Dragon's Conquest (Dragons of Midnight Book 3)

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Dragon's Conquest (Dragons of Midnight Book 3) Page 19

by Silver Milan

  His attention returned to Ariel. Her original clothes had been ruined by all the blood, so she wore a white dress, borrowed from his sister. A long silk dress that perfectly complemented her figure; it was open down to the small of her back, revealing her tantalizing, milky skin.

  Her hair ran down just below her shoulders. To Jett, that hair represented her spirit: wild and free. The vents that recycled the air throughout Midnight could produce drafts in certain areas, and the balcony was one of them. Ariel’s tresses waved slightly in the gentle breeze of just such a draft. He loved how it did that.

  Sensing his gaze, she met his eyes and smiled.

  “I don’t deserve you,” Jett said.

  “Don’t be silly, Dragon,” Ariel said. “I’m the one with worthiness issues, remember?”

  “You’re so beautiful today, Lioness,” Jett said.

  She blushed slightly. “I clean up pretty well, don’t I? Guess it beats being covered in blood though, huh?”

  In answer, Jett merely continued to admire her. He was still holding her hand, and he raised it slightly so he could look at it.

  “Everything old seems new to me,” Jett said. “I can feel the warmth of your touch, the texture of your skin. Hear your breathing. Smell your unique, exotic scent. Sense the aura of calm and confidence you exude. It seems so new to me. So special. I don’t want to ever let go of all of these things. Everything about you is precious to me.”

  “And everything about you is precious to me, my dragon,” Ariel said. She was purring in that way only she could.

  Jett lidded his eyes slightly. “Lioness. You’re mine.”

  “You’re mine as well, and don’t you forget it.” Her gaze darted toward the balcony and the crowd waiting outside. “Can they see us, you think?”

  “No,” Jett said. “The light levels inside are too dim. They won’t see us unless we step onto the balcony.”

  “Good.” She turned back toward him and kissed him full on the lips, with a passion that made the dress pants he wore suddenly feel too tight.

  “What was that for?” Jett said when she pulled away.

  “Because you’re so sweet,” she told him, her cheeks flaring a rosy red. “I’d kiss you again, but the dragons in your court behind us would probably tell us to get a room.”

  He sighed softly, wishing he could take her, but duty came before pleasure, at least while they remained in Midnight. Gabriel was to make some sort of speech this morning. Jett didn’t know what to expect of the contents. Would Gabriel admit to breaking the First Rule with a vampire, or would he say he was forced to? Would he abdicate from the throne, or would he expunge the First Rule entirely? If the former, who would replace him? Jett had already abdicated, and Gwendoline couldn’t take his place—Medeia had published a video showing her breaking the Rule with Mathis on the local Intranet. Since none of them had any heirs, only their father was eligible for the throne, but Jett doubted he would return to rule. Their father enjoyed civilian life in the human cities far too much.

  Yes, Gabriel’s speech was indeed a mystery.

  He turned to regard the great hall that served as the throne room behind him. Courtiers and attendants were scattered throughout, some between the different pillars that lined the carpet leading to the throne, others lurking like sycophants on either side of the diamond-studded golden chair itself. Guards packing pistols at their belts and Strength-enhanced swords at their backs were also placed at strategic spots throughout the hall, with four standing to the left and right of the throne itself. The sentries were stand-ins, of course, serving until Gabriel could replace the Black Guards he had lost to Medeia.

  As Jett surveyed the hall, he couldn’t help but smile inwardly. The place held a whole lot of memories. Back when he was king, in the early days of his rule, he would come here daily to conduct royal business. The last ten years of his rule, before he abdicated, he had worked mostly from his estate, using the tools of the modern age to interact with his subjects from home. He couldn’t say he missed it, though there were times when he wished he could influence North American shifter policy, as he once could. Namely, when it came to a certain rule restricting dragon and non-dragon relations...

  “By the way, you never told me,” Ariel said. “How did the pride get to the den so fast?”

  “ATVs,” Jett said. “They alternated between sprinting alongside in animal form, and riding the vehicles.”

  “Ah,” Ariel said. “And here I thought those were only for mudding.”

  “How come you never want to come along with us?” Jett said. “Mudding I mean?”

  “I guess I’m more like a traditional cat,” Ariel said. “I don’t like getting dirty. Otherwise I’ll have to lick myself clean.”

  “Oh, of course,” Jett said sarcastically. “You don’t mind getting covered in blood, but mud, that’s a different story.”

  “Like I got covered in blood on purpose or something,” Ariel said. “Sheesh. The things I do for you, and you don’t even appreciate it.”

  “Oh I do,” Jett said, wrapping a hand around her waist. “More than you know. By the way, about the mud? You’d never have to lick yourself clean...”

  She rested her palm against his chest. Having her body so close was turning him on all over again. Her scent enveloped him. So intoxicating.

  “Why’s that, Dragon Boy?” she said.

  “Because you have me around to lick you clean,” he said.

  Ariel giggled. “Silly.” She leaned forward, and he thought she was going to kiss him on the lips again but instead she planted her mouth on his cheek.

  He heard footsteps coming from the marble floor of the entrance, soft treads that quickly became muted as their owners walked onto the long red carpet. He glanced that way and saw Gabriel, Gwendoline, and Ephephany approaching. Jett released Ariel and turned his body to face the newcomers.

  He noticed immediately that Gabriel didn’t wear the crown. That was highly unusual, given his plans to address the crowd. The sparkle of gems drew his eyes to Ephephany’s hands. The dragon witch held the gem-encrusted golden crown.

  Was she going to take the throne? No, Wayfarers were only advisers. She must have been planning to give it to Gabriel at the last moment.

  “So, the great Gabriel finally shows up,” Jett said. “I’m looking forward to what you have to say to everyone.”

  “I promise, it will be short,” Gabriel said.

  His brother stepped onto the balcony. Gabriel didn’t bother to take the crown from Ephephany, Jett noticed. Odd.

  A cheer went up from the crowd as soon as Gabriel was noticed, and he raised his arms to silence them. He ran his gaze across the gathered dragon shifters, and he nodded his head, smiling. “Today is a great day. A spectacular day. I am so very proud of each and every one of you. You fought to protect this great city, we all did. And we prevailed. Midnight will never fall to the vampires. Never!”

  Another cheer. Gabriel waited until it died down before continuing. “Now comes the great rebuilding. Not so much of our homes and estates, of things, but rather of our society, and its people. Yes, we have lost buildings, and they will be replaced. But how can we replace the dragons who lost their lives in the attack? We can’t. We can only honor their memories. I decree that a monument be raised in Granger Field, with a plaque honoring the names all dragons and vampire slaves who lost their lives on that fateful day, and the days leading up to it.”

  Jett could see members of the crowd nodding solemnly.

  “Now, there is another important matter I’d like to address,” Gabriel said. “My brother, Jeddah Flavius Vespasianus III, was instrumental in our victory against the vampires. He came with his pride, and helped rally you all against the vampires and their undead minions. He skirmished at the very forefront of the fighting, where the battle was thickest, and nearly paid for our victory with his life. Also instrumental was his lion shifter mate, Ariel Dirksen. Without her powerful magic, I would have been killed by the executioner
’s ax before the fighting even began.

  “These are interesting times. The lions who came to our aid are sworn to fight for us dragons when we call. Except this time we didn’t call them. Jett, their Alpha, did. Also, there are several shifter witches among the lions, some from outside North America. None of them were duty bound to fight for us, yet they did. And lastly Ariel had no reason to save me. She should have hated me for banishing her lover, and maybe she does, and yet she launched the Weave that swerved the ax aside, and set in motion our freedom.”

  Gabriel was quiet a moment, surveying the crowd, letting his words sink in. When he spoke again, his words resounded with power. And finality.

  “There are three changes I wish to announce this morning. Three! First of all, I have decided to forgive Jett for his transgression. He is no longer banished.” A cheer went up, but Gabriel waved a hand and spoke over it. “Second of all, I am repealing the First Rule entirely.” The cheer died. “Henceforth, no dragon in Midnight is forbidden from having relations with a non-dragon. Lastly, I am abdicating. Now that Jett is no longer banished, the throne is rightly his.” He ran his gaze over the gathered throng. “These three changes will help us heal as a people. They will help repair the damaged fabric of dragon society. Thank you.”

  Gabriel bowed and then left the balcony.

  The crowd merely stared up at the empty balcony in stunned silence.

  “It’s done,” Gabriel said to Jett. “Now get out there so Ephephany can crown you properly. This will be a coronation remembered for a long to come.”

  Jett was just as stunned as the crowd. “You can’t do this. You’re the king.”

  Gabriel smiled wearily. “Not anymore.” He glanced longingly toward the balcony and the crowd outside, where Sevilla would be waiting. “Like you, I’ve found the true meaning of my life. And it’s not to rule. Listen, the vampire infiltration happened on my watch. Mine. You were king for two hundred years and nothing like this ever happened. An infiltration that nearly cost us North America? I wasn’t meant to rule.”

  “But it could have happened to me just as well,” Jett said. “The vampires are adapting, changing their tactics. This was new. I wouldn’t have been expecting it.”

  “Maybe, but your instincts would have rooted her out early on,” Gabriel said. “And you would have never allowed her to capture you in the Hooded Dale like she did to me. You’re simply a better ruler. The throne is yours.”

  “But I don’t want it,” Jett said.

  “Which is exactly why you must take it,” Gabriel said. He glanced at Ariel. “Your mate will help you rule well. And I will take my place as your adviser.”

  Jett didn’t know what to say. Then his eyes fell on his sister.

  “The throne should be Gwendoline’s,” Jett said.

  “I don’t want the burden either,” Gwendoline said. “I am of course happy to advise you when you take the crown.”

  Jett shook his head. “No, I only just escaped the burden myself. Gabriel, trust me when I say this, you are a good ruler. Don’t give up the crown.”

  “I can’t go back to ruling them,” Gabriel said. “Not now. They’ll never forgive me for what I did to this city. The good people I executed. The lands I expropriated. Even if a vampire witch controlled me, they’ll forever associate me with those crimes. Me. You know that. Which is yet another reason why you must take the crown.”

  “But I’m the Alpha of a pride now,” Jett said.

  “You’ll find a way to make it work,” Gabriel said. “I see no reason why you can’t rule them both.”

  Outside, the crowd was chanting something now. Jett cocked his head, listening.

  “Jeddah. Jeddah.”

  Gabriel smiled. “You see, it’s not me they want. No, they want the hero who led them in the latest war against the vampires.”

  Jett was still hesitant. “I—”

  “Jett,” Ariel said. She grabbed his hand. “You can do this. We can do this.”

  When Jett looked at her, saw the sincerity in his eyes, he realized that yes, he could, if he shared the burden with the woman he loved.

  He glanced toward the balcony. Ephephany was standing near the entrance, beckoning.

  Jett nodded. He looked once more to Ariel, and told her softly: “I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, I hope you know that.”

  He planted a tender kiss on her lips.

  He pulled away and stepped onto the balcony.

  The crowd cheered even louder.

  Ephephany and Gwendoline joined him a moment later, as did Gabriel.

  Jett held up two hands, silencing the throng. Then he turned toward the dragon witch.

  “Kneel, Jeddah,” Ephephany intoned loudly.

  Jett dropped to one knee.

  Ephephany lowered the gem-encrusted golden hoop onto his head. The crown felt heavy.

  “I hereby declare Jeddah Flavius Vespasianus III king of Midnight, and ruler of North America,” Ephephany said. “Stand, oh king, and face your subjects.”

  Jett stood and the crowd erupted. Everyone was applauding and whistling.

  He surveyed his subjects. Many familiar faces stood in the front row below. Honored guests: his pride. The White Swords. The shifters Ariel had met in the Steel Tower. Mathis. His Keeper Hugh. Sevilla.

  Jett planned to invite all of them to live in Midnight. Rules were going to be changing.

  He held up his hands and cleared his voice. The crowd slowly but surely fell silent.

  Jett spoke, allowing his voice to carry in that way only dragon shifters could. It was as if he spoke through a megaphone.

  “Brothers and sisters of Midnight,” Jett said. “My fellow dragon shifters. My brother repealed the First Rule in Midnight. He chose the capital city alone, no doubt as a sort of ‘trial run.’ But I plan to go beyond that. Well beyond. As my first act: all the satellite dens of North America are included in the repeal. They will all have the same civil liberties, not just Midnight—effective immediately, the First Rule holds no sway in North America. The government has no place in peoples’ bedrooms. We may all mate with whoever we please, without fear of consequences.”

  Just as when Gabriel had made his original announcement, Jett’s words were met with silence. He wasn’t sure if he was expecting cheers, or jeers, but he supposed that either way, the citizens would need time to accustom themselves to their new freedoms. It would have ramifications for shifter society at large, but hopefully in a good way. There would be dragon-human hybrids living among the human population someday, and he didn’t necessary look at that as a bad thing. There would be books written about the adventures of such hybrids, he was sure. He would read and cherish them all.

  “As for the second act of my term, I plan to allow other shifters to live freely among us. Midnight will become the first truly cosmopolitan shifter city. The members of the Blue Hurricane pride will live on my estate to start with, and they will augment my White Swords, becoming members of my personal honor guard.”

  He glanced at the first row, where the pride members stood. They seemed a little apprehensive about the thought. He realized they might not like the idea of being locked in human form and surrounded by dragon shifters all day. He might have to look into setting up special transformations areas in Midnight so that they could allow their inner animals to roam free. Or he could just let them go on regular hunts on the shoulder of the mountain. Then again, there was also the Hooded Dale, but he wasn’t sure all lions and dragons were ready to mingle in their natural form. That would come eventually.

  “As for my third act…” He glanced toward the balcony entrance behind him, at Ariel, who was watching him from just inside. Her eyes were wet, and they seemed to shine with such fierce pride for him, her dragon.

  He loved her so much in that moment. He held out his hand to her and beckoned.

  She pointed at herself, seeming confused.

  He beckoned again, and she reluctantly stepped onto the stage.

t lowered his voice so that she knew his next words were meant for her, but he still allowed them to carry to the crowd.

  “I want to make what we have official,” Jett told her. “What I’m about to ask won’t be easy. In fact, I’m sure there will be times when you’ll regret it. But I feel it’s something we have to do. I have to do.”

  He cleared his throat, and looked deeply into her eyes. He grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly. She squeezed back.

  “As a dragon shifter, I’m not used to facing my own mortality,” Jett told her. “When I lay there, dying in your arms… my life flashed before me. And I realized I had only really begun to live in the past four months when I met you. I realized how much time I’ve wasted. It wasn’t a good feeling. I understand now how precious every moment is. That these moments, they can’t be thrown away. We have to savor them. And when you brought me back, I realized it’s more important than ever that I share those moments with you.”

  He fell to one knee and held her gaze steadily. “My lioness, will you marry me? Will you be my queen?” He produced a big, sparkling diamond ring.

  Ariel wept tears of joy. “Yes, my dragon. I will. Without question.”

  She leaned down and kissed him.

  The crowd erupted in approval.

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