when he arrived. He maintained a reasonable distance between us, never touching me. Soon, I felt relaxed. Then he asked me about myself.

  I told him I'd lived in Assam all my life with my parents, tea merchants. Then he asked me if I was enjoying my stay in the harem. I dropped my eyes, and my cheeks reddened.

  "Gita? What is it?" Shekhar asked his voice full of concern.

  "Well, it's just that… I didn't ask to come here, Shekhar. This is not the life I would've chosen for myself."

  Shekhar frowned sadly. "Oh it isn't? What life would you have chosen, dear Gita?"

  I again met his eyes with my own. Staring at him, I reached inside myself for an answer. After a long silent moment, I realized I didn't have any idea. "I don't know exactly," I admitted. "Love maybe? Romance? A husband, a family?"

  The handsome smile once again returned to his face. "But Gita, what makes you think that you won't have those things here? Times a hundred?" He watched me with sparkling, mischievous eyes.

  I couldn't stop staring at him as I considered his question. I had not been mistreated since arriving. Lonely, perhaps, but nobody had done anything bad to me. I got to be reunited with my best childhood friend who had been nothing but kind to me. I was living in the grandeur, with rich, opulent clothes and the best food I could ever imagine. And this man, he was none of the terrible things I had imagined. Maybe I had been wrong.

  Shekhar's eyes darkened as he stared intently into mine. "Gita, I like you very much."

  "I like you too," I whispered, shyly.

  His hand inched across the upholstery of the cushion where we sat and he slowly covered my hand with it. When I did not pull away, he moved his other hand to clasp my hand in both of his, and he pulled it up to his lips. "I could easily love you," Shekhar revealed quietly. "May I kiss you?"

  I nodded, staring into Shekhar's hypnotic eyes.

  Shekhar placed his warm hand on my cheek and closed the distance between us, pressing his lips over mine. I grew warm and weak inside, falling into him and his sweet kiss. He caught me easily and wrapped me in his arms, holding me against him fiercely as he explored my mouth with his tongue and stroked my face. I whimpered and darted my own tongue in and out of his mouth, my pulse quickening, instantly becoming needy and wanton. I grappled with his collar, trying to undo his tie.

  Finally he pulled away from me, taking my hands. He chuckled. "Slow down, pet. All in good time." Shekhar stood and swept me up into his arms as though I weighed nothing. He kissed me again as he crossed to the bed and he gently laid me on it.

  "Will this be your first time, Gita?" he asked in a deep, sultry tone.

  I nodded eagerly. He traced one finger down the side of my face and then down my chest and belly. "I will not hurt you," he whispered. I nodded again. "Don't be afraid," he said sweetly. In that moment I thought I could love him easily too.

  Standing next to the bed and staring down intensely at me, Shekhar untied his tie and threw it aside. He slowly slid out of his suit jacket and let it slide to the floor, never taking his eyes off me. I breathed in fast, shallow breaths as I stared back at him, watching him take his time undressing. He carefully unbuttoned each button of his white silk shirt and finally let it drop to the floor as well. I gasped as his broad chest, and rows of abdominal muscles were revealed to me. Then he unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his pants and boxer shorts in one fluid motion. My eyes grew wide as I saw him large and fully erect. A bolt of electric heat sliced through me and I shivered at the feeling.

  Shekhar climbed onto the bed and began untying the laces of my bodice. Though my saree was so sheer it may has well have been nonexistent, I still felt shy when he moved the fabric away and exposed my breasts. He stared down at my face and then my breasts. After his heated stare, he bent to kiss each breast. "You're beautiful," he whispered when he rose again, this time to remove the full silky pants I was wearing.

  I lay completely nude in the middle of his bed, enveloped by the silky bedding as he continued to hover there watching me. A draft moved over me and hardened my nipples into small nubs. "Gita, you do not have to disrobe when you come here. I enjoy undressing you," he said. I nodded gratefully.

  Shekhar straddled my midsection and bent once again over me. He took hold of my wrists and held my arms above my head as he made love to my mouth with his. I moaned into his hot mouth and he growle
d against mine. His kisses moved to my earlobe and then down my neck. I turned my head and moaned again, wanting to give him whatever access he needed or wanted.

  He let go of my wrists then and moved his hands down my body. He cupped my breasts, kneading them as he brought his mouth to my nipple, giving attention to both of them. My hips began to writhe, a motion seemingly beyond my control.

  When he had me nearly oblivious from stimulating my nipples, nipping with gentle teeth, and rolling with skilled tongue, he began to move again, trailing kisses down my flat stomach. With gentle hands, Shekhar spread my legs and moved between them. He stared down at me for a moment with fiery eyes. His chest heaved with his great, racking breaths. Then he touched me gently, just as Manu had, gently swirling my clit. "Does it feel good, Gita?" he asked me in a ragged voice.

  All I could do was nod and stare into his eyes.

  After another moment he knelt down and put his tongue on my clit. I whimpered softly, feeling the same building sensation I'd felt that afternoon with Manu. I couldn't help but to writhe my hips, but he firmly grasped them and pinned me still in my spot. Then I felt his tongue slip inside me, thrusting in and moving about. "Oh Shekhar," I sighed. "I… I…" I felt I should somehow warn him, I couldn't control myself much longer, but I was lost. Words were lost to me. He growled, a low sensual response, but he did not stop. I strained against his hard, strong hands, desperate to move my hips, or to wiggle away from what he was doing to me, what he was causing inside me, but he held fast to me. Lightning bolts of heat raced through me and my head grew light. Finally I couldn't refrain any longer. My back arched as I lurched off the bed and came violently with a shriek.

  Before the tremors of my orgasm were even close to subsiding, and before the scream was even dead upon my lips Shekhar was on top of me, pushing me back down to the bed. My eyes grew wide as he expertly slid inside me. In one gentle but fast motion, his entire thick length filled me. I was so wet and pliant with my pleasure; my body accepted him greedily even though I'd never had a man inside me. "Yes," I moaned.


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